Number of People

Chapter 1172: Geng roll super thick legs

  Chapter 1172 Geng Scroll Super Thick Legs

"Okay, it's not that exaggerated, this time it's my negligence, there will be no next time." Feng Ziying stroked Jin Chuan'er's cheek with one hand, and said: "The situation in Shuntian Mansion is too bad, but I will find out who is behind it."

"Master, you'd better go out less, in Yongping Prefecture, there are troops anyway, and in the city, if something is a little strange, it can attract the people in the yamen and the Baojia to intervene, we really can't stand the shock. "Second Sister You, who is usually quiet, couldn't help interjecting, "Sister San didn't do well this time, and I repeatedly told her not only to keep an eye on Master, but also to remind Master not to go to such a dangerous place. The land, where the refugees are mixed, the assassins can hide in it, it is impossible to guard against it,..."

Both Jin Chuan'er and Xiangling were a little surprised. In their impression, this second aunt was really a gentle and charming girl. Although she was born a lot taller than ordinary women, with brown hair and blue eyes, she had the temperament of a person who was easily startled. Like a little deer, she speaks in a soft voice, even in front of the maids, she has a pleasant face, but this time she dared to speak in front of the uncle.

Feng Ziying was also surprised, and couldn't help but put down Jin Chuan'er's hand, pulled the second sister You who was sitting aside into her arms, and sat on her lap, "Okay, second sister, you don't care about the third sister." I'm going to talk about her, and she feels uncomfortable, thinking about what to do next. It's you, my master has worked **** you for so long, why hasn't there been any response? I really want to let my master kill you once and for all. ?”

   A nasty remark made Second Sister You flushed with shame, she didn't even know where to put her hands, and sitting on Feng Ziying's lap was like an ant on a hot pot.

Both Jin Chuan'er and Xiangling were blushed by Feng Ziying's nasty words, and Jin Chuan'er even spat and glanced at Second Sister You, "Don't you feel ashamed to say such things? I have been thinking and looking forward to it for a long time, seeing that Miss Bao and Miss Bao Er are going to pass the door, and the things here should be considered as soon as possible, and it is reasonable for Auntie to be anxious."

  Successfully diverted the topic, and made Second Sister You's thoughts return to having a son.

Seeing that Baochai and Baoqin are going to pass the door in more than a month, thinking that this big matter has not been resolved, Second Sister You is so anxious that she can't sleep well at night, but Feng Ziying has not spent less energy on her, but It is always ineffective, which inevitably makes Second Sister You resentful.

"What's the rush? The second sister is only nineteen years old, and she has a long life ahead. Are you afraid that the master will neglect you?" Feng Ziying patted the plump buttocks of the second sister You, "With the body and physique of the second sister, I can do more. The one who gave birth, wasn't the wife in her thirties when she gave birth to the grandfather?"

"How can I compare myself to my wife?" Second Sister You was taken aback, and murmured to herself, "I just hope to give birth to a child for my master as soon as possible, so that I don't know how to deal with it when I return to the capital in the future." madam."

   This is the greatest pressure for every concubine.

Only Feng Ziying is the only seedling of the Feng family incense, so there will be three households and a wife. That is to say, even if Baochai and Baoqin have children in the future, they are not considered as long-term householders. Similarly, Lin Daiyu married and had children. Your first wife and second wife have nothing to do with each other. From now on, each family will be different, and they will have to talk about their branches and leaves. The most important responsibility of being a concubine is to give birth to a son for the family. These days, the child dies young The situation is very common, and it can only be made up by this way of planting extensively and harvesting little.

Feng Ziying can also understand the pressure of Second Sister You, who has been alone for a year, but has not been able to move at all. I am afraid that anyone will look at her differently. It is even more difficult to look up.

"Don't worry, the second sister is fine, and the master is fine, but it's just a coincidence, maybe one day the fate will come,..." Feng Ziying pinched the plump waist of the second sister You, and rubbed You Er The elder sister's lower abdomen burst, and she said with a smile: "Master has confidence in the second sister."

Second Sister You's eyes were red again, and she couldn't help crying again. Feng Ziying couldn't help being relieved again, and finally Jin Chuaner said: "Master, Master Xiaorong came two days ago, and said that he would come to visit you when Master came back." ,..."

   "Well, let Ruixiang call him, he should do something serious." Feng Ziying nodded.

  Knowing that Feng Ziying was injured, Jia Rong was also taken aback.

Feng Ziying is now about to become the Optimus Prime of the Jia family. Needless to say, the Rongguo Mansion, look at Jia Amnesty, Jia Zheng and Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan, and Jia Lan's reliance on Feng Ziying, plus the fact that they want to marry Xue Baochai He and Lin Daiyu can be said to be the real Dinghai Shenzhen of Rongguo Mansion.

   Even the Ningguo Mansion, isn't it also trying to get closer to the Feng family? Otherwise, why would he and Jia Rui rush after Wang Xifeng as soon as he greeted her?

