Number of People

Chapter 1169: Doubts about Geng Scroll

  Chapter 1169 Doubts about Geng Scroll

  After making so much preparation, I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to me. Feng Ziying couldn't help but sigh secretly when she was hit by the arrow that flew in the air and fell off her horse.

  As a time traveler, the most important thing is his own life, so Feng Ziying has paid special attention to her own safety since she went to the south of the Yangtze River.

If you say that you spare no effort to find guards to protect yourself when you go to the south of the Yangtze River, it is because your own strategy of opening the sea will harm the interests of some forces in the south of the Yangtze River. In addition, Lin Ruhai's status as a salt patrol censor is a high-risk position, and it is inevitable that there will be troubles if you get involved. Fish disaster, so this kind of preparation makes sense.

  But when he decided to go to Yongping Mansion to serve as a co-prefect, he even formed a large-scale guard team, even including his own family members, which seemed a bit of a fuss.

Although Zhu Zhiren also said to be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, Feng Ziying knows that many people don't think so, let alone you, a small fifth-rank co-prefect, even the fourth-rank magistrates seem to have no one who is as aggressive as himself. look.

  Although there are one or two guards around Jingzhong Shangshu's servants, they can't reach their own posture. According to Feng Ziying's own assessment, the strength of his own guards can almost catch up with the cabinet veterans.

Of course, the guarding power of the generals in the army is another matter. After all, they have been fighting the enemy at the border for a long time, and once they are killed by sniper, it will have a great impact on the entire army town, so like the commander-in-chief of the Nine Frontiers Town And the guards around the governors are very strong.

Sometimes Feng Ziying herself wondered if she was overly suspicious or made a fuss. Even though she touched the interests of some people, murdering officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty was a big deal. It is Long Jinwei who is also duty-bound to investigate to the end and never close the case.

   Those who dare to assassinate officials are almost heinous crimes of ransacking their families and exterminating their families. Under such circumstances, no one would do such a thing lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

  But today he finally understood that since the traveler has countless benefits and the halo of the protagonist, he will naturally bear the corresponding risks, and finally cashed in.

The severe tearing pain in his shoulder made him almost burst into tears, but at the same time as he fell from the horse, his right hand also pulled out the narrow blade at his waist, and he needed to be prepared for a fatal blow if necessary .

  He didn't believe that the other party would end it simply with just one arrow. Since he dared to assassinate, there must be follow-up killer moves, but Third Sister You and the other three guards would not turn a blind eye.

The moment he fell from the horse to the ground, he was a little stunned. Under the huge impact of the arrow, he fell heavily to the ground, making him dizzy. At this time, he also wanted to thank Third Sister You for helping him Prepare.

Thin circular steel pieces are respectively affixed to the chest, vest, shoulders, lower abdomen, and legs on several vital and vulnerable parts. This carefully polished steel piece is a product of the iron workshop. The weight is very light, the size of a palm, but it is impossible to protect the whole body.

  Feng Ziying has always felt that this is a kind of psychological comfort. It is hard to say how effective it will be on the battlefield or in a surprise attack.

   But now Feng Ziying realizes that this kind of thing is really indispensable sometimes, especially when traveling in the wild, when encountering long-distance shooting, the effect will appear all at once.

  The cluster of arrows broke through the steel plate and embedded itself in Feng Ziying's shoulder. Although the severe pain made him almost faint, he could still feel that the shoulder plate steel played a great buffering role.

The opponent's arrow pierced into my shoulder not too deep, probably about an inch, and without the protection of this layer of steel armor, I am afraid that this extremely ferocious arrow could easily shoot through my shoulder blade, tearing my shoulder blade apart. The bones, tendons and flesh of the entire shoulder.

  When they saw Feng Ziying's guards crazily pounced on the siege, the two assassins knew that they had lost the best opportunity, and it was even difficult for them to escape now.

  The ghost woman with a strange black scimitar has perfected her strength and skill in swordsmanship, and she firmly suppressed the knife assassin, making it difficult for him to escape.

The other two guards firmly circled the other sword-wielding assassin, Zuo Liangyu and another guard had already blocked Feng Ziying who fell from the horse, and together with Third Sister You blocked the continuous shooting Arrow attack.

Seeing the anxious dimple like pear blossoms in the rain, the tension and fear in the gray-blue eyes made the pupils seem to dilate a little. She supported herself with one hand and brandished the sword with the other, while Zuo Liangyu He flexibly pulled the horse over to cover Feng Ziying and Third Sister You, at least the huge body of the horse could cover the opponent's arrow attack to a certain extent.

