Number of People

Chapter 1167: Assassination of Geng Scroll

  Chapter 1167 Assassination of Geng Scroll

"Do you want to stay in Fengrun longer?" Liu Sihui frowned, "Wenqi, the Ministry of Households allocated very little relief food to our counties, and the government also transferred a large part to Miyun, Huairou, Changping, etc. In the northern states and counties, we have fewer hands, and these refugees are not enough to come here. If they don’t want to leave, then I have to let Minzhuang drive them away."

"Brother Zhongfu, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to do this?" Wen Zhenmeng said in a loud voice: "The Ministry of Households allocated a sufficient amount of food to Shuntian Mansion. As for how your mansion arranges, you should report it to the mansion. It's okay for refugees to cross the border. It only takes a few days, and it is also because of the lack of preparation in your counties that the refugees move slowly, and Yongping Mansion has already prepared for it. Compared with the two, the difference is too great."

   Liu Sihui's expression was not good, and he stared at Wen Zhenmeng with staring eyes.

  Originally Wen Zhenmeng intended to play a bad role, but who would have thought that Liu Sihui's words were too much, and he even pointed the finger at the household department, which made Wen Zhenmeng unbearable.

   "Wen Qi, are you here to find fault? You are not a censor, and it is not too late to say these things when you work in the Metropolitan Procuratorate!" Liu Sihui counterattacked unceremoniously.

"I am an official arranged by the Ministry of Household Affairs to inspect and supervise the migration of refugees. Naturally, I have the right and obligation to point out problems. You are the magistrate of Fengrun County. Although the refugees have not yet arrived, it seems that you have not carried out basic preparations along the way. How to deal with the refugees crossing the border? If you do this, it will definitely cause bad consequences and jeopardize the overall situation, so I’ll bring it up to you, isn’t it right?”

Wen Zhenmeng's sonorous and forceful words made Liu Sihui feel both ashamed and angry, and felt wronged. Indeed, during this period of time, his thoughts were focused on urging the resettlement of the people in his county, and it was not his duty for refugees from other places to cross the border Work, and the mansion is not angry, so he naturally relaxes.

   But speaking of it, the government government also made arrangements, but it was not strong enough, but in the end something happened, and the county must bear the brunt of the responsibility.

  Seeing that the two were top-notch, Feng Ziying secretly smiled inwardly. Originally, she said that she was going to be the red face, but now, the roles are reversed, and she is now the bad face.

"Brother Zhongfu, brother Wenqi, don't be angry, you are all dedicated to the public, why bother to blush?" Feng Ziying stood up and bowed, "Brother Zhongfu, brother Wenqi is also worried about state affairs, and we understand Fengrun's current difficulties. There is not enough food allocated in Shuntian Mansion, but the county should act first to prepare for the relief food. I will immediately write a letter to the household department, and ask the household department to allocate more. If the household department does not provide enough, I will personally guarantee it. How about plumping up?"

  Feng Ziying's straightforward attitude surprised both Wen Zhenmeng and Liu Sihui.

   It is not so difficult to ask for additional allocations from the Ministry of Households. It is as much as you set. How can you ask for more just because you have difficulties?

   What's more, Shuntian Mansion detained some of them and transferred them to several counties in Huairou, Miyun, where the situation was even worse, and no one took it privately.

"Really?" With a quick turn of his mind, Liu Sihui immediately answered the conversation, such things cannot be avoided. From Liu Sihui's point of view, he just hopes to save a few. There are also a lot of displaced people on the border, and if you leave more food, you can solve more troubles.

   "Once a word is said, it is hard to follow, how dare I speak falsely in front of Brother Zhongfu?"

Feng Ziying doesn't have much hope for going to Yutian and Baodi. The refugees are already on their way, and now they have to make arrangements from the beginning. The time is delayed, the problem is bigger, and it can't be solved. It's better to ask Fengrun to be as thorough as possible. Prepare, communicate with the representatives of the refugees yourself, and ask them to endure it for a while, and they can breathe a sigh of relief if they persist in Fengrun.

   "However, I also have one condition."

  Of course Liu Sihui knew that the other party would not offer such a generous offer so easily, so he snorted coldly, "Say it, Ziying."

"The food problem is a big problem, and I promise to solve it, but now the weather is cold and the refugees are exhausted after traveling thousands of miles. I hope Brother Zhongfu can set up three or four resting places in Fengrun, especially at the junction of Yutian and Fengrun At this point, prepare enough porridge soup, hot water, firewood and wooden frames, as well as necessary medicinal materials and doctors, so that the old, weak, women, children and the sick can get the necessary rest, so that they can take a breath before moving on ,..."

  Hearing that Feng Ziying proposed such a condition that was not considered a condition, Liu Sihui and Wen Zhenmeng lost their voices for a while.

This is not a condition at all, but just a requirement for the county to implement it. When the court confirmed the matter, it also had these requirements, but it was not so detailed. If you often do this business, you should Can imagine how to do it well.

