Number of People

Chapter 1156: Geng Zijuan boil these guys

  Chapter 1156 Geng Zijuan boil these guys

  The undercurrents in the court did not affect Feng Ziying. Now he only wants to focus on doing things well.

  Theoretically, the population of Yongping Prefecture is not small, but most of the labor force is tied to the land. It is very difficult to free up enough labor force to start the large-scale industrialization and infrastructure construction of Yongping Prefecture.

But now the Mongolian invasion has given Feng Ziying such an opportunity in disguise. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from the northern prefectures and counties of Shuntian Prefecture have poured into the vicinity of Gyeonggi, which has brought great pressure to Shuntian Prefecture. Even if there is relief from the imperial court, it is still difficult , especially now is not the time when Yuanxi's finances were healthy.

After the thirty-fifth year of Yuanxi, the financial resources of the imperial court became increasingly weak. Although the Imchen Japanese Invasion had ended with a victory in Dazhou, it dealt a heavy blow to Dazhou's finances. In a sense, Emperor Yuanxi's voluntary abdication was actually a It was a disguised pick-and-roll, and it was really hard to find a better solution to the financial constraints, and faced with the political criticism of the six voyages to the south of the Yangtze River, the exhausted Emperor Yuanxi took the initiative to abdicate.

This kind of financial difficulty was even more difficult after Emperor Yonglong ascended the throne, and it improved a little after the opening of the sea. However, the series of rebellions in Ningxia and the rise of Jianzhou Jurchen brought huge military pressure to Liaodong. The Banzhou Rebellion dragged the slightly improved finances to the brink of collapse.

If tens of thousands of laborers can be drawn from the refugees in Shuntianfu, not only can the concrete road construction from Lulong-Funing-Yuguan be started immediately, but also a part of the labor force can be attracted to build and serve Yuguan Port, which will become more and more busy in the future. .

Feng Ziying even considered that if the conditions are ripe, the iron ore, iron smelting, iron making, charcoal burning, and cement industries in the three counties of Qian'an, Lulong, and Luanzhou in Yongping Prefecture can increase in scale, and the Luanzhou-Lulong It is not impossible to build the Qian'an-Lulong road according to the standard.

  Of course, the premise is that the scale of the coal-iron building materials complex industry in Yongping Prefecture has reached a considerable level. Only when merchants feel that the transportation of goods is more cost-effective and profitable after the road is completed, they may be willing to continue to invest in support.

If the Lulong-Funing-Yuguan road is completed a year later, then this part of the labor force can either consider transferring to several major mines, iron smelting workshops, iron factories, charcoal plants and cement factories to make a living, or let Yuguan Feng Ziying believes that by that time, it will not be a problem to absorb the 20,000 to 30,000 laborers, and it may not even be enough.

"Ziying, the imperial court has come to order us to prepare to accept more than 20,000 refugees from Miyun, Huairou and some Jizhou households. There are about 22,000 households, which is close to 90,000 people. It is estimated that they will be successively accepted in more than a month. Come on."

  Zhu Zhiren sighed, holding the official letter in his hand, not without worry.

   This is an official document from the cabinet through the Secretary of General Administration, which means that there is no room for negotiation.

  Of course, Feng Ziying had already got through with him before. In a sense, this was Zhu Zhiren’s last government work as the prefect of Yongping Prefecture.

After meeting with the representatives of Shanxi businessmen, Zhu Zhiren felt a little relieved. With the backing of this group of Shanxi business groups with strong financial resources, at least the situation will not be too bad, and Feng Ziying has already transferred from Shandong and Jiangnan through various relationships. Over there to buy grain and cloth, in order to cope with the arrival of refugees.

As for equipment such as shovels, shovels, hoes, picks, and carts, Yongping itself is a large producer, so don’t worry, they can be ready within half a month, and now Qian’an, Lulong, and Yuguan are all Cement plants have been built, and the three companies are producing at the same time, which is more than enough to meet the needs of the entire road construction, and there is still a considerable surplus for export.

"Fu Zun, don't worry, I have already greeted the Funing and Lulong County Yamen, and I have also communicated with the Shanhaiguan side. Some materials such as wood, fodder, charcoal, bedding, etc. that should be prepared are also available. The merchants have already started to prepare, and I guarantee that nothing will be missed.”

  Feng Ziying knows that Zhu Zhiren is very worried about the problems caused by the refugees coming. The epidemic is politically responsible for freezing to death and starving to death.

  Feng Ziying also knew in her heart that Zhu Zhiren did not agree with this matter, but Feng Ziying pushed hard, and businessmen also came to "visit" him. If he still doesn't understand the mystery here, then he is ignorant of current affairs.

Of course, Zhu Zhiren also knows that this kind of thing will definitely be extremely beneficial to the future development of Yongping Mansion. Looking at the several major industries that are becoming more and more prosperous now, and the caravans that have also begun to appear on the grassland, they come here directly, and Yuguan Hong Kong's prosperity, everyone knows that this trend is unstoppable.

