Number of People

Chapter 1162: Geng Scroll Fusha

  Chapter 1162 Geng Scroll Fushi

"Brother, it's a rare opportunity. Didn't my father always say that this new Tongzhi is not a simple character? Besides, he is the only son of the governor Ji Liao of the imperial court, and this place is in the Shuntian prefecture. It happens that he travels across the border in a micro-service. The opportunity is to behead him, and we will have a lot less restraint in Yongping Mansion in the future."

Wang Haoyi looked at his elder brother and lowered his voice: "This man has some tricks. Not only can he suppress the local gentry, but he can also bring in merchants from Shanshan and Shaanxi. He also used the Liaodong soldiers to train the people. His strength is not to be underestimated." Look, if he is allowed to continue like this, Senior Brother Guo Yong will probably struggle in the north as well."

  Wang Haoyi is very clear that if he alone said such things, his brother would never agree, but if he pulls his senior brother Li Guoyong, maybe his brother will be tempted.

In a sense, I, my elder brother, and the third child are all competing on the same line. Although my father is physically strong, he is seventy years old after all, and his father has never made it clear who the Wenxiang lineage belongs to. Come to inherit the great position, now is the time for each to show his talents.

Now that my brother is going to Gyeonggi to develop, he seems to have the upper hand. After all, Shuntian Prefecture is a central place, and every move here can attract the attention of countless people, but also the government's investigation is stronger here. The so-called greater the benefits, the greater the challenge , the greater the risk, it depends on whether the elder brother can achieve something.

In the same way, my father left the foundation of Yongping Mansion to himself, and he also gave him high hopes. From another perspective, Yongping Mansion is the root of Wenxiang Sect. Only by firmly grasping the authority here can we truly Grasp the power of teaching.

It's just that Li Guoyong, his father's favorite disciple, made good friends with his elder brother, which made Wang Haoyi feel very uncomfortable. He also knew that Li Guoyong was actually a **** placed by his elder brother in Yongping Mansion, just like he made friends with Zhang Cuihua and Zhou Yin. Similarly, if the father passed away in the future, who would have the right to teach would depend on who these people supported.

  Wang Haoli naturally knew what his younger brother was thinking, but he also had to admit that Feng Ziying brought huge troubles to Wenxiangjiao after he came to Yongping Mansion.

First of all, this surnamed Feng is Tongzhi, who is in charge of the Qing army and the power of public security. His Qing army directly forced many Wenxiang disciples who were originally hidden in military households to withdraw quietly, because he asked to enter the army or mines and iron factories. The military households in the charcoal field and the charcoal field must bond with each other and must not have joined such clubs as the White Lotus Sect, Wenxiang Sect, Sanyang Society, and Bangchui Society, otherwise they will not be hired.

  This kind of requirement to report each other and guarantee each other directly completely uprooted Wen Xiangjiao's power that has been painstakingly developed in the military households for the past 20 years, forcing many disciples to withdraw from the military households and become civilian households.

Secondly, this fellow confidant is very powerful. He proposed to thoroughly investigate the activities of underground clubs in several states and counties. .

He also asked the people who joined the Congregation, as long as they expressed their repentance and said that they would not join again, they would be fine. If they were unwilling to gather repentants, he asked the local gentry and villages to strictly monitor and even guard them, almost every few days It is necessary to let the head of the village and the head of the village come to check the door, and once there is an outsider in the house, it is required to report immediately, otherwise it will be regarded as a wanted fugitive and reported to the government for arrest.

In fact, there are reasons why the Wenxiang Sect can gain a firm foothold in Luanzhou. On the one hand, the Wang family and the government get along well. In addition, there are many gentry who secretly believe in the Wenxiang Sect and yearn for a vacuum hometown. Close your eyes.

However, after Feng Ziying became the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, this situation began to change. He issued extremely strict orders to all states and counties in Yongping Prefecture, demanding that the Bailian, Wenxiang, and Dong Mahayana sects in the county be punished. , Sanyanghui, Bangchuihui and other clubs were registered and cleaned up, ordered to stop their activities, and bonded as guarantees. The spread in states and counties is greatly threatened.

Developing to the back, even some relationships that were finally established in the Jizhen army in the north were notified by the Yongping Mansion, which made the Jizhen army also start to clean up, such as the Panguan camp in Shanhaiguan and the Jianchang camp in the middle road. It can be said that it took a lot of thought to bring in some disciples. Now their movements are restricted and their mobility is greatly reduced.

  This forced the missionary activities on the Yongping Mansion side to avoid its edge, and to seek a breakthrough, which led to Wang Haoli's trip to the capital.

  But now such an opportunity has appeared, and Wang Haoli and Wang Haoyi couldn't help but feel excited.

  Wang Haoli glanced at the two people beside him, "The problem is that the other side also has guards. I'm afraid the martial arts are not weak, and we are not prepared. If we knew it, we should have brought a few more people."

