Number of People

Chapter 1180: Geng Scroll Harem · Daiyun Biography (Continued)

  Chapter 1180 Geng Scroll Harem · Daiyun Biography (Continued)

  Lin Daiyu was taken aback, but she knew the significance of the golden unicorn hanging on Xiangyun's chest to Xiangyun.

It was handed down from Xiangyun's great-grandfather's generation. In her father's generation, because as the eldest son, only one daughter, Shi Xiangyun, passed away, so it was originally a pair of golden unicorns, one male and one female, and the younger female unicorns hung on the neck. It was placed on Xiangyun's chest as a memory of his parents, and the older unicorn was taken away by his uncle.

   "Yun'er, didn't you say that the unicorns are a pair?" Daiyu hurriedly asked: "This is a family heirloom handed down from your ancestors, how can...?"

"It's a pair, probably my uncle has already pawned or sold the other unicorn. People say that this is a pair, and it takes a pair together to sell for a good price, so my aunt thought about it." Take this one from me too." Shi Xiangyun's face flashed a touch of sadness, but was replaced by indifference immediately: "I said it was left to me by my father, and no one can take it away. I kept making noises, and I couldn't help it, so I gave her the fox fur cloak and blocked her mouth."

Daiyu's heart was also sad, meeting such uncles and aunts, Yun girl was really sad, she reached out to hold Xiangyun's cold hands, put them together in the stove, and rubbed them lightly: "Yun'er, don't worry about these things, Those are just some belongings, Zijuan, go and get the black fox cloak in my house and give it to Cuilu, wear it when you go out,..."

   "Okay." Zijuan got up and went to get it, but Xiangyun quickly stopped him: "How do you do it? And the black fox cloak was given to you by the ancestors, if the ancestors ask, you can still do it?"

"What's wrong with that? Just say I like that style, and we will change it, and the ancestors won't care about it." Daiyu turned her eyes and thought of an idea, "Besides, what's the value of a fox fur ? If we let Yun'er get sick from the cold, that would be a big deal."

Shi Xiangyun is also a bold personality, seeing Daiyu's insistence, he no longer cares about it, and instead laughed: "You are talking about me, my body is resistant to freezing, even if it is cold for two days, it is not a problem, but you , Brother Feng asked you to practice, and I see that you have persisted all day long, why are you still so thin?"

Here, Zijuan has already brought out the fox fur and handed it to Cui Yu, but she said with a smile: "Miss Yun is not good. Although my girl is still a little thinner, her body is still a lot stronger. This winter I don’t cough much anymore, and I dare to go out for a walk or two once in a while.”

"Hey, you dare to go out with such a small body? Dare you go to the garden to play in the snow and admire the plum blossoms together?" Shi Xiangyun's eyes lit up. Girl Qin is busy preparing to get married now, I went there twice to see that they are also busy, the second sister stays in the Zhuijin Building all day long and does not go out, the third girl often comes to your place, but I feel that she seems to have something on her mind , but the fourth girl asked me to enjoy the snow and paint together several times, but you also know that I am a vulgar person, how can I understand the things that wait for the spring and snow, it is not as refreshing as the sisters get together to have a drink..."

Seeing Daiyu's eyes turn, as if thoughtful, Shi Xiangyun said with emotion: "Sister Bao and girl Qin are going to get married soon, and after getting married, I'm afraid it will be rare to see each other in the future. Sister Bao and Qin The girl will go to Yongping Mansion after she gets married, and she may not see her once in a year and a half. There will be fewer and fewer sisters in this garden, and this time will be less and less every day. , wait another two years and you have to pass,..."

   "There is always a banquet in the world..." Daiyu also said leisurely.

"It's good for you, you and Brother Feng have become a family, and Sister Bao and Girl Qin look up and look down, they are still two sister-in-laws, plus Xiangling, Jin Chuan'er, and Qingwen over there, how many do you have?" An acquaintance,..." Xiangyun's interest suddenly fell, "We have to part after all, and there will be only one empty garden left in this garden."

Seeing Shi Xiangyun's sad words, Zijuan hurriedly spoke up: "Miss Yun is too sad for spring and autumn. Girls will naturally want to leave the court when they grow up. Even if they are all married in the future, as long as they are not far away, they will still be married. Can move around a lot,…”

"Zijuan, I'm afraid that what you said is not true. If you are married, it will not be so easy to say. Who can guarantee that you will be in the same place? And the husband's family may not like you before you go out. Run away, if you want to be married to the Sun family like the second sister again, wouldn't it be...?" Shi Xiangyun shook his head sadly.

The news that Yingchun might marry the man from the Sun family had spread throughout the mansion, but there were only footsteps and no one came down. Even Jia Zheng asked his brother, but Jia She only said there was no rush. , but Yingchun is already eighteen, and she will become an old girl if she doesn't get married, not to mention that her marriage with the Sun family has not yet been formally settled, which naturally makes the people in the house a little puzzled.

