Number of People

Chapter 1173: Jia Rong's State of Mind

  Chapter 1173 Jia Rong’s State of Mind

"It seems that you are making good progress. Wang Zisheng has contacted eight households here, and six of them have already negotiated and paid the deposit. You have thirty-five households here, and twenty-three of them have basically negotiated. The household has paid the deposit, what about Jia Rui?" Feng Ziying looked at it and asked, "How much is the deposit?"

"Thirty percent." Jia Rong couldn't help beaming when she mentioned this, "Not only my nephew, but also my father was involved in this matter. After all, my father is often more familiar with it, so we still have ten or twenty households. During the contact, it is estimated that there will be some results. The 30% deposit was also negotiated by my aunt and us. It is too small. If you have settled the agreement here, they go back on their word or find someone else, then we will soon lose money. , I heard that some of them entrusted it to some businessmen who often slipped away,..."

Seeing that Jia Rong was still a little worried, Feng Ziying waved her hand: "There is such a thing, but the Mongols have very strict requirements, and they have to pack everything. Which businessman dares to take all this work? Even if they collect all the money, Are you afraid that the Mongols will go back on their word? The Mongols have really turned their backs and refused to accept their account. Who will bear the loss?"

   "Yes, yes, yes, that's the truth. What are merchants with the Mongols? It's still the uncle who speaks hard, even the Mongol leaders have to give some face." Jia Rong was overjoyed.

"I still have some confidence in this, otherwise I wouldn't dare to leave this matter to you." Feng Ziying nodded casually, "It's not just anyone who can meddle in this kind of thing. With this confidence, others have to think about whether they can eat it."

"Yes, yes, yes, the uncle has confidence in his heart, so we are very practical when we do it." Jia Rong nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and the smile on his face was like a flower, "Jia Rui admires you too When he mentioned you, he said that he was the most willing person in the capital city,..."

   "Stop, Brother Rong, you don't have to praise me in front of me. Jia Rui would praise me like that? I don't believe it."

Feng Ziying waved his hand, Jia Rui is available, but the structure is a bit low, and he is always a bit awkward, so he needs to be on his guard, but judging from the feedback from Ni Er, this guy is focused on money. , a bit of a state of evolution towards Jia She, wanting to make a fortune of any money.

"Master, why does my nephew dare to lie in front of you? Jia Rui used to play around in the mansion, but now he goes out and earns some money by lending money from several gambling houses, but he also encounters some difficulties. He suffered a lot. Some time ago, he gave the silver to Gu Bingqian, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, to the younger brother of Master Gu’s concubine. He said it was not too much, and he said it was a lot less. He took out the IOU, but he was snatched away and torn to pieces. After a fight, he was also bloodied, and went to the Wanping County Government, but people said that his words were unsubstantiated, and everyone was responsible for the fight. The blame is that the other party’s injury was more serious, and he folded the four hundred taels of silver for nothing, and spent ten taels of soup and medicine on his own, and paid the other party twenty taels of silver, so angry that he scolded at home for two days,..."

   Messing with Gu Bingqian's cheap brother-in-law is really asking for trouble.

   Although it is impossible for Gu Bingqian to show his face, which of the officials in the capital's territory does not know the relatives and relatives of the ministers in the DPRK and China?

Originally your kind of casino lending was not liked by people, but now the evidence has been torn up, it will be difficult for you to argue about right and wrong, they still have such arms, you are a branch of the Jia family, even if you It's Long Jinwei's secret agent, but how could Long Jinwei stand up for you for such things?

"This Jia Rui kicked the iron plate, but he should have had this kind of mental preparation for this kind of activity, right? How can every such huge profit be recovered smoothly? Then others still Maybe I have to do this kind of work." Feng Ziying shook her head.

"My lord said that two months ago, he also put a sum of money, five hundred taels, to the nephew of Mr. Niu from Zhenguo Bull's family, but he has not been able to get it back now. He didn't say that he would not pay it back, but he said he would have to wait until He won the money back in the casino and paid it back. He went to the casino to block people a few times, but he didn't dare to challenge them at all because of the large number of people in his family. If they couldn't get in, they were kicked out, so Jia Rui also said that it's people who are good at being bullied, and horses who are good at being ridden,..."

  Feng Ziying was amused and laughed, does this Jia Rui dare to call himself a good person?

   "Then is he interested in doing this?"

"Shangxin, Shangxin, he is more attentive than anyone else. He found Ni Er to cooperate, and it went very smoothly. However, although there are many people on his side, the amount of ransom is not high, and there are many entanglements. At least there is no money at all, so the profit may not be as good as ours,..." Jia Rong said quite proudly.

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "What about his list?"

