Number of People

Chapter 1143: Geng Zijuan sisters are of the same heart, their sharpness breaks gold

  Chapter 1143 The Gengzijuan sisters are of the same heart, and their sharpness breaks gold

Naturally, Baochai and Baoqin couldn't comprehend the mystery, but they both realized that it might be inappropriate. Feng Ziying also mentioned that this matter should not be publicized. Why is it spread so much in Dengzhou? What's the matter? Will it have any impact on Feng Ziying and even the Feng family?

   Now the second daughter has consciously brought herself into the Feng family. She was also a woman in two months, and she will be Feng Xueshi in the future. Naturally, she has to think more about the Feng family.

   "Forget it, I'm afraid we can't figure out this matter, how about sending a letter to Uncle Feng?" Baochai thought for a while.

   "Or let's go there..." Baoqin hesitated, "Maybe the sister of the Shen family can know the whole story?"

Baochai froze for a moment, then nodded: "Alright, I'm afraid sister Shen's body is very inconvenient now, and we haven't seen sister Shen for some days, um, Baoqin, do you think we should call Miss Lin up?" ?”

   This made Bao Qin stunned, and after thinking for a while, she said: "Sister Lin is fine, but I'm afraid Tan girl, Yun girl and the others..."

   This one is a bit complicated.

Baochai called Lin Daiyu because she thought that she would be a sister-in-law in the future, and Lin Daiyu was a sensitive person. If she heard that her sister went to see Shen Yixiu but didn't call her, she might have different thoughts, but if she called Shanglin girl, but not named Tanchun and Xiangyun, seems to draw a line of her own, and she feels like the Feng family's wife, and I'm afraid it will affect the friendship between the sisters even more.

Baoqin also thought of this, and was a little embarrassed. They all lived in the garden, and if they went to Feng's house, it would inevitably leak the news. Originally, it was no big deal, if it caused a rift between the sisters , but it is not beautiful.

   "Why don't you call Tan girl, Yun girl, second sister and fourth sister?" Baoqin pursed her lips and thought for a while, "What about Xiuyan?"

"There is also Miaoyu." Baochai said calmly: "This Miaoyu seems to be isolated from the world in Changcui Nunnery, and she doesn't even spend much time with Lin girl, but she is very congenial with Xiuyan. I think the time is on Lu Xueguang's side, and Xiuyan is a shrewd person. Miaoyu has always said that she refuses to marry into Feng's family, but maybe Xiuyan can persuade Miaoyu..."

   "Then sister means to call Xiuyan and Miaoyu together?" Baoqin got a lot of approval after counting it, and there were five or six at once.

"Call them all. As for whether they are willing to go or not, that's up to them." Baochai said leisurely: "We will move out next month, and we will take this opportunity to spend more time with the sisters in the garden." Get together."

One sentence also aroused the thoughts of Baoqin, Yinger and others. After living in this Rongguo Mansion for so long, they have some feelings, especially people like Tanchun, Xiangyun, Yingchun, Xichun and others. Girls like Yuanyang and Ping'er, after getting along with each other, they became more congenial, and if they really wanted to say goodbye, they would be extremely reluctant.

   "Yes, if Miss Qin and Miss Qin marry to the Feng family, servants and maidservants can come back from time to time to have a look, but it's not easy for the girls to come back often." Yinger was also a little sentimental.

   "There is always a banquet in the world, and if we don't leave, won't they get married?" Baochai asked, but there was some indescribable melancholy in her eyes.

  In fact, she is also a gentle and delicate character who values ​​love and affection, but the loss of her father since she was young and the decline of the Xue family made her have to remain elegant and quiet in front of others, while being despised by others.

After coming to Jia's mansion, whether it is Lin Daiyu, sisters Yingchun, Tanchun, or Xiangyun, Baochai can feel a kind of long-lost warmth. Because of this, she also hopes that this kind of sisterhood can last for a long time. Ability to avoid friendships that may be affected by the various realities that we all have to face as we grow older.

"That's right, but the girl and Miss Qin are better off. Anyway, Miss Lin will marry into Feng's residence in the future, so she will become sisters-in-law with the girls, and Xiangling will also come over in the future, um, plus the long house Qingwen, Miss Lin's Zijuan, oh, and the sisters Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er who follow the uncle, if you say that, we won't be lonely." Ying'er said with yearning.

Baochai and Baoqin looked at each other and shook their heads, which sounded reasonable, but they married into Feng's mansion and each had their own house, even the maids were their own masters. When that time really came, I'm afraid they might not be able to get along like they are now Harmony, joy and harmony.

"Then how is the business going, brother scorpion?" Baochai changed the topic. Since Xue scorpion went to Dengzhou, he naturally wanted to make some achievements by relying on the influence of Wang Ziteng and Feng Ziying there. Well, it's not easy to marry a woman from the Fang family. If you want to not be looked down upon by the woman's family, you have to have your own career.