"Brother, wealth and wealth are in danger, how can there be so many good things just happened to wait for us?" Wang Haoyi stared at his brother, "Look for an opportunity to let Du Fu and Zheng Sizhong use bows and arrows to ambush first, and then Cao Jin and Feng Shimian pounce. , if we miss a hit, we will run away, at this time, they can't chase us in the wild,..."

Wang Haoli saw that his brother was so eager, and he said it so affirmatively. If he didn't respond again, he might be looked down upon by his subordinates. Moreover, Du Fu and Zheng Sizhong were both soldiers from Jianchangying and Santunying. Experts, especially good at bows and arrows, if two people join forces to ambush, they may not be able to kill them with one blow.

"Okay, let's go with them first and take a look at the situation. I guess this time this person crossed the border, and most of them came for refugees. His thoughts on his future promotion achievements are also powerful, which will hinder the great cause of teaching,..." Wang Haoli nodded: "However, we should not rush to make achievements. We must first see the situation and act when the time is right."

  Just when the Wang brothers were planning to ambush Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying had a pleasant conversation with Su Miao and his party.

With Jia Rong as a tool person joining in, Su Miao can't say a lot of things casually, especially Jia Rong is still the identity of Long Jinwei. Although Su Miao is very puzzled by Jia Rong's performance, a hundred households of Long Jinwei She didn't see any traits at all, she was no different from an ordinary official's son, and she was obsequious to Feng Ziying, even a little servile, which made her startled by Feng Ziying, and also added a little bit of steadfastness to her. The determination to bite this man.

"I'm really sorry. Mr. Feng still has to go to Fengrun for business, so I can only invite Master Su and Brother Rong to go to Lulong first. I will go to Fengrun and come back after I finish my official business, which is one or two days. matter,…"

  Feng Ziying simply played Jia Rong's role to the full, of course he knew the purpose of Jia Rong's coming here.

  Wang Xifeng used both Jia Rong and Jia Rui, which really made him a little admired, but after thinking about it, he thought it was quite appropriate. Ni Er had already sent the letter over immediately, and Feng Ziying didn't mind.

Many of the hundreds of low-ranking officers like sentry commanders and captains are offshoots of nobles and concubines who have long since declined. Even the Jia and Wang families are not familiar with them at all. You can come to discuss directly.

  For Feng Ziying's categorical refusal, Su Miao expected it. With so many people on the trip, the other party must have come here for something, but it was a pity that she couldn't find out what the other party was on business.

But Su Miao is not discouraged, she believes that when she arrives in Yongping Mansion, she will naturally have a way to slowly grind out the other party's weaknesses. It is rumored in Beijing that this person is lustful, and now it seems that this person is quite cautious, but occasionally the other party's burning eyes flicker Flash's brilliance still exposed a lot.

  Thinking about her identity, Su Miao can understand the opponent's tricks.

   There is no rush at all, as long as she resorts to means, Su Miao will not worry that the other party will not bow down under her pomegranate skirt, Su Miao is extremely confident in this point.

   "The concubine is here to wish you a smooth business trip and a smooth journey. Yongping Mansion has outstanding people, and I have been famous for a long time since I was in the south of the Yangtze River. I can just take advantage of this two days of leisure for a visit..."

  Feng Ziying gave Jia Rong a wink, and Jia Rong also understood, "Then I would like to entertain Mr. Su in advance for Uncle Feng. After Uncle Feng comes back, I will formally cook wine with everyone Su..."

  The snow fell until the late afternoon, before the clear sky appeared, and the business travelers rushed to travel.

Although the road is muddy, but the end of the year is approaching, everyone has to make a living, so naturally they don't care too much, but Jia Rong and Su Miao and his party are going to rest here for a day, and then set off tomorrow, while Feng Ziying and his party are going straight to the West, go straight to Fengrun County.

  The distance from Bojiagou to Fengrun County is not far. If it is normal, you can get there in an hour. But the road is slippery after the snow, and Feng Ziying and his party didn't arrive until it was almost dark.

Fengrun is located on the south bank of the Weishui River. The Weishui River passes around the city, and then a river channel emerges from the Weishui River at the edge of the city along the water gate of Fengrun County to enter the city. The water door is in and out, which is convenient for cargo transportation.

  Fengrun is the east gate of Shuntian Prefecture, and it is also the only way to enter Beijing from Liaodong and Yongping.

Although it is theoretically possible to enter the capital from Qian'an via Zunhua and then along Jizhou and Sanhe, the official road from Qian'an to Zunhua is rugged and difficult, far less than that from Lulong via Zhenzi Town to Fengrun, Yutian, and Baodi The road of Xianghe and Xianghe is flat and convenient, so more than 90% of business travelers from Liaodong to Kyoto take this road.

  However, the Mongol raids had a great impact on Fengrun some time ago, so when Feng Ziying and his party arrived in Fengrun County, they felt indescribably disorganized and even a bit dilapidated.

   In adjustment state.



  (end of this chapter)

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