Number of People

Chapter 1140: Geng Scroll looking for new targets

  Chapter 1140 Geng Scroll Looking for New Targets

"In terms of age and physical condition, Mr. Bo Xiao is really reluctant, but..." Zhu Zhiren couldn't help shaking his head. He also knew the situation in Beijing, especially as a member of Huguang scholars, he was about to enter Beijing to serve as a secretary. The nobleness of the third rank is naturally qualified to start considering the interests of the entire Huguang scholar as a member of the Huguang scholar.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials has no share in the scholars of Huguang, and has always been produced only among the scholars in the north and Jiangnan. Now, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites, which are second only to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households, are also dominated by scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. At that time, none of the cabinet ministers was from Huguang, so there were very few scholars from Huguang in the court.

Among the Huguang scholars who can be said to be worthy of Zheng Jizhi in the court, Chai Ke, Yang He, Xiong Tingbi, Yang Lian, Mei Zhihuan and others are only Chai Ke who is barely qualified to succeed, but now Chai Ke is the most qualified in the Ministry of War. The mainstay, I originally thought that Zhang Jingqiu would be able to enter the cabinet, so it was logical that the position of Minister of War was vacated and Chai Ke took over. I never thought that Li Sancai would squeeze Zhang Jingqiu into the cabinet. Ke could not take over.

  Chai Ke can actually serve as Minister of the Ministry of Punishment or the Ministry of Industry, but Chai Ke is proficient in military affairs, especially now that internal and external troubles are prominent, the cabinet still hopes that Chai Ke will stay in the Ministry of War, but Zhang Jingqiu has nowhere to go, so he just keeps doing it like this.

"Fu Zun, there will definitely be a round of major personnel changes in the court after the year. If Fu Zun can enter Beijing, it will be regarded as a long-cherished wish fulfilled?" Feng Ziying is also unwilling to talk about such issues, after all, these things are not his turn. If you are a junior to interrupt, other specific matters are easy to talk about, and you can say what you say, and you can use what you say, but when it comes to employing people, no matter who you are, you will never accept what you say just because it is reasonable.

  Actually, when it comes to the issue of employing people, it is difficult for you to say who is better and who is worse, which is right and which is wrong, and which one is a mediocre person who can reach the fourth and fifth rank officials, or even higher-level second and third rank officials?

Philosophy, qualifications, talents, skills, native place, and personal connections are all indispensable. Only when all aspects are in line, people will try their best to recommend them, and then they will have a chance to win in this game. Of course, whether they can win in the end depends on It depends on the results of the game between the parties, which means there is still some luck involved.

Just like Li Sancai, Zhang Jingqiu, and Zhang Huaichang all competed for cabinet ministers, Zhang Jingqiu won the trust of Emperor Yonglong and was the most competitive, but precisely because he was too close to Emperor Yonglong, it was easy for others People have the impression of the emperor's private ministers, so he was the first to be out, and none of the other cabinet ministers supported him, including Qi Yongtai who usually had many opinions.

Although Zhang Huaichang was recommended by Qi Yongtai, Zuodu Yushi was originally a position that offended people, and Zhang Huaichang was tough and stubborn. Emperor Yonglong believed that he was more suitable to stay in office. Of course, the most important thing was Li Sancai's contingency. It was recognized, and the three cabinet ministers from Jiangnan tried their best to recommend it, and Li Sancai was a scholar from the north, so in the end Qi Yongtai could only hold his nose and admit it.

Without the recommendation of any existing cabinet ministers, you are not eligible to join the cabinet. This is a customary practice in the cabinet of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The same is true for the six ministers, ministers, left and right capital censors, and left and right deputy capital censors. If no cabinet ministers are nominated, He is not eligible to enter the joint investigation procedure of the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. On the contrary, the general minister who is also the third rank does not need to be recommended by the cabinet ministers, as long as he is nominated by the Ministry of Officials.

  In a sense, one of the most important powers of being a cabinet minister is the power to recommend and nominate personnel, which is also the most worrying thing among scholars from Huguang.

Now none of the five cabinet ministers is from Huguang, which means that if Huguang scholars want to be officials of the third rank and above, it is much more difficult to get nominated and recommended than northern scholars and Jiangnan scholars. Regarding the nomination of officials of the third rank and above, the nominations of the cabinet ministers are not so narrow, and generally speaking, they don't deliberately keep anyone in trouble, but after all, it still makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well, if I can serve in Beijing for one term, I'm satisfied." Zhu Zhiren didn't shy away, "Whether it's Taipu Temple or Guanglu Temple, I don't care. The six years of Yongping have given me a lot of thought. Thanks to this One year, Ziying, you came, otherwise I really feel that I can't hold on."

  Zhu Zhiren is telling the truth. If Feng Ziying hadn't come, there have been so many disasters in the past six months, I'm afraid that he would either take the initiative to resign or leave his job to wait for participation.

"Fu Zun is too humble, Ziying is just assisting Fu Zun to deal with matters. Without the guidance of Fu Zun, Ziying would be at a loss in many matters and don't know where to start. Speaking of which, Ziying would also like to thank you for your support this year. Only by my guidance can I learn the essence that many others may not teach."