  Although she was not sure how Wang Xifeng could get through with Feng Ziying, Jia Rong still heard some clues from Jia Ruiruoyouruowu's words after so long.

But Jia Rong wasn't sure if it was Jia Rui, a boring **** who couldn't eat grapes and thought grapes were sour, so he took the opportunity to give Feng Ziying some eye drops, or was it true that Feng Ziying had some unclear relationship with her second aunt, that guy Jia Rui It's not a day or two to covet the second aunt, but how can the second aunt look up to him?

Jia Rong didn't pay much attention to whether there was any relationship between Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng. In his opinion, Uncle Feng has super thick legs. Now everyone can understand that Wang Xifeng is not his second aunt now. After the reconciliation, she could be regarded as a single woman at most. If she really climbed into Uncle Feng's bed, that would be normal, even her luck.

  Just like what happened this time, without having to say anything to Jia Rui, Jia Rong was also very skeptical. Could it be that Wang Xifeng was able to make such a large fortune based on the relationship with Jia Lian in the past?

  Why? Jia Lian still relied on Uncle Feng to get ahead. What is a divorced woman?

   Or just relying on her body? Jia Rong was also a little puzzled, but Jia Rui said something out of character, insinuating that Uncle Feng seemed to like rich women like Wang Xifeng, and Jia Rong was also dubious.

   This is a big business worth millions of taels of silver. If it can be taken down and wiped out, at least one hundred thousand taels of silver can be put into the pocket.

  One hundred thousand taels of silver, what a huge sum of money this is at this time of year? !

The Lai family's family has absorbed blood in the Rongning Second Mansion for decades and accumulated only one hundred thousand taels of silver. Now, in just two or three months, they can drop one hundred thousand taels of silver. At least two to thirty thousand taels of silver can be settled by my family. For the Ningguo Mansion and for myself, this is the rain after a long drought.

   With such a large sum of money to make a living, even if Wang Xifeng lost her whole body, it might not be enough, right? Or maybe Uncle Feng really likes such tunes?

   But no matter what, Wang Xifeng can handle Uncle Feng, and everyone will earn money together, why not do it? So as soon as Wang Xifeng let go, Jia Rong obeyed.

Now Wang Zisheng, Jia Rong and Jia Rui are all in charge of the road, each showing their special abilities, and Wang Xifeng's family is also making frequent attacks to find the family members of the captured generals, and the results are better than expected. Great progress has been made. Let Jia Rong come to Yongping Mansion to report the situation.

There is progress over there, so here is how to cash it out. If the money is collected over there, but things can’t be done here, then no matter who it is, don’t even think about it. It’s not even possible to get out of the money. That's why Wang Xifeng urged Jia Rong to hurry up and make this trip to finalize the "results of the war" implemented in the early stage.

   "Master, are you okay with this injury?" Jia Rong asked carefully, sitting on half of her buttocks.

   "It's nothing, just some skin trauma." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Let's get down to business, how is Sister Feng going?"

Feng Ziying's inadvertent "Sister Feng" made Jia Rong secretly startled, but he pretended not to hear anything and replied with a smile: "It's making great progress. Second Aunt and Uncle Wang have found five or six families. , basically everything has been negotiated, and a part of the deposit has been paid, and the follow-up money is also trying to find a way. What they are most worried about is that the money has been sent over, but the result is that the person can't come back. The area here is larger. I asked a few friends to help contact some people. These families are now too anxious to catch them. I asked around, but the court has never made a clear statement. Seeing that the ordinary soldiers have been released. , they became even more anxious, so soon dozens of households expressed interest,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded, took the list from Jia Rong, and glanced at it briefly.

Zai Sai was also pressed very hard. They had already returned to the grassland, and tens of thousands of soldiers had already been released. The goods of 200,000 taels of silver were arriving through Yuguan Port one after another, or they had to wait until Qian'an and The finished iron materials from Lulong's furnace for iron smelting can only be transported to the grassland.

So this is a win-win or even a triple-win result by using the asymmetry of information, but the time has to be slowed down, and Zai Sai has to be suppressed, and he can't let him go so quickly. Otherwise, the emperor will be unhappy.

  Doing this kind of thing itself is a kind of tacit understanding. The emperor, the Ministry of War and myself must have a tacit understanding.

He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's "ambush" on the banks of the Weishui was fought "beautifully", and more than a hundred Horqin captives finally managed to keep a share for the losing Beijing camp, which didn't even have any pants left. Face, so the two have already led the reorganized two parts and are undergoing intensive hard training, waiting for the review from the Ministry of War.

If the inspection of the Ministry of War can be completed and the two Beijing battalions are considered to be sufficient to take on heavy responsibilities, then it is even possible to continue to expand and reorganize the training on the basis of these two. After all, the 80,000 Beijing battalion died in one fell swoop, and the military power in the capital city is clearly out of balance. , it is simply not something that He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji can fill with a few thousand people, and when it is impossible to introduce foreign soldiers to enrich the situation in a short period of time, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's second division is undoubtedly the most suitable expansion target.

  (end of this chapter)

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