Number of People

Chapter 1151: Geng scroll to seduce

  Chapter 1151 Seduction by Geng Scroll

  Qin Keqing is not an amateur with no knowledge of world affairs.

  Although her adoptive father, Qin Ye, was only a secretary of the Ministry of Industry, and Lun Pinyi was two ranks lower than Jia Zheng’s Yuanwai Lang, but for Qin Keqing, it was also an enlightenment for her to understand the outside world and even some affairs of the imperial court.

The so-called Ying Shan Lang is a respectful title for officials such as principals and deputy principals, but Qin Ye is better than Jia Zheng in terms of personal relations in the Ministry of Industry. Of course, Pin Yi is there, that is, a makeshift Officials who eat.

However, after Qin Keqing learned that her life experience was a mystery, she often asked Qin Ye some court affairs. She was no stranger to court affairs. He has only a half-knowledge, but he also knows that this relationship is not simple.

Tens of thousands of horses in this Beijing camp were captured by the Mongols, and more than 50,000 soldiers were redeemed with a ransom of 200,000. He didn't plan to make a fortune from the soldiers, but focused on these generals who were born in hundreds of martial arts.

   After all, this is a ransom of millions. No matter from which point of view, this business can definitely be called a big business that ordinary people cannot get involved in.

Moreover, due to the status of the two parties, it is impossible for the imperial court to directly discuss such embarrassing matters with this part of Mongolia—the Inner Kharkha people. It can only entrust a role with a relatively low status but who can convince the Mongolians. Therefore, Feng Ziying's special status and influence are particularly important. If someone else is born with too high a status, it is easy to give others a handle. Others with lower status will not be able to gain the trust and approval of the Mongols. This is just right for Feng Ziying.

   In other words, Feng Ziying has a pivotal position and influence in this business, which is also the key.

  Wang Xifeng actually said lightly that Feng Ziying could hand over the business to her, even if she didn't make it all by herself, but just being able to give her such an opportunity to a woman like her made Qin Keqing feel that there was a great mystery here.

  In Qin Keqing’s view, even the Jia family in Rongning Second Mansion might not be able to win such an opportunity, so why did Wang Xifeng take over?

  Either Wang Xifeng is talking big and bragging, or Wang Xifeng and Feng Ziying have an ulterior relationship. Thinking of the latter, Qin Keqing is also shocked. Is this possible? No way?

   It's just that such words can only be hidden in the heart, and cannot be asked.

"Auntie, let me say something more. Even if I don't understand this kind of thing, I still know it. I'm afraid it's not that simple? This involves hundreds of Wuxun families in our capital city, and the key is to negotiate with the Mongols. To be fair, you also said that the Mongols demanded full redemption before, and they refused to redeem people individually or in part, which is quite different.”

  After thinking about it, Qin Keqing still felt that she needed to remind the other party that it would be terrible if Wang Xifeng believed Feng Ziying's casual words for Jia Lian's sake and believed them to be true.

  Do you really think she is Lian's second grandma? What is the value of this second aunt to Feng Ziying? How could such a good thing be given to her?

  Wang Xifeng nodded, Qin Keqing is still an honest person, this is a very subtle reminder to herself, don't be fooled by others.

"But Qing, don't you know what your aunt and I do? If I'm not sure, how dare I invite my third uncle out? Besides, this kind of thing itself can't be done in a day or two, Brother Rong You and Jia Rui are going to join in to do things, and if it can be done, you will know after doing a few things before? It is impossible for us to cover such a job, right?"

  Wang Xifeng is confident, but her eyes are extraordinarily confident.

"I know what you're worried about, but there are some things I can't tell you right now, but you believe that Auntie, Auntie is going to be kicked out by the Jia family, and she just wants to do something real this time, earning enough for the future Otherwise, I will be kicked out by Jia’s family, and Wang’s family will not be able to go back. I can’t let Heping starve to death, right? Not to mention living like a person in Jia’s family, but at least I have to live like a human being, right? Do you want to wash and cook by yourself, go out for a walk, and hold your own umbrella?"

Wang Xifeng's sonorous and forceful words also shocked Qin Keqing quite a bit. She didn't expect that Wang Xifeng had already started to plan her life after leaving Jia's house, and she seemed to be confident that she wanted to live a life of being a master. No, Qin Keqing was both envious and moved by this kind of momentum.

  Of course she doesn't want to stay silent in the stagnant pool of Ningguo Mansion, but she never thought of how to solve it. If she really wants to make up with Jia Rong, what will she do in the future?

She doesn't want to go back to Qin's house, it will only embarrass her adoptive father, but she doesn't know how to live away from home, so she never thought about it, but now Wang Xifeng seems to be helping her find an unprecedented path .

  Wang Xifeng and others can tell that Qin Keqing is tempted just by taking a quick glance.