   It's just that the daughter's marriage has always been decided by her parents, Jia She is not in a hurry, and the Xing family is afraid of Jia She, so others naturally don't want to intervene too much.

   But having said that, after a while, Tanchun and Xiangyun have reached the age to talk about marriage, and even Xichun is fourteen years old, so you can talk about others.

   Baoyu also needs to consider marriage issues, but Baoyu is a man, so he can take it easy, but Tanchun, Xiangyun and other sixteen-year-old girls should think about it.

   Which of the girls in the Grand View Garden has not dreamed about their future? However, as the situation in the Rongning Second Mansion went from bad to worse, it seemed that finding a satisfactory and suitable family became a little difficult, or maybe the elders in the family had some different ideas, and did not consider the girls' own thoughts and wishes at all.

  Of course, in this era, there is no need to ask for their opinions. When parents consider these issues, they are more concerned with whether they are well-matched or whether they can bring benefits to the family.

  Daiyu was keenly aware of the loneliness, helplessness and struggle in Shi Xiangyun's tone.

   "Yun'er, is it...?"

  Seeing Daiyu's inquiring gaze, Shi Xiangyun didn't want to say anything, but just shook his head. Daiyu gave Zijuan a wink, and Zijuan immediately took Cuilu knowingly and went out, leaving only Daiyu and Xiangyun two daughters.

"Don't you want to hide anything from me?" Daiyu took Xiangyun's hand and said softly, "The last time Brother Feng came back, I heard Brother Feng said that you two uncles seem to have some ideas, I asked Brother Feng what he thought, but Brother Feng just shook his head and refused to say, but I can guess that it is probably related to you, otherwise Brother Feng would not care about it, you know Brother Feng's temperament,..."

  Shi Xiangyun shook his head again, but under Daiyu's relentless gaze, he finally said: "Uncle, aunt, and the others think that I should marry someone..."

"Who? Isn't it the Zhen family in Jiangnan?" Daiyu vaguely heard Xiangyun mention it, but it was a few years ago, and it was both Zhen Baoyu and the daughter of the Wang family in Dongping County who were engaged. She doesn't want to marry the Zhen family.

"It's a matter of the year of the monkey. Baoyu of the Zhen family is engaged to the daughter of the king of Dongping County. I'm afraid they are going to get married." Shi Xiangyun didn't know why Brother Feng said that the Zhen family was not a good match, but even Dongping County The daughter of the king's concubine, all the 800 princesses are married to the Zhen family, or is it a bluff for the Zhen family to be engaged to me?

   "Who is that?" Daiyu asked.

  After hesitating for a long time, Shi Xiangyun finally said: "It turns out that uncle wants to promise me to His Royal Highness Shouwang..."

   "His Royal Highness King Shou?!" Lin Daiyu was taken aback, that was really a step up to the sky, but then she understood, how could King Shou marry the daughter of Wu Xun? According to the practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty, royal family members, especially princes like this who have the possibility of succeeding to the throne, are never allowed to marry Wu Xun. It is absolutely impossible for the first wife to be the princess. Room is ok.

  Xiang Yun didn't react too much, and said to himself: "I don't know why, but uncle didn't mention it again. A few days ago, it was said that King Beijing intends to accept a side concubine..."

   "Prince Beijing? How could your uncle want you to enter the palace of Prince Jing?" Daiyu felt even more inconceivable.

Although she doesn't know the difference between King Beijing and King Shou, but King Beijing is just an idle county king, and King Shou is at least a prince who has a chance to succeed to the throne. The king is still a concubine, so the gap is a bit big, and this kind of idle county king sounds superior in name, but in fact it is almost the same as the Rongning Second Mansion. Being a concubine is actually not a good choice , no wonder Xiangyun is so sad.

Of course, King Beijing is very young, only in his twenties. Daiyu even saw it once from a long distance, and he looked quite upright, but she also vaguely heard Brother Feng mention that it is best for the four kings to be farther away. It is best to have deep friendship.

   It’s just that Rongning Second Mansion and Jia Shi Wang Xue Si’s family and Beijing Wang Shui’s family are all family friends, and the relationship has always been very close, especially Jia Shi Wang’s three families. Because the Xue family fell early, and the Shui family gradually faded away.

"I don't know either." A rare sadness appeared on Xiangyun's face. She also told the old ancestor about this matter, but the old ancestor could only sigh. Although she is Xiangyun's aunt, such a big marriage In the end, it was up to her two uncles to decide. She could suggest, but she didn't have the right to make the decision. Moreover, the situation of the Jia family was not good, and the two nephews might not be willing to listen to her.

   "Then have you talked to your ancestors about it? What do you think?" Daiyu bit her lip and said, "I'm afraid that such matters cannot be delayed. Once they are settled, it may be difficult to change them."

Shi Xiangyun was in a state of confusion. She vaguely knew that her uncle owed a lot of debts outside. It might be a deal for her to be a concubine to the King of Beijing, but the details were not very clear. The old ancestors just said, So what?

  (end of this chapter)

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