Number of People

Chapter 1157: Geng Scroll Wind Snow Road (1)

  Chapter 1157 Geng Scroll Wind and Snow Road (1)

   Entering late November, a sudden blizzard swept across Gyeonggi and Gyeongdong, which marked that the entire North Zhili has entered the midwinter season.

The entire official road from Tongzhou, Shunyi, and Pinggu to the east was submerged in white snow, and the thick snow that covered the ankles made all travel on the road disappear. Of course, this is just an ordinary trip, and tens of thousands of people are still struggling. From Tongzhou-Xianghe-Baodi, cross the frozen Baoqiu River, Gu River and Wei River, and arrive at Fengrun.

  They will rest in Fengrun for a while before entering Zhenzi Town in Luanzhou, which is also known as the "No. 1 Town in Jingdong"—Yongping Prefecture. They will accept simple arrangements here, and then proceed to Lulong.

  This is only the migration route of the southern route, while the other route is the northern route.

Gather from Sanhe and Pinggu, then pass through Jizhou, cross the Lihe River that has also been frozen long ago along the official road passing through Shimen Town, go down from Zunhua and Santunying along the Luan River to Qian'an, and then from Qian'an to Qian'an Funing.

The goose feather snow fell silently, and the whole world was covered by flying snowflakes. There was no one in the vast expanse of whiteness, except for the slightly undulating mountains in the distance covered in silver, and the old black doors and windows exposed under the eaves of a nearby post station. , a wine trick was hanging down alone in the snow, looking very lonely.

  In fact, this should be the busiest post road from the capital to Yongping to Liaodong.

"Lei Si, why don't you hurry up and go to the room to have a look. I always feel that the rafters are creaking, but don't be crushed by the snow." The old Luan who came out was dug into the neck of the cold wind blowing on his face, so cold that he quickly put his hands into his arms, stomped and jumped, "Hurry up, if the roof collapses, it's a small matter. The guests are suppressed, and we cannot afford to pay."

   "Shopkeeper, didn't the roof be replaced last year?" The young worker named Lei Si came out with some dissatisfaction, holding a ladder, and looked up and down the roof.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and see, if you can't do it, use a broom to sweep it for me. Who knows how much snow has accumulated in this f*cking night, and it's not small now. If this continues, no one can afford it." Luan Ping was not polite. He kicked Lei Si firmly.

   Lei Si had no choice but to grit his teeth and shrink his neck to put the ladder on the eaves. White mist gushed out from his mouth and nose.

There was a rush of horseshoes in the distance. In this weather, not only is there snow on the road, but there is also thin ice on the road. Equestrians who are not good at horsemanship dare not be so presumptuous, let alone a caravan. The scruples of galloping horses, except for urgent reports, are only possible for the cavalry in the army.

   Both Luan Ping and Lei Si turned their heads and looked east.

This is the only way to go from Fengrun to Zhenzi Town, and it is also the last stop of this official road in Shuntian Prefecture. Next to it is a post station, and this restaurant and hotel was born on the basis of the post station. When people enter the inn, ordinary travelers and merchants can only choose this hotel.

The Mongols have completely retreated. There are three camps in the north, and the cavalry in Jizhen has officially entered and recovered. It is said that a group of Mongolian soldiers were defeated by Minzhuang and the remnants of the Beijing camp in Yongping, and hundreds of them were captured. This is a new thing. Thing, didn't it mean that the **** in the Beijing camp were all beaten to pieces by the Mongols? How can it regain its glory?

   There are about five or six riders here. They are pure horses. They don't look like cavalry in the army, but they don't look like businessmen either. The businessmen don't have such good horses.

   Both Luan Ping and Lei Si couldn't hold on.

There is already no room to sit inside. Due to the sudden increase in the snow, the guests who stayed overnight last night did not have time to leave, and one or two groups of people who rushed out from Fengrun found it difficult to persist on the road, so they all chose In order to hit the tip and rest here.

  "Shopkeeper, prepare two tables for seven people, quickly boil some pots of hot wine, and prepare some appetizers by the way."

The first person was very young, with a black face and falcon eyes, cold eyes, not to mention scary, but a little more presumptuous, a narrow sharp knife resting on the back of the waist, a sharkskin sheath with heavy wear marks, it was obviously a bribe It is a thing of human life, not the saber and saber that ordinary scholars use to decorate.

   "Master, I'm afraid I can't make up a table,..."

   Before Luan Ping could finish speaking, the other party suddenly said "um", and his eyes suddenly turned cold, making Luan Ping subconsciously shrink back.

"Okay, Kunshan, where's your temper? They're all hard-working people. It's snowing. Boss, let's get a table. It seems that Bojiagou is the only one that can do it this way. It’s getting a little popular, let’s make do with it.”

  The voice behind the black-faced youth seemed to be very young, and his words were not harsh, but there was an aura that could not be rejected.

It was only at this time that Luan Ping could clearly see the person behind the black-faced young man. He was wearing a very ordinary blue cotton robe, but there was a black leather belt around his waist. It was neither an official's jade belt nor an ordinary merchant's cloth belt. The kind of leather belt is more similar to the leather belt used by the children of some aristocratic families, which can be both decorative and practical.

  Sword-browed and bright-eyed, with a face like a crown of jade, tall, but a bit more high-spirited and oppressive than ordinary children from aristocratic families, wandering around, there is an indescribably sharp and sharp feeling.

   "Hey, hey, okay, if you don't mind my son, then I'll make room for you guys and make do with it. In this snowy day, be careful not to fall when walking..."

