Number of People

Chapter 1139: Geng scroll faction

  Chapter 1139 Geng Scroll faction

   "Simple cooperation, or depending on the situation, this is no problem, as long as there are common interests, I mean is it necessary to rise to the level of alliance?" Zai Sai is not so easy to get on board.

  The covenant is not just a few words, it needs to be supported by words, imprints and even substantive actions, otherwise how can it be convincing.

"That's different." Feng Ziying replied resolutely, "Alliance means obligation and compulsion. In some cases, even if it is not so urgent to oneself, or even does not involve one's own interests, one must firmly implement the behavior stipulated in the covenant. , which is why duty is mandatory.”

  Zai Sai certainly understands the meaning hidden in Feng Ziying's words, that is, when dealing with the Jianzhou Jurchen, it may require the concerted efforts of the three parties, including the use of the army.

   Zai Sai fell into deep thought. He needed to evaluate carefully. In fact, he had already considered this issue, but after considering it, he still hesitated when it came time to implement the covenant in black and white.

The consequences of not fulfilling the agreement after forming an alliance will definitely be serious, but refusing it now will also bring unacceptable results. Two hundred thousand taels of silver are far from enough to meet the losses of this southern invasion, and these hundreds of captives are nothing to the Nekhka people. Again meaningless.

   "Master Feng, if I agree to form an alliance, what else can Dazhou, or Liaodong, give us in Nekarka besides the ransom involved this time?" Zaisai finally asked in a deep voice.

"A lot." Feng Ziying said calmly: "In addition to the stable trade I mentioned, including food, salt tea, cloth, medicinal materials, iron materials and even weapons can be imported without limit, we are also willing to accept imports from Neika. The cattle, horses, furs of Erka can even be exchanged for the training of officers and soldiers. It can be said that the strength of Neikha can be greatly improved in a relatively short period of time, and we can even support Neikha in Eastern Mongolia and even the entire Mongolia. To exert greater influence, the Chahar people are not born to be the leader of Mongolia, whether it is Dayan Khan, Altan Khan, or Ye Xian, all are heroes made by the times, aren’t they, Zai Your Excellency Sai?"

  Feng Ziying's words were full of temptation. Zai Sai tried his best to resist this temptation, but he was still uncontrollably moved.

   "Master Feng, are you not afraid that our Neikalka will grow and become another Chahar or Jianzhou Jurchen, or even another Genghis Khan?" Zaisai stared at Feng Ziying.

"It doesn't matter if you're afraid or not, that's for the future. Given the current situation of the Khalkha people, even if you are a great hero, can you surpass the Chahar people in ten years? There are Tumed and Ordos to the west. , there is Waikalka in the north, and Horqin and Jianzhou Jurchen in the east, can I be afraid?" Feng Ziying laughed loudly, "The world is so big and the times are different. How can you and I be together? Is it just talking here? The first thing we have to do is to solve our own problems, isn’t it?”

Zai Sai's eyes flashed brightly, "Well said, Mr. Feng explained the relationship between us thoroughly at a glance. Inner Kharkha is really nothing else to talk about. It's just Horqin and Outai Khalkha. It is enough to give us a headache, not to mention Chahar and Jianzhou Jurchen, in the face of these, there is indeed a need for both of us to join hands."

   "Well, I understand, does Lord Zai Sai agree with my suggestion?" Feng Ziying was not worried that Zai Sai would not agree.

The follow-up still needs to be discussed in detail. Zaisai is not easy to deal with. He is different from other rough-tempered Mongolians. Many specific conditions must be compared with each other, but this is also good, which shows that the other party really values ​​​​this point. It also means that once the other party agrees to form an alliance, it is more likely to abide by the alliance.

   "I basically agree, but the specific conditions need to be discussed in detail." Zai Sai nodded.

   Once the general principles are determined, the specific matters will be much simpler. Feng Ziying made it clear that Wu Yaoqing will be in charge of the discussion, while Zai Sai's younger brother Bi Lingtu will be in charge.

In fact, the interested parties involved in this matter are Liaodong and Yehe tribe. The Yehe tribe has no objection, or they are the biggest beneficiaries. There are more specific agreed obligations, especially when it comes to military operations and commercial trade exchanges, but the Yehe tribe's territory is just between Liaodong and Neikalkha, and it is also a necessary route for trade exchanges.

   Just as the meeting was about to end, Wu Yaoqing came to report the news.

Zai Sai noticed the change in Feng Ziying's expression and did not say a word. In the end, Feng Ziying took the initiative to tell Zai Sai: "Master Zai Sai, I just got the news that the Yongping New Army is in the Weishui River Bay and Horqin, 40 miles north of Fengrun County. A group of cavalry fought against each other, defeated Horqin's group, and captured more than 200 people,..."

