Number of People

Chapter 1179: Geng Scroll Harem · Biography of Daiyun

  Chapter 1179 Geng Scroll Harem · Daiyun Biography

   "What did you say? Brother Feng was assassinated? Was he shot by an arrow?" Lin Daiyu stood up with a pale face, her body was on the verge of falling, and Zijuan quickly supported her.

"Girl, girl, the servant girl heard about it from Baozhu next to Grandma Rong. She said that she heard Uncle Xiaorong and Second Grandma Lian mention it when they were talking to Grandma Rong. Second Grandma Lian's expression changed with fright. I asked Uncle Xiao Rong several times, and Uncle Xiao Rong said that he saw Uncle Feng's shoulders wrapped in gauze, his face was a little ugly, but he was in good spirits, and said that the injury was not serious,..."

   "Who is going to assassinate Brother Feng? Has the thief been caught?" Lin Daiyu supported the round table with one hand, her eyes were already red, and her hands and feet were cold.

Zicuckoo was so panicked that she asked Xueyan to bring Mrs. Tang over, and asked Daiyu to bake her hands, and also asked Daiyu to cover her feet in a smoke cage. Her own girl was short of energy and blood, and she needed to keep warm in winter. .

"Uncle Xiaorong is not very clear, he just said that Uncle Feng doesn't seem to care too much..." Zijuan touched Daiyu's hand, and said with some distress: "Miss, don't worry, if there is something wrong with Uncle Feng , I will definitely send the news back as soon as possible, and the servant girl will go to Feng's mansion tomorrow to ask Qingwen to see if there is any news, if there is no news, it should be all right."

"No serious problem?" Daiyu frowned, pulled her hand out of Mrs. Tang, pressed her heart, and tried her best to calm herself down, "Zicuckoo, you don't know how dangerous those assassins are, the bow and arrow shot Brother Feng , Brother Feng is a stubborn person, he must be enduring the pain by force, and I wonder if there are any good doctors in Yongping Mansion?"

The moment she heard the news earlier, her heart almost stopped. Uncle Feng was assassinated on that trip to the south of the Yangtze River. But at that time, there were many people. It is hard to say who was assassinated, but Daiyu could guess. Most of them went for Brother Feng, who made Brother Feng propose the strategy of opening the sea?

"Girl, the uncle is now a colleague, there will definitely be the best doctor to treat his wounds, so don't worry too much, I'm really afraid that you will fall ill suddenly, it will make the uncle anxious and affect him The injury has recovered." Zijuan is careful, knowing that her daughter cares most about Uncle Feng, and Uncle Feng is also most concerned about her physical condition, and only this question can make her obedient.

   Biting her lips and thinking for a while, Daiyu seemed to have made a decision, "Zijuan, you said I'll go to Yongping Mansion to see Brother Feng, okay?"

Zijuan was taken aback, "Girl, it's freezing cold, and Yongping Mansion is hundreds of miles away from Beijing. How can your bones withstand such bumps? If this trip passes, you If you're sick, wouldn't that make Uncle Feng even more anxious and angry, and even the two masters might not allow you to go out like this?"

"But if I don't see Big Brother Feng with my own eyes, it's okay, I still can't let go,..." Daiyu frowned and bit her lips, holding Zijuan with one hand, "Good Zijuan, give me an idea, I must Go to Yongping Mansion."

"But girl, Miss Bao and Miss Bao Er are going to get married next month. Uncle Feng will definitely come back. You..." Zijuan hesitated. Once she made up her mind, it was difficult to change it, but the weather was too bad now, and the girl of her family was weak, so going out like this was indeed easy to get sick.

  Lin Daiyu's face changed slightly, and Zijuan immediately regretted saying this. Didn't this irritate her girl even more?

   "I just want to see Brother Feng once before Brother Feng marries Sister Bao." Daiyu's tone was a bit cold, "It seems that Hengwuyuan is very lively these days, right?"

   Zijuan bowed his head and dared not answer.

As the wedding day is approaching, the Hengwu Garden is indeed much more lively. In this garden, besides the third girl who often comes here, girls like Yun, the fourth girl, Xing girl and even the second girl also often go to Hengwu Garden and Hongwu Garden. The incense garden is here, and Grandma Zhu and Grandma Lian also go to send some things from time to time, some help prepare the wedding dress, some help embroider some small items, and some help clean up, get together to talk, naturally It is much more lively than the Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Even Second Master Bao, Third Master Huan and even Brother Lan occasionally went to Hengwu Garden, of course not many times. After all, ordinary men were not allowed to enter the Grand View Garden, but Second Master Bao, Third Master Huan and Brother Lan It's another matter.

My girl is a sensitive and careful person, and she must have observed something after going back and forth. In addition, the maids in the Rongguo Mansion did not discuss the marriage date of Miss Bao and Miss Bao Er and their lives after marriage, but Miss Bao and Miss Bao. The second girl is also very good at coming, some small silver coins are scattered, and the servants in the mansion and the garden keep talking good things about Miss Bao and Miss Bao, and my own girl must be a little uncomfortable hearing it.

  If the master hadn't passed away, my daughter would have been able to marry this year, but it's a pity that the master passed away. During the three-year filial piety, Miss Bao and the others took the lead.

