Number of People

Chapter 1137: Happy to see the success of the gengzi scroll

  Chapter 1137 The Geng Scroll is happy to see its success

  When he heard "Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!" The sound of the firecracker sounded here, Su Geer's heart suddenly sank.

   Before he had time to think about it, Su Geer suddenly roared: "Go west, turn west!"

  The shrill horn blew one long and two short. After a short period of confusion, the cavalry quickly adjusted their direction and spacing, and began to turn to distance themselves before turning to the west.

  Everyone knows that dense formations are the best targets for firecrackers, and the advantage of cavalry lies in their mobility. Well-trained cavalry can complete formation changes in the shortest possible time and avoid the enemy's strikes to the greatest extent.

   "My lord, there is a swamp and mud ahead!"

  The scouts rushed over, panting and reminded: "Need to bypass the mound ahead,..."

  Su Geer's teeth were almost crushed.

  The other party chose a good place, and the Fire Gun team used a dense formation to bombard them, forcing them to turn without thinking too much. As a result, the scouts ran a long way before returning to report the swamp and mud ahead.

Not only does it need to go around the mound in front of it, but it takes time, the enemy will definitely have an ambush behind the hill. Su Geer doesn't believe that since the enemy has made such a careful arrangement, they will only let him go in this wave. .

But in the face of the dense firecrackers in the rear, and the Yehe cavalry who were following not far away, Su Geer didn't dare to think too much, he could only grit his teeth and roar: "By the way, go around from the south, pay attention , keep your distance when rounding the hill,…”

It is conceivable that the formation of nearly a thousand cavalry is running. The land near the river bank was a bit soft, and the rain a few days ago made this area look solid, but hundreds of cavalry are currently swarming. However, the entire muddy ground was quickly trampled into mud, and the cavalry who followed behind would inevitably suffer some hardships.

From time to time, someone stumbles and falls down, and the horse team that keeps running at high speed can easily cause a series of chaos due to such a stumble, crowding and collision, tripping and falling. The loss is small.

It can be said that they were in a panic. The scouts sent earlier were simply scouts, and did not really conduct a detailed exploration and search of the surrounding area. Having said that, along the riverside, there are dense reeds and grasses, forests and shrubs. It was also slightly uneven, even with twice the number of scouts, it would be difficult for them to complete the search for an unfamiliar area in such a short period of time.

He Huchen suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, tried his best to suppress the team's desire to speed up, and tried his best to keep the team moving at a stable speed. At this speed, of course, it was impossible to catch up with the four-legged cavalry, but Zuo Liangyu and Yang Zhaoji, such a three-way encirclement will definitely make these Horqin people pay a heavy price.

What he needs to guard against is the desperate counterattack of the Horqin people when they are desperate. If they are caught off guard, they may be defeated by the opponent, so he would rather slow down and be more stable. Slowly, he, He Huchen, couldn't believe how strong a group of defeated soldiers who had been hit repeatedly could have a strong fighting spirit, and could withstand repeated rounds of shooting.

Yang Zhaoji silently watched the Horqin cavalry roaring and galloping from the side of the breakthrough. With the red cloth tied to his sheathed steel knife swung down suddenly, the archers hidden in the grass, forests and hillsides behind him The bow has been drawn, and the dense rain of arrows rolled up a dark cloud in the sky and drifted down.

At the same time, a small group of archers ambushing on the other side calmly followed the rain of arrows, causing a rain of fire, forming an arc of fire along the reed grass and shrubs. , under the boost of the north wind, in just a few breaths, the fire quickly became fierce, surging along the side of the river bank and pressing towards the south.

  Su Geer had already expected that it would be difficult to escape this time, but he did not expect the other party to be so vicious.

When using the fire attack to block his way to the north, he also took advantage of the situation to launch a wave of arrow rain. Although this round of arrow rain had limited damage to the entire cavalry team, it disrupted the entire movement formation, and the entire team Being crushed in this dense area, it became a mess, which directly caused the time to find a more suitable path to be missed.

   "Go west, keep going west, don't care about the fire, rush over, the fire in that grassland is not big,..."

  Tazhai’s high-pitched voice was particularly powerful in the chaotic noise, “Don’t be afraid, rushing through this section is the way out! The Han people don’t have cavalry, so they can’t overtake us!”

As he took the lead in charging towards the direction where the fire was gradually spreading and was about to form an encirclement circle, dozens of cavalry roared up, rushing out a **** path across the entire or encirclement area, seeing that Ta Zhai finally opened a path On the **** road, the following Horqin cavalry swarmed up and quickly expanded the gap wider and wider.

   "Katata!" A large group of chaotic cavalry rushed out of the sea of ​​​​flames regardless of life and death, like a fire demon monster with one blow, and countless people were spit out from the mouth of the fire demon.

