Number of People

Chapter 1163: Geng Zijuan works hard

  Chapter 1163 Geng Zijuan is immersed in work

  Seeing that Fengrun, which was prosperous and prosperous in the past, has turned into this situation, Feng Ziying and his party are a little bit moved.

Whether it is Feng Ziying or Wu Yaoqing, it is not rare to pass through Fengrun. Fengrun, as the throat of Gyeonggi, is the same as Miyun, Yanqing, Zhuozhou, and Tianjin. , and Yongping Mansion is also an important place in Jingdong, so it is not as important as the other places in terms of garrison and defense, but it is more superior in terms of commercial prosperity.

Because of this, when I imagined the bustling scene of Fengrun more than half a year ago when I left Jingshidong to work in Yongping Mansion, although it seems that there are many people now, the pedestrians and business travelers are a little more worried and gloomy. The inside and outside of the city gate were also in a mess, and there were exclamations from time to time, and it was unknown whether they were raped by beggars, or picked up by thieves, or the older girls and younger daughter-in-laws who were overlooking were taken advantage of by others.

Shaking her head, Feng Ziying could only shake her head. This is not Yongping Mansion, but the territory of Shuntian Mansion. Even a county magistrate is an important figure, and basically can involve important officials in Beijing. All of them are well connected.

   "Sir, do you need to go to the county government office?" Wu Yaoqingce immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Forget it, why bother to annoy people, I guess the county is just trying to get back to normal, and tens of thousands of refugees will be crossing the border soon, and people may be very dissatisfied with us." Feng Ziying smiled, " There is someone coming from the Ministry of Households. You can contact me at that time. I will see you. The main thing is to meet with the representatives of these refugees. Let’s talk about it first and then we will not mess up. When you arrive in Yongping Mansion, you must abide by the rules of Yongping Mansion. Don’t blame me for being unpredictable.”

"If Shuntian Mansion wants to think this way, then I'm afraid it's too narrow-minded. If the 100,000 refugees are backlogged in Shuntian Mansion, Fengrun's side will be better, but Wanping and Daxing counties are definitely under greater pressure. Tongzhou There is no peace, we are helping them solve their problems." Wu Yaoqing disagreed.

"That's what you say, but Fengrun County doesn't think so. They only think how much trouble these 100,000 people crossing the border will bring them. Even though the imperial court prepared some rice and wheat, but other soup, firewood, roads, You have to guarantee law and order, right? But looking at the current situation in Fengrun, I’m afraid it will take some time for them to return to their original state, not to mention there are 100,000 people crossing the border, how can they be happy?”

What Feng Ziying said was true. Yongping Mansion had set up about ten resting points along the official road for more than 100 miles in the territory. Firewood, hot water, porridge and soup were basically guaranteed. The rainy and snowy weather was still as difficult. Obviously, Shuntian Prefecture did not make such preparations in advance, and these counties did not have much enthusiasm, and they often dealt with things perfunctorily.

  Because of this, Feng Ziying was very worried that these refugees would collapse if they could not reach Yongping territory at all under this kind of weather.

   This is also the main reason why he came to Fengrun early.

  At least there are people from the household department, and they can say hello to the officials of Yutian and Fengrun counties, which may have some effect and will not be too ugly.

Now the refugees are already on the road. The 100,000 refugees are divided into two lines, north and south, stretching for hundreds of miles. The south line is from Xianghe-Baodi-Yutian-Fengrun. According to the news from there, the front-end of the refugees is about to reach Fengrun. The county seat is over, and the tail has just left Xianghe.

   "My lord is still benevolent and righteous. The preparations in Yongping Prefecture are so appropriate that even the locals say that your lord is the only benevolent parent official." Wu Yaoqing flattered.

"Hehe, it's not just my kindness. Without the 'generosity' of Shanshan merchants, I can't get so much food and cloth and cotton. They will bow their heads. If they don't have these things, they will have to ask for them in ten days at most." Frozen to death, starved to death, and died of illness." Feng Ziying said calmly: "My idea is to let these people quickly become labor force, let the roads be repaired as soon as possible, and the iron factories, charcoal fields, and mines be moved as soon as possible, so that We don’t have much time for Yuguan Port to prosper as soon as possible to ensure the supply of Liaodong. Although Shanxi merchants have different goals and ideas from mine, they are objectively the same. They want to make money and I want to make it happen. It's as simple as that."

"But no matter what, if you do this, your lord can save countless lives. It can be called unparalleled benevolence and righteousness." Wu Yaoqing insisted, "I am from Xuzhou, and I have seen too many such situations in Xuzhou. Whether it is military disasters or natural disasters, refugees Scattering and running around, it is not bad if seven or eight adults survive in the end. Thousands or tens of thousands of people died of starvation, freezing, and disease. In fact, many people can survive, not because of lack of warmth and food. , As for medical treatment and medicine, they are all secondary, most of the diseases are starved or frozen,..."

Of course, Feng Ziying knows that under the cold and hunger, the body's immunity will naturally decline, and the disease will take advantage of it. Without good drinking water and diet, the natural disease is more likely to be infected. This has been demonstrated by modern science, but in this The era has not been paid attention to.

