Number of People

Chapter 1150: Geng scroll to persuade, to convince

  Chapter 1150 Geng Scroll Persuades, Convinces

  Wang Xifeng withdrew her hand nonchalantly, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed lightly, with an expression of enjoyment on her face, "Your beauty, there is no one to enjoy it, Brother Rong is a waste of everything."

Qin Keqing knew that Wang Xifeng was aware of her situation, so she was not surprised, and said indifferently: "Marriage is destined, like a person drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or cold, and I also know that I am a person of poor fortune, so I don't expect such unrealistic things. Son."

   "That's not necessarily true." Wang Xifeng shook her head, and a complex expression of indomitable and anticipation flashed across her rosy face, "Wouldn't it be good to hear that people will conquer heaven?"

   "Man will conquer the sky?" Qin Keqing's mouth flicked a sneer, "I'm afraid that God's will is the right answer."

  If Feng Ziying heard the conversation between these two people here, she might immediately recall a joke from her previous life.

"Hmph, Keqing, in terms of encounters, do you think I'm much better than you?" Wang Xifeng ignored Qin Keqing's complicated state of mind and said to herself, "I'm also the daughter of the Wang family after all. Housekeeper for the Jia family, and also gave birth to sister Qiao, all these years, no credit but also hard work, but what do you get in the end?"

  Qin Keqing was slightly moved.

  She naturally understood how resentful Wang Xifeng felt in her heart. If she said that she had been muddling around for the past few years, Wang Xifeng was devoting herself to planning and managing the Rongguo Mansion, and she also gave birth to a daughter for the Jia family.

  Heli, to be precise, is to leave the house.

  That is to say, Jia Lian has not married yet, and Wang Xifeng is also related to Mrs. Wang, and she can temporarily live in Rongguo Mansion, but that is only a matter of time.

It is impossible for Wang Xifeng to still have the face to live in the Rongguo Mansion after Jia Lian marries another, and it is impossible for the Jia family to cut off blood ties with Jia Lian because of an outsider, especially since Jia Lian seems to be acting like a dog outside now. So it was only a matter of time before Wang Xifeng left as despondent as a bereaved dog.

"Compared with me, do you feel that your heart is more balanced and comfortable? Although you and Jia Rong seem to be in harmony and are a nominal couple, at least you don't have to worry about food and clothing. You also have your own exclusive small building in the mansion. Jia Zhen and Jia Rong also I dare not come to interfere with you, not to mention being at ease, but..."

Before Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Qin Keqing interrupted: "Auntie, do you think this kind of life is comfortable? Ningguo Mansion is like a cage, **** and people can't breathe. It's not an exaggeration to say that life is like years. Father-in-law, Mr. It's just in name, seeing me is as cold as frost, and I reject people thousands of miles away. They don't want to see me, so why am I willing to live under the same roof with them? Compared with my aunt, I really envy my aunt Even if you want to leave, I believe that my aunt has already prepared her own way out, and she can step out if she says she wants to go, isn't she?"

   Didn't expect Qin Keqing to think so highly of herself, Wang Xifeng was proud, but still a little hesitant.

After all, it is easier said than done, if you really want to go out, there will be no Jia family to shelter you from the wind and rain, no, there is still one person, but if you just rely on him, it is neither Wang Xifeng's wish nor the other party's. It may take care of you from time to time, but in many cases you have to rely on yourself.

"Keqing, you really think too well of my aunt." Wang Xifeng's words also added a bit of loneliness and unyielding, "It would be a disaster if things like Heli and Li fell on that woman, and my aunt would be no exception. Needless to say, the people outside look blankly, but how many people in the house will really feel that you have been wronged? Don't they all think that what the second master Lian did must be right? They are members of the Jia family, what am I? It’s just an outsider. They don’t care how you live after you are forced to leave Rongguo Mansion, they will only welcome the next person who will come to the housekeeper and hold their monthly money..."

  Speaking bluntly and sharply, Qin Keqing was speechless.

   "Auntie, what are you going to do now?" Qin Keqing said quietly after a long time, "Could it be like this...? I'm afraid Second Uncle Lian will come back sooner or later..."

   "Of course Jia Lian will come back. He is the eldest son of the Rongguo Mansion. To tell you the truth, I heard that he already has a concubine in Yangzhou and plans to marry another one. Auntie, I won't be staying in Jia's house for long."

  Wang Xifeng's unrestrainedness surprised Qin Keqing, staring at Wang Xifeng with staring eyes: "Auntie, then you...?"

"That's why I invited you, Keqing." Wang Xifeng stretched her arms, smoothed her black hair on her forehead, and curled up one leg presumptuously. There was a bit of laziness mixed with chic, which made Qin Keqing look There was also a burst of envy, such gestures and movements, even if there was no one around, she would definitely not be able to do them.

   "Ah?" Qin Keqing carefully covered her cherry lips, in disbelief, what does this have to do with herself? I am a mud bodhisattva crossing the river - I can't protect myself, how can I help her?

   "Keep, how old are you this year?" Wang Xifeng ignored the other party's shock, and asked casually while flicking the silver frost charcoal in the hand stove with a small copper fire chopstick.

