Number of People

Chapter 1176: Gengzi scroll little fox, old fox

  Chapter 1176 Geng Scroll Little Fox, Old Fox

   "Pan Guanying in Shanhaiguan? A fugitive from Jizhen?" Qi Yongtai found it inconceivable. How could a fugitive in the army go to assassinate Feng Ziying?

"I'm afraid it's not an ordinary fugitive. According to the investigation personnel of Yutian County torture room, this person is especially good at wielding knives. I'm afraid that three or five ordinary soldiers will only have to die. Such talents must be officers in the army. Shang Ziying's guards are all Jianghu masters specially hired by him, I'm afraid..." Sun Juxiang shook his head.

"Is the law and order in Shuntian Mansion so bad?" Qi Yongtai became more and more angry, "Weapons such as bows and crossbows, which are strictly prohibited from private possession, can be seen everywhere? And Ziying, a colleague of Yongping Mansion, what does he need to hire?" Is it that exaggerated for a master of the rivers and lakes to protect himself?"

"Brother Chengfeng, the law and order in Shuntian Mansion has been unstable for the past few years, but it is not enough to say that privately hidden bows and crossbows can be seen everywhere. The reason why Ziying hired guards is probably because of helplessness. Do you still remember him and me and Ziqiang? Did you go to the south of the Yangtze River together? You were attacked by assassins near Yangzhou, but Ziying also said at the time that it was more of a warning and threat warning, but the strategy of opening the sea involves too many people's interests, and it is inevitable that some people will take risks in the future , Now that Ziying has made such a big commotion in Yongping Mansion, isn’t it because many local gentry have come to Beijing to sue? I reckon this is also hired by her father, after all, the Feng family is such a single seedling, If this is true, Feng Tang must go crazy?"

Sun Juxiang sighed, it's no wonder that the Feng family is so nervous, the key is that there is only one seedling, three households and one wife, and now there is no seedling for the continuation of the incense, so how dare you relax your vigilance easily, just go all out and spend more I'm afraid that gold and silver have to keep this one seedling, otherwise something will happen, no matter how much property the family saves, who can it be left to?

From Datong to Yulin and then to Liaodong, Feng Tang traveled through three towns and served as an official for decades. There was no problem with his connections or family wealth. It's a bit exaggerated, the key is that people really encountered this kind of thing, if there is no such defense, wouldn't something really happen?

   Qi Yongtai was silent.

   What Sun Juxiang said is not unreasonable. Of course, an ordinary magistrate does not need such a posture, even a magistrate, but who makes Feng Ziying different?

Second-class Jinshi and Shu Jishi, later he was an editor of the Imperial Academy, his father was the governor of Jiliao, and his family had a great plan to open the sea, so he went to Yongping Mansion as a co-prefect, no matter how you look at it, he was relegated and exiled, but But people are happy with it, and they are really doing well in Yongping Mansion.

Not only did the merchants from Shanshan and Shanxi get under their command, but even Qiao Yingjia, Sun Juxiang and other Shanxi scholars were a little jealous, and the First Battle of Qian'an even stole the limelight of Jizhen and Jingying, and even sent Huang Degong to go out for reinforcements Li Ruzhang's department, even if it didn't turn the tide, at least played a key role. With just these few moves, who can be capable of writing and martial arts, who can not pay attention?

"Bo Fu, this matter really needs to be investigated carefully. If it is said that it is because of the general strategy of opening the sea, I don't believe it. How long has it been? Ziying is no longer in the center, and she went to a place. Why did the assassination escalate? It is unbelievable to use the bow and arrow masters in the army to come."

Qi Yongtai pondered for a while, "I will negotiate with Lu Song, please pay attention to him, it is not because Feng Ziying is my disciple of Qi Yongtai, nor is it because Feng Ziying is the leader among the young scholars in the Northland, the current situation is inherently It is turbulent, and if this kind of thing happens again, it will really easily cause people's hearts to fluctuate."

"Brother Chengfeng, please don't worry, I will keep an eye on Captain Long and the Ministry of Justice, and I believe You Shigong will also take care of Jizhen. This kind of thing is really strange, and I can't imagine anyone who can recruit him." It is understandable that the fugitive officers who went to these armies to serve them did such treasonous things, killing officials is like rebellion, this is the truth..."

  Sun Juxiang also nodded solemnly.

  Feng Ziying's story still caused a lot of trouble here, not only in Beijing, but also in Yongping Prefecture.

  Zhu Zhiren was also taken aback, and went to visit Feng Ziying's mansion in person to express condolences.

"Ziying, you are too hasty. If you are worried about such matters, you can arrange for your chief of staff to go with you, or you can ask people from the households and workshops in the government office to contact you and send you a letter from me. That's right, I know the effect is definitely not as good as your appearance, but this is the normal channel. A fellow magistrate like you crosses the border to the Shuntian Prefecture's territory to point fingers, which is easy to be annoying, and something happened. I always feel a little uncomfortable, and the officials over there are even more unhappy, why bother? Besides, this is a matter entrusted to them by the court in Shuntian Mansion, and they should take care of it. We only need to take over the matter on our own territory People are enough, as long as we arrange properly here in Yongping Mansion, no one can say what we are all about."

