Number of People

Chapter 1171: Geng character volume borrows the opportunity

  Chapter 1171 The Geng Scroll

   Seeing someone coming to the door, Guo Zhigui knew that the matter would not get better, and couldn't help but have a splitting headache.

After the county received the assassination incident at the Guhe Ferry, Guo Zhigui couldn't help being full of resentment towards Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan. You, the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, came to Shuntian Prefecture to make trouble, isn't that right? To toss people on purpose?

Of course he knew that Feng Ziying was here for the refugees, but what he couldn't understand was that for such refugees, arranging one or two officials to inquire along the way would be considered as a good effort. Have you gone deep into the outside world to inquire about your health? What else could this be other than acting for a show?

  But it is an indisputable fact that something happened in his own jurisdiction. If the people in the torture room did not investigate the scene and confirmed that an assassin died on the spot, he would have suspected that the other party was playing a trick.

   "Master Feng, I'm really sorry. This kind of thing happened in Yutian. The county magistrate committee is not huge. Don't worry, I have arranged for everyone to go down and investigate immediately. I will give you an explanation!"

   There was a lot of resentment in his heart, but Guo Zhigui also knew that superficial articles were enough. Such an assassination of officials would definitely alarm Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Punishment, and it was no longer something the county could suppress.

  But on the surface, Guo Zhigui had to look distressed, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to the other party.

   "Master Guo, to be honest, my injury is not serious, but I am very worried about another matter, worried about this Yutian..." Feng Ziying was full of worry and anxiety.

   "What's the matter?" Hearing Feng Ziying said that he was not seriously injured, Guo Zhigui felt a little calmer, but when he heard the other party mention Yutian, Guo Zhigui felt a little excited again.

He is the most afraid of things, but the southern route of the refugees must pass through Yutian, and it is still very long in Yutian. This road itself has experienced Mongol raids. It added a bit of confusion.

   The more you are afraid of trouble, the more trouble will come.

   What can come out of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's mouth is definitely not a trivial matter.

   "According to the investigation of my subordinates, this assassination is very likely to be related to my coming here to check on the refugees." Feng Ziying cut to the chase.

"What is the meaning of Mr. Feng? Could it be the assassination by the refugees?" Guo Zhigui didn't believe such words at all. If the refugees have such a level, they can fight on a par with professional guards, and even attack with bows and crossbows. Didn't he become a rebel and a rebel?

"That's not true, but I came here this time to investigate the refugees, because our Yongping Mansion was investigating a secret preaching incident by the White Lotus Sect bandit, which involved this time the refugees' eastward migration. According to the confession of the bandits we captured, They themselves have some support from the Shuntian Mansion. In addition, they want to use this time the refugees move eastward, coercing and attracting more people along the way, so at the current speed of the refugees, I am afraid that they may not be able to fully reach Yongping in a month. In addition, Yutian was not prepared enough. I heard many complaints from refugees at the ferry and the county seat. Some officials even played a hand in it, lending money, buying slaves and even bullying women. Used by bandits,..."

  Guo Zhigui was taken aback, and secretly checked the other party's expression with some guilt.

  Where in Shuntian Prefecture and Zhuzhou County did White Lotus Sect spread? This is everyone's tacit secret.

  These White Lotus believers don’t seem to be too unusual on the surface, but everyone knows that this is a dangerous and extremely troublesome, but if it is to be severely banned, it is very difficult.

Firstly, these people hide very deeply, and it is not easy to be honest; secondly, many of them are also related to local gentry, and they are entangled with the vines; Well, everyone knows that other people have it on their heads, and no one wants this pus spot to burst and bloom here.

  So now everyone is doing their best to suppress this kind of thing from happening, and sternly warn the local gentry to prevent the spread of the White Lotus Sect, but the government itself has no idea how effective it will be.

   Unexpectedly, this outsider lifted the cover at once. Fortunately, the other party did not deny that they also have the White Lotus Sect in Yongping Mansion, and they still have connections with this side, but how can Yongping Mansion compare with Shuntian Mansion? Even a trivial matter may attract the attention of the imperial court. If the imperial court finds out that the White Lotus Sect is plotting to assassinate the imperial court officials in Yutian, then the fire may start from Yutian, so how can I end up well?

  He was extremely anxious, but Guo Zhigui didn't dare to challenge it directly. How to suppress this troublesome matter, or even transfer it out, was the top priority.