"Don't you know, auntie? I'm a rat. I was born in the 30th year of Yuanxi and 22 years ago in the year of Wuzi." Qin Keqing said softly, as if thinking of something, "It's almost too soon to come to Jia's house It's been six years, but the situation in the past is like yesterday."

"Yes, you have been married into Jia's family for almost six years, but what about me, my aunt?" Wang Xifeng put down the small copper fire chopsticks, then sealed the lid of the hand stove, and then put her hand on the stove and rubbed it lightly, "I'll The Jia family has been in the Jia family for nine years, and Yonglong came in at the beginning of the second year. In the fourth year of Yonglong, Qiao Jie was born. In the sixth year of Yonglong, he began to be the housekeeper of the Rongguo Mansion. In the tenth year of Yonglong, I was about to be kicked out by the Jia family. Hehe, don’t you think it’s ridiculous? "

  Qin Keqing remained silent.

"Let's go, but you still have to be kicked out in such a way. You know what crimes Jia Lian put on me. You can't have a son, and you can't continue the incense of the long house of Rongguo Mansion. Hehe, it's ridiculous..." Wang Xifeng She raised her head leisurely, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything, anyway, I have made up my mind to leave, but Keqing, what about you?"

   "Me?" Qin Keqing was at a loss.

"Are you planning to stay in this stagnant pool of Ningguo Mansion for the rest of your life, just to disappear without a sound?" Wang Xifeng sneered, "I think Jia Zhen and Jia Rong seem to be jealous and disgusted with you, but they dare not offend you Well, I don't want to ask the reason, but you understand it in your heart. I just want to ask you if you plan to spend the rest of your life with them? Jia Rong can take in a girl in the mansion, raise a house outside, and even play Some ugly tunes, and maybe you will be like me in the end?"

   "Same as my aunt? Then why should he marry me?" Qin Keqing murmured.

   "The world has changed over time, how can we explain the world's affairs clearly?" Wang Xifeng pointedly, "So Auntie, I never planned to hang myself on any man. I have to rely on myself."

  Qin Keqing was a little confused by Wang Xifeng's words, "Auntie, what exactly do you want to say, just say it directly. Don't you understand what kind of person I am?"

   "Keep, have you never planned for your future?" Wang Xifeng said leisurely: "It's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself..."

  Qin Keqing was taken aback, "Auntie, what do you mean? Let me be divorced?"

   "Do you want your current life? Or do you feel satisfied with your current life, and plan to live like this for the rest of your life? Will there be even more unpredictable changes in the future?" Wang Xifeng is not alarmist.

   "I, I haven't thought about it yet." Qin Keqing said honestly.

   "Well, since that's the case, then I have nothing to do in the East Mansion. Come and do something for me, which may be beneficial to you in the future." Wang Xifeng said proudly.

When Wang Xifeng told the story one by one, Qin Keqing was also taken aback. She didn't expect Wang Xifeng to dare to do such a thing. Wouldn't it be a kind of contempt and humiliation to the Rongning Second Mansion if this was done by a woman who would be kicked out by the Jia family?

Seeing Qin Keqing dumbfounded, eyes full of surprise, and a little bit of envy, Wang Xifeng felt even more relieved, "Keqing, you also know that I don't know much about reading, and writing is even more difficult to get on the table. You worry about it, you and I will plan, analyze and arrange things at home, and I will let my third uncle, brother Rong and Jia Rui do the things outside."

  Qin Keqing was even more shocked, "You want Brother Rong to..."

"Well, it's more convenient to go outside to a man's house, but we are in charge. Brother Rong and Jia Rui will be arranged by me. You can also mention it to Jia Rong after you go back. I believe he will not refuse. I spend all day hanging out happily outside, why don't you come and do something for me, don't the father and son want to get in touch with Brother Keng? It just so happens that this matter will have to deal with Brother Keng, I'm afraid During this period of time, there will be many chances to go to Yongping Mansion, Brother Rong can run more,..."

Wang Xifeng has a golden sword on his horse, and his words reveal unquestionable confidence and determination. It seems that everything is under control. Qin Keqing is also fascinated by seeing it, and he admires Wang Xifeng even more in his heart. It took a while to recall it "Auntie, did you decide on Uncle Feng's side? I'm afraid the key to this matter is still on Uncle Feng's side."

   "If I didn't agree, how dare I pull you to do this?" Wang Xifeng patted her swollen chest, her cheeks were a little bright red.

  Qin Keqing didn't expect that Wang Xifeng would be able to get through all these relationships. If he didn't have a strong friendship, it would be impossible for him to help.

  As far as she knew, Feng Ziying was very close to Jia Lian, but she had nothing to do with Wang Xifeng. If she knew that Wang Xifeng and Feng Ziying had such a deep relationship, she should have asked about it earlier.

"The last time he came back, I specifically went to him and told him that Brother Keng owed me a favor, and this favor had nothing to do with Jia Lian. He couldn't shirk such things, and finally he agreed,..." Wang Xifeng Half-truths.

  (end of this chapter)

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