Since it was inevitable for her to leave the Jia family, she would not want to live alone in the future, and even if she and Feng Ziying became a dewy couple, she would not be able to enter the Feng family. Nothing could be better.

  Since Qin Keqing is suffering with Jia Rong now, it is better to just reconcile and leave like herself, and let everyone be companions, Wang Xifeng does not believe that it is impossible to live in this capital city without a man.

  As long as she has money and property, and that man takes care of her, she, Wang Xifeng, can still live happily and vividly!

  The next thing is simple, since Qin Keqing does not refuse, then the follow-up is how to do this thing.

Among these hundreds of generals, Wang Xifeng's idea is that he and Wang Zisheng will stare at those deputy generals, generals and guerrillas. There are not many of them, only a dozen or so, but their ransom is as high as 300,000 to 400,000. There is also a lot of room for maneuver. Of course, the most important thing is those who are below the guerrillas, such as the capital, the defense and the thousand generals, and the general. Such a low-level military officer should be handed over to Jia Ruilai.

Wang Xifeng reckoned that Jia Rui couldn't do it alone, and in the end might have to rely on Ni Er, a local snake in the capital city, to operate, but how to deal with it was up to Jia Rui and Ni Er, she only recognized Jia Rui .

Qin Keqing's job is to help her classify, and then extract and transcribe the relevant information one by one, and then briefly analyze it, and finally hand it over to Wang Zisheng, Jia Rong and Jia Rui to attack respectively. Of course, Wang Xifeng also plans to use Lian Er Before the influence of the identities of grandma and daughter of the Wang family completely subsided, finding some family members who were still in contact with each other could be regarded as a practical effort.

   With Qin Keqing's help, the job became much easier, but there are still many difficulties involved.

For example, this involves many martial arts other than the four kings, eight lords and twelve lords. Wang Xifeng doesn't know. Even though I have heard of these family names, they are still very unfamiliar. Even Jia Rong also needs time to inquire and understand slowly. After the target depends on the situation, whether to come directly to the door, or to use other people to bridge the gap.

On the contrary, it should be simpler for those sent to Jia Rui. Most of the low-level military officers such as sentry officers and captains have nothing to do with Wu Xun, or even if their ancestors were Wu Xun, they have long since declined, or The side branch of the concubine has no deep relationship with the main family. On the contrary, this kind of family refrained from going to the door to negotiate directly.


  As the Mongols withdrew from the side wall, the entire Shuncheon Prefecture could finally calm down slowly.

However, the pressure on the inside and outside of the capital city has not eased at all. Among the 300,000 or 400,000 refugees, one hundred thousand have returned to their hometowns one after another, but the remaining 200,000 or so refugees basically belong to the kind They are poor, but now they are driven out by such a wave of war, and they will only freeze to death and starve to death when they go back, so this group of people is clustered outside the capital city and refuses to return to their hometown.

  As the city gates of the capital began to be unsealed, these refugees also wanted to go to the city to ask for food, which also brought great trouble and pressure to the Yamen of Shuntian Prefecture.

  Relief is of course a relief, but when will the daily bowls of gruel come to an end? To let these people go back, it involves how they live. Even the houses were destroyed by the Mongols. Even if they sell their children and daughters, they would rather stay in this capital city. Maybe it is more likely to survive.

  Cui Jingrong looked at the men, women and children outside the sedan chair who were gliding along the corner of the wall with grass signs and ropes tied, crying, numb, dazed, curled up motionless, as if they were in the middle of nowhere.

  This kind of spontaneous population black market can be seen inside and outside several city gates. Previously, the Shuntian government yamen and the Wanping and Daxing county yamen went to disperse it, but what happened after the dispersal?

  Who can manage their livelihood? Seeing that each snowfall is getting denser than each other, maybe a lot of staff will be automatically reduced when they wake up overnight, and countless people will freeze to death.

   "It can't be delayed any longer." As the left servant of the household department, Cui Jingrong thought to himself: "This time, I must persuade brother Chengfeng to raise it in the cabinet. The longer it is delayed, the more troublesome it will be."

  The sedan chair swayed into Gongxian Alley.

  It is next to Yumajian and Yanxi Temple, and to the east is Longfusi Street, which is a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle.

   "Master, we're here." The chief attendant whispered outside the car curtain, and opened the car curtain by the way.

   "Hmm." Cui Jingrong tidied up his clothes, got out of the sedan chair, looked up, and saw a small sedan chair landed on the opposite side, and a man in a scarlet-robed official uniform also got off the sedan chair just in time.

   "Hey, why is he here?" Cui Jingrong was a little taken aback, but he didn't care too much. Naturally, there will be many people coming to Qige's old mansion, and ordinary people have to send invitations a day or two in advance.

  (end of this chapter)

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