  Although Feng Ziying has always praised Xue Biao on Fang Youdu's side, words alone are not enough, and in the end it depends on the real things.

"My brother said in the letter that he has bought one or two old ships from Nanzhili, and now he has recruited dozens of people to start the short distance in Denglai. The next step may be to focus on Yuguan, Dali Buy." Xue Baoqin was extremely concerned about her brother's situation in Shandong.

There is only this man in the second room of the Xue family, and unlike the long room, Xue Pan just sits in the Daguan Building all day long, and he never cares about the flower and tree business of the Xia family. But also ended up in peace and tranquility.

However, my elder brother is a strong one, and he only wants to fight for success and seal his wife's shadow. The imperial court opened the opening to explore the sea route and give military merits. If he can't catch it, then the Xue family will never want to return to the past in this life. .

It's just that the matter of exploring the sea route is not that simple, otherwise the court would not make a big promise. Fortunately, even Brother Feng did not agree with his elder brother going to sea in person, but supported his elder brother to preside over this matter, from buying ships, building ships, Recruiting crew and training, plus taking care of exploring routes with shipping business, none of these are simple things, and you don't have to go to sea in person.

Previously, Xue Baoqin was also most worried that her elder brother would not get too hot-headed just because others could get ahead and become rich, so he had to fight for it by himself. Fortunately, his elder brother followed Brother Feng's advice very much, so he took Dengzhou to do it step by step. , I still can't see how much is known.

  But from his brother’s letter, he can feel that although he is working hard now, he is in a good mood. He probably feels that although this work is hard, it is more fulfilling and he can learn a lot as soon as possible.

"That's good, Baoqin, tell Brother Tad, don't rush for success, he is still young, and Denglai has only just started to take this path, it's better to be more patient and take it step by step. Since there is a lot to do here in Yuguan, and Brother Feng is in charge of Yongping, you might as well seize this opportunity to do a good job. Baoqin, you should also send a letter to Brother Feng to explain the current situation of Brother Tiao, which is just right for you Big brother Feng is in touch with brother tadpole, please give me some guidance,..."

"My sister forgot that there are still two months left before my brother will definitely come back, and then I can let Brother Feng and my brother have a good talk." Baoqin's pink cheeks were slightly flushed, and when she mentioned that her husband-in-law would plan a good life with her brother in the future, She was both sweet and a little shy.

   Seeing Baoqin like this, Baochai felt warm and at ease, but also sighed.

The current situation of the Xue family is almost tied to Brother Feng alone, and his brother himself is not good enough. Now that he is married to the daughter of Osmanthus Xia's family, he is quite at ease, but it seems that the daughter of the Xia family is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If the elder brother doesn't live up to his expectations, he still wants to go to the house to expose the tiles. If he can barely hold the other party down, I'm afraid that even the mother will be a little embarrassed by the other party.

Baochai is quite worried, if he and Baoqin marry into Feng's mansion, what will happen between the elder brother and the daughter of the Xia family, will they be able to hold each other down and be taken advantage of by the other party, but they also hope that they will marry into Feng's house? After the palace, the daughter of the Xia family can be afraid of the power of the Feng family and restrain herself a little, so this kind of complicated thoughts also makes Baochai worry about gains and losses.

   Thinking of her marriage with Baoqin and going to Yongping Mansion far away, Baochai's mind is also ups and downs.

It is said that Eryou has the intention of being the only one in Yongping Mansion. He and Baoqin went there, but they don't know how to arrange it there. After all, the other party is a concubine, but it is also the concubine's room on the side of the long house. I belong to the second wife here, and the relationship is also complicated, and I don't know how to get along in the future.

   Fortunately, Xiangling also said that one of Eryou is docile and the other is straightforward and careless, neither is a difficult person, which makes Baochai feel more at ease.

   "Baoqin, after Brother Feng and Brother Tad come back, it's better for Brother Tiao to go to Brother Feng to tell about the situation in Denglai. It's best not to mention it too much..."

Baochai's reminder made Baoqin slightly startled, but then she came to her senses. As a bride, if she planned too much for her elder brother, it would inevitably attract some gossip. These, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

  Brother can take the initiative to talk to Brother Feng on his own. With Brother Feng's willingness to help others, he will naturally help.

   "Thank you sister for reminding me, if my sister doesn't tell me, my little sister might make a mistake." Baoqin smiled sweetly.

"It's hard to say that you made a mistake, but Brother Feng has a family and three bedrooms, which is different from other families. There will definitely be many people who will compare us with Sister Shen and Sister Lin in the future. Naturally, our Xue family cannot be left behind. In other words, you and my sister, can you still lose to others?" When Baochai said the last sentence, his tone obviously increased a little, and his tone was a little more proud and confident.

   "Sister is right, how come the daughters of the Xue family are not as good as other families?" Baoqin's face was also bright.

  (end of this chapter)

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