  As soon as Daiyu said that, she felt that she had made a slip of the tongue. Sister Bao was about to get married. It was normal for the people in the house to be more diligent in the past. Didn’t she also go there a few times? I will also be sister-in-law with Sister Bao in the future, so it seems inappropriate to be so stingy.

  Daiyu still doesn't have much ties to Baochai. Baochai's attitude is always so gentle and generous, but Daiyu has an indescribable dislike for Baoqin.

The other party's shrewdness, as well as the sharp and aggressive posture displayed, made Daiyu feel uncomfortable, but she couldn't find a suitable reason for it, it was just a purely unharmonious Feel.

It would be a lie to say that Baochai was not at all displeased with marrying Brother Feng first, but this is indeed no one's fault. No one wants to see the death of his father. Resigned to fate, so Daiyu was fine, and even Baochai comforted herself, but the second girl Bao didn't seem to feel anything, and even felt that it was only right and proper for the two of them to marry Brother Feng. This made Daiyu a little uncomfortable and even faintly hostile.

Daiyu even took a self-examination to assess whether she was too extreme and narrow-minded, but when she realized that she didn't have much aversion to Baochai or Shen Yixiu, but only had some hostility towards Xue Baoqin, she felt that maybe it was not completely. It's my own reason.

   Even so, she has to admit that Xue Baoqin's personality seems to be more able to get along with others in the garden, while she seems to lack talent in this area.

Daiyu raised her head and looked out of the door. The cotton curtain covered most of it. Through the gap, she could see the snow scene outside the house from the door. There was still snow on the edge of the stone path, and the ground was wet. Ice has formed on the ground, but the flowing stream can still be seen under the ice.

   "How about we call the three girls together?" Daiyu said after a long silence.

   "Three girls together?" Zijuan twisted the scarf and said hesitantly, "Girl, how is this?"

  Zijuan's rhetorical question made Daiyu hesitate again, indeed, girl Tan is also a big girl, so what is Yongping in such a situation?

   It is undoubtedly the most suitable to go to Sister Bao, but it is a pity that Sister Bao will get married next month, so naturally it is not suitable to go again.

   While the master and servant were hesitating, they heard the voice of Xueyan outside the door: "Miss Shi is here? Is the girl here..."

  Daiyu and Zijuan were a little surprised and stood up. Shi Xiangyun is here?

  But seeing Shi Xiangyun rushing in, he was breathing hot air from afar, his face was flushed from the cold, and he just rubbed his hands, so panicked that Zijuan hurriedly asked someone to bring in the stove.

"Girl Yun, you are not afraid of being cold, and you don't wear a cloak?" Daiyu is still very close to Xiangyun. Although Xiangyun has been going to Hengwuyuan more during this time, this girl is straightforward, and Daiyu's heart I understand, I don't care.

   "Where's the cloak?" Xiang Yun curled his lips, "Sister Lin, you are a rich man in our house, why don't you give me a cloak, so that she can go out to keep out the cold in this snowy day."

   Daiyu looked at Shi Xiangyun in surprise, and stretched out her hand to pinch the embroidered jacket on Shi Xiangyun's body. Although it was not thin, she didn't have a big bag or a cloak when she went out in such weather. How could she afford it? Then he looked at Cui Lu who came in with Shi Xiangyun with a sullen face, "Cui Lu, where is Sister Yun's fox fur cloak? I saw my sister wearing it a few days ago."

   Cui Ling hesitated to speak, but was taken over by Shi Xiangyun: "Okay, I'm not that delicate, and I'm not like you. I'll warm up after staying in the room for a while..."

  Lin Daiyu's face was dark and reluctant: "Cuilu, to be honest, where did sister Yun's cloak go? It was given to my sister by the ancestors. Could it be that there are thieves in this yard?"

   Cui Yu couldn't bear it anymore, "Miss Lin, don't say that, lest someone in the yard will complain behind her back in the future. My girl went home and then..."

   "Okay, sister, don't ask any more questions, I gave the cloak to my aunt..." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Shi Xiangyun could only tell the truth.

   "Why? It was given to you by your ancestors. Why did you give it to your aunt? Besides, why did your aunt want your cloak?" Lin Daiyu was puzzled.

"Hmph, if she didn't want it, how could I give it to her?" Shi Xiangyun smiled, "When I go back, I have to listen to one or two hours of nagging and complaining about how difficult the family is and how my uncle is not up to date. How many debts have I owed outside, and the debtors have been guarding outside the door for several days, and my uncle dare not come back,..."

   "What's going on?" Daiyu saw tears in Shi Xiangyun's eyes, who was pretending to be happy, and she didn't know whether she was wrong or Shi Xiangyun was sentimental for a while, in short, it disappeared when she turned her head again.

"It's nothing, it's just that my aunt is short of money and can't live. She keeps talking about pawning the golden unicorn handed down by my grandfather to celebrate the New Year. I don't agree..." Shi Xiangyun raised his head and said leisurely: "Then the only way is to **** my golden unicorn to celebrate the new year. That tiger-skin cloak is pawned."

  (end of this chapter)

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