Number of People

Chapter 1144: The Value and Significance of the Geng Scroll Yongping Mansion

  Chapter 1144 The Value and Significance of the Geng Scroll Yongping Mansion

Feng Ziying put his hands behind his back, and Wang Shaoquan followed behind him, "My lord, this is the first batch, and it will be sent to Santunying tomorrow. The total value of the brick tea is about 30,000 taels of silver, and the cloth is about 15,000 taels. The silk worth about 5,000 taels was prepared according to your wishes, but it seems that Nekhalka people may not like silk,..."

Feng Ziying laughed and waved her hands, "How can we do it all according to their ideas? They must like brick tea, the one from Huguang, right? It's compact and high-quality, and the cloth is also the best cotton in our north. As for the silk Is it? There are so many elders in their tribe, they don’t like it just because they haven’t learned how to enjoy it, they will fall in love with it soon, it’s an honor,…”

  Feng Ziying smiled and picked up a brick of tea, and squeezed it carefully. It was not the kind of low-grade goods that would break when squeezed, and Feng Ziying was unwilling to make any fuss about such transactions.

   This kind of brick tea is basically specially prepared for the nomadic tribes on the borderlands and grasslands. It is suitable for the living habits of the tribes on the grasslands and is also an indispensable material for all tribes on the grasslands.

  The quality of the cloth is also good, not as good as the Songjiang cotton cloth in Songjiang, but it is considered to be of a medium level in the Northland. Most of them are pure white cotton cloth, and some are dyed with indigo.

As for silk, this thing is too valuable. Although it is Lu silk from Shanxi, it is still expensive. A piece of Lu silk is three feet long and one size wide. More than a thousand taels, so a few cars can be worth five thousand taels. They can also inquire about this price.

   As for whether they like it or not, it needs a process, doesn't it?

   They all follow Zai Sai’s idea, how is that possible? Selling goods also needs to be matched with extras.

"I think it's okay. This is just in time for Zaisai's last group of people to retreat. Let's send it there." Feng Ziying clapped her hands, "Don't worry about the matter of silver. The imperial court still needs to talk about its reputation, and entrust it to Haitong Yinzhuang I have already greeted Jia Yun for the handling of the Jingshi, if you need it, you can pick it up at Datong, Jingshi or Yangzhou, Jinling at will, but remember to say hello in advance."

"That's not the case. We can't trust the imperial court? We trust you more." Wang Shaoquan smiled happily. Haitong Yinzhuang also has shares of Shanshan merchants, and they are all from their own family. Of course they can rest assured, "Then the second What about the approval? Speaking of preparation, we can prepare it at any time, follow what you said, follow the steps, when do you think it is appropriate?"

"In a month's time, we can land at Yuguan Port, pass through western Liaoning to Yehebu, and deliver at Yehebu." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "There are 100,000 taels of goods left, pay attention to matching, The pig iron and wrought iron from our Yongping Prefecture can be used, and I believe the people of Nekhka will be very satisfied."

This batch of goods is light goods with relatively high prices, tea, silk and cloth, and goods worth 50,000 taels of silver. They are loaded and unloaded in just 10 or 20 carriages. The post road from Lulong to Santunying is in good condition. Delivered within a day.

"Don't worry, my lord. The Qian'an Iron Works had already been fired the day before yesterday, and Lulong's side had to be a day earlier." Wang Shaoquan rubbed his hands excitedly, "If possible, can the Neikalkha people have more Use iron to offset it?"

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while, but did not express her position for a while.

The copy of the agreement between Zai Sai and Liaodong has been sent to the imperial court. Of course, Neikalkha people are not qualified to sign a covenant with Dazhou, but Liaodong can. This is almost a form close to an official covenant, but Liaodong is only Dazhou. A local administrative area, not even a local administrative area, can only be regarded as a military demarcated area, Liaodong Town.

  So no matter from which point of view, this must be approved by the court, even if it is not stated to the outside world, but at least it must be approved by the court.

Therefore, after the Ministry of War secretly authorized Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying also obtained an edict from Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke, which was a document authorizing him to act cheaply. .

  Even if the negotiation is settled, Feng Ziying still needs to send a copy to the Ministry of War and the Department of General Administration for record, and the signer is not Feng Ziying, but Zhao Lediao, the deputy commander of Liaodong Town, who came to her father at the last time.

   It's not that Feng Ziying didn't dare to accept this responsibility, but because of his inappropriate status. Although Zai Sai didn't mind, he valued the trust between individuals more, but the rules cannot be broken.

  Of course, Feng Ziying also patted Zai Sai positively. From the perspective of commercial trade, Yongping Mansion has always been a transit hub, so Zai Sai does not have to worry about this.

