Number of People

Chapter 1161: Geng Zijuan is eyeing

  Chapter 1161 Geng Scroll is eyeing

   While Second Sister You was carefully observing the situation of the three people who came, the two men and women behind Su Miao were also evaluating the group of people around Feng Ziying.

There is no doubt that this woman disguised as a man who is very close to Feng Ziying is a character who is not weak in martial arts. The green shark-skin dragon sword on the waist is not an ornament, and it can be seen from the way it is tied by a rope , which is a habit developed through long-term training, it is convenient to pull out with the leg in the shortest time to deliver a fatal blow, and multiple angles can be selected.

It was a beard girl, which surprised both of them, but the saber at the waist was not a machete or bayonet used by traditional barbarians, but a typical weapon used by Han people in the Central Plains, which also made them feel surprised.

  The other five people are also observing and evaluating. Although one of them looks brave and brave, it should only be the aura developed in the military formation, not the ordinary martial arts.

The three people in a triangular array have their own characteristics. One of them uses a knife, which should be a good player in the Northland style, while the other can't see the weapon on his body. He either uses a short weapon or a soft weapon. Or just be good at punching and kicking directly.

  The person on the far side looked stern and calm, with his hands clasped in his sleeves, but there was a dagger hanging around his waist, which could not be discerned, but it was one inch short and one inch dangerous. Maybe this person was the one with the highest martial arts skills here.

  They are also judging how the opponent will intercept and counterattack if they attack suddenly.

   "..., everyone Su, where are you going?"

   "Master Feng is so forgetful, it makes me very sad." Su Miaomiao looked forward, but there was a look of pitiful sadness on her face, "What did Master Feng say that day?"

  Feng Ziying made a haha, this casual invitation, this woman actually really wants to come to Yongping Mansion, isn't she afraid of being suspicious?

  Or feel that you are not afraid of doubts, or you are selfless and magnanimous, or you are sure that there is nothing suspicious about yourself?

   "Is everyone Su really going to Yongping Mansion?"

   "Master Feng doesn't welcome you?" Su Miaoying's eyes lingered on Feng Ziying's face, "I still want to admire your demeanor in the battle of Qian'an, and see how Yongmin Zhuang can defeat the Mongolian soldiers..."

  Feng Ziying frowned. This woman was so outspoken that she couldn't deal with it.

   "Uncle Feng, Master Su,..."

   A soft and gentle voice came from the side, which immediately freed Feng Ziying. It was Jia Rong? !

   At this time, Feng Ziying didn't care about the reason why Jia Rong appeared here, and hurriedly greeted Jia Rong to take a seat: "What a coincidence, Brother Rong, come, come, take a seat, take a seat..."

Jia Rong only brought one servant with him. Before, because his back was facing the door, he was far away, so he didn't notice Feng Ziying and his party coming in. When Su Miao and his party entered, everyone was shocked. Only then did he cast his eyes here, but when everyone was shocked by Su Miao's peerless demeanor, he saw Feng Ziying at a glance.

Compared with these ordinary merchants who are attracted by Su Miao's appearance, and are used to seeing their "daughter-in-law" Qin Keqing and the demeanor of Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai in the Rongguo Mansion, Su Miao, who is almost like a heavenly man in the eyes of others, is no better than Qin Keqing and Lin Daiyu. How is it better than Xue Baochai, and he also met Su Miao in Beijing, although he also thinks that this girl's piano skills are superb, she can be called an oiran, but compared with the future of Ningguo Mansion and the money in her pocket, it is not enough. .

  Seeing Jia Rong's appearance, Feng Ziying finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Obviously, Jia Rong also knows Su Miao, that's good, this way can avoid the embarrassment of both parties, and can also skillfully avoid some sensitive topics.

  Feng Ziying didn't want to mention the new Yongping army, but for some unknown reason, Su Miao was particularly interested, which made Feng Ziying a little wary.

Now Huang Degong's Department has assisted Li Ruzhang's Department to regain Gubeikou, Chaohe Station, Shicheng Box and Huangyakou, and re-establish the line of defense. The Ministry of War has decided that Huang Degong will be promoted soon, and his department will also be expanded into an independent guerrilla department. And Huang Degong will also be directly promoted to guerrilla in order to reward him for his bravery in going out of the fortress without fear of hardships and dangers.

As for how Zuo Liangyu's work will be arranged, it will depend on the Ministry of War's inspection and coordination with the governor's office of Jiliao and the general army of Jizhen. However, in any case, the equipment, drills, etc. of these two parts must not be leaked to the outside world.

   This woman seems to be particularly interested in political and military matters, which makes people suspicious. Shouldn’t this kind of brothel woman be interested in poetry, songs, gifted scholars, beautiful ladies, poetry receptions?

Even if he admires power, he should not be ranked high. A fellow acquaintance of Yongping Mansion, even if compared with Lian Guoshi, Xu Xie, Yang Sichang, Huang Zunsu and other young Beijing officials, he should not be on the same level, and even more so. Needless to say, there are Prince Shou, King Fu, King Li, and King Beijing, who are the real power princes and Wuxun County Kings.

