Number of People

Chapter 1166: Geng Zijuan with a heart

  Chapter 1166 The Geng Scroll

"Yi Tian, ​​what do you think of this person?" After entering the room, Su Miao withdrew her previous cold demeanor and replaced it with a deep and gloomy feeling, holding a small folding fan with one hand and gently playing with it .

"Miss is very interested in this person?" The man who looked like a scabbard blade also hid the strong murderous aura on his body, frowned and said: "This man's martial arts skills are very ordinary, but the woman next to him who disguises himself as a man can't." Look down, but if she makes a sudden attack, she can't hide from my three moves, if she meets her head-on, within thirty moves, if she can't escape, I can kill her."

"What about the other people?" Su Miao said with great interest: "Feng Keng is not good at martial arts, I know that, but he can make a group of people repel the Mongolian cavalry. Several times the enemy still failed to win, which makes me very curious, and I always have to understand the reason for the opponent's victory to feel at ease."

"Could it be that his father specially sent a bodyguard to protect him..." Yoshida Hideji didn't quite believe that a civil servant could have such courage and strategy, and frowned, "That black-faced young man looks like a samurai. The killing intent should have been tempered in countless battles on the battlefield. The other person is very ordinary and can't see anything. The other three should be masters of the Central Plains martial arts, but the level is not particularly high. They, but it's more difficult to kill them, I'm not sure about one against three."

  Beating and killing the opponent are two concepts, and Yoshida also uses this method to introduce the level of the opponent.

"Yoshida, Feng Keng is not a simple person. After the death of the Taiko, General Ieyasu turned to General Ieyasu. Until now, General Hidetada and General Ieyasu have different views. At present, there are still people in the country who do not agree with the general, but the general cannot do it. Using martial arts, so relying on external wars to establish military honors is also a choice of General Xiuzhong,..."

  Su Miao's words made Yoshida Hideji nod silently. The main purpose of their group to go north was to get a comprehensive understanding of the confrontation between Da Zhou and the Mongols and Jurchens in the north.

"Miss, we have been away from China for too long, and we are no longer as comfortable in China as before the Battle of Bunroku Keicho more than ten years ago." Yoshida Hideji shook his head, "I don't know the purpose of General Terasawa and the others entering Jiangnan this time. , but what kind of harassment is meaningless, if General Xiuzhong only uses this force, it will be difficult to achieve even the diversion effect."

"This is not achieved overnight, we can only take it slowly." Su Miao said calmly: "Master Wakibata asked us to collect all the information we can, which is in itself a long-term consideration. Three thousand troops are not even enough to attack and harass. It doesn't mean anything at once, General Xiuzhong may use them to test how the state of Dazhou is compared to 20 years ago, but now it seems that Dazhou is much worse than it was in 20 years in some respects, but After all, Dazhou is so big and there are so many talents, we can’t underestimate it.”

"Miss, are you talking about this Feng Keng? You think of him too highly. He is just a civil servant with the help of his father's shadow. He may still have some ability, but if you say that he can threaten us, I really don't know." See." Yoshida Hideji disagreed.

"Hmph, Yoshida, prejudice has blinded your eyes. Thinking that Yongping's new army can defeat the Mongols, you will know that it is not easy. Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle. Once we really want to fight Dazhou, we urgently need to master every one of them." The basic situation of every civil servant and general in the army, and even the various complex relationships within them, so that we can determine the most appropriate countermeasures for us."

  Su Miao's words surprised Yoshida Hideji, "Miss, Master Terasawa and the others don't have the ability to attack China, right?"

"Of course not now, but what about in the future?" Su Miao said coldly, "The battle of Wenlu Qingchang fell short because of Taige's death, but we can already have a glimpse of the weakness of North Korea and the inadequacy of Dazhou, Xiuzhong If the general wants to inherit the glory of General Ieyasu, and prove that the Tokugawa family can replace the Toyotomi family, he must continue to carry on Taiko's behest. Otherwise, why should Terasawa and Wakiita-sama take such actions? "

Su Miao's words kept Yoshida Hideji silent for a while. Domestically, there are still some opinions on General Ieyasu's replacement of Toyotomi's line. After all, Taiko unified Japan and achieved brilliant achievements. , so there are also many domestic supporters of Hideyori, which also makes General Ieyasu very troubled and worried.

"At this stage, we need to understand and evaluate the true strength of Dazhou. In the past ten years, we in Japan have paid little attention to China's affairs. There have been some changes in their internal and external environment. Did we ever expect the rise of Jianzhou Jurchens? ?Now its pressure on Dazhou has even surpassed that of the Mongols. Liaodong has replaced Jizhen and Xuanfu to become the most elite military town in Dazhou. It is to fight against Jianzhou Jurchen. It will definitely affect our strategy against North Korea. ,..."

  Yoshida Hideji finally nodded: "The lady means..."

