Number of People

Chapter 1141: Familiar with the gengzi volume, government affairs

  Chapter 1141 Familiar with the Geng scroll, government affairs

"Let's not talk about this, Ziying, you are a fellow confidant, security and coastal defense of the Qing army are all your responsibility, the early stage was delayed because of the Mongol invasion, now we can free up our hands, what are you going to do? "

  Zhu Zhiren stroked his beard, thought carefully, and his eyes fell on Feng Ziying.

"My lord, I do have some ideas, but it depends on your determination." Feng Ziying also rubbed her chin, "Although the influence of evil gentry and powerhouses like Changli and Laoting in Beijing is not as good as that of Luanzhou and Lulong, they should not be underestimated. I'm worried that if you move too much, it will affect your future,..."

  Zhu Zhiren laughed and waved his hands: "Ziying, you are worrying too much. Now the court is probably not worried about this."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was also a little surprised. Zhu Zhiren attached great importance to his official career, so how can he not care now?

"Now that the Mongols have gone through this round of catastrophe, the entire northern part of Shuntian Prefecture is in a mess. They didn't strengthen the walls and clear the wilderness in advance like ours. They thought they could defend the enemy from outside the gate, and they thought it might be at the side wall at most. The front line was affected by the flames of war. I heard that the Ministry of War determined the Yongning-Miyun-Huairou-Zhenluying line as the bottom line, so the areas after that were basically not fully prepared, unlike our side from Qian'an, Funing, Lulong, Luanzhou, and Changli, except for Laoting, all other prefectures and counties have been mobilized, so as far as I know, Shuntian prefectures like Miyun, Huairou, Changping, Shunyi, Pinggu, and Jizhou The northern prefectures and counties suffered a lot. Many places were looted by the Mongols, and the Mongols demolished most of the houses to keep out the cold. So this winter, Shuntian Prefecture will be very difficult. In addition, the farming season will be delayed. Spring will be even more difficult, and now we are all looking forward to the imperial court's relief."

   Zhu Zhiren’s words were a little gloating. Of course, Shuntian Mansion is not comparable to Yongping Mansion. People’s venerables are all called Fu Yin, which is several ranks higher than his prefect.

  Zhu Zhiren's words made Feng Ziying immediately understand that this is the issue that the court needs to consider most.

There are as many as hundreds of thousands of homeless refugees in the north of Shuntian Prefecture. It is like a huge boulder hanging over the top of the capital city. These people are still hiding in the mountains or in the wild because of the war. Once the Mongols completely retreat What would they choose when they returned to their homes and found that waiting for them to either freeze to death or starve to death?

   It can only be eaten when they go south to the capital, which is actually one of the main reasons for the expansion of the number of people in the capital city when the Great Zhou Liguo came.

   Frequent famines and wars are often the source of refugees. In the provinces of Beizhili, Shandong, and Shanxi that are close to Gyeonggi, as long as they are hit by disasters and have nowhere to go, the first reaction is to go to the capital city for food.

  At least the capital city has the lifeline of water transportation, which can continuously transport grain from Jiangnan and Huguang, even a bowl of gruel every day can make do.

   But there is really no way out, selling yourself to a rich family is also a way out, anyway, there are much more rich families in Jingshi City than your ordinary prefecture.

"I guess the imperial court has almost dealt with the Mongols' affairs, so they should think about how to survive this winter and next spring. The refugees in Gyeonggi, the war in the southwest, and the pirates in the southeast, which one does not want money? Gather sand into a tower, gather armpits into fur , the imperial court lacks financial resources, and it is estimated that it will also put pressure on the Ministry of Household Affairs. The salt department has always been the big one, so it is inevitable to list targets. Changludu transfers the salt envoy to govern this area. I guess we will bear the brunt of it. The matter of Huimin Salt Field It looks like it's imminent."

Zhu Zhiren sighed, "Ziying, when we do things, we have to watch the movements of the imperial court and the capital city. Who made our Yongping Mansion so close to the capital? This is a good thing. It's a bad thing, and it depends on how you deal with it."

   I have to say that although Zhu Zhiren's ability to deal with affairs and decision-making are a little weaker, he still has some vision. If he firmly pinpoints the vital pulse of the current court, he knows how he can win the favor of the big bosses in the court.

"Fu Zun, for such a big matter, the Ministry of Household Affairs is fine, but the Changlu Du Transshipment Salt Envoy will not come to coordinate and discuss it. Brother Jin Ming has done a bit poorly in this matter." Feng Ziying still had to Let me say a few words for Zhang Shenyan, although Zhu Zhiren didn't say anything, Zhang Shenyan's official letter like this is a bit rude and exaggerated, but Zhang Shenyan is Qiao Yingjia's confidant, so he has to help him make a round.

"Zhang Shenyan has just taken office, so I'm afraid he will be busy for a while, but the most difficult thing for the Changludu Salt Envoy is the Huimin Salt Farm. I think he will come to our Yongping Mansion soon. "Zhu Zhiren didn't care too much.

