Number of People

Chapter 1170: The Geng-zi scroll is stripped of its cocoons, a remedy for a dead sheep

  Chapter 1170 The Geng-character scroll is peeled off and the cocoon is peeled off to make up for it

  Feng Ziying, escorted by You Sanjie, Zuo Liangyu and Busia Mara, returned to live in the largest Long'an Inn in Yutian County.

  The shoulder pain made him a little tired. In this era, there are no anesthetics and painkillers. Facing this kind of trauma, he can only bear it.

  Fortunately, Third Sister You is already very good, and she carries Jinchuang medicine with her, and Busia Mara also replaced Feng Ziying with a herbal medicine specially prepared by their tribe, which can be regarded as a little less pain relief.

  Sitting in the chair, Feng Ziying's expression had returned to calm, and Feng Ziying was also very surprised by Busia Mara's sudden appearance, wondering why this woman appeared in Yutian so suddenly.

  Although it is said that Dazhou has no special restrictions on the leaders of the Yehe tribe, it is definitely not appropriate for her to go in and out of Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion at will.

  Yongping Mansion can also be said to have three thousand Yehe cavalry, but Shuntian Mansion itself is still in a state of semi-martial law, and people's hearts have not yet settled down.

The Mongols have just retreated, and there are still many stragglers and some horse thieves and bandits wandering around. The people in several counties and the police officers are patrolling around. Especially when the refugees are traveling eastward, the social security is even worse. Chaos, running around like Busia Marahoo is definitely not welcome.

   "Why did you come to Yutian? Is there anything special?" Seeing Busia Mara sitting across from her uncomfortable, Feng Ziying broke the silence.

   "Why, you are not welcome? This Shuntian Mansion is not Yongping Mansion. You still care if I can come?"

Busia Mara spoke very aggressively, which made Feng Ziying look helpless, "You have eaten gunpowder, and you will explode when you touch it? I just care about you, can't you? You just saved my life, come to me Wishing for it, at least my safety is a little more guaranteed."

Feng Ziying's words made Third Sister You who was sitting beside her laugh, "Yeah, Brother Dong, it's not a coincidence that you bumped into me this time. The guy who wields a knife is really difficult to deal with, and it's thanks to you that he gave that guy away." Hold on, otherwise Brother Feng will definitely suffer more."

  Sister You is a straightforward and straightforward person, and she is straightforward, and Busia Mara knew Sanjie You in Yongping Mansion. Although they are not very familiar, they have dealt with each other several times.

Busia Mara also has a good impression of this woman with Hu blood, or has a sense of identity. After all, compared with Feng Ziying and other people in Yongping Mansion, they are not Han, but they are It has a close relationship with the Han people, and it cannot be broken.

"Hmph, but some people still repay kindness with grievances, and they don't know good people." Busia Mara turned her head slightly with a cold face resentfully, and glanced at Feng Ziying, then turned to Third Sister You again, "Sister You Your swordsmanship is not bad, where did you learn it? I didn't realize that you still have this skill before."

"Brother Dong, I have been practicing swordsmanship for ten years." Third Sister You couldn't suppress her pride, "I belong to the Kongtong Sect, and I live in Ganzhou, which is too far away, thousands of miles away. Kongtong swordsmanship has been famous since ancient times, but there are very few people who have really mastered it, and it is really difficult for me to wait for the table with these two masters."

   Third Sister You still knows such polite words. She has been married to the Feng Mansion for a year, and she can learn some things by herself without a teacher. The communication and dialogue between these women also made her grow a lot.

"Well, it can be seen that you have some accomplishments in swordsmanship." Busia Mara turned her eyes to Feng Ziying. You are a master of archery, you can shoot from a distance of 150 steps, and the force is so strong that it even pierces steel armor. This is intended to kill you, who have you offended?"

"How do I know?" Feng Ziying was also thinking, and said hesitantly: "I have offended many people, but I really can't think of someone who can use archery experts like this to plot assassinations. Could it be Jianzhou Jurchen or Mongols?"

Busia Mara is not sure, "But I think it must be you Han people who are fighting with me, not like Mongols or Jurchens. Their swordsmanship and swordsmanship are all from the Central Plains school, which is obviously different from our school outside the pass. , and the person who used the bow and crossbow to sneak attack, because I haven't seen it, I can't conclude that this kind of arrow is actually very common in Liaodong and Jizhen, and it is quite common in the army."

  Wu Yaoqing and the other two stayed at the scene to investigate. There was a deceased person, so they needed to find out the basic situation. Even if they couldn't immediately know where the enemy came from, they had to grasp some details so that they could carry out targeted investigations in the next step.

  If what the guard of Master Su said is true, he followed him in Fengrun, or even followed him from Yongping earlier, then it will be more complicated.

   But Wu Yaoqing and the others are more professional in doing these things. Naturally, they can pick out the cocoons based on some details and investigate slowly. Feng Ziying will not rush for results. He believes that Wu Yaoqing and the others can give himself a satisfactory answer.

