Number of People

Chapter 1187: Geng character roll check

  Chapter 1187 Geng character roll check

  It was late November when Chai Ke and Yuan Keli arrived at Santunying.

   Snow covered the entire Santunying City.

  Three consecutive days of heavy snow turned the entire foothills of Luerling to Santun Yingcheng into a vast expanse of white

  . Chai Ke and Yuan Keli came from Zunhua County.

  You Shigong greeted the group outside Zunhua County, and then accompanied them all the way to Santun Yingcheng.

  With the retreat of the Mongols, Santun Yingcheng became a large barracks again.

Of course, it used to be the headquarters of the Jizhen General Army Mansion, where the Jizhen soldiers were stationed, but now it has become the "headquarters" of the Jingying soldiers. The Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu tribes who came to accept the inspection, the entire three camps were stationed with nearly 70,000 troops.

  On the way to Santunying, You Shigong was complaining to Chai Ke and Yuan Keli.

  The food and drink expenses of the 50,000 to 60,000 troops of the Beijing camp are not to be seen, but the weather is freezing, so these tens of thousands of people can't starve to death here, can they?

   Every day, the consumption of grain and rice alone is astronomical, and Ji Town has to bear its own food consumption and supplies. How can it afford the old soldiers in the Beijing camp?

   "Is there a sentry tower on the mountain?" Santun Yingcheng could be seen from a distance. Yuan Keli rode his horse and walked side by side with You Shigong, while Chai Ke fell behind under the protection of a group of guards.

Santun Yingcheng is located on this small plain to the north of Jingzhong Mountain. The Henghe River originates from Yuanwu Mountain, passes through Santunying City north to east, and after converging with several rivers from Shiziyu, it flows eastward all the way and flows into Luanhe River. .

"Yes, because of the setback in Qian'an City, the Neikalkha people first crossed the Luan River, and then rushed westward and then turned north. That's why they caught the Beijing camp by surprise. It's a pity that the defense of the three camps is good. system." You Shigong's words also contained some unspeakable regrets.

Although I don't like these Beijing soldiers, the 80,000 army was defeated overnight, and to be honest, the Neikha army is not a powerful army. It is far worse than the elite Jianzhou Jurchen. It is said that these Beijing soldiers are too careless and underestimate the enemy, and they really think that the war is to go out for an outing.

"Huh, Shi Gong, you don't have to explain and cover up for the Beijing camp. What was caught off guard? The two armies are fighting against each other. Naturally, they can do everything. If they are inferior to others, they are inferior to others. You can also blame the people in Nekalka for not reminding you first. "Yuan Keli's face was stern, "Then how come thousands of people in Qian'an City can defeat the Neikalkha people, but when your Beijing army is stationed in Jiancheng, they are surrounded by them instead?"

  You Shigong could only nod his head.

  Yuan Keli himself is right, can he talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality like Song Xianggong in war?

   Approaching Santunying City, Yuan Keli kept looking at it.

He has not been to the garrison of the general army of Jizhen, but it can be seen from the surrounding terrain that it was a wise move in the Ming Dynasty to move the general army of Jizhen from Sizi Valley here. The mountains in the northwest are steep, the terrain in the south is flat, and the river Numerous, convenient transportation, surrounded by mountains and rivers, it can be described as a dragon and a tiger.

"It's really speechless that this kind of terrain can be attacked by Neikha people." In the end, Yuan Keli still expressed emotion, and then changed the subject, "Shi Gong, do you think there are still people available for this group of Beijing soldiers? Is it?"

"My lord Yuan, this general is not easy to evaluate. The soldiers in the Beijing camp are no better than our soldiers in the border towns, but at least there are tens of thousands of them. They are decent in training in the middle of the capital every year. The general is thinking no matter how hard he can pick out some worthwhile soldiers." Is it worth using? I have been pampered and pampered for too long, if I really want to throw it here in the town for a few years, how can I not be a good one?"

  You Shigong's words are not unreasonable, but they are not operable. He also understands it, but this is the best excuse to perfunctory Yuan Keli's questioning.

  Of course Yuan Keli understood, he snorted softly, and cursed the old fox inwardly, but he didn't have much dislike for You Shigong, it's not easy for him to do so, how could he casually offend others for things that have nothing to do with him?

  The group of people finally approached Santun Yingcheng, and a large group of people greeted them there in a dark crowd at the entrance of Jiaochang outside the east gate.

  Chai Ke saw Feng Ziying among them from a long distance, and there were a few others. Chai Ke reckoned that they were the escaped generals.

  The Metropolitan Procuratorate has already begun to investigate, but considering that the more than 50,000 people have just been released and the morale of the army is fluctuating, no major action has been taken for the time being to avoid triggering a mutiny.

   Wait until the whereabouts of these 50,000 to 60,000 people are determined, and then slowly investigate the responsibilities of these generals.