"Brother Rong, have you been lucky enough to hear the fairy voice of Master Su in Beijing?" Jia Rong was flattered by Feng Ziying's enthusiasm, and hurriedly sat down beside him. Second brother Shan Guogong Shi and the others were fortunate to have seen the peerless demeanor of Master Su,..."

   "Master Su, let me introduce you. You may not know it. This is one of my nephews, Jia Rong from the Duke of Ningguo, Baihu from Long Jinwei, a real emperor's personal guard..."

Feng Ziying noticed that Su Miao obviously didn't have much impression of Jia Rong, and a flash of impatience flashed in her eyes, and immediately added the identity of Captain Long to Jia Rong. Sure enough, when she heard that Jia Rong was Captain Long, Su Miao and the two people behind her both It was a strange color passing by.

How did Jia Rong understand the mystery? He, Long Jinwei Baihu, is a donated official. It can be said that he is a purely named Baihu. He has never even entered the office of Long Jinwei in Beijing. This is for his face, and I am grateful in my heart, I hurriedly cupped my hands and said: "In front of the uncle, how dare the little nephew pretend to be the emperor's personal guard..."

   "I didn't expect Mr. Jia to be a member of the Long Jinwei..." Su Miao's heart tightened.

She is very clear about what Long Jinwei does, and Jingzhong Wu Xun has always been a member of Long Jinwei as an official. This is really indescribable.

"They all work for the imperial court, don't they?" Feng Ziying continued with a smile: "Everyone, Su, is going to Yongping Mansion, and it shouldn't be at this time. It's freezing, and Yongping Mansion is poor and remote. With the prosperity and prosperity of the capital city,..."

   "My lord said where did you go? You were able to lead the army to fight **** battles with the Mongols. The concubine is just hiding in the rear. I just want to go to Yongping Mansion to see the demeanor of Yongping men."

The smile on Su Miao's face was so sweet and touching that people couldn't bear to refuse. Feng Ziying could only say haha, "I'm afraid everyone Su will be disappointed. The Yongping new army that stopped the Mongols under Qian'an City has moved to Gubeikou. It's just our soldiers from the Beijing camp, they also worked hard to defeat a part of the Mongols some time ago, to wash away their shame,..."

   "Oh?" Su Miao was a little disappointed, she believed that Feng Ziying still lied to herself on this issue, because she could find out just by going to Yongping Mansion, but isn't the Beijing camp a bunch of trash? The 80,000 army was defeated overnight by the Mongols, why are they still fighting back against the Mongols now?

"You don't believe Su? Why don't you go to Yongping Mansion to find out if it's true?" Feng Ziying didn't explain too much. This woman is really a bit weird. She pays so much attention to military news, but you have to say What kind of plan does she have? It doesn't seem like it. After all, this kind of news is not particularly confidential. Even if it is the situation of the Yongping New Army, if you put your mind to it, it is not impossible to find out, but why is this woman so nervous?

   Besides, what can I do if I find out these news? Do the Mongols need it, or do the Jianzhou Jurchen care? Or Yang Yinglong of Banzhou?

  Feng Ziying doesn't feel like it.

  If it is Prince Yizhong's side, then there is no need to use this method. With the other party's connections, it is easy to obtain this information.

It should be said that Su Miao's arrival immediately attracted Feng Ziying's attention. Those who didn't pay much attention to Feng Ziying's group before also looked at Feng Ziying's group carefully. Of course, they were more curious. Take a look. How could Feng Ziying and his group get such a fairy-like woman to come to their door? Naturally, the group on the other side of the diagonal also checked Feng Ziying's group. I can't help changing my eyes.

   "What's the matter?" The slightly younger man saw the change in the expression of his most capable subordinate, and asked in a deep voice.

   "Second Young Master, did you notice the man sitting with the woman who just came in?" The man lowered his head subconsciously.

   "I see, it looks like a member of the government, what's the problem?" Wang Haoyi glanced over there, and noticed that the young man was chatting and laughing with the woman.

   "That is Feng Keng, Tongzhi of Yongping Prefecture." The man said every word.

   "Really? Did you read that right?" Both brothers Wang Haoli and Wang Haoyi couldn't help but change their colors slightly.

"Second Young Master arranged for a few of us to follow him. This man is extremely alert. He usually surrounds a large number of people when he goes out. It is not easy to get close. His mansion is not far from the Yamen, and he is extremely Afraid of death, he hired many masters as guards in Jianghu,..."

  The two brothers Wang Haoli and Wang Haoyi are the eldest son and second son of Wenxiang leader Wang Sen. The two were ordered by their father, one to go to Gyeonggi for development, and the other to come for the 100,000 refugees who are about to enter Yongping Prefecture.

Wang Haoli took a deep look and observed, and then said in a low voice: "That woman is not simple, although she can't see anything, but when she entered the door earlier, she caused the whole audience to move, and the Tianhu mentality I taught The man and the woman behind her are both masters, especially the man, who has internal energy and has reached the state of returning to the original."

  (end of this chapter)

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