Number of People

Chapter 1142: Geng character volume with Bing Dilian, Xue's twin sisters

  Chapter 1142 Geng character volume with Bing Dilian, Xue's Shuangshu

  Jin Chuaner hesitated for a moment, but stopped talking.

   "What's the matter, is there anything difficult to say in front of the master?" Feng Ziying felt that Jin Chuan'er rarely had such a situation, and was quite surprised.

"No, master, have you ever thought about it? Miss Bao and Miss Bao will belong to two families when they marry." Jin Chuan'er groaned for a while and said politely: "I'm afraid Second Aunt You will be hard to say in front of Master. The master blamed her, but after thinking about it, the servant girl still felt that it would be best to explain clearly to the master that the second aunt You and the third aunt belonged to the eldest house. , but in terms of rules, they belong to two families, if they are still in the same courtyard, there will inevitably be suspicions and gossip."

  Feng Ziying hasn't thought about this question yet.

I used to think that the two sisters Baochai and Baoqin married here. The yard is not big or small, and it is not a long-term residence. If it is two or three years, it does not matter if they are together temporarily. If they really gave birth to a child in the past few years , or feeling crowded, that's another story, but after Jin Chuan'er said this, he realized that it didn't seem that simple.

The You sisters belong to the concubine of the eldest house. Logically, the two sisters can only regard Shen Yixiu as their elder sister. The Baochai sisters have no direct sense of master-slave relationship with them, just like Baoqin faces Shen Yixiu in the future. Similarly, there is no substantive master-slave relationship.

Of course, in terms of status, as concubines and concubines, they are definitely not as good as concubines and big wives, but in the case of each belonging to the same family, they are not your concubines as concubines, so naturally there is nothing to do with them, but from As far as Feng Ziying is alone and has three households, this important relationship is still there.

  If these two groups of people live together, then you have to consider the complicated relationship between them, and there are Jin Chuaner and Xiangling mixed in here.

  Xiangling needless to say, she has already expressed her wish that she wants to follow Baochai. To put it bluntly, she just wants to follow Baochai as a housemaid.

   But Jin Chuaner's problem is more troublesome.

  This girl declined to follow Shen Yixiu before, but was willing to follow her all the time, she looked like her personal servant girl, but Yun Shang, who had been following her all this time, went to follow Shen Yixiu, and she was considered to be in the long room.

With an identity like Jin Chuan, the house was confiscated. In theory, it should belong to a certain house. If you don't want to enter the long house, then you are the second house. The second room, do we have to wait until Daiyu enters the third room in the future?

  Jin Chuaner has been with Feng Ziying for so long, and Feng Ziying knows that this girl is actually not so flattering and cold-tempered, but she is outstanding in terms of her ability to manage things. It is no wonder that she was selected by Mrs. Wang as the number one maid.

Feng Ziying feels that among the maids she has come into contact with, only Yuanyang and Ping'er can match her. Of course, Jin Chuan'er is not as good as Ping'er in terms of life, and Jin Chuan'er is not as good as Ping'er in terms of quick wit, but when it comes to seriousness, she is even better than Ping'er. One or two points stronger, in Feng Ziying's mind, this girl is only slightly inferior to Yuanyang, and Heping'er is between brothers.

   "Then Jin Chuaner, what do you mean...?" Feng Ziying frowned.

"Although the eldest grandma didn't come over, it was because the eldest grandma had a body. It's okay to say that Miss Erfang Bao and Miss Bao Er are not married. If they are married, I'm afraid I still have to reserve one or two positions for the eldest grandma. It's more suitable..." Jin Chuan'er said cautiously: "If possible, I might as well buy the house next door and renovate it. One or two doors can be opened on both sides, and the main house is reserved here, which can be regarded as a gift for the elders. Grandma's, over there, it will be arranged according to Miss Bao and the others' wishes."

   I have to say that Jin Chuan'er is really considerate of things, taking all parties into consideration, especially taking into account many hidden dangers for You Er You San Er Daughter.

As Jin Chuaner said, it’s good to say that Baochai and the others didn’t get married. Anyway, it’s just the first house, and the second is especially a concubine. There are corresponding rules, even though Shen Yixiu didn't come over, the principal room should stay out, this is the rule.

  Feng Ziying was very satisfied, and was also very moved by Jin Chuaner's delicate thoughts.

I don't know if Second Sister You has considered these issues, but Third Sister You, who has a rough temper, would never have thought of these things. Although Feng Ziying thinks that Shen Yixiu's mind is not so narrow-minded, sometimes it's hard to say for a woman's family. It's not beautiful to talk gossip if it gets into your heart.

  Jin Chuaner thought about it first, arranged and arranged it well, and saved a lot of unnecessary suspicion in the future.