A few years ago, I didn't organize and write the "Preparation for Epidemic Prevention", and the imperial court also attached great importance to it, but it was more limited to epidemic prevention after floods and droughts. Like this kind of refugee trekking in winter, how can ordinary officials control you so much? many.

"Okay, Yaoqing, we don't need to talk about these things when we do things. If we are in his position to manage our affairs, like here in Fengrun, I can only do my best to remind my colleagues in the household department. If I talk too much, it may attract dissatisfaction There is a necessary rift, but in Yongping Mansion, everything must be done according to what I say." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Let's do our own thing well."

A group of people first went to live in a Juzhian Inn in the city, and then Wu Yaoqing went to the Fengrun County Government Office on behalf of Feng Ziying to inquire about the whereabouts of the officials of the household department. stick.

  Two household officials, one is the deputy head of the General Affairs Department, and the other is an official.

  Feng Ziying's initiative to hand over the greeting card is also a kind of respect, which flattered the deputy director. Xiao Feng Xiu's name is famous in the capital, who knows?

   Even if Yongping is released to the outside world now, it is only temporary. Everyone knows that once Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's term expires, he will definitely be promoted, and by then it will be no problem.

  The head of the household department is just a sixth-rank official, and the deputy chief is just a seventh-rank official. Feng Ziying, who is a fifth-rank official, took the initiative to pay a visit, which is undoubtedly a kind of respect and courtesy.

"Who am I? It turns out to be Brother Wen Qi." After Feng Ziying learned the name of the deputy head of the household department, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and met another historical celebrity whom she had an impression of, Wen Zhenmeng, three years ago Wen Zhengming's grandson, who passed the Jinshi exam together with himself, was just a top-ranked Jinshi, but because of his grandfather's name, the top-ranked Jinshi still stayed in the household department after the end of his observation of politics.

His grandfather Wen Zhengming's history is slightly different from his previous life, but it is roughly the same. During the reign of Emperor Taihe, he failed many scientific examinations, but he was famous for his poems, essays, books, and paintings, especially his painting skills and collection. Famous all over the south of the Yangtze River, together with Tang Yin, Xu Zhenqing, and Zhu Yunming, they are known as the "Four Talents in Wuzhong".

  Wen Zhenmeng can be regarded as a late bloomer, at the age of thirty-three, that is, in the fifth year of Yonglong, he and his nephew Yao Ximeng passed the Jinshi examination together, but Yao Ximeng passed the examination and saw the second-class Jinshi, and he was a third-class Jinshi, which is also a good story.

The reason why I can have an impression is that Feng Ziying can remember his grandfather's reputation in history, coupled with the good story that he and Yao Ximeng's nephew were Jinshi together, and they are both members of the Donglin Party, but there is no Donglin in this world. Lin Party, but only the looming Southern Party, Northern Party and Chu Party.

   "Ziying, long time no see." Wen Zhenmeng didn't have much friendship with Feng Ziying, but his nephew Yao Ximeng had a very close relationship with Feng Ziying's best friend Xu Qixun because they were both from Suzhou, so Wen Zhenmeng and Xu Qixun were fairly familiar with each other.

   "Brother Wen Qi, you've worked hard this time, and it's hard work for Brother Wen Qi to come here in such bad weather. Now that it's over, I'll call Hu Chen and Brother Meng together, and let's talk about it."

Meng Chang is the name of Yao Ximeng, Wen Zhenmeng's nephew. Yao Ximeng is also familiar with Feng Ziying because of his relationship with Xu Qixun, so this is not only the same subject, but also Xu Qixun's township party relationship, so under these circumstances, it can be considered unavoidable. circle relationship.

Wen Zhenmeng also laughed, "Ziying, let's settle the matter in front of me first. I heard that you made a decisive decision in Yongping Mansion. You said that you were the one who brought in 100,000 refugees. This Shanshan businessman really You have contributed so much to your Yongping Mansion, so you can work so hard for them?"

  Although Wen Zhenmeng said these words with a smile, Feng Ziying could still understand some meaning hidden in the words.

Wen Zhenmeng and Yao Ximeng's uncle and nephew should be said to be quite good in terms of character and ability, but they are both scholars from the south of the Yangtze River. Naturally, it is impossible to get too close to Feng Ziying, who is the leader of young scholars in the North. On the contrary, They are still relatively close to people like Huang Zunsu, Xu Xie, and Wu Yan.

Feng Ziying didn't expect that Wen Zhenmeng still had a bit of a temper. As soon as he came, he pointed out that he seemed to be kidnapped by a merchant, and seemed to be too domineering, above the magistrate. It seems that many people still watched his actions in Yongping Mansion. In the eyes.

   But having said that, from the perspective of the other party, it seems that it is more euphemistic.

   Zhu Zhiren didn't quite approve of the introduction of refugees, and he was the one who took the lead, and the other party didn't object. As for being kidnapped by a merchant, isn't he **** with a Shanshan merchant now?

  At least in Yongping Mansion, everyone is prosperous and hurt, but is there any problem?

  As long as I can control Shanxi merchants so that they will not collude with Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols like Shanxi merchants in history, and gradually transform from traditional sellers to industrial merchants, why not do it?

  (end of this chapter)

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