Number of People

Chapter 1168: Geng Zijuan people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be knifed?

  Chapter 1168 Geng Scroll people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed?

  Yoshida Hideji has noticed the two men for a long time.

  When following Feng Ziying when leaving Yutian County, Yoshida Hideji noticed that he seemed to be following Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan.

  He didn't know if the guards around Feng Ziying were aware of it, but it seemed that they were still speeding along the official road from Yutian to Baodi.

There are always one or two looming figures in the field dotted far away, even if Yoshida Hideji observes carefully, he has lost the other party's trace several times, if he can't be sure that the other party is also following Feng Ziying and his party, Yoshida Hideji thinks it's a little bit It's not easy to find each other.

   There should be three to four people on the other side, because the distance is too far away, and it seems that the other party is also deliberately hiding the description, and Yoshida Hideji does not want to show his whereabouts, so he just keeps up with a certain rhythm.

   Outside a post station between Yutian County and Guhe Ferry, Yoshida Hideji finally found the other party again.

  There is a deep well here, and the terrain is flat, so Yutian also set up a porridge shed here, so nearly a thousand people flock here, and it is easy to hide.

  Yoshida Hideji had already changed his clothes before going out. Although he was somewhat different from the clothes of these refugees, there were other business travelers on this official road, so he was mixed in with the flow of people. He could easily follow Feng Ziying and his party and observe carefully.

He noticed that there were two people, different from the one he found at first, which meant that there were at least three people on the other side, and the two were of medium build, but they were both carrying a box-shaped object wrapped in rags, and the specific shape could not be seen clearly, but Yoshida Hideji suspected that it should be a bow and arrow, but other things were used to cover it up.

  Da Zhou can’t help but use swords and swords, but he has extremely strict control over bows and armor. Carrying long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows with him may encounter government officials at any time.

   This immediately aroused Yoshida Hideji's vigilance.

  Carrying a bow and crossbow is not a good sign. This is often a trend of sneak attack and assassination. Although it is still impossible to determine Feng Ziying's future direction, at least for now, our side is unwilling to see his sudden death. This is not in the current interests of the shogunate.

  Yoshida Hideji has no way of judging the background of the other party, but since Feng Ziying is an acquaintance of Yongping Prefecture and has a good reputation, it is inevitable that there will be political enemies and those whose interests have been damaged. Assassination attacks are inevitable, so it is also difficult to judge.

Fortunately, Feng Ziying and his entourage were also very vigilant, especially in such a crowded and complicated situation, he kept moving almost all the time, even when talking to people, he basically stopped after saying a few words, and Several other guards were also very vigilant and kept watching the surroundings, and the woman kept walking back and forth beside Feng Ziying, obviously trying to interfere with possible long-distance attacks.

  In this situation, there was no accident. Yoshida Hideji felt that he suspected that the two of them had not found a suitable opportunity, or he was worried that it would be difficult to assassinate in such an environment, and they would be easily discovered and captured.

  That's why Yoshida Hideji followed Feng Ziying and his party to the Gu River Ferry.

  As soon as he arrived at Guhe Ferry, Yoshida Hideji found that this place was much more convenient for assassins than the previous one.

First of all, the mound and the surrounding woods are very easy to hide, and the terrain on both sides is slightly undulating; the second river bank is full of people, including refugees, pack teams and carriages waiting to cross the river, and even traders who use the ferry as their livelihood. The stalls are extremely lively, and there are more choices for the hideouts and retreat routes of killer assassins.

  Especially the high ground and woods are the most suitable for archers to hide. It is not far from the river bank, and it is continuous and winding, intermittently stretching for two or three miles. Without thirty or fifty people, you simply cannot encircle and search such a large area.

   Precisely because of this geographical environment that is extremely easy to ambush and attack, Yoshida Hideji immediately raised his vigilance and began to subconsciously guard Feng Ziying and his party.

   Soon he identified two locations where assassins might ambush.

One is in the withered grass next to the river bank. The dry grass is dense and fluffy along the way, and it also stretches along the river bank to the edge of the hillside, and the shrubs are perfectly combined with these grasses to form a grass—shrubs— Clever transition to arbor forest.

  The other place is just at the edge of the forest on the back hillside. Several small undulations form hills, which can just cover the observation line of sight from the lower part, but here it is just right to be condescending and maximize the advantages of the crossbow.

  As soon as he entered the state, Yoshida Hideji began to search for the target hard.

Both places are dangerous. In Yoshida Hideji's view, the hill forest in the middle of the hillside is the best ambush for crossbowmen. With the advantage of the terrain and the cover of the forest, crossbowmen can attack without any scruples. Keeping a safe distance, you can quickly escape through the woods before the enemy finds out.

