Number of People

Chapter 1158: Geng Scroll Wind Snow Road (2)

  Chapter 1158 Geng Scroll Wind and Snow Road (2)

  Open the straw curtains and cotton curtains, and you will be greeted by a burst of smoke and noise, which makes people feel very comfortable.

There is a brazier in each of the four corners and the middle of the lobby. The four corners are slightly smaller, but the brazier in the middle is big enough, not much worse than a water tank. The charcoal in it is burning red, of course it cannot be silver frost charcoal , but the birch charcoal that is very common here.

  A dozen or so tables of different sizes filled the entire lobby. About forty or fifty people crowded into such a slightly narrow hall.

  Feng Ziying and his group came in seven or eight people at once, making the whole scene even more crowded.

  However, they are all away from home, and when they encounter this kind of weather, they can still understand it. Even if some people curse and say that the shopkeeper only cares about making money, no matter how much he can fit, they are just venting a few words verbally.

Perhaps it was because Feng Ziying and his group came in with extraordinary clothes, so after attracting attention for a while, seeing that Feng Ziying and the others did not make any other abnormal actions, coupled with Zuo Liangyu's fierce aura and fierce gaze, people subconsciously wanted to avoid it. , and soon the lobby continued to resume their normal state.

   Seeing Zuo Liangyu's posture, Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

This guy has been working in the army for several years, but he still maintains the aggressive temperament he had in Linqing. He thought he would be able to sharpen some edges and corners in the past few years. Now it seems that it is due to the dual reasons of age and personality. Years, even have to suffer some hardships to slowly wear it down.

  Sister You came in first. She was dressed in men's clothes, but she had snowy skin, gray eyes and chestnut hair, which made it easy for people to detect her alien blood.

   Fortunately, there are many people of all kinds coming and going on this commercial road, and Hu people are not uncommon in the capital city. Even in Yongping Mansion, such as Lulong City and Qian'an City, there are also many Hu people.

They are all descendants of the so-called "Semu people" who came from the Western Regions when they followed the Mongolian army in the Mongol and Yuan eras. .

   These people have been in the Central Plains for a long time, and most of them live with the Han or Mongols, and their descendants are not uncommon in the Northland.

In fact, Third Sister You is a descendant of this type of military household. Her Huren features are slightly lighter than that of Second Sister You, so she only attracted the simple attention of the guests in the hall, and was quickly attracted by Feng Ziying. A group of people came in and took their place.

   Seeing such a lively scene, Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning. It was too lively, and she planned to take a rest here. Such a heavy snowstorm is really not a good time to hurry.

  According to his thinking, he planned to rush to Fengrun before resting, and there he planned to meet the prestigious elders and elders of some clans among these refugees.

The refugee migration route on the southern line is along this path. Tens of thousands of refugees will come here one after another in the next month or so. Almost every day, hundreds of people will trek along the entire official road. Shuntian Mansion This side is eager to send these refugees out of the country as soon as possible, and it is impossible to make many arrangements for them. Yongping Mansion has made some preparations, but they have to enter Yongping territory. OK.

   Fortunately, the shopkeeper chose a corner near the counter for Feng Ziying's seven people. Although it was a bit off, it was a little more spacious, but it was not convenient for the waiting waiters to pass back and forth.

Third Sister You probably hadn’t come out with Feng Ziying for a long time, and she went out with such makeup and clothes. Such a lively scene made her a little excited. Sitting next to Feng Ziying, the greasy energy made the two tables next to her look sideways. Looking at Feng Ziying's gaze is also a little strange.

  After all, Feng Ziying is imposing, and she is the leader at first glance, but why is she so tired of being so crooked with a barbarian kid?

It's just that I was surprised, but no one said much. When I go out, it's only good and not bad to keep my mouth tight. It's also their freedom. , it is somewhat rare.

As soon as Feng Ziying came in, except for Third Sister You who was close to Feng Ziying, Wu Yaoqing and Zuo Liangyu sat on both sides of Feng Ziying and Third Sister You, but the other three sat diagonally opposite Feng Ziying in a half-arc. One can see Feng Ziying's back, and the other two can monitor the flanks on both sides. Such a defensive formation can best avoid accidents.

   There are probably eight or nine groups of people in the hall. There are as many as seven or eight people drinking five or six drinks there.

   After all, it was a restaurant. After drinking a few sips of hot wine, when the wine was hot, the voice of the conversation would inevitably become louder.


   "Can there be fakes?" A middle-aged man with a sullen look disdainfully picked up a chopstick of broad beans and threw them into his mouth.

  These broad beans are dry-fried with oil after being dried in the sun, with some salt and spices added. It has always been a home-cooked dish for this kind of inn restaurant to accompany wine, and it is very popular in the Northland.

