Number of People

Chapter 1182: geng character roll stuffed heart

  Chapter 1182 Geng-character volume stuffed heart

   Baochai was taken aback for a moment, this question was a bit unexpected.

These few seem to have nothing to do with the Feng family, but every time Brother Feng comes to Jia's house, he seems to be very close to the girl, Yun girl, and the others. Now that Brother Feng is injured, he knows about it but doesn't tell them. , It is inevitable that there will be some outside taste.

"Well, it's fine to say something, but I guess that since Uncle Xiaorong has told the second sister-in-law Lian, the mansion will probably know about it soon. If they want to ask us to send greetings on their behalf, then let Yinger do it together. That's it." Baochai said slowly, "Baoyu and Brother Huan should also go and talk about it, it's a courtesy."

Baoqin also felt that her sister was considerate. Even Lian's second sister-in-law knew about it, and everyone in the whole family would know about it. Apart from these sisters, it is estimated that the elders of Rongning's second mansion would also express it. After all, Brother Feng Now, the Jia family also has some sympathy, not to mention that one is prosperous and the other is damaged, but the Jia family needs to rely on Feng's side in many places.

  But the Jia family knew that Gui knew that his sister would soon become the Feng family, so naturally they should take the initiative to inform.

"Okay, then I will go to say hello to the sisters, um, Brother Bao and Brother Huan also go to say hello." Baoqin nodded, "Sister-in-law Zhu has always been very grateful to Brother Feng, so I have to say One sound."

"Well, Ying'er, you should also prepare. I think that after sister Lin finds out, she will probably let Zijuan go, and then you can be companions." Baochai murmured, "Go to the wife's side." Take some high-quality medicinal materials for nourishing blood and nourishing qi, and also bring some of the best bird's nests,..."

  Bao Qin smiled half-smile, "Sister, I'm afraid I still have to write a letter?"

   Baochai blushed, and glared at her sister, "You write it, just write it in our names."

"How can I do that?" Bao Qin also had a rosy face, "My sister's heart can't be represented by my younger sister, and I should write my own. Besides, didn't my sister just embroider a silk handkerchief? The younger sister looks very delicate, just right." ..."

  Baochai was ashamed, it was a silk handkerchief for a mandarin duck to play in the water, it was meant to be close-fitting and had a special purpose, so it was unavoidably a little embarrassing to be teased by her cousin who was going to marry with her in the future.

The banter between the two sisters is a preparation for serving a husband together in the future. Although Baochai and Baoqin are cousins, they did not spend much time together before Baoqin came to Beijing, but they will serve together in the future. As a husband, it is inevitable that there will be many discomforts. Now the two daughters are often together, which can be regarded as an adaptation process.


   "Is Ziying injured?" Jia Amnesty was also taken aback, stood up and asked quickly, "Is it okay?"

The first thing he worries about is that his big business will not be affected. A lot of deposits have been received here, and the rest of the money is being transferred to Haitong Bank's account one after another. Once everything is finalized, he will go to I went to Yongping to discuss with Feng Ziying how to fulfill it.

  The money is not easy to earn, and if he does not wait for the return of those redeemed, his heart will not be at ease.

"It's probably not life-threatening, but an arrow on the shoulder won't be too light." Jia Zheng mused. He also just learned about it from Wang Xifeng. Wang Xifeng heard from Jia Rong that Jia Rong had gone. I went to Yongping Mansion to meet Feng Ziying, and I happened to meet him.

  As for why Jia Rong and Feng Ziying got acquainted all of a sudden, Jia Zheng was also very curious. It seems that Dongfu and Feng Ziying have not had much contact with each other. Why is Jia Rong now going to Yongping Mansion to meet Feng Ziying? It's just that he didn't ask deeply in front of people.

However, Jia She knew that Wang Xifeng and the Dongfu were working together, and Wang Zisheng from the Wang family. Although he was a little displeased, he also knew that it was impossible for him to take over the hundreds of generals. I would be satisfied after eating the fattest meat, and fortunately I made the move early and collected all the deposits from those companies. Otherwise, if Wang Xifeng, a cruel and quick-witted woman, made a move, I'm afraid I would have nothing to do with myself.

"Who would do that?" Jia Amnesty was also pondering, "Ziying is just an acquaintance of the fifth grade, why would someone want to assassinate, assassinating a court official is a felony of genocide, and it is an ordinary offence. It’s impossible to make such a move, right?”

"Yes, I heard that Captain Long and the Ministry of Justice sent people to Yutian County. I heard that Ziying went to Yutian to arrange for the refugees from Shuntian Prefecture to migrate to Yongping Prefecture. As a result, they were ambushed at the ferry and shot with bows and arrows. Fortunately, he was always cautious, with guards and armor inside,..."

   Jia Zheng was also a little horrified. It was indeed a precedent for a fifth-rank official to be assassinated by an assassin. Moreover, it was also unprecedented for Long Jinwei and the Criminal Ministry to jointly investigate the case, which also showed that the imperial court valued Ziying.

