Number of People

Chapter 1175: Geng Scroll Little People, Big People

  Chapter 1175 Geng Scroll Little People, Big People

   "Oh, she's so interested in my family's affairs?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows, "Brother Rong, do you think she wants to climb a high branch and redeem herself?"

"Master, if that wasn't the case, how could she pay so much attention to the affairs of the uncle's family? I also asked how many wives and families the uncle had in his house, and the younger nephew didn't dare to speak nonsense, so he could only be vague, but the uncle really didn't care about everyone Su." Interested?" A strange smile appeared on Jia Rong's face, "Many dignitaries in Beijing have admired this Jiangdong Qin God for a long time, especially His Royal Highness Fu Wang, who has been invited many times. It is really possible that His Royal Highness Fu Wang will accept him as a forbidden private pet."

"Hehe, Brother Rong, do you think it is a good thing for such a woman to be a concubine?" Feng Ziying smirked, as if pointing, "It was originally possible for everyone to have a kiss, but now you are in your arms alone, you How hated are you talking about? Besides, at such a young age, why do people want to quit their nationality and become good?"

"Master, that's not what you said. As far as I know, this Master Su and the Sun Master who is known as Jiangzuo Songxian are not from lowly nationality, and there is no problem of leaving their nationality. Life seems to be beautiful, but it is unavoidable that there are various risks. If you encounter someone who is not particular about it, or who is immoral after drinking, or who is jealous and causes some disaster, it may fall on your head and make you feel sad. You can't get rid of the relationship, who wouldn't want to find a good family to marry, take care of husband and raise children, and live a comfortable life while they are in the limelight?"

  Feng Ziying took a look at Jia Rong, and this guy was able to say some reasonable and sensible words. I don't know if the woman really left a deep impression on him, or was she trying to curry favor with him?

   "Since that's the case, why didn't Brother Rong ask you to go back and be a concubine? Anyway, you are also from Ning Guogong's lineage..."

Jia Rong shook her head like a rattle drum, "Grandpa, you are joking. Everyone, Su, falls in love with you and has traveled thousands of miles to look for you. How can my nephew do such a disastrous thing? Besides, she is so Scenery, how can my little nephew bear it? As you said, let alone my little nephew can't bear it, if people want it, if I really want to be included in the house, I'm afraid I will be criticized by everyone, my little nephew is so small I can't bear it, but you are different, sir. You are well-known in the capital. If everyone in Su can enter Feng's residence, and the qin and se are harmonious, it will definitely be a good story, and it will also be a great thing for the scholars in Beijing. ah."

   Not to mention, Jia Rong's words can feel comfortable in anyone's heart. Feng Ziying knows that the other party is trying to please her, but she still feels at ease with these words, and thinks more of Jia Rong.

In any case, being able to observe words and feelings, figure out people's wishes, and choose an appropriate coping strategy is also a kind of ability. In comparison, Jia Huan, who is somewhat arrogant, is much worse than Jia Rong. If Jia Huan could not read , I'm afraid that in the future, it's not as good as people like Jia Rong.

   "Okay, okay, Brother Rong, what you said almost made me happy. If you work so hard to match, you are afraid that your aunts will not want to see you in the future?" Feng Ziying laughed.

Jia Rong put on a bitter face, rubbed her hands, and said apologetically, "Master, please don't tell the aunts, I have never met the aunt, but the second aunt is going to pass the door soon, but Miss Bao has always been an elder sister. Miss Lin is the one who is more generous, if she finds out, she will not be able to spare my nephew."

These words brought the relationship between the two closer. Feng Ziying also had to admit that Jia Rong is really a transparent person in some aspects. Compared with Jia Lian, he is more knowledgeable and interesting. It's really suitable for the other party to communicate, and it's also in line with my own opinion. It's not good for big things, but it's quite easy to handle small things.

"Well, Brother Rong, don't gossip, don't worry about that Master Su, she can do whatever she likes, I don't have the heart to talk to her now, and she is not something you and I can get involved with, Feng Hua Xue Yue Just a little bit is fine, but no matter how much, I can’t give it.” Feng Ziying shrugged gracefully, “I have my business, and you also have yours, go back and bring a message to Sister Feng, I promise you, of course I will You can do it, and how much you can earn depends on how much you can bring in, and Feng’s reputation can still be guaranteed.”

Hearing Feng Ziying's words, Jia Rong's heart fell to the ground, and she was also a little excited, "Don't worry, my lord, I will naturally have a good deal with my aunt when I go back, and I will definitely not disappoint my lord's expectations. If things are done well, my nephew is still counting on the uncle to give my nephew more things to do in the future."

Jia Rong didn't notice that the meaning of "aunt" in his mouth and the "aunt" in his previous words had changed a lot. Wang Xifeng was also included in the sequence of "aunt" intentionally or unintentionally, even though it was not as good as Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu. The name is justified, but subconsciously, since Wang Xifeng slept in Uncle Feng's bed, the second aunt Lian is not counted, so she is also "Aunt Keng". As for the identity and relationship here, that is not what he cares about.