The piece of iron material must be given to the Nekhka people. Now that the policy of strengthening the military strength of the Nekhka people has been determined, the iron material related to the demand for weapons is indispensable, but how much is the amount? , but still needs to be considered.

"Shaoquan, you can increase the quantity appropriately, but you need to communicate with the Ministry of War and the Governor's Office of Jiliao. I personally think it's no problem. The Nekalka people may ask for firecrackers in the next step. This is a difficult problem. , Now give some more iron material, I think it’s okay.”

  Shanshan merchants also have a lot of power in the court. Let them communicate with the Ministry of War, so as not to bear more pressure on their own side, but also to relieve the pressure on the old man's side.

   "Understood." Wang Shao understood it wholeheartedly.

"In addition, Shaoquan, you may have to consider the official road from Lulong via Funing to Yuguan and Shanhaiguan as soon as possible. According to the news from my cousin in Guangzhou, there is a huge demand for iron materials in Nanyang. In addition Dongpan Takuken has a great demand for various ironware. These should be the best time for our Yongping ironware to occupy these local markets, even including North Korea. The quality of their own ironware is far inferior to ours. Why do Shanxi merchants Afraid to occupy the market?"

Promoting the transformation of Shanxi merchants has always been what Feng Ziying is doing, and iron materials and cement will be the two magic weapons, especially iron materials, which are in great demand in various places, and many places are inferior in quality and high in price, while Yongping As long as the gold medal product of "iron" is launched, the entire northern land and grasslands, North Korea, Dongfan, and part of the Nanyang market can be included in the bag.

Guangzhou is the most important sea trade port in the south, Haitong Yinzhuang Guangzhou will surpass Yangzhou in importance in the future, and Guangdong and Guangxi itself are not familiar to everyone, so Duan Xigui is based in Guangzhou. In contrast, Jia Lian You need to be familiar with Yangzhou a lot, and let Jia Lian sit in Yangzhou to form a coordination.

  Wang Shaoquan hesitated for a moment, "Sir, I once heard you mention that Xiang Lulong went to Yuguan, and you said that an iron track could even be laid for transporting goods in the future?"

  Feng Ziying turned around and glanced at Wang Shaoquan, "Well, I did say so."

"My lord, I can't imagine what such an iron track would look like and how much it would cost, but now it is already expensive to use cement to mix the gravel and sand you mentioned to build such a road, and iron materials are also used to lay it. , does it make sense?"

  Wang Shaoquan really couldn't understand what Feng Ziying was thinking.

It is expensive to use cement to mix sand and gravel to pave the road, but considering that this person is well-known here, most of the various iron-making, charcoal-burning, and even artillery and gun-making industries developed by the Lulong Iron Works require Through Yuguan Port Sinotrans, in addition, Yongping's special geographical location connects the Eastern Mongolian Grassland and the Liaoxi Corridor, so they are willing to hold their noses and accept it.

  But if it is really necessary to use iron materials to build the track in the future, the money and money will definitely have to fall on these businessmen, and he has to ask clearly.

It’s just that Feng Ziying’s Jinkou assertion gave the Shanxi merchants an inexplicable dependence and trust in their hearts, like the early warning of the Mongol invasion, the insight of new iron smelting technology, and the opening of Yuguan Port. Many of them were difficult or unpredictable for businessmen from Shanxi Province, but they were all realized in the end, and they were even better than imagined.

Coupled with his father's status as the governor of Jiliao and his current prosperous career, the Shanshan merchants feel more and more that this young Feng Xiuzhuan with limitless future will be the leader of scholars and merchants in the entire Northland in the future. The absolute leader, even this little Feng Xiuzhuan seems to have maintained a good relationship with the merchants in Jiangnan.

   "I'm talking about the future, not the short term." Feng Ziying can understand Wang Shaoquan's worries.

  When iron materials were still a very expensive means of production, it was unimaginable for businessmen to use iron materials to lay tracks just to facilitate transportation, improve transportation efficiency, and reduce transportation costs.

In fact, when the productivity has not developed to a certain stage, it is obviously out of date. Although there is only a hundred miles from Lulong to Yuguan, how much iron material is needed to use rails, and these iron materials are placed on the ground. It could be stolen almost at any time. This is simply throwing money away, isn't it just letting others pick it up? Is it because a road needs to be guarded at intervals? The cost is simply too high, and no one can afford it.

Even the cement concrete pavement does not conform to the market rules at this stage. So much cement could have been used in other more valuable and rewarding aspects, such as building cities and houses. How big will the market demand for this new type of building material be? Businessmen in Shanshan and Shaanxi have already proposed to open up the southern market for this type of building material as soon as possible, and occupy the market as much as possible, because this type of building material obviously has a greater market share in the humid south. In terms of market and demand, we must know that the rainy season in Jiangnan, Guangdong, Huguang and even the southwest is much longer than that in the north.

  (end of this chapter)

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