"Can't you? Didn't it mean that they almost hit the capital city? Many dignitaries in the capital city sneaked away to Jinling to avoid the limelight." Another fat, white-faced man was obviously the companion of the dull-faced man. A look of disbelief.

"Hmph, what do you know? You always hang around your mother-in-law's skirt, why have you ever inquired about this business?" The man with a bitter face was wearing a gray cotton robe, but he was wearing a thick fox jacket on the outside. The leather vest, with variegated fox fur, is not a good product, but it does not affect the warmth. It is not bad for a business traveler traveling in such wild places to have such a vest.

  The white-faced man blushed, "You said it has nothing to do with our business."

"Why is it irrelevant? If you don't know that Yongping Mansion can capture thousands of Mongolian soldiers at once, how can Qingtai come down so easily on this road? You haven't seen anyone in this hall. According to what you said, then you have to If you have to wait half a month to see what happens, then don’t do business this year.”

  The dry-faced man breathed out the smell of alcohol from his nostrils, and the white-faced man knew he was in the wrong, so he quickly filled up the wine for him.

  Zuo Liangyu and Wu Yaoqing couldn't help smiling when they heard the bragging of the two over there.

   There are thousands of prisoners, but there are more than a hundred captives, and they have tried their best to stay. This will almost become the basis for He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji to return to the Beijing camp in the future.

  If there hadn’t been this battle, and if there weren’t more than a hundred Horqin captives, their fate would have been ill-fated. Now even if the Horqin people wanted to come to ransom them, they wouldn’t even talk about the ransom until the Ministry of War personally approved it.

"But we're going to pick up the goods from Yuguan this time. It's going to be two to three hundred miles away from Yuguan. The road is snowy and slippery. I'm afraid the freight will go up a bit." The white-faced man rubbed his chin, "If you come from the canal and go ashore in Tongzhou, it will be much easier."

"Hmph, I just want to relax, so it's best for you to stay in the house all day long with your wife. In the end, see if your mother-in-law will still be kind to you all day long without the money? Maybe. It's better to slap your **** and leave, and find a rich man to be a concubine or a concubine than to follow your poor family and drink the northwest wind." The white-faced man's companion said angrily: "It's hard work to walk Yuguan But how much are the customs duties along the canal? Shandong alone is enough to expose a layer of skin, and there is a direct increase of 30% in Xuzhou. If you come by sea, you will be exempted from everything. You only smoke once in Yuguan and pass through Tongzhou. How cost-effective it is to enter the city with one pass?"

  The two of them muttered and calculated there. Judging from the meaning of the words, it should be to sell cloth from Songjiang to the capital.

  Songjiang cloth is still the top brand with the largest quantity, the most complete variety, and the most colors in the whole Dazhou. With the convenience of water transportation, cotton cloth in the whole north has also begun to rise, but it is still unable to compete with Songjiang cloth.

Wang Shaoquan once told Feng Ziying that the production of cotton cloth in Shandong is not small, and the quality is good, but it is still inferior to Jiangnan in terms of dyeing, finishing and style, so Shandong cotton cloth is more sold to Liaodong, outside the country, and locally, such as nearby On the contrary, Songjiang cloth is more popular and more expensive in Jingshi City, which is close by.

   "..., it is said that these refugees went to Yongping Mansion to build a road, but why does the road require so many people?"

"Who knows, Miyun Huairou has become a piece of white land, so what can they do when they go back? Either they will die of freezing or starving to death, whether they go to Yongping to build roads or build a city, at least they will be able to fill their stomachs half full, right? "A peddler looking like a peddler holding a bag in his arms at the side and rear said lazily.

   "Hmph, half full? Didn't Yongping Mansion just suffer from a military disaster, didn't the Mongol soldiers also hit Lulong City? Just like Yongping Mansion, where can they get food to feed them? They can't feed themselves, so how can they manage others?"

"You know what, don't you know that Yuguan Port has been open for half a year?" The peddler sarcastically said: "You know that you are looking at an acre of land, and now the western part of Liaoning is basically from Yuguan Port. The goods have been shipped, and now the grain and cloth in Tongzhou are backlogged. The goods that used to go to Liaodong are now at least halved. On the contrary, the iron materials from Yongping have been transported to Tongzhou, making the return journey difficult. But I haven’t found the source of the goods yet, and now it’s time to turn around.”

   "If we all take this sea route, the tax and customs on this route will be exempted, which can indeed save a lot, but the court can't let it go like this?" The companion was still a little unwilling, "Then the canal route will lose a lot of business?"

   "That's not enough. The canal is still the main thing. How much sea transportation can be provided. Yuguan Port is there. I guess the imperial court is just considering Liaodong. The capital should not rely on water transportation?" The peddler shook his head.

  Feng Ziying picked up the wine glass in a leisurely manner and took a sip. All the words in the room were reflected in her ears. It was a rare opportunity to listen to the voices of the people.

  (end of this chapter)

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