Number of People

Chapter 1183: Geng character volume is too good

  Chapter 1183 The Geng Scroll is too good

  Yuan Keli flicked his sleeves with some dissatisfaction: "Brother Zishu, what does Master Shangshu mean? It's about time, but you and I are asked to go to Yongping Mansion to inspect the defeated soldiers from the Beijing camp. The situation in the southwest is at stake,..."

Faced with Yuan Keli's dissatisfaction, Chai Ke was also a little helpless. This shouldn't be the matter of his Zuo Shilang. Going to the doctor who was selected by the military to clean up officials is already considered important, but he wants the Zuo Shilang to go there himself. Because of the emperor's intention.

  The right servant has not been filled so far, and the emperor is not at ease with Yuan Keli, or he is not at ease with the more than 50,000 prisoners of the Beijing camp who are still in the Santun camp after being released one after another, so he has to go for it himself.

  Of course Chai Ke also knows that there are still some thoughts of the emperor.

  If Zhang Jingqiu's goal as a minister was not too obvious, I am afraid that the emperor would have hoped that Zhang Jingqiu would go there himself.

"Li Qing, Lord Shangshu has his own plans for the southwest situation. The Guyuan soldiers have passed Liangshan Pass and are resting in Baoning Mansion. They will soon enter Shunqing Mansion, which is not far from Chongqing Mansion." Chai Ke also knew Yuan Keli He has always been very worried about the situation in the Southwest War. He has just been transferred from the staff secretary to the Wuxuan Qing official secretary, and his status has not been adjusted yet. "Isn't Fei Bai also making preparations?"

   "Hmph, Fei Bai just took over, and I won't be familiar with it in three to five months. I think I have to help keep an eye on it."

  Yuan Keli was taken aback for a moment before he realized that he was no longer the doctor of Fang Si, but the doctor of Wuxuan. Xiong Tingbi had already taken over as doctor of Fang Si, and quickly explained a sentence in a cover-up manner.

  Chai Ke didn't think too much of himself, and said with a smile: "Of course that's good. Of course Fei Bai hopes that you can take him for a ride so that he can get acquainted with him as soon as possible."

   "Brother Zishu, what are the plans of the emperor and the cabinet for the defeat of the Beijing camp?" Yuan Keli said impatiently.

The Jingying Army is no different than other border towns. Reorganization and reorganization require the emperor's personal order, and most of the family members of this group of Jingying soldiers are inside and outside the capital, and more than 70% belong to the Shuntian Prefecture, so no matter from which angle you think about it , the imperial court attached great importance to it.

   But from the perspective of the Ministry of War, this group of soldiers is not strong in combat effectiveness and morale is not high, but on the contrary, they have a lot of political influence, more like chicken ribs.

  Because according to the ancestors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, non-Beijing soldiers are not allowed to enter the capital without a special purpose, which determines that the more than 100,000 troops in the Beijing camp are the key to everything in the capital city.

  And what is there in the capital that needs to use the Beijing camp? Apart from the disputes within the Tian family, who else could use the Beijing soldiers?

  When this kind of situation really happens, the Ministry of War can only remain on the sidelines. It is the Zhang family's children's own business to kill and kill, and civilian officials have never intervened.

Of course, as the management department of the Great Zhou army, the Ministry of War still has to exercise management functions over the Jingying soldiers. This time, the performance of the Jingying soldiers was too poor, which just gave the emperor a chance to leverage the basic situation of the Supreme Emperor and even Prince Yizhong. It's a matter of course.

Of course, neither Zhang Jingqiu nor Chai Ke can explain these words thoroughly, and even Yuan Keli should have a vague understanding. As for how to reorganize and reorganize, we have to take a step by step to see what the situation of the more than 50,000 remnants is. What's up.

Now there are the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenshu Camp in the Beijing Camp. Chen Jixian controls most of the Fifth Army Battalion, while Qiu Shiben controls the Shenshu Camp. In name, Chen Jixian is still leading the entire Beijing Camp as a general of the Fifth Army Battalion, but everyone knows that Qiu Shiben He will not listen to Chen Jixian.

"Liqing, let's talk about the inspection of the Beijing soldiers first." Chai Ke waved his hand, "We all know the virtues of these Beijing soldiers. The emperor didn't express it. He just said that they should be inspected first. After they are satisfied, we will talk about reorganization and reorganization." , As for those who are not satisfied, they should be eliminated."

"But more than 50,000 people will be eliminated at once. I'm afraid it's..." When it comes to business, Yuan Keli is still relatively cautious. He has just taken office as a military officer and clearing officials, and it involves such a large-scale adjustment of the establishment. He feels some pressure.

The Ministry of War of the Great Zhou Dynasty is slightly different from that of the former Ming Dynasty. It is in charge of the selection and appointment of military officials and the addition and elimination of military establishments. It is similar to the General Political Department. And the Arsenal Department is similar to the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department, but their duties overlap and intertwine.

"It's impossible for that to happen." Chai Ke shook his head, "Although the Beijing camp was defeated in the first battle of Santunying, there were still a few performances that were acceptable. Completely annihilated, the dwarf was taller than nothing, it was not that these Beijing camp soldiers fought a battle with the Horqin people a while ago, annihilating nearly a thousand people, and captured one or two hundred Erqin cavalry, and captured a thousand horses. ..."