The specific business of the Changludu Salt Transfer Envoy is managed by the Ministry of Households, but the person in charge of the power is not the salt envoy, but the inspector of the salt censor. To do a good job in your post, you must not only be recognized by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but also be satisfied by the Ministry of Household Affairs. Because of their special identities, every adjustment of the inspectors in Dazhou attracts great attention. The position, political background and network resources are not simple.

  Like Zhang Shenyan is not only the backbone of the scholars in the North, but also very famous among the scholars in Shanxi.

"That's a good thing, Mr. Fu, we can also discuss it with Mr. Zhang. Although the law and order is a matter of our Yongping Mansion, but it involves Japanese pirates, I'm afraid it's not that simple. If we want to solve it once and for all The problem is, we have to move the Denglai Navy,..."

Feng Ziying's face was a bit strange, but Zhu Zhiren understood it all at once. This time the Battle of Qian'an also used the Denglai Navy Fleet. In a sense, it was a sideline. , but this kind of thing is indispensable, and Yongping Mansion also owes favors, and the Huimin Salt Field involves Japanese pirates, and Denglai Navy is bound to be used, so I am afraid that some explanations are needed.

The current situation of Yongping Mansion is such that those who can help solve the problem can only fall on the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Changlu Salt Envoy. Zhang Shenyan has just taken office, and he definitely wants to open up the situation quickly, so that the two sides have a basis for cooperation up.

"Ziying, I think it's ok. This time, the Denglai navy came thousands of miles away to repel the Mongolian soldiers. We must also remember this. Now that we want to deal with the Japanese pirates, we have to use the navy. How can we let the navy have a team?" If you are satisfied with the answer, you can think it over carefully, you can come through the imperial court, or you can transfer it privately to the Changlu City Salt Envoy to operate it, how to deal with it can be discussed."

Zhu Zhiren is also an old hand at doing some things, especially these side-effects, where he has to take care of business affairs and human relations. He has been in the officialdom for so many years, so of course he understands the truth that the water is so clear that there are no fish. Both the Salt Envoy and the Denglai Navy are satisfied, so Yongping Mansion must be a good middleman to achieve a win-win situation in the end.

"Fu Zun, I understand. I will discuss it with the Denglai Marine Division. They are still in Yuguan and may need to return to Dengzhou. After Mr. Zhang comes to our side, we will study it in detail. In addition, regarding some recent suspicious situations in Changli and Laoting, I am also arranging people to touch them carefully,..."

   Returning to her mansion, Feng Ziying could breathe a sigh of relief.

  Jin Chuan'er had already greeted her, "Grandpa is back? Dinner is ready, should we eat it later, or right now..."

"Let's wait a while. After talking with Master Zhu for a long time, I'm full of things in my heart, and I have to think about it carefully." Feng Ziying glanced at Jin Chuan'er's face as white as jade, and the cold breath between his eyebrows seemed to be only in his eyes. It will only melt in front of me. Compared with two years ago, it has a bit more charm of a little woman, but that air of arrogance and arrogance still remains unchanged. No wonder this girl is not very popular in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". Welcome, after being humiliated by Jia Baoyu, I can only jump into the well.

Now the servants in this mansion are not afraid of Second Sister You and Third Sister You, but they are very afraid of Jin Chuan'er. Even Second Sister You often mentions Jin Chuan'er on the bed, saying that Jin Chuan'er is thoughtful and meticulous in her work, Nothing can be hidden from her eyes.

"The servant girl will serve you a bowl of lotus seed soup to appetize first." Jin Chuan'er turned to leave, but was grabbed by Feng Ziying and brought him into his arms. With a cry of "ah", Jin Chuan'er subconsciously looked around , and then whispered with a little resentment: "I don't care about the occasion, if someone sees it, wouldn't it be..."

   "Isn't it so?" Feng Ziying teased, "Who doesn't know that you are the master's personal maid? Who dares to chew your tongue?"

   "No, it's not good for the two aunts to see,..." Jin Chuan'er said with a guilty conscience, "I won't go to my aunt's house for two days after I come back,..."

"Second sister? Isn't she inconvenient?" Feng Ziying glanced at Jin Chuan'er strangely, "What's the matter? I've only been back these two days to be busy, so I didn't bother you much. Second sister can still do things." Demon?"

"No, second aunt is so docile, how could it be?" Jin Chuaner quickly shook his head, hesitated for a while before saying: "Second aunt may still be a little worried, there are two months before Miss Bao and Miss Bao will marry, At that time, I am afraid that I will come to Yongping Mansion with me? I don’t know how to arrange it?”

Feng Ziying immediately understood that it was Jin Chuaner who came to inquire about the news for Second Sister You. Second Sister You was an honest character. Although Jin Chuaner was cold to others, Second Sister You's temperament made her face her in a pleasant manner. .

   "What do you think?" Feng Ziying glanced around subconsciously. Although the courtyard is not too small, it still looks a bit crowded if the two sisters Baochai and Baoqin are going to marry.

  (end of this chapter)

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