"This guy refuses to hand it over to me, so he has to hand it over to you in person. Maybe he will come to Yongping Mansion to meet you in person in a few days." Jia Rong's face flashed dissatisfaction and disdain, "I'm afraid I can It's like trying to grab his business, he's full of pettiness, and I don't even think about how my nephew would like him so much?"

"Oh? He wants to make a trip by himself?" Feng Ziying didn't care. She read the two lists again and nodded. "Let me take a look at this list. If the problem is not serious, you can ask these people to hand it over directly." The money is gone, but in terms of time, you will come in stages. I will give you a circle at that time, which ones are the highest priority, which ones are the second step, and the last batch. This will also show our efforts in it, and their money will be paid. It's worth the money,..."

Jia Rong was overjoyed. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He thought that the other party would have to make some adjustments, and might even find some reasons to explain the difficulties. He didn't expect that he didn't have such an idea at all. If he did it like this, it would cost two to three thousand taels Silver will be available.

  Rubbing her hands and standing up, Jia Rong bowed sincerely, "Auntie also said that it is up to the uncle to worry about it, when the time comes..."

"Okay, don't you understand your aunt's scheming, Brother Rong?" Feng Ziying smiled and waved her hand: "If the money falls into her hands, can you expect her to take it out? I never expected to earn a few from her, My mind is all on official business now, how can I have the time to think about these things? It's just a way to repay the favor."

   Return the favor? Jia Rong was also muttering in her heart, this favor is a bit big, what kind of favor can be worth tens of thousands of taels of silver?

   After calculating this, the profit must be more than 100,000 vehicles, and even if it is done well, it is possible to earn 200,000. Of course, this depends on the bargaining power between Uncle Feng and the Mongols.

  To be honest, it’s only natural that Uncle Feng should divide half, but Uncle Feng doesn’t seem to care about this at all. Thinking of this, Jia Rong became more and more curious about the relationship between Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng.

Then I thought that Uncle Lian went to Yangzhou. A friend who came back from Yangzhou said that Uncle Lian raised two skinny horses in Yangzhou. After that, Uncle Lian is now the person in charge of Haitong Yinzhuang Yangzhou, so he can be said to be a leader.

Yangzhou is no better than the Beijing Normal University, where business is popular, and it is common for merchants to borrow money, so the business of Yangzhou is booming, and the second uncle Lian is very popular there. The few of them often have banquets with Lian's second uncle, which is rare for the two masters in the mansion and his own father.

  Look at the people in the Shuntian government office, how can the Rongning two government offices climb up? It is said that the Master of the Wu Mansion has eyes higher than the top, and he usually deals with the first assistant and the second assistant, even the poetry conferences invited by King Shou and King Fu, it is rare to pay attention to them.

That Mei Hanlin, a son of a concubine, dared to resign the marriage of the second daughter of the Xue family, and then thought that the Xue family would simply marry the second daughter of the Xue family into the second wife of the Feng family with Xue Baochai as a dowry. His courage cannot be described as indecisive.

Thinking about it this way, Jia Rong felt more and more that the second uncle Lian probably had the idea of ​​"entrusting his wife to present a son". No one can admire the mind of this second uncle Lian, and I am also a little envious in my heart.

   Just relying on this move, you can earn a lot of money. Isn't Yangzhou thin horse delicious? I heard that a high-quality Yangzhou lean horse needs more than ten years of training, and it often costs tens of thousands of dollars. Uncle Lian dares to accept two!

   It is said that she will not marry the daughter of a wealthy family in Yangzhou. In comparison, the appearance of Rao's second aunt is also coveted, but the aura on her body seems to have dimmed all of a sudden.

"Master Benevolence!" Although she was still muttering about the relationship between Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng in her heart, it did not affect Jia Rong's understanding of current affairs, and she smiled all over her face: "After this business, my aunt, nephew and Jia Rui can also be regarded as able Take a breath,..."

"Brother Rong, Sister Feng and Jia Rui are just fine. You will be the head of the Ningguo Mansion family in the future. Although Brother Zhen likes it a bit, your huge Ningguo Mansion is not as big a burden as the Grand View Garden." Now, it should be much better, right?"

Feng Ziying was really curious about the family situation of Ningguo Mansion. He had a general understanding of the situation of Rongguo Mansion from Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng, Baochai, Daiyu and Xiu Daguanyuan. After all, the cost should be much less. Although Jia Zhen is absurd, there is a limit to that, and she shouldn't be so embarrassed.

  When Jia Rong heard Feng Ziying's question, her eye circles almost turned red. How many people know about the misery in the mansion?

  He has been waiting for Uncle Feng's words for several years, so he can't just hug his thigh for no reason, right? Now there is finally a reason.

  (end of this chapter)

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