"Brother Zishu, do you believe it?" Yuan Keli sneered, "In the Santun camp, guarding the city, 80,000 people were beaten to death, more than 50,000 were captured, and the entire army was almost wiped out. Now they are fighting in the wild. A group of remnant soldiers can wipe out thousands of other cavalry, this lie is too big."

"That's why I can't believe the news they reported. I'm afraid that the emperor's heart is very complicated, so I asked you and me to investigate carefully to see what's going on. The contrast is so great." Chai Ke pondered. Said: "However, Ziying wrote me a letter to explain the situation. The one thousand who wiped out the enemy used the Horqin people's arrogance to fight an ambush, and it was not the Jingying family. The Yongping New Army also contributed. ..."

"Yongping New Army also contributed?" Yuan Keli seemed to remember something, "By the way, brother Zishu, what kind of stuff is this Yongping New Army? Or the Liaodong Army? Let’s say it’s the Liaodong Army. The soldiers are all from Yongping, or Yongping is strong. All the guns should have been sent to Liaodong Town. In the territory of the town, I heard that some of the soldiers also came from the Qing army after he served as a co-prefect. They were cleared from the original Lulongwei, Xingzhou Youtunwei, and Dongsheng Zuowei, which made You Shigong in Jizhen very unhappy. Hehe, this Ziying will really do some unconventional things."

Chai Ke also laughed, "Mr. Li, Ziying came here according to the rules. I checked the files of the Ministry of War. When the three guards were abolished, I clearly identified the identities of these military households. It was just that some people did something wrong at that time. Now I feel that after so many years and a long time, no one can find out clearly. Who knows that when I meet Ziying who is serious, I have to investigate clearly, and the truth will naturally come to light. I think Ziying did the right thing in this matter. Otherwise, the only ones who benefit will be some moths,..."

"Well, I have no problem with the Qing army. This is his duty as an acquaintance. It's just that he intercepted the firecrackers sent to Liaodong Town. It's a bit too much, and he even broke the rules, because his father is from Liaodong Town. Commander-in-Chief, where are the court regulations?" Yuan Keli's face became serious.

   "Hey, Li Qing, don't underestimate Ziying. How can this kid be caught by others? He dares to violate the rules, but how can Feng Tang agree?"

   Chai Ke laughed and waved his hands, obviously knowing about this matter.

"I was also very upset before, but after checking the text file of the contract signed by Foshan Zhuangji and the Ministry of War, I realized that the contract between the Ministry of War and Foshan Zhuangji stipulated that the firecrackers should be delivered to Liaodong Town for acceptance before the end of this year, and the time is the end of December That is to say, as long as Foshan Zhuangji transports the firecrackers to Liaodong Town in full quantity and quality before the end of December, then there is no violation of the rules. The Weapons Bureau has jointly established a weapon workshop in Yongping Prefecture, and now the production is also expanding, and the supply is guaranteed to be more than enough before December, and Ziying, who knows these details better than anyone else."

   "Oh? I see." Yuan Keli's complexion suddenly improved.

He is actually very optimistic about Feng Ziying. After all, he is the leader of the young scholars in the Northland. He is from Henan, so he naturally belongs to the Northland scholars. However, he was very dissatisfied with Feng Ziying's behavior before, thinking that Feng Ziying was a little arrogant. But now that this is the case, I suddenly feel that Feng Ziying can operate flexibly without breaking the rules, which is even more rare.

"Well, so I appreciate this guy very much. He talks about rules and has a bottom line, but he is never rigid. He can always find the most suitable way to solve problems. This kind of talent is especially rare." Chai Ke rubbed his jaw Beard, "Li Qing, to be honest, there are so many Jinshi from each subject in the imperial court, and there are many people with outstanding talents, but there are very few people who can really get into the state to do things so quickly in various positions inside and outside the court, and not only can do things. , and there are only a handful of them that can be made well.”

  Yuan Keli nodded slightly, agreeing with Chai Ke's point of view.

"Junyu and Wenruo are considered to be more optimistic by everyone, but compared to Ziying, there is still a big gap. Among other things, if Junyu and Wenruo are put in Yongping Mansion as acquaintances, can they To win the battle of Qian’an? They dare to send troops out to reinforce Li Ruzhang’s troops? They dare to negotiate with the Nekhka people alone? They dare to accept 100,000 refugees?”

Chai Ke compares Lian Guoshi and Yang Sichang with Feng Ziying. Lian Guoshi is from Henan, a fellow villager with Yuan Keli, and one of the leaders of the young scholars in the North. Yang Sichang is from Huguang, and a fellow villager with Chai Ke himself. These two represent the most outstanding group of newly promoted young scholars, but compared with Feng Ziying, the gap is very obvious.

  Yuan Keli shook his head slowly. Neither Lian Guoshi nor Yang Sichang could do these four things, let alone the two of them, even other officials who had been officials for many years were also very difficult to do.

  This requires a combination of previous military experience, courage, vision and analysis and judgment, coordination, mobilization and overall planning capabilities, and other factors in order to do it.

Although he appreciates practicing state affairs, he also thinks that Yang Sichang is indeed very capable. Given time, both of them can shine, but compared with Feng Ziying, they are inferior in every aspect. Excellent, but Feng Ziying is too excellent.

This is the truth.

  (end of this chapter)

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