"However, Ziying did satisfy the imperial court this year. The Mongol soldiers were repelled in the First Battle of Qian'an, and they also sent troops out to meet Li Ruzhang's troops in Gubeikou. Some time ago, they even attacked the Mongols in an ambush and captured one or two people. The hundred Mongolian soldiers are now said to have been escorted to Beijing, which can be regarded as saving the court's unfavorable face in Shuntian Mansion, especially since the defeat of the Beijing camp finally found a fig leaf."

Jia Amnesty is not interested in these things. What he cares about is that his family's business will not be affected, and he has collected a lot of money. In case something happens in the middle, such as Feng Ziying's injury and returning to Beijing for recuperation, it doesn't matter. Yes, that would be really blind.

   Fortunately, the situation is not that bad. He has to hurry up and go to Yongping to get his work done.

   "Second brother, do you mean to go to condolences?" Jia She felt that it happened that he could go there too, by the way.

"Well, yes, the Feng family and our Jia family are also family friends, and Ziying is also good to Baoyu, Brother Huan, Brother Lan, and Brother Cong. In terms of relatives, Miss Lin and Girl Bao are both good friends. After getting married, with such a relationship, we can’t just ignore it or just write a letter, right? I’m going to ask Baoyu to go,…”

  Jia She waved his hand, "Second brother, no need, I'll just go. I just happened to go to Yongping Mansion to find Ziying for some things, so I'll take them together."

   "Brother is going to Yongping Mansion?" Jia Zheng was taken aback, why did the eldest brother get so close to Ziying?

He was also vaguely aware that during this period of time his elder brother was leaving early and returning late, but the two rooms never bothered much about outside affairs, only discussing matters within the mansion, and Jia She was running around mysteriously outside. Running west, although he was a little strange, he didn't care too much.

   "Well, there are some things." Jia Amnesty didn't say much, of course, he wasn't afraid that Jia Zheng would know.

My second brother is an old-fashioned and pedantic person. Even if this kind of work is sent to him, he may not be willing to do it, and he may not be able to do it. On the contrary, people like Wang Xifeng and Jia Rong are used to making money. He had already circled the fattest piece first, so although he was still a little bit annoyed at Wang Xifeng and Jia Rong's following, he was not too upset.

Seeing that Jia Amnesty didn't say much, Jia Zheng also knew his elder brother's temperament, and he refused to tell others about anything involving money. Will die depressed.

The Jia family was originally considered to be a family of martial arts, but now it has been reduced to negotiating pennies and pennies. His elder brother has gotten into the eyes of money, and he is obsessed with making money. Think about how bad the Sun family's reputation is in Wu Xun.

Jia Zheng heard rumors in the mansion that his elder brother seemed to have asked for three thousand taels of silver from Sun Shaozu a few days ago, but his elder brother never mentioned it. The Xing family also cursed people outside, saying that it was made up by outsiders, and there was no such thing at all. Son.

   "That's good too. Big Brother's visit also shows that our Jia family cares." Jia Zheng nodded, "But, what kind of gift does Big Brother think about preparing for visits?"

"Well, let's choose some good medicinal materials like ginseng antler, and the others don't matter." Jia She said casually: "Of course, it shouldn't be too shabby, after all, Ziying is very good at Baoyu, Huangeer and Lan Brother Cong has put a lot of thought into it, and Brother Cong can also get some credit. As for the two hundred thousand taels of silver from Lin Yatou's family, I guess it will be rare for our family to pay it back in this lifetime. It's Miss Lin's dowry, Ziying probably knows it well, our Jia family, hey, the eldest girl..."

Seeing Jia Amnesty shaking his head while talking, Jia Zheng was worried and irritable. When it came to repairing the garden back then, everyone insisted on major repairs and special repairs. Borrowing money everywhere, but after repairing it, it immediately became a big hole, and it is still shaken off.

Jia Zheng also vaguely overheard gossip from some people in the mansion, saying that the eldest girl has earned her face, but the problem is that the lining of the second Rongning mansion is gone. Bian'er was stretched, and he was not happy even with the Ningguo Mansion. He felt that he hadn't seen any benefits, and most of them felt that he was going to be sent out to be a student, but they didn't have anything over there.

  This is a big company, and any situation can come up, which makes you overwhelmed, and you are still worried.

Jia Zheng had a headache for a while. Two days ago, he heard his wife say that Wang Xifeng intended to hand over the Jia family's accounts, and that she was not willing to take care of it, but now that his wife is getting older, she doesn't have the energy to Regardless, what's more important is that the company spends one less money now, and the annual deficit is there. After one or two years, it will face an unsustainable situation. Who is willing to take over?

The little property in the ancestor’s house was almost mortgaged. Jia Zheng only knew about this situation. Thinking of this, he felt more and more anxious. How much money do you earn? Even if you can make money, but do you dare?

  (end of this chapter)

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