"Brother Feng, I'm afraid I have to tell Mr. Wu that if you are running around like this, if someone is really staring at you outside, they may attack you at any time wherever you go. I'm afraid the few people around you are not enough,... "

  Sister You had a worried look on her face, "It's not always possible to meet Brother Dong's help, just in case..."

Feng Ziying didn't answer for a while. He felt that Wu Yaoqing had already done his best, and it wasn't that the people around him couldn't do it, but because he didn't expect to be attacked by long-range shooting under such circumstances. If it was an attack under normal circumstances, the few of them would There should be a coping strategy.

   "Let's wait until Yaoqing and the others come back from the investigation. The dead person has already been reported to the Yutian county government. There must be an explanation." After a long time, Feng Ziying said slowly.

  Wu Yaoqing and the other two were squatting on the bank of the river and carefully inspecting the deceased. They needed to complete the inspection before the Yutian county government officials arrived, so as to grasp the first-hand situation and prepare for the next step of in-depth investigation.

  Wu Yaoqing was also a little stressed when something like this happened today.

  The adult's security guard is arranged by him alone, and he thinks that the preparations are quite complete.

Except for the third sister You who is the personal guard of the adult, the other three people, one is Xie Guang, a direct disciple of the Tongzhou Golden Knife Sect, whose master Cheng Chuanxi has won the golden back saber technique; the other is Tong Xiaofeng, a direct disciple of the Yangzhou Qiushui Sword Sect. , both swordsmanship and loyalty are extremely reliable; there is another person, Yu Qilin Fei Teng, Dongchang Mansion, Shandong.

  The martial skills of these three people are not weak, especially Fei Teng's one-hand stick technique is very famous in the Shandong area, but today's performance made Wu Yaoqing feel a little embarrassed, and it also made the three of them extremely embarrassed.

  The biggest problem is that I didn't expect the enemy to use a crossbow to attack, and I didn't expect the enemy to choose to set up an ambush here.

   In a word, the thinking of these three people has not yet been transformed. They are still thinking about problems in the way of walking in the rivers and lakes, and they have not yet transformed into the mentality of a bodyguard.

   "Tell me, what's the situation."

"Mr. Wu, we have conducted some preliminary exploration and discussion, and we basically have the following views." The one who spoke was Xie Guang, who is from Beizhi. This is the territory of Beizhili, so naturally he is the main one. "From the palm of his hand Judging from the thick calluses on the tiger's mouth and the condition of the wrist and arm, this person has practiced swordsmanship for at least twenty years, and his age is about thirty-five or sixteen. It should be said that he is not the kind of person who practiced martial arts since childhood, but rather Like a character who became a monk halfway,..."

   "Can you achieve such a level by becoming a monk halfway?" Wu Yaoqing was very puzzled.

"Mr. Wu, it's not impossible if you have better talents and good teachers, and more opportunities to learn from and improve in the later stage." Xie Guang said very euphemistically, "We also have such people in Jindaomen. Fourteen I didn't start until I was five years old, but I entered the country very quickly, and I was able to make my debut at the age of thirty and become famous,..."

   "Well, keep talking." Wu Yaoqing didn't intend to dwell on this.

"This person's clothes probably haven't been changed much. Judging from the material of his underwear, it should not be in a particularly good condition. His underwear is made of linen. This kind of underwear is very common in Yongping, Suncheon, and Hejian. , but ordinary hard-working people still don't wear this kind of clothes, but it is more common in middle-level people,..."

"I have observed the shoes under his feet. They are short leather boots for long-term walking. This kind of short riding boots is relatively common, but the quality is not bad, and the workmanship is also very exquisite. They should be very popular among merchants. Moreover, this style should not be sold in ordinary shoe stores. There is a logo on the edge of the tube, Su Ji, it should be from Su Ji Shoe Factory, this may be a direction of investigation,..."

Suji Shoe Shop is a well-known shoe store in Yongping Prefecture. It also belongs to the model of a shop in the front and a workshop in the back. Leading a large group of apprentices to make shoes, even people from Shuntian Mansion came here to order.

   "His weapon is a special thick-backed machete, which is quite special. We think that if we combine these aspects, as long as he is walking in the Northland, his true identity should be quickly found out..."

Hearing Xie Guang come up with such a conclusion, Wu Yaoqing finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Very well, this news is the most comforting sentence I heard today, I am afraid that today's things are a little difficult for us to accept, although Your Excellency didn't say anything, but I guess we are all having a hard time. We all need to sum up today's events. I didn't expect the opponent to attack with a crossbow. This is my responsibility, but the two of you are close Come up with a satisfactory level of response, I am not satisfied, I believe adults are not satisfied either,..."

Wu Yaoqing's words made the hearts of the three feel heavy. Wu Yaoqing continued: "This time the adults may give us a chance, but the next time the opponent may not give us another chance. In addition to investigating the opponent this time, we also need to work hard again. Think about the security of adults, what is needed, how to do it, you can bring it up, everything is easy,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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