  Sometimes Zhu Zhiren felt that Feng Ziying was more like a magistrate, while he was just a puppet, responsible for sitting in the lobby every day, humming and nodding a few times, and it was a good thing.

However, with his age and experience, at this time, he will naturally not argue with Feng Ziying about these things. He just wants to survive the past few months and go to Beijing in peace, and the filial piety of the merchants is not missing a penny from him. Also happy to see it succeed.

The only troublesome thing is that the local gentry are a little jealous now. They used to look on coldly at Shanshan businessmen coming in to open mines and build factories. It’s not like they haven’t seen mines and iron factories before. The good conditions in Zunhua make it difficult for them to move forward now. Yes, whether it is Qian'an or Lulong, the conditions are not better than Zunhua, and whether it is roads, craftsmanship, or export channels are difficult, so the local gentry are not optimistic at all.

  But when Foshan Zhuangji came with a large number of craftsmen, and Yuguan Port opened to navigation, and the ordnance factory jointly established with the Ministry of War Armament Bureau was completed and put into operation, everyone couldn't sit still.

  So when the Mongols invaded, many of the local gentry were not without malicious hope that the Mongols would give these foreign businessmen a big looting, and it would be best to completely sweep away these foreign businessmen.

It’s just that Feng Ziying warned in advance that the Shanxi merchants’ plan for a rainy day made the local gentry’s ideas come to naught, and then they watched the Mongols smash their halberds and move to the city, and then the Mongols actually retreated to the Santun Camp in the northwest corner. After overthrowing the Beijing camp, they will never go south again. The gentry in Yongping couldn't believe this kind of bizarre and magical plot.

  Now Shanshan merchants are starting to expand again. Seeing that the huge amount of money may be filling the pockets of Shanshan merchants, the local gentry can't sit still.

  No one wants to feel sorry for the money, and watching foreign businessmen earn money on their own land, there is no reason why they should not join in and take a share.

  The first thing they are looking for is the prefect.

"Ziying, I heard that the Shanshan-Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce is planning to expand in Qian'an and Lulong, and also explore and mine in Luanzhou?" Zhu Zhiren coughed dryly and accepted the offer from the local gentry in Yongping Prefecture with a smile. For gifts, Zhu Zhiren is also a man of rules, so naturally he has to say peace for them.

"Well, Luanzhou has actually been explored at the beginning, but at the beginning I thought that Lulong and Qian'an had better conditions and were closer to Yuguan, so I opened mines and factories in Qian'an and Lulong first, and now since Yuguan As the throughput capacity of the port continues to expand, it is reasonable to expand the scale appropriately, and it just so happens that these migrant laborers can also be added in the future, just right."

  Feng Ziying hadn't reacted yet, but seeing Zhu Zhiren's somewhat artificial dry cough, he knew that something should be wrong.

   "Fu Zun, what's the matter?"

"Ziying, you have been in Yongping Mansion for more than half a year. It is good for you to introduce merchants from Shanxi Province to Yongping, but we must not ignore our local gentry and merchants in Yongping. Now some rumors say that although you You are a scholar from the north, but you are too partial to Shanxi merchants, and you treat us Beizhili and even Yongping gentlemen and merchants as if they are like shoes, which is not good for your reputation."

Zhu Zhiren didn't have much inclination in his words, "I'm getting old, and you will have to take care of Yongping Mansion's affairs in the future. I thought these local gentry could still be divided and used by you. "

   "My lord, don't you know that these guys went to the capital city to sue the imperial court, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate received no less than ten papers about me?"

"Hey, Ziying, there are things like this everywhere, if you have to worry about everything, then you can't do things." Zhu Zhiren coughed again, "I mean, on this land, after all, they are Local snakes, now that they are willing to give in, we might as well give them a step up. In addition, the Shanshan merchant family is dominant, too strong, and it is not in the interests of our government. It is best to have a check and balance,..."

  Zhu Zhiren's words were not unreasonable, but Feng Ziying did not intend to spare these gentry easily, even if they were to be given a chance, they had to show their attitude.

"My lord, this matter is not in a hurry. I know these guys are jealous now, but at the beginning we got a lot of anger from these guys, and they also caused us a lot of stumbling blocks. How can we just hand over a few words?" Let's make a difference?" Feng Ziying said cheerfully: "At any rate, I have to deal with them. Don't worry, I will naturally do what you said, but wouldn't it be better to wait? If you ask, you will just pretend Blame me, just push the responsibility on me, let these guys also feel anxious for a while, and feel the suffocation we had in the past."

  Zhu Zhiren also laughed. This guy really knows how to learn quickly. His mind is more agile than anyone else. I can also endure the temper of this group of Yongping gentry, and I have not been less spoiled by these guys over the years.

  (end of this chapter)

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