  Zai Sai's expression remained unchanged: "Oh? Hong Guoer is indeed a thief. This is good. Stealing chickens won't cost you money. What does Master Feng mean...?"

   "It's nothing interesting, just an announcement. After all, Liaodong and Neikalkha will become allies. It's best to announce such news." Feng Ziying said with great interest: "These captives..."

"It's simple, let the Horqin people pay the money, they will get a lot from this batch of ransom, and naturally they can use the money to redeem their people, it's nothing." Zaisai raised his eyebrows, "Let the Horqin people eat some It’s not a bad thing for children to suffer, and it’s also for them to understand that their confidence is not convincing.”

  Feng Ziying laughed. It seemed that Zai Sai had been dissatisfied with the Horqin people for a long time. Such an opportunity could just humiliate the other party.


  Returning to Lulong made Feng Ziying feel a little strange. Fortunately, the complicated affairs quickly made him lose his sense of discomfort, and quickly devoted himself to official duties.

Zhu Zhiren became more and more relaxed. He had already obtained information from various channels. After the turn of the year, he had a great possibility of being promoted back to Beijing. He could almost lock in this round of promotion list. Of course, the premise was that no major mistakes could be made during this period, so Zhu Zhiren took the initiative to call Feng Ziying together to discuss many matters, trying to be safe.

   This is also what Feng Ziying wishes for.

Although he has been in Yongping for more than half a year, to be honest, Feng Ziying's main energy is still limited to a few matters that he thinks are important. As for other matters in the mansion, he needs to assist the prefect to deal with them according to the usual practice. I don't have the mind and energy to deal with it.

  Now Zhu Zhiren is in a very good mood, and is preparing for his resignation, so he is pulling him in everything, almost teaching Feng Ziying how to handle the official affairs of the government, which has benefited Feng Ziying a lot.

After all, Feng Ziying has never been in politics, almost directly from a noble official like Jinshi-Hanlin to a practical official like a government magistrate. Even assisting the magistrate to manage all kinds of affairs of the entire government with a population of one million, it can be said that it has changed a lot.

Like ordinary Jinshi, even if they go to a local office, they usually start from a county magistrate, and they also have a few staff members. Although Feng Ziying also found staff, but the main energy is not on Yongping Mansion. Feng Ziying could only adapt and learn by groping on her own.

  Now with Zhu Zhiren’s guidance and professor, he can also have a process of adaptation, which is a very rare opportunity for him.

"Ziying, please take a look at this official letter first." Zhu Zhiren frowned, and picked up a document from his desk and handed it to Feng Ziying, "He's from the household department. I heard that Bo Xiaogong is about to retire. Jing, have you ever heard of it?"

   "Duke Bo Xiao is seventy-five years old, right? The emperor tried to keep him a few times, so maybe he won't be able to stay again this time?" Feng Ziying had heard of it.

The inside story here is very complicated, involving the game of scholars from Jiangnan, Beidi, and Huguang. When no scholar from Huguang joined the cabinet, Zheng Jizhi was theoretically the leader of the scholars from Huguang, but in fact Zheng Jizhi did not play his role. The role of the leader of the Huguang scholars is more focused on the position of the Minister of the Ministry of Households, how to paper up the finances of the Great Zhou so that there will be no leaks, so the Huguang scholars are not very satisfied.

However, the position of Minister of the Household Department is too important. Among the six departments, it is second only to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. It can be regarded as the seventh person among the scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Except for the five cabinet ministers and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, it is distinguished. If it weren't for Zheng Jizhi's age, his chances of joining the cabinet are also very high.

  Now if Zheng Jizhi becomes an official, it is customary for a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River to succeed him. However, if the post of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is still vacant, if the Minister of the Household Department is replaced by a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, the candidate for the Minister of the Ministry of Officials will be somewhat difficult.

Because of the established practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials has always been appointed by scholars from the North and the South of the Yangtze River in turn. It is a scholar from the north. Qi Yongtai served concurrently for a period of time after he entered the cabinet. No agreement was reached, so it has been postponed to this day.

Ye Xianggao and Li Tingji are the leaders of the Fujian-Jiangyou Scholars Alliance, while Fang Congzhe is the standard-bearer of the Nanzhili-Zhejiang Scholars Alliance. Still have their own demands.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Households was taken over by a scholar from Jiangnan, and now the Secretary of the Ministry of Officials is also taken over by a scholar from Jiangnan, and now the Minister of Rites has been taken over by Gu Bingqian, who is also a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, and Zhang Jingqiu, the Minister of the Ministry of War, is actually the private party of Emperor Yonglong , but its native place is also Nanzhili, which means that five of the six Shangshu will be controlled by Jiangnan scholars. How can this make the northern scholars and Huguang scholars feel uncomfortable?

  (end of this chapter)

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