   "The guilty generals Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao paid homage to the servant and the doctor." Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao were the only two senior generals who escaped from the 80,000 army. When they saw Chai Ke, they knelt down on their knees to express their apology.

  Chai Ke looked cold, "Get up, two generals, how decent is this?!"

  Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao's hearts sank, and they both said that Chai Shilang was relatively easy to talk to, but listening to this tone, I'm afraid it was more ominous than good.

For such a big incident, the two of them also knew that they could not escape the responsibility, but there was no movement from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which made them feel a little lucky. After all, they were not taken as prisoners, and they still had thousands of The soldiers escaped, if the imperial court put all the responsibility on Liu Guoquan and Mu Tianyan, maybe the two of them could escape? At least he won't be sent to prison, right?

This mentality of worrying about gains and losses has been bothering Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao for so long. The two of them also used many people to inquire about the situation, and they didn't even dare to go back to the capital city. They could only stay in Qian'an city until more than 50,000 prisoners were captured. Released, they came here again to help settle the more than 50,000 surrendered soldiers, which can be regarded as meritorious service and atonement.

Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing when she saw it, Han Shangyu was still bound by Han Qi, and Qi Jianyao's Qi family was an old acquaintance. When the opportunity comes, isn't the download delivered to your door?

  Chai Ke turned to Feng Ziying, and his expression immediately became amiable, even a little enthusiastic, "Ziying, are you here too?"

"Master Chai, this is also the boundary of our Yongping Mansion. Although it is the headquarters of the general army of Ji Town, isn't the mansion of the general army of Ji Town in Zunhua now?" Feng Ziying said cheerfully: "You and Master Yuan are here. If I don't come to greet you, wouldn't it be a violation of the rules?"

   "You can speak with your mouth." Chai Ke didn't care, and Feng Ziying greeted Yuan Keli and You Shigong.

Chai Ke's eyes fell on the few people behind Feng Ziying, and then Feng Ziying introduced them: "Master Chai, this is Huang Degong, who went out to rescue Li Ruzhang's tribe. The battle against him should be the first. These two are the subordinates of General Han and General Qi. It was they who fought bravely to prevent the Beijing camp from being completely wiped out. Yu Qi,... this one is He Huchen, this one is Yang Zhaoji,..."

  After a salute, Chai Ke's attitude towards He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji was not as indifferent as he was to Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao, and he was encouraged by gentle words, which also made He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji feel a little more at ease.

   Next, we will first settle down in Santun Yingcheng. This is the various inspections and inspections. Naturally, a group of officials brought by Chai Ke and Yuan Keli will be responsible for checking and counting them one by one.

   "Brother Qi, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult. You and I, brothers, are afraid that we will go to the jail when we go back this time." Han Shangyu felt lost, with a look of loneliness on his face.

Qi Jianyao also looked disappointed. Although Chai Ke's attitude was passable, it was just a little cold. After all, as the number two figure in the Ministry of War, it was impossible for him to give them such a military general. Zhong Yuan Keli's attitude can be described as cold.

  Twice I talked to them, but I didn’t ask about other things. I only asked about the arrangement in the Santun camp. Why did the garrisons on the east and west sides not have enough scouts? Why did the police training fail to be issued in time when the attack was encountered, and how did the various ministries in the city respond at that time,...

  Many questions came with a lot of malice, even though Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao couldn't answer them, Yuan Keli didn't say much, but just ordered the civil servants to make records, which made them even more restless.

   "I knew it would be better to be captured by the Mongols. Maybe there are not so many troubles. The big deal is to go home and work, and be a idler waiting to die." Qi Jianyao said bitterly.

"Hmph, it would be nice if it were so simple. Although we were embarrassed, we managed to rush out with a group of people. Liu Guoquan and Mu Tianyan, you see, the court is not even willing to pay the ransom, rather Go and redeem these soldiers and see how grateful these soldiers are to the court, do you think Liu Guoquan and Mu Tianyan will have good fruit to eat when they come back?"

In fact, Han Shangyu had already received some information from Feng Ziying, knowing that although the final result might not be very good, it would not be ruined. At most, he would submit to the punishment of the court and return home to contemplate his mistakes. It's a bit far-fetched, but at least it won't be held accountable too much.

  But he would not be too revealing in front of Qi Jianyao. If there was no relationship between his nephew Han Qi and Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying would not have revealed it to him. As for the later stage, there may be some variables.

Han Shangyu also vaguely felt something. The soldiers were basically kept, but no one cared about the hundreds of generals, and even asked each family to pay their own money to redeem them. Investigation and accountability, he can even think of the harsh investigations Liu Guoquan, Mu Tianyan and others may have to face after they return. Own.

  However, Han Shangyu still has some doubts. This is just a routine investigation by the Ministry of War, and it’s nothing. Why didn’t the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate follow?

   It stands to reason that the Metropolitan Procuratorate should be the proper one.

  (end of this chapter)

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