   Picked up the teacup and took a sip. This was not seeing off the guests, but a subconscious action in a hurry. Guo Zhigui immediately came to his senses, put down the teacup again, and coughed dryly: "Master Feng, the clues to the situation here..."

   "There is absolutely no mistake. If Master Guo needs it, I can immediately arrange for someone to deliver it from the government office. Please also Master Guo..."

  Feng Ziying answered the words cleanly, which also made Guo Zhigui feel more desperate and anxious. It seems that this is not intimidating himself with empty words, what should I do?

   "Master Feng, it's better than this, please give me a little understanding and check, there will be a proper strategy."


  When the staff member left, both Feng Ziying and Wu Yaoqing showed satisfaction on their faces, it was over.

Although this Mr. Guo is pedantic and dull, he attaches great importance to his black hat. Realizing the complexity and seriousness of the problem, he decided to see off the guests and make some calculations. After that, he sent his staff to discuss with Feng Ziying. .

As a result, Feng Ziying basically followed Feng Ziying's request and immediately arranged for people to provide the necessary supplies. At the same time, he strongly urged these refugees to go on the road, but also asked Feng Ziying not to go online to attach himself to the White Lotus Sect. , he couldn't afford such consequences.

   "My lord, now..."

"Go back to Yongping immediately. I don't want to stay in the land of Shuntian Prefecture for a day. I can't even imagine that the county officials in Shuntian Prefecture are so incompetent and weak. I don't want to break it, this..."

Feng Ziying, who is extremely satisfied, is still a little deeply angry and worried. Looking at the performance of these officials, you can know how bad they are in daily administration. When something goes wrong, it is not how to solve the problem, but how to cover up the problem in the first place. To prevaricate the problem, the most exquisite trick that can be used is to procrastinate.

   Don’t be afraid of problems, as long as you can delay to the next one to take over, then it’s none of your business. One more thing is worse than one less thing. This is vividly reflected in the officials of Shuntian Mansion.

   Officials like Liu Sihui, magistrate of Fengrun County, are already very good, although in Feng Ziying's mind, they are at most qualified.

Officials in this era, especially the magistrates and county magistrates who are in charge of one side of the local government, although many of them were born in Jinshi, their ability to deal with current affairs is very low, or their mentality is dismissive of this kind of current affairs. Think that it is the work of deputy, staff or officials, and they just need to give orders from above.

As for how to do it, whether it can be done well, or even what consequences it will have, there has never been a scientific and detailed judgment at all, and the result can be imagined. , staff and even subordinate staff.

  Although I have been psychologically prepared for this situation, and have seen similar situations in Yongping Prefecture, there is no doubt that the situation in Shuntian Prefecture is worse than Yongping Prefecture.

The collusion between the officials of Yongping Mansion and the local gentry is more serious, and the corruption is even worse, but their ability is obviously better than that of Shuntian Mansion. Even an old official like Zhu Zhiren has a clear mind and can deal with We can also grasp the key points on issues, and dare to delegate power when it is time to delegate power.

  In Feng Ziying’s evaluation of officials of this era, Zhu Zhiren is at least qualified, but people like Guo Zhigui are typical monks who can’t even ring the bell, or even don’t want to.

  Feng Ziying really didn't want to stay here in Shuntian Mansion. Before finding out who the attacker was, he was really a little scared.

This beautiful life of mine has only just begun, and I have encountered this kind of danger. It can even be said that my life was almost frozen at that moment. The dangers are completely different. In Ganzhou, it is too much for oneself, while in Yangzhou, it is obviously a warning and intimidation, but this time they really want to take their own lives.

Seeing Second Sister You, Jin Chuan'er, and Xiang Ling tearfully surrounding her, Feng Ziying still felt a little satisfied in her heart. At least she already had someone who cared about her and someone who cared about herself in this world. This feeling is both happy and full of pressure.

  The greater the sense of happiness and satisfaction, the greater the obligations and responsibilities to bear. I am not alone now, and people who rely on themselves have formed a huge group.

  In addition to my own family, including people like Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing, they are now relying on themselves as the center. Once they die, the whole system may collapse.

And Shen Yixiu still has his own unborn children in his stomach, girls like Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling who have already been taken over by him, and concubines like Second Sister You and Third Sister You, their future fate will be the same. crisis.

In a sense, it’s like the popular saying in modern times, once you die, others will sleep with your woman and beat your child. As a time traveler, he is unwilling to see such a sad scene, it’s too sad , too ridiculous.

  (end of this chapter)

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