With a complex expression, Liu Sihui sighed, "Ziying, you are slapping me in the face. If I can't meet these conditions, then I seem to be a bit ashamed of being an official." .Okay, I agree, I will arrange for the people below to arrange three resting places, prepare enough wooden sheds or firewood, at least can accommodate two thousand people to rest every day, enough hot water porridge and soup, as for the doctor and medicinal materials, I will only I can say that I did my best, and please forgive Ziying, Fengrun’s conditions are limited, and the county is a mess right now,..."

Liu Sihui's official reputation is good, and Feng Ziying also understands this. After being a Jinshi, he served as the magistrate of Linhuai County. He has a good official reputation in Fengyang, and he can be regarded as a more pragmatic official. overheard.

In Feng Ziying's view, the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty really can't be too demanding, as long as they can do things and are willing to do things, it is enough. As for personal morality, they are often very good in personal morality, but lack in ability, or are too upright and old-fashioned. , On the contrary, you can't do anything, because a small loss makes a big difference.

  Liu Sihui does not belong to this category, so Feng Ziying gambled in this way, and fortunately, it worked.

  Wen Zhenmeng couldn’t help sighing when he came out of the Fengrun County Yamen: “Ziying, do you know that doing this will put too much burden on yourself? Are Shanshan businessmen so talkative?”

"Brother Wen Qi, the refugees are about to enter Fengrun. My people understand that the preparations on Baodi and Yutian are very bad. If Fengrun's side is the same, one-third of the people may not make it to Yongping. So Fengrun is the limit of many people, I don't want to take this risk, if something goes wrong, it will take a bigger price to recover,..."

  Feng Ziying said indifferently: "Brother Zhongfu can still be regarded as an official who can do some things. I don't have any hope in Baodi and Yutian, so I can only retreat in this way..."

  Wen Zhenmeng also sighed. Before he came, he felt that the officials in Shuntian Mansion were not very cooperative. Before, he wondered if it was because of Mei Zhiye mentioned by Feng Ziying, but now it seems that is not the case.

These counties were more affected by the Mongol raids than expected, but Shuntian Mansion didn’t seem to understand much, they only thought about going to the north, and didn’t think more about the difficulties here, so the officials here have resentment.

   "The Baodi, Yutian over there..." Wen Zhenmeng hesitated.

"I still have to do my best. How about this? Brother Wen Qi worked hard for you to go to Baodi. To what extent you can do it. Yutian is the most difficult. I have to urge these refugees to move as soon as possible, but Yutian County It takes some effort here, so I'll do it,..."

Of course, Wen Zhenmeng knows that Yutian is the worst place. There are about 10,000 people in front of the refugees who have passed Yutian County. There are probably more than 10,000 refugees on the road.

  But Yutian County basically didn't take care of it. Except for sending out Minzhuang and a small amount of porridge and rice, they almost let it go.

   broke up with Wen Zhenmeng, and Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief.

  He has no hope on Baodi's side, and Yutian also needs to spend some time thinking to see if he can find the weaknesses of these officials so that they can actually do something.

   "Guo Zhigui, magistrate of Yutian County, from Zhangde Prefecture, this person has been in the position of magistrate of Yutian County for five years.

  Hearing Wu Yaoqing's introduction, Feng Ziying felt a headache.

  He is most afraid of dealing with this kind of officials. He thinks he is clean and honest, but in essence he is incompetent.

   Such people are often not afraid that your superiors will overwhelm them, and they are even proud of disobeying the orders of their superiors, boasting of their strengths.

   "Let's go, no matter what we have to meet, we have to do our best if it doesn't work." Feng Ziying was also thinking about how to deal with such officials.

In fact, there are many such officials in various places and in the DPRK, but many of them are Jinshi Juren, typical high-scoring low-energy, and even handling government affairs are far inferior to their own staff and some officials under their command, but they can Take authority.

  The distance from Fengrun to Yutian is not too short. While waiting for a boat at the Guhe Ferry, Feng Ziying saw a dark mass on the other side of the river. Groups of thirty or fifty refugees supporting the old and the young were scattered scattered on the high ground across the river.

  Some carry bags, some carry burdens, and more still carry burdens. Few of these people have large carts.

There are also many people on this side of the river. Many people who crossed the river first rested on the bank of the river. Next to the ferry is a hillside. Behind the hillside is an elm forest. Yellow weeds spread along the river bank. Many people are tired from walking. The displaced people even ignored the wetness of the ground and found a slightly dry place to lie down and rest on their skins or a pile of straw.

  Feng Ziying hurried forward, seeing the mess in front of him, this place already belonged to Yutian, and the other side of the river bank belonged to Baodi, and almost no one cared about it.

   Sighing, Feng Ziying reined in her horse and turned around, "Let's go back to the county seat, I should go see the magistrate Guo."

   "Boom boom!" The sound seemed so casual on the noisy river bank.

  (end of this chapter)

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