Number of People

Chapter 1181: Geng Scroll Harem·Dark Wave

  Chapter 1181 Geng Scroll Harem Dark Wave

"So what can I say, the old ancestor is afraid that there is no better solution other than being anxious and angry." Shi Xiangyun smiled self-mockingly, "Do you think it is good or bad for me to marry into the Beijing Palace? I am not very old, although I am an idle prince, but I have a good relationship with the Jia family, the Shi family and the Wang family. I, a girl whose parents died early, seemed to be able to accept being a concubine in the past. I know it myself. Is it really just a good choice?"

  Lin Daiyu hesitated for a moment and tilted her head and asked, "Then what are you worried about, Yun'er?"

"It's not that I'm worried about something, it's that I don't know what that means at all." Shi Xiangyun's always bright and smiling face was full of gloom, "My uncle and aunt have never considered my thoughts and wishes, they only think about themselves How about it, so it would be fine if you were just a rich and idle person in the past, but I'm afraid..."

   Daiyu was a little surprised, and also realized that this girl Yun had also grown up, and it was not that she was ignorant of the outside world.

Although Daiyu doesn't care much about external affairs, she also knows that the situation in central Beijing is no better than before. The power of martial arts like the uncle's family is shrinking sharply. It also began to decline after a short period of time, but the rate of decline was relatively slow in the past few decades. Except for the Xue family, which fell faster, the others can still manage to maintain it.

But in the past ten or twenty years, except for the Wang family and Wang Ziteng who can barely support it, the Jia family and the Shi family have actually declined. This is why the Jia family hopes to let the eldest girl enter the palace to gamble, but the situation is not satisfactory. .

Especially after the great defeat of the Beijing camp and the Mongols, both inside and outside the court were full of dissatisfaction with Wu Xun, thinking that there were too many Wu Xun children in the army who were full of such corpses, which made Da Zhou The combat effectiveness of the army is deteriorating, and it is time to reform.

When Daiyu and Feng Ziying were together, it was inevitable that they would also talk about current affairs. Feng Ziying also mentioned that things like the Four Kings, Eight Dukes, and Twelve Marquises were becoming increasingly bleak. If you can find one or two in a scholar's family, it is best, if not, it is best to climb into an official family.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested. Although Daiyu doesn't care too much about these things, she is also careful. She understands that Brother Feng is not optimistic about Wu Xun's prospects, but what does not optimistic mean? It's hard to really understand.

   Is it just that I feel that I will continue to decline slowly like this, or is it something else?

While thinking about it, Daiyu thought for a while before saying: "Yun'er, I want to go to Yongping Mansion to meet Brother Feng. If you are not sure about your affairs, why don't we go see you together?" When you see Brother Feng, ask him for an idea?"

   "Ah? Do you want to go to Yongping Mansion?" Shi Xiangyun was moved for a moment, but then immediately shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work, let alone the cold weather. If we go, we won't have a good reputation in the future..."

  The hesitant expression on Daiyu's face flashed across, but then she was decisive: "Whoever wants to chew their tongues, let them go. Anyway, I will only marry Brother Feng in this life. As long as Brother Feng knows my heart, that's enough..."

Xiangyun laughed, "Even though what my sister said is true, you are not afraid of getting sick and worrying your elder brother Feng this time around? Besides, your elder brother Feng knows this kind of reputation in his heart, but what about the Feng family? And elder sister Bao and Girl Qin is going to marry soon, this kind of reputation is still important, there is no place for others to compare,..."

   I have to say that Xiangyun's words hit what Daiyu was most worried about. If his reputation was damaged, Brother Feng would naturally be aware of it, but what about the Feng family? Besides, there are sisters Shen and Bao above me, so in the future the Feng family will inevitably have to compare, if there is any damage, they will be looked at by the people below and muttered, this is Daiyu never willing.

   "What happened that made you so impatient to see Brother Feng?" Xiang Yun looked at Daiyu with a strange expression on his face, "Could it be that you miss Brother Feng so much?"

"Dead Yun'er!" Daiyu was ashamed, and wanted to tear Xiangyun's mouth, but Xiangyun laughed and dodged it, "Is it right? I still think that Sister Bao and Girl Qin are going to marry soon, and I feel upset. Go see Brother Feng and express your heartfelt heart?"

"Oh, Yun'er, where did you learn such obscene words? You must have read too many books in Brother Bao's house. I'm going to tell my ancestors..." Daiyu was stunned by Shi Xiangyun. His cheeks were burning, and he stomped his feet repeatedly.

   "Okay, what made you suddenly want to go to Yongping Mansion?"

   "Brother Feng was assassinated in Shuntian Mansion and was injured..." Daiyu's words startled Xiangyun, and she hurriedly asked, "What's going on? Is Brother Feng seriously injured? Does it matter?"

   "I heard it's not very heavy, but I'm still worried, so I want to go and have a look..." Daiyu's face was full of worry.