Feng Ziying also didn't notice it, or he didn't care if he noticed it. Such things are no longer worth his nervousness. Jia Rong is a smart person, and he is more accurate than anyone else in this aspect, even better than Jia Lian. Tricky, since people are taking the initiative to draw closer to you and show their loyalty, why should you reject people thousands of miles away?


"What? Ziying was assassinated? In Yutian County, at the Guhe Ferry?" Qi Yongtai was furious, "Wu Daonan, the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture, is doing more and more outrageous. I have already said that this Governor of Shuntian Prefecture needs to be wanted." A stronger and more capable official came to do it, but Brother Jinqing and Brother Zhonghan always said that Shuntian Mansion is the head of a hundred mansions, and it needs a talented and upright minister, hmph, Wu Daonan has a talent and reputation Yes, but look at what he has done in the past few years as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture? He is smoother than anyone else when he is a shopkeeper, and he goes to various literary and poetry clubs more frequently than anyone else,..."

Seeing that Qi Yongtai was furious, Sun Juxiang didn't say much, especially Qi Yongtai directly targeted the first assistant and the second assistant, and also tried his best to ridicule Wu Daonan. This is not in line with Qi Yongtai's daily style, which shows his anger towards this matter degree.

  Sun Ju was also extremely shocked by this incident. It is a big deal to assassinate the court officials. If this situation is allowed to happen, who will dare to do things boldly in the future?

Moreover, Feng Ziying's identity is even more unusual. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the leader of the younger generation of northern scholars, but now he was assassinated in broad daylight in Shuntian Mansion, and it was attacked with a bow and arrow. This is obviously beyond the ordinary sense of vendetta , the meaning hidden in it is too deep, and it is very likely that it will be used by those who want to make trouble.

"Brother Chengfeng, Wu Daonan is certainly responsible, but I think that the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion has been vacant for almost half a year, and this is the key reason. Everyone knows that Wu Daonan doesn't like mundane affairs, but it turns out that the government affairs can also handle it. , but the former Fucheng became an official, and the candidate for this Fucheng has been vacant all the time. As the governor, Mei Zhiye came directly from the Imperial Academy to Shuntian Mansion, and he is a little unfamiliar with the affairs of Shuntian Mansion, so he can handle his affairs It’s not bad if it’s done well, so this means that Shuntian Mansion is missing two heads, and the Mongol invasion has brought great chaos to Shuntian Mansion, so I think that Shuntian Mansion really needs to consider the selection of Fu Cheng as soon as possible ,..."

   What Sun Juxiang said was sincere, Qi Yongtai naturally understood, but this Shuntian Fucheng is also an important official, which is unusual, especially when Wu Daonan is not in office, he needs to be more considerate.

Moreover, as the capital of Gyeonggi, the Prime Minister of Suncheon Prefecture is a fourth-rank official, equal to the prefects of other prefectures. The selection of candidates is not as simple as the appointment of co-prefects in other prefectures. The decision still needs to pass the emperor's imperial approval.

In a sense, although the Fucheng of Shuntian Prefecture, who is also of the fourth rank, does not seem to be the top leader of the prefect, and does not have as much power as the magistrates of other prefectures, but its particularity makes no one dare to underestimate it. Even the emperor had to look at it differently.

"Bofu, why don't I know?" Qi Yongtai shook his head, "The Mongol invasion has brought too many problems, and now the Japanese are haunting the south of the Yangtze River, and even cut off the water transportation, which makes people anxious. I'm so overwhelmed, brother Bo Xiao is about to retire, the financial hole is so big, without brother Bo Xiao, a paper painter, I'm really worried that the imperial court's finances will be closed, so why do you have the heart to think about these things? It's definitely not good to study personnel It may be possible to study only one Shuntian Fucheng, and many personnel matters should be finalized, but in this case, do you think it can be finalized in a day or two?"

   Qi Yongtai's emotional words fell into Sun Juxiang's ears, which also caused him to sigh.

  Although the position of Shuntian Fucheng is important, it is much inferior to the Minister of the Seventh Department of the Imperial Court. Even the personnel cabinet of the Seventh Department of the Imperial Court still talks about one way, let alone others?

  If the Minister of the Seven Books is not finalized, the positions of many other people cannot be moved. This involves a series of personnel adjustments, which is too complicated.

"Brother Chengfeng, I can't say anything about this matter. Fortunately, Ziying's injuries are not serious. The Ministry of Criminal Justice has already notified Long Jinwei Beizhen Fusi, and asked them to send personnel to Yutian to investigate immediately. , we also have some clues here,..."

  Sun Juxiang's words lifted Qi Yongtai's spirit, "Do you have a clue?"

Sun Juxiang nodded, "The Ministry of Criminal Justice has dispatched personnel to Yutian, and the Shuntian Mansion has also gone there. However, for an assassination case with an obvious special nature, I am afraid that Captain Long has more experience. We have clues that the assassin who was killed by Ziying's guards should be a fugitive from the Panguan camp in Shanhaiguan, Jizhen, and he should have been on the run seven years ago."

  (end of this chapter)

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