It's not like Luan Ping has never seen a big man. In the early years, Li Chengliang went to Liaodong for the second time to serve as the general soldier of Liaodong. He passed here, but he only came out quietly after hiding in the mountains for two days, and even hunted and killed a Chahar cavalryman.

He also worked as a horse thief for a while when he was forced to earn a living. Later, he found that this horse thief was not easy to do. Fortunately, he did not get involved deeply, so he quickly slipped out and returned to his hometown. To settle down.

Because he has traveled all over the world and has seen a lot of worlds, he can be regarded as a small person in the land from Yutian, Fengrun to Luanzhou and Lulong. He is the Kaiping Zhongtunwei and Liangcheng in the south. , He also has a few friends who can talk, so he is not very afraid of officials and figures in the underworld.

Some time ago, the Horqin cavalry went south to harass this area. He also picked up the bow and arrow hunting knife to fight again, but he no longer had the blood and courage of the past when he already had a wife and children. After hard persuasion, in the end, he had no choice but to drop his hunting knife, bow and arrow, and hide in the mountains in desperation. He didn't come back until the Mongols withdrew.

  He was used to seeing big scenes, but this time he felt an inexplicable sense of restraint when facing the young man in front of him.

   This feeling was just passing by, he shook his head, and pushed Lei Si to go into the house quickly.

The person who came was naturally Feng Ziying and his party, and the black-faced young man was naturally Zuo Liangyu. It was rare that Zuo Liangyu insisted on coming out this time when he was free, but Feng Ziying was stubborn, but the other party had no choice but to agree. Except for Zuo Liangyu, Only Wu Yaoqing brought a few guards.

Although the Mongols withdrew, but during this period of time, whether it was the scattered soldiers of the Mongols who became horse thieves, or the deserters who broke up in the Beijing camp and did not want to return to the army, there were zero zero in Shuntian Prefecture and Yongping Prefecture. There are at least hundreds of scattered people.

  Some of them hid in the mountains in groups of three or five, and came out to fish when they chose time, and some of them gathered in groups of thirty or fifty, and even entangled with the horse bandits that existed in this area, and they were even more powerful.

  Now neither the Jizhen Army nor the newly formed new army in Yongping have the energy to clean up this area, so incidents of looting caravans have occurred frequently during this period.

  Feng Ziying and his party came across the border, naturally, for the group of refugees who set off eastward from Shuntianfu.

  After getting these refugees to go eastward in two ways, on the one hand, he arranged for the merchants and the local government to make some preparations, and on the other hand, he also came to see the situation of these refugees in advance because of the cold weather.

It is reasonable to say that the officials of Shuntian Prefecture are responsible for sending these refugees to Santunying on the northern line, and Zhenzi Town on the southern line to be considered as the official handover, but Feng Ziying is not at ease with these officials. Unpleasant work is hated by everyone.

   This group of refugees has nothing to offer, but it is urgently needed for Yongping. Feng Ziying doesn't want any troubles, and during this difficult journey, Feng Ziying is also more worried that the Bailian Church will take the opportunity to make trouble during this period.

   "Yaoqing, the snow is so heavy, these refugees must be offended." Feng Ziying breathed out, looking to the west.

"My lord, when the weather meets it, it will meet it. At any rate, Shuntian Mansion has prepared some dry food for them. I think that after the flood in the Huaihe River, there was a drought again, and people fleeing famine everywhere starved to death on the road. No matter how tired you are from the cold, it’s better than starving to death, right?”

  Wu Yaoqing thinks it's normal. It's heaven for these refugees to let the government take care of you for a few days to make porridge and cook cakes. It's not enough. Could it be that you have to rest when it's snowing and can't walk? Do you really think that you are here as a guest?

"Besides, didn't your lord also arrange for the county to prepare enough hot soup and wheat cakes in Santunying and Zhenzi Town? You can be said to be kind to these refugees. No one can say anything wrong. If I were These refugees should all want to build a shrine for the adults."

   "Nonsense!" Feng Ziying cursed with a smile, who dares to do this Jiansheng Temple? I am impatient to live, and I feel like my life is too long.

   "Hey, my subordinates are also using an analogy." Wu Yaoqing also felt that he was breaking his promise, so he quickly explained: "My lord, go in."

  While talking, the guy also came out, "Gentlemen, leave the horse to the younger one, and invite you inside, the shopkeeper has made arrangements for you."

   "Well, the horse is well settled down, don't starve and freeze, money and silver will not be lost to you." A man under Wu Yaoqing handed the reins to the other party, "My lord, wait a moment, I will sink in and have a look."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "It's not possible, Fengrun is only 20 miles away from here, can it still be..."

   "My lord, don't ignore it. There are so many fleeing soldiers, and I have never been clear on my own side, so I have to be careful." Wu Yaoqing shook his head and signaled his subordinates to go in and check.

  Na Lei Si vaguely heard the other party's words, and was also surprised. Could it be that they are really officials? Looking at these healthy horses again, all of them are top-notch horses, and even the stage horses are not as good as them, so I feel even more puzzled.

  What kind of official can you be at such a young age? I'm afraid it's an official of the seventh or eighth rank, a patrol inspector or a master book? Can the inspection or master book afford such a good horse? I have to arrange for someone to go in and check it out first. Do you really think this hotel next to the post station is a black shop?

Seeing the guy staring at him suspiciously for a while, he led the horse to the stable in the back yard, Feng Ziying ignored it until two of the four people who went in came out and nodded, indicating that there was no major problem inside, Feng Ziying took the lead And enter.

  (end of this chapter)

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