"Well, Jin Chuan'er, you are very considerate, so let's do what you want." Feng Ziying nodded with a smile, and squeezed Jin Chuan'er's plump buttocks, "My lord will go back this time, and Yu Chuan'er will also do it." I wanted to come here, but I didn't agree. I'm afraid this girl is a little unhappy. You can write her a letter and tell her. I have thought about it. If both of you come here, who will I hand over my house to? My mother's I'm still not at ease, besides, I've been here in Yongping Mansion for almost a year, and I think I'll be leaving in three years at most, so why bother to make another bumpy trip?"

Jin Chuan'er laughed, "Master, don't get too used to Yu Chuan'er. If you let her stay at home, you would think highly of her. How can you let her go? The servants will write back to talk about her. By the way, Tim It's safer to leave the house repairs to Second Aunt, servant girl..."

  This girl is really comprehensive, Feng Ziying shook her head: "Second Sister, how can I think about these things, you should come, I will tell her, then..."

  Jin Chuan'er let out a chuckle, with smiles on her brows, "Well, my aunt's thoughts are all on my father, and I hope that my father will let her blossom and bear fruit soon,..."

This sentence made Feng Ziying laugh too, and grabbed Jin Chuan'er's bee waist, but slipped his hand in along the embroidered jacket, feeling a little cold again, and put it in his arms to warm up for a while, and then slipped into the gold again. Chuan'er raged in his arms, "Jin Chuan'er, you didn't dare to say such things before, did you learn how to be presumptuous after following the third sister? Well,..."

The master and the servant could not help another burst of hand-eye tenderness, which only made Jin Chuan'er panting, with disheveled hairpins, pink face full of spring, almost about to be executed by Feng Ziying on the spot, or Jin Chuan'er read Xiangling in this study. Maybe after coming over and begging again and again, Feng Ziying suppressed the anger in her heart, and could only play with it as much as she wanted.


   When Feng Ziying and Jin Chuaner were talking about Baochai and Baoqin sisters, Baochai and Baoqin had already started preparing for their two-month marriage.

"Brother has sent you a letter." When Baoqin entered Hengwuyuan, she saw Baochai leaning on the kang bed and reading a book. Grey, mixed with some brown lines, "Sister is coughing again?"

   Baochai put down the book, "Well, it's okay, Yinger is too worried, she has to obey first, how can it be so precious?"

"Girl, don't say that. Seeing that the wedding day is approaching, if there is any delay, wouldn't it be a big mistake?" Ying'er pursed her lips, "Miss Qin, don't you think so? I have coughed for two days, but I still have to bear it. Although this Lengxiang pill is expensive, isn’t the medicine used to treat the disease? If I am sick and don’t take medicine, I am afraid that I will blame the servants again if the uncle comes. gone."

   "Which uncle are you talking about?" Baoqin couldn't help but joked: "I'm afraid my brother won't be so careful, can he still notice these things?"

Ying'er blushed, "Miss Qin also wants to make fun of the servant girl, and the servant girl is naturally talking about Uncle Feng, so there is nothing embarrassing about it. In two months, Miss Qin and Miss Qin will marry and be grandmas. Isn't that a matter of course? ?”

"Look at this mouth, I have been taught by her like this on weekdays, and I claim to be not a deaf and dumb person, but I can only shy away from this girl." Baochai smiled and took Yinger away. The lukewarm water on the table was taken with the Lengxiang pill, and then he continued: "In the future, some people will inevitably say that I am not strict in discipline."

Ying'er curled her lips in displeasure, but Baoqin said something fair: "Ying'er also has good intentions, besides, these words are just said in the boudoir of our sisters, where they can be spread outside, and can they be heard?" Have you fallen into someone's trap? Even if you know, you'll get a compliment from this girl who loves her master."

   "Okay, I can't say no to you, don't make this girl even more proud." Baochai smiled and raised her hand, signaling Baoqin to go to the kang, "What do you say about the letter from Brother Tiao?"

"My brother wrote to say that he is now in Dengzhou, and he thought it was difficult. Now that he has gone there, he feels that it is even more difficult to start from scratch and learn with one hand and one foot. However, he is full of enthusiasm and confidence. The fleet is well taken care of, but it’s going well.”

Baoqin frowned and then unfolded, "My brother also said in the letter that the Denglai navy went to Yongping. Although the fleet did not make any achievements, the sailor went ashore and fought, which greatly boosted the morale of the navy. What big brother said, let’s fight in Qian’an.”

   "It should be, but didn't Brother Feng say that this matter has not been announced to the public?" Baochai also frowned.

  Feng Ziying once talked about this with Baochai and the others.

The Denglai Navy Fleet went to Yuguan in Yongping, which was considered Feng Ziying's favor. Although it reported to the Ministry of War and got the idea of ​​doing things cheaply, the banner was to defend Shanhaiguan and Yuguan. A little out of line.

"I'm also a little puzzled. Didn't Brother Feng say that this matter should not be publicized more? Why is it that Dengzhou is still making a fuss? Could it be that these sailors still want to take credit for this?" tense up.

  (end of this chapter)

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