  Zhu Zhiren is not very satisfied with Feng Ziying's behavior. Now that he is in his position, he just wants to be safe, and he just wants to leave when the time is up, and he is unwilling to make any incidents.

He didn't approve of Feng Ziying's recruitment of refugees, but because Feng Ziying did a lot of things in the early stage, he got a lot of money, and the Shanshan merchants really needed it, and the arrangements were very thoughtful, so he reluctantly agreed, and now something happened. Naturally, he was not very happy.

   "My lord, I understand your thoughts, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for our Yongping Mansion to die down now." Feng Ziying sighed.

  Zhu Zhiren glanced suspiciously at Feng Ziying, "Ziying, what do you mean?"

"At the beginning of next year, you should know that the Jingchao and Daji are integrated into one. You should know that the imperial court now not only has a lot of vacancies in various ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but it has not been finalized and implemented because of the cabinet and the Ministry of Officials. And all parties in the Metropolitan Procuratorate failed to reach an agreement on some things. This time, the six ministers and the ministers are facing huge adjustments, including many prefectures, so the news I heard is that the imperial court intends to transfer most of the personnel at one time. It's all settled, so there are many foreign officials like you who want to enter Beijing, and even many people would rather go back to Beijing than make a flat transfer..."

  Feng Ziying looked at Zhu Zhiren and said sincerely: "To tell you the truth, even my old father-in-law wants to move..."

   "Huh?" Zhu Zhiren was taken aback, "Maybe Mr. Shen has not been six years old?"

"It's less than six years old, but he is from Suzhou, and the dispute over who should be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is mostly between Lord Sun Shenxing and Lord Liu Yixiu. Let's go."

  Feng Ziying's light words made Zhu Zhiren silent.

What they said is correct, Sun Shenxing, the current Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, is from Changzhou, and Fang Congzhe admires him deeply. No matter who these two are serving as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, I am afraid that the power of the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River will be greatly expanded, and Zhu Zhiren's backer, the Minister of the Ministry of Households, Zheng Jizhi, is about to retire. This will undoubtedly be a blow to Zhu Zhiren's prospects.

"Right now our Yongping Mansion seems to be in a good position, but if we can't continue to produce some achievements in the past two or three months, I'm afraid that in February and March next year, it will be very prosperous and then decline, and everyone may not remember our history. It's all over, and it will be even harder to say when the new Minister of the Ministry of Officials takes office."

  Feng Ziying's words moved Zhu Zhiren.

"Then Ziying, what should you do in your opinion?" Zhu Zhiren is not so easily persuaded, and he is tempted to be tempted, but if it is too risky, he is not willing. , being forced to become an official, that is the only way to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

"Your Majesty, you have to do something, and you have to do it beautifully." Feng Ziying said earnestly, "This year's summer and autumn taxes and taxes should be shipped as soon as possible, and I will give an explanation to the household department. As far as I know, the new household secretary It should be Mr. Huang Ruliang. He was my boss in the Imperial Academy. He is a good person. If we can start the shipment in time, he will not make things difficult for us, but this is just a basic set. Also, Shuntian Mansion has done a good job in the resettlement of refugees. Very bad, I guess the next round of personnel adjustments, I'm afraid Shuntian Mansion is also the key point, Mr. Wu won the favor of the first and second assistants, so naturally he won't move, Mei Zhiye is your Huguang scholar's first choice in Shuntian Mansion It’s probably not going to be moved, but it’s hard to say about the counties in the lower states, maybe those few will be the ones to do the surgery, so if we do it beautifully, can we compare the two?”

  This job is actually not complicated. As long as the refugees come here, Feng Ziying has already done a lot of preparatory work with the Shanshan merchants here. Naturally, Zhu Zhiren has no objection, "What else?"

"Also, my lord also mentioned it to me, the Japanese pirates at Huimin Salt Field and Xiangyun Island." Feng Ziying became serious, "There must be an explanation from the Changludu Salt Envoy, Huimin It is impossible for the salt farm to continue like this forever, and if this chronic problem can be solved in the hands of the adults, I guess the cabinet, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will be very satisfied."

  Changludu Salt Transit Envoy Division is in charge of the business of the household department, but the person in charge of the Salt Transport Envoy Division is the Xunyan Yushi, who is from the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

"Ziying, I don't believe you don't know who is involved in this Huimin saltworks, and you are going to poke a hornet's nest, are you really not afraid that they will sue you in the capital city?" Zhu Zhiren smiled, "You are a northerner." Man, is Qi Ge pampering you like this?"

"My lord, I don't want to, but can the imperial court let us go? So I can't be too involved in this matter, and I have to show my hand before I leave. Don't let people look down on me. Of course, I will go all out in the future to support my lord in a thunderous fury." Feng Ziying said with a smile: "I have already contacted the Denglai navy for my lord."

  (end of this chapter)

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