So after confirming the situation, he immediately searched for the hillside, but in order to prevent his whereabouts from being discovered by his opponent or Feng Ziying and his party, he had to slow down and even cover his movements with the help of refugees coming and going .

When he came to the bottom of the hillside and climbed rapidly along the path on the side of the hillside, looking for suspicious movements, he heard the continuous sound of "boom boom boom boom" and the sound of bowstrings crashing. A black shadow stood in the middle of the branch, one made a lunge, stepped on a fork with the front foot, and stomped on the tree trunk with the other foot. Like flowing clouds and flowing water, it is exceptionally smooth.

  The other person put on a posture of looking sideways, and also drew his bow and arrow, and suddenly exploded.

  Up and down the tree, the two were obviously familiar with each other, and they cooperated very tacitly. The two workers shot alternately, and shot seven or eight arrows in one go.

  Feng Ziying had just had time to turn back on his horse when he saw a jujube trotting towards him. The figure on the horse's back also surprised him.

"How did you come?"

   "Why can't I come?" The woman on horseback said angrily, "I can't come if you want to come?"

   "I don't mean that, I'm just curious..." Feng Ziying laughed, and before she finished speaking, a black light broke through the sky, "Be careful!"

  The two arrows came running almost indiscriminately. Before Feng Ziying even had time to react, he was hit by a ferocious blow in the shoulder socket. The pain caused him to yell and suddenly fell off the horse.

  The other arrow was a little lower, as if it had predicted Feng Ziying's follow-up action, and firmly sealed the angle at which Feng Ziying turned over and fell off the horse. Like lightning and thunder, it came quietly and went straight to his throat.

The woman next to Feng Ziying obviously reacted faster than Feng Ziying, and the scimitar around her waist whirled out, just in time to meet the arrow. Under the hair, stir until it is smashed into powder.

   Before Feng Ziying fell off the horse, the two bodies lying in ambush in the withered grass suddenly jumped out, the rabbit rose and fell, and within a few distances, they arrived in the blink of an eye.

A few feet away from Feng Ziying's side just woke up like a dream, roaring like their livers were torn apart, and jumped up. The narrow-edged long knife in a man's hand suddenly turned into heavy green waves, and took the lead to meet the sword wielder. Assassin, the wind and sword energy surged together, splitting and closing quickly.

  Busia Mara's full-moon scimitar had already completely surrounded another assassin with a knife, and the stern swords collided with each other, and the two figures also circled and fought in the air.

Third Sister You was originally on Feng Ziying's left side. She thought she was very cautious and hovered around Feng Ziying almost all the time, fearing that there might be assassins among the crowd, but she never expected that the enemy would be so fierce , You can actually call the archers directly to ambush.

  This is far beyond Sanjie You's imagination.

Almost no one in the rivers and lakes uses bows and crossbows, because it is normal to carry knives and swords when walking in the rivers and lakes, and the government will not be too embarrassing, but bows and crossbows are not easy to hide. It was a disaster.

  Because of this, there are many masters in the rivers, lakes and green forests, but they rarely use bows and crossbows, weapons that obviously belong to the military, which caught Feng Ziying and his party by surprise.

This negligence is almost fatal. Seeing Feng Ziying fall off the horse in response, Third Sister You's heart was about to burst. Amidst the coquettish voice, the long sword in her hand turned into bright flames, and directly hit the arrows that were still bursting. Arrow, firmly guarding Feng Ziying behind him.

  Busia Mara is also aware of this point. At this time, protecting Feng Ziying is the most important thing. Otherwise, if something happens to Feng Ziying, then the affairs promoted by Feng Ziying and the gradually forming structure around Feng Ziying will completely collapse.

  The enemy will obviously also come for this point. As for these assassins, they are just some insignificant characters. Once something happens to Feng Ziying, it will be meaningless to kill them.

The full-moon scimitar burst out suddenly, carrying it three times in a row, forcefully forcing the saber warrior to retreat completely, and Busia Mara shouted: "Hurry up, the enemy is ambushed by bow and crossbow masters, you After going to the hillside over there,..."

For a moment, there was chaos on the bank of the river. No one knew what happened. Only a few refugees who were close to Feng Ziying and his party saw this scene. Disasters only caused panic.

The full-moon scimitar showed its power again, firmly suppressing the narrow-edged knife assassin, making him unable to get close or retreat. The surging knife energy permeated the sky and pierced his heart, which made him inexplicably horrified. The master, whose martial arts are far better than the others, can be said to fall short, all because of the woman!

  (end of this chapter)

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