"This Feng Keng is the son of Feng Tang, the governor of Jiliao, and Yongping Mansion is the throat of the Central Plains' supplies to Liaodong. He served as a co-instructor here, and he also defeated the Mongol invasion. He has great ambitions and cannot be underestimated. Wait, it's unrealistic for us to go to Liaodong to understand the situation, but we can get a glimpse of the situation in Liaodong and even Ji Town in the Great Zhou Dynasty through understanding the layout of Yongping Mansion,..."

  Su Miao pondered for a while, "Yoshida, do you know that this time Terasawa, Kuki and Wakiban sent troops to the south of the Yangtze River, which is the distance from Yingjianzhou Jurchen?"

  Yoshida Hideji was taken aback, "You mean the general and Jianzhou Jurchen have formed an alliance?"

"This is not what I know. I only know that Nurhachi, the leader of the Jurchen in Jianzhou, is not a simple person. He can win over the Mongols for his own use, so he naturally hopes to win over us for his own use. I think everyone is willing to be his pawn. . " Su Miaomei's eyes flashed a gleam, "But in the end, who will use whom, and who can tell clearly?"

  Yoshida Hideji didn't pick up the topic again, but asked directly: "Then what does the miss want Yoshida to do now?"

"Go and follow that Feng Keng and see what he is doing in Shuntian Mansion this time. As far as I know, the local officials of Da Zhou are not allowed to leave the territory easily, but he entered Shuntian Mansion in a humble way. There must be something important. We just need to Only by fully understanding the opponent can we make correct judgments and decisions when facing him in the future."

   Gently closing the small folding fan, Su Miao's gaze turned deep: "I have a feeling that this Feng Keng will become an important chess piece in the future."

   "Chess pieces?" Yoshida Hideji was puzzled.

"Everyone in the world is a pawn. There is a saying in the Han people: Colonel Snail Horn is male and female, and the stone fire is fighting for power. It seems to be a kind of contempt for everyone who cares about these interests, but you and I are mortals, and we cannot avoid worldly affairs, so Whether it's on the snail's horn or in the stone fire, you have to do your best to fight and do it, and why don't Terasawa and Wakiban-sama do the same?" Su Miao sighed quietly: "So we are all pawns, and Feng Keng is also a pawn. Similarly, how to determine the direction of these chess pieces can help our chess pieces make the right direction."

  Feng Ziying naturally didn't know that his actions had attracted the attention of many interested people. Just this trip to the counties in Shuntian Prefecture made many people pay attention to him.

  He was visiting Liu Sihui, the magistrate of Fengrun County, along with Wen Zhenmeng.

   "It's rare, Ziying, you have surpassed my Fengrun many times, but you have never stopped. Why did you come to my Fengrun rashly today, and you are not afraid of being impeached by the Metropolitan Procuratorate?"

Liu Sihui is from Gan County on the right side of the Yangtze River, a typical Jiangnan scholar, thirty-eight or nine years old, a bit older than Wen Zhenmeng, and can be called Feng Ziying's elder, and Liu Sihui and Zhou Yongchun Bi Ziyan and Bi Ziyan are both Jinshi of the same discipline, and they have a good relationship, and Zhou Bi is now the head and head of Qingtan Academy, and Feng Ziying is the pride of Qingtan Academy, so although Liu Sihui is only a regular sixth-rank , is two levels lower than Feng Ziying Pinyi, but there is nothing wrong with calling Ziying a big name in private.

"Brother Zhongfu, please don't scare Ziying. He's completely devastated by this refugee incident. Otherwise, why would he come to you for help?" Although Wen Zhenmeng was a little hesitant about Feng Ziying's request, once he made a decision , but will not be perfunctory, but will tell the other party about the difficulties in a serious manner.

"Oh? Are you here for refugees to cross the border?" Liu Sihui had actually expected Feng Ziying and Wen Zhenmeng's intentions. Originally, Wen Zhenmeng was the deputy head of the General Affairs Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Although he hadn't come to visit him yet, the two came together Of course he understood the intention when he came here, "As far as I know, the refugees should still be in Yutian, and they haven't reached my Fengrun territory yet, right?"

"It's true that we haven't reached Fengrun yet, but it is estimated that we will enter Fengrun within two or three days. However, judging from the current situation of the refugees in Xianghe, Baodi, and Yutian, it is not very good. Because of the sudden change in the weather, the refugees in Baodi and Yutian think that there is no camping. The scaffolding and fodder for shelter from the wind and rain are very sick, and the porridge and soup are also insufficiently prepared, and the time has been delayed by nearly ten days. If this continues, I am afraid that these refugees will stay in Fengrun for longer ,..."

  Before coming here, Feng Ziying had a discussion with Wen Zhenmeng, Feng Ziying played the red face, Wen Zhenmeng played the bad face, otherwise like Liu Sihui, he had been a county magistrate in many places, and he would not be persuaded at will.

Now that Fengrun has been harassed by the Horqin people, the situation is not good, and many displaced people have not yet been resettled, making Liu Sihui very irritable. Now let him care about the transit of refugees from other places to Yongping Mansion. Son, how could he be serious?

  If you want him to take it seriously, you can only do it without surprises.

  (end of this chapter)

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