  Feng Ziying’s words also came from the bottom of her heart.

  Because he knew that he was going to leave sooner or later, Zhu Zhiren didn't hold anything back. He taught everything he could, and even began to subtly hand over some of his network resources and subordinates to Feng Ziying.

  This is rare in other places, and it can be regarded as a reward from Zhu Zhiren to Feng Ziying. Of course, he also intends to arrange follow-up for some of his subordinates.

  Zhu Zhiren nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

Zhu Zhiren is very pleased with Feng Ziying's modest attitude. It is rumored in the capital city that Feng Ziying is too famous and has become the leader of young scholars in the North, but he is very lonely and out of the ordinary. Like many literary and poetry clubs in the capital city, he is invited to attend, but They were all rejected by him.

From his examination as a Jinshi to Shu Jishi and then to the Hanlin Academy to write, he has not participated in a literary and poetry meeting in the past few years, whether it is held by the princes or some celebrities and gentry, he will not participate. It also caused dissatisfaction among some people. Fortunately, he did not participate in any of the events and treated them equally, so although there was some dissatisfaction, it has not developed to the point of attacking and slandering.

  Feng Ziying spoke while browsing the official letter Zhu Zhiren handed over to him.

It is an official letter from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and it contains an official document from the Changludu Salt Envoy Division. The content is very simple. It is to hope that Yongping Prefecture will investigate and deal with Huimin who colluded with the local evil gentry and invaded and plundered the Changludu Salt Envoy Division. The saltworks incident, and several people were directly mentioned in the letter, and it was also pointed out that there were bandits and gentry involved in it, including Laoting.

   "Zhang Shenyan has become the censor of Changlu patrol salt?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised.

"Why, Ziying, you went back to Beijing and you don't know?" Zhu Zhiren smiled, "Well, it's logical, you should pay a visit, he is Ru Jungong's favorite student, and he has some relationship with you. .”

"Your Majesty's words are wrong. Brother Jin Ming is from the same hometown as Master Qiao. Brother Jin Ming is from Zezhou, but he is not a student of Master Qiao." Feng Ziying explained: "Brother Jin Ming is also a serious person, Master Qiao I appreciate him very much, but I didn't expect that the job of inspecting the salt censor in Changlu would fall into his hands. If it had been ten years earlier, this position would have been vacancies. Quite a lot, and the local government in the northern region complained quite a bit, which is probably why the imperial court appointed brother Jin Ming to serve as the inspector of salt."

"Well, I'm too familiar with this Zhang Yushi, but it's time to deal with the matter of the Huimin Salt Field." Zhu Zhiren mused, "After several twists and turns, both the Ministry of Household Affairs and Changlu have transferred salt envoys." Si Du has written to the imperial court several times to criticize this mansion, although this mansion has been wronged, but you and I are the only ones here, I would like to say that Yongping mansion does have some responsibilities."

  Zhu Zhiren's words surprised Feng Ziying, and she didn't speak for a while.

"Yongmin's style is strong, and the evil gentry is very powerful in the countryside. If you talk about Lulong and Qian'an, Ziying should feel it, but it's even worse in Changli and Leting." Zhu Zhiren sighed, "At the beginning, I also admitted that I wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate these evil gentry in Changli, but the collusion between Naihe County and these local wealthy families is too deep to be eradicated. Instead, they often use various forces to spread rumors and slander in Beijing. For me, I was also in a hurry,..."

Zhu Zhiren didn't say something, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate doesn't have a strong enough backer, so in the face of this kind of continuous harassment and complaints, he will definitely take action, and when the time comes, it's very likely that he didn't eat the mutton. Show off.

But the situation is different now. Feng Ziying came here with great strength during the First World War in Qian'an, and was highly praised by the emperor and the cabinet in Beijing. Not to mention the capital procuratorate and its benefactor Qiao Yingjia as the left deputy capital censor, Qi Yongtai is his teacher, and his reputation alone is enough to make everyone think twice.

  As for the ordinary false accusation and slander, it is nothing to Feng Ziying, and it may even be reversed. No one, including Zhu Zhiren himself, would be ashamed of this point.

   "The meaning of Mr. Fu Zun is..."

"It's time to do it." Zhu Zhiren nodded emphatically, "In fact, the Shishimin Salt Farm involves the households in Leting and Changli. Everyone knows it well, and it is not difficult to find out who is the leader. Also catch them in one fell swoop, let them confirm each other, and never let these people get away easily."

Before Feng Ziying replied, Zhu Zhiren said with a secretive expression: "Ziying, I believe you should be prepared. I know that the people around you are not ordinary people. I thought they were the bodyguards you specially invited, but Now it seems that you have already worked hard."

  Feng Ziying didn't hide it either, "Fu Zun, I did understand something before, but at that time, I wanted to protect myself and avoid being framed by someone."

  Actually, Wu Yaoqing has already worked hard in Laoting and Changli according to Feng Ziying's request, and some of the things he has mastered are probably better than Zhu Zhiren's.

  (end of this chapter)

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