"That's it..." Xiangyun hesitated and said: "Yu girl, to reason, we should all go and see Brother Feng, but Sister Bao and Girl Qin definitely can't go to see, they are getting married soon , this time is definitely not suitable to meet, if we go, but they can't go, they will definitely..."

Daiyu originally had some thoughts about this in her heart, but when Xiangyun said this, she felt that she was a little angry before. Once such a thing is done, not to mention the issue of reputation, I am afraid that Sister Bao and Xue Baoqin will feel all kinds of things in their hearts. See you later.

   "Then what should we do?" Daiyu bit her lip.

"Why don't you let Zijuan take a trip, um, I'll let Cuilu accompany Zijuan, and ask Tanya and Sister Bao by the way. Although it's not easy for us to go, it's a good idea to ask someone to visit you." Yes, it can be regarded as everyone's wishes, brother Feng is very kind to us, he is injured now, if he doesn't care about it, it's not justified,..."

   Daiyu struggled for a long time, but she still felt that Xiangyun's suggestion was more appropriate, but would the other sisters send someone there? Can't Zicuckoo do it all by himself?


   Baochai and Baoqin were both pale, and the sweat towels in their hands were almost crumbled. They stared straight at Yinger: "Where did you get the news?"

"Uncle Xiao Rong brought back the news from Yongping Mansion, saying that he was shot by an arrow in the shoulder. He was attacked by an assassin when he was dealing with the relocation of refugees to Yongping in Yutian County. He is now recuperating in the mansion... "Ying'er also ran back to Hengwuyuan as soon as she got the news, and reported to her lady that Baoqin was also here with Baochai, and it happened that both sisters heard the bad news.

   "Assassin, was shot by an arrow? How is Brother Feng injured?" Baochai was a little dizzy, holding the coffee table with one hand, so scared that Baoqin quickly helped her to sit down, "Who is so vicious?"

  A moment ago, they were still discussing with their mother and elder brother about getting married next month, but at this moment they heard the shocking news that their lover was shot with an arrow, which made the two sisters feel unacceptable.

"I heard from Uncle Xiaorong that thanks to Uncle Feng's precautions, he wore armor when he went out, so the injury is not serious, and he is recuperating now..., Uncle Xiaorong also said that Uncle Feng's work in Yongping has won the support of many people. Supporting and offending many people, it is inevitable that someone will do something wrong,..."

   Yinger's nose was covered with beads of sweat, and her cheeks were flushed. After getting the news, she ran all the way back to Hengwuyuan, but she was exhausted.

"But that's not enough to plot an assassination, right?" Baoqin's face was stern and her eyes were clear, "I know Brother Feng will definitely do something when he goes to Yongping Mansion, and what he does will definitely offend people, but Brother Feng is the official fifth-rank official of the imperial court. , and is in charge of military affairs and public security, assassinating a court official is a serious crime of genocide, how could ordinary gentry do such a treasonous act because of such a conflict of interests?"

"But Ying'er didn't mean that Uncle Xiaorong was assassinated in Yutian County. Does this have nothing to do with Yongping Mansion?" Baochai also slowly stabilized her mind, and said in a deep thought: "I don't know why he was assassinated in Yutian County. What happened in Shuntian Mansion? Or is it from Shuntian Mansion..."

  Bao Qin shook her head and frowned, "I'm afraid Brother Feng will know, it's just sister, what should we do now?"

   Baochai sat firmly on the kang couch, pressed one hand on the kang table, and rested his forehead with the other, "I'm in a mess, I don't know what to do, Baoqin, you said we should go to Yongping Mansion..."

"Sister, it's not right." Baoqin also felt that her sister seemed to be upset, and she would never say such inappropriate suggestions, "We are getting married next month, and many people are watching. Well, there are a lot of people in Yongping Mansion, and it is inevitable that it will spread, I am afraid it will attract criticism,... In my opinion, it is better to let Yinger go for us, bring some medicinal materials and things,... "

   Baochai nodded slowly after thinking for a while: "Your sister is right, I'm a little hasty, so I'll let Yinger go, but I'm afraid I have to talk to Lin girl..."

  Bao Qin had a strange smile on his face, "That's right, it's reasonable to tell Sister Lin, but I think Sister Lin might know about it before us, right?"

   "Huh?" Baochai just shook his head after being stunned for a moment, "Maybe, but it doesn't matter. Even if she knows, she will let us know."

  She also vaguely felt that Daiyu and Baoqin didn't get along well, and outsiders couldn't see it. Only she, the person in the middle, could vaguely perceive some clues.

  Daiyu has rarely been to Hongxiang Garden, and Baoqin also goes to Zhuijin Tower and Nuanxiangwu more than to Xiaoxiang Pavilion. Even if she goes to Xiaoxiang Pavilion with herself, she doesn't talk much.

  Bao Qin nodded, her eyes moved, and she seemed a little disapproving, "Then sister, do you think it's necessary to talk to sister-in-law Zhu, second sister, third sister, and sister Yun?"

  (end of this chapter)

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