  Zuo Liangyu held his breath. Similarly, he had already held the steel knife in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on the front.

   "Get ready, take the gun!"

  Accompanied by a series of passing commands, seeing the soldiers follow the steps quickly or slowly or in a hurry, Zuo Liangyu also felt a burst of pride in his heart.

  Tazhai and a group of cavalry swept past, like a raging tiger, dashing away from the formation of the Fire Demon Guild.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The sound of the gunfire and the excited roar of the soldiers resounded through the sky.

  Su Geer did not expect to encounter a fatal blow at this time, even more ferocious and intensive than the previous wave of attacks.

  Zuo Liangyu took a deep breath, held a knife in both hands, and stared fiercely at the front. Every time he took a step forward, he could hear a round of firecrackers bursting like beans.

  He must maximize the effect of this blow, so that the Horqin people finally understand what an ambush is.


  Feng Ziying dismounted leisurely sideways, with only Baoxiang following him.

  Zai Sai was the only one on the other side. He watched Feng Ziying get off his horse from afar, and then smiled and cupped his hands.

   "Master Feng!"

   "Lord Zai Sai, why don't you come when you don't have menstruation?" Feng Ziying smiled.

   "Not too good." A smile appeared on Zai Sai's face, "Sitting in a sad city, anxious,..."

"Yes, Mr. Zai Sai, please don't show off your Chinese ability. Well, the timing of using these idioms is not good, and the meaning expressed is not appropriate..." Feng Ziying couldn't laugh or cry, it seems that Zai Sai is still practicing Chinese hard during this time , he was already able to talk to himself, but now it seems that he has to work hard to deepen his attainments. Knowing Chinese and being proficient in Chinese are two different concepts.

  Feng Ziying poured a basin of cold water, and Zai Sai didn't care. It's normal for words to fail to express their meaning. As long as they are bold and often used, this situation will soon be improved.

   "Master Feng, it's too hurtful for you to say that." Zaisai smiled and shook his head, "If you can bring me good news, can I become overjoyed and elated?"

"Well, these two words are used well, but I understand that there must be good news. As for whether you can reach the state of being overjoyed and elated, it depends on whether you are satisfied. But contented people are always happy. Want to be suitable for anyone and anytime."

  Feng Ziying is happy to teach the other party how to achieve some "advanced attainments" in Chinese. It is a good sign that the other party is willing to learn and deepen his Chinese attainments.

   "And, from my understanding, good news is always mutual, and friends should be like this, but the news I got is not like this, what do you think?"

Feng Ziying's words made Zaisai ponder for a while, "You mean about the Horqin people? Please forgive me, they are not Neikalkha people. I can't do anything, and I even tried to dissuade them, but unfortunately, Hong Guoer probably doesn't know much about it. Satisfied to see us getting closer, he seems to have followed some instructions from Nurhachi, so I can only remind you,..."

  Feng Ziying stared directly at the other party with sharp eyes, and Zai Sai looked back calmly, "Master Feng, Zai Sai has always said that I am big, and I will not do things like waiting to be face-to-face and doing things behind-the-scenes."

Feng Ziying stared at each other for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, I believe Lord Zai Sai, um, Horqin people are arrogant and need a lesson, I think there will be news soon, and Lord Zai Sai can also take this opportunity Give Hong Guoer a good warning, think twice before doing anything in the future."

  Feng Ziying's self-confidence surprised Zai Sai a little, and he was also thinking in his heart, is it true that Ye Hebu really wants to send out their cavalry to help Da Yi fight?

  He sent someone to ask Busia Mara, and Busia Mara told him very clearly that the cavalry of the Yehe tribe would not fight the Horqin people, which was not in the interest of the Yehe tribe.

  As far as he knows, only the Yehe cavalry can be used in the entire Yongping Prefecture, and it is impossible for the Jizhen cavalry in Shuntian Prefecture to go south.

  Although he was puzzled in his heart, Zai Sai showed no signs of change on his face, and said with a calm smile, "If you can teach the Horqin people a lesson, I'd be happy to see it happen."

"Very good, I believe Lord Zai Sai will hear the good news in a short time." Feng Ziying didn't say much, and got to the point: "According to the order of the imperial court, Lord Zai Sai, two hundred thousand taels of silver will be redeemed for the soldiers of the Beijing camp. The matter has been agreed by the imperial court, and it will be delivered in the near future. According to our previous agreement, we will use tea, cloth, grain, salt and some iron materials as offsets and deliver it to you. The specific matters can be negotiated in detail, and the merchants will come conduct."

Zai Sai is not surprised at this point. If the Great Zhou court is not willing to take advantage of this, then he feels that it is really rare for the emperor to be stable. The key is the back wave, "Very good, then What about it? Master Feng, please don’t tell me that half of it is good news.”

  (end of this chapter)

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