"Sanggong, Xianggong, are you okay?" Third Sister You was really scared out of her wits. It was the first time she experienced such a dangerous situation. two concepts.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem, ouch, this shoulder..." Feng Ziying grinned, seeing that Busia Mara had completely controlled the situation, and the other two had locked on their opponents firmly, and one was on guard with a sword. On the hillside, the saber energy was also flying, and someone was obviously fighting, Feng Ziying knew that the problem should not be serious.

  The next situation was as expected, Feng Ziying's slightly pale face due to blood loss was also a little gloomy while accepting the bandage from Third Sister You.

The entire river bank was in chaos, and the refugees didn't know what happened, so they fled in all directions. This also gave the attacker a good chance to escape, but Busia Mara still beheaded the attacker with the assistance of two guards. A knife-wielding assassin, while the swordsman escaped by jumping into the river under the protection of the knife-wielding assassin's desperate sacrifice.

As for the two bow and arrow assassins, according to what the guard of Master Su in front of him said, someone responded to them. While chasing the two archers, he was ambushed by the opponent's crossbowman again. In addition, there were too many refugees and the situation was chaotic, so Failed to succeed.

"Master Feng, I'm ashamed of Ji. I found out that these two people were acting suspiciously at Fengrun, but I didn't realize that these two people would assassinate you at that time. I just thought that these two people might have some conspiracy. So I wanted to see what these two people wanted to do. I never thought that I lost the trace of these two people on Yutian Road. After searching for a while, I found out that they were going to assassinate Your Excellency, so there was no time to warn, so I could only go ahead. Kill the two of them, but it's already a step too late,..."

  Hideji Yoshida apologized with a face full of apology, and apologized with fists in his hands.

  Feng Ziying waved his hand. Naturally, he would not believe what this person said, but it was not like saying that this person was also a gang of assassins.

  If it is really a group, the other party can hide and not show up. Knowing that showing up at this time will easily arouse suspicion, but they still come out, which means that the other party is not worried about their subsequent investigation.

"It's nothing, Feng's fate is big, and such a small trick can't kill Feng, but Feng is also curious about who is so hostile to Feng. I also encountered such a thing in Jiangnan, um, and in Ganzhou It’s almost like this, I don’t understand, what kind of outrageous things did I do that will attract the dissatisfaction of so many ghosts and snakes, and I must put Feng to death?” Feng Ziying said cheerfully: “It seems that I am indeed You have to check it carefully, otherwise this time you will get an arrow, and next time it may not be so simple."

  However, Zuo Liangyu didn't let the other party go easily. He pressed the knife with one hand and said with a calm face: "Man, you said that you found out that the two were suspicious in Fengrun. Why didn't you report it to the authorities?"

"My lord, I am also a member of the Jianghu. Although I have served as a guard with Master Su now, I still don't want to deal with people in the government. Master Su has been famous all over the world from Jiangnan to the capital. There are many Xiaoxiao who spy secretly. I have seen it too. Many, if I report to the officials every time and cause a lot of complaints from the officials, everyone Su will probably have fired her subordinates long ago, and she will simply stop working."

  Yoshida Hideji was also well prepared, without any fear.

"Before I was not sure whether these two people came for Mr. Feng or Master Su. In Ji's opinion, most of them came for Master Su, because Ji had encountered such situations several times in Jiangnan. Well, there are always some wishful thinking people who want to do that nasty debauchery, and Ji is thinking that Mr. Feng is a member of the government, so how can he have anything to do with these people from the rivers, lakes and green forests? It is well known that the people do not fight with the officials. Who dares to stroke the tiger's beard? That's why Ji hangs from a distance to see what these two people want to do. Who would have thought that there would be a sudden attack at the Guhe Ferry..."

  Zuo Liangyu's eyes were shining brightly, and he kept looking at Yoshida Hideji, but Yoshida Hideji was very calm and generous, and in the end Zuo Liangyu just snorted and didn't say anything more.

  Feng Ziying was also observing the handsome man in front of her, while wrapping her shoulder wound tightly, asking Third Sister You to support her carefully.

It's really surprising that the bodyguard of a famous prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River has such a high standard, but you can't say anything. It is true that some people live in seclusion in the city, and you can't say anything about such people in the rivers, lakes and green forests, but he always I feel that this person is not quite like a pure warrior, but has some special taste.

"Anyway, I still want to thank Mr. Ji. If Mr. Ji hadn't restrained the other party in time, I'm afraid we will have to bear a lot of pressure." Feng Ziying smiled faintly, and raised her hand reluctantly, "If there is any need in the future Feng Mou helped, just speak up."

  "Yoshi is ashamed. I didn't help much at first, and I almost endangered the safety of adults. Fortunately, I am lucky. If there is such a situation next time, Yoshi will not dare to be careless." Yoshida Hideji hurriedly returned the gift.

  (end of this chapter)

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