Number of People

Chapter 1188: The first thirty-eight verses of the gengzi scroll are difficult

  Chapter 1188, the first thirty-eight verses of Gengzi Juan

   "The emperor and the court have made up their minds?" Feng Ziying asked casually when only Feng Ziying, Chai Ke and Yuan Keli were left.

  Chai Ke's gaze moved slightly, while Yuan Keli's expression changed.

  Chai Ke smiled, "Ziying, what are you talking about?"

"Why, the two adults want to lay an ambush against Ziying?" Feng Ziying chuckled, "No one from the Metropolitan Procuratorate came. In the early stage, they just came on a whim. Two people ran around and asked like superficially. After asking, I left. I thought it was time for a serious investigation, but it turned out that someone from the Ministry of War came to inspect it. Even You Shigong couldn't hide it. I'm afraid the people under my lord have already arranged for it? He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji can do this An opportunity, naturally I am grateful to repay Jun'en."

  Chai Ke shook his head and smiled, and then said to Yuan Keli: "How about it, let me tell you, it's fine if you can't hide it from a veteran general like You Shigong, Ziying can't be bullied here either."

  Yuan Keli's complexion changed for a while, and then he gradually calmed down. Although Feng Ziying was also from a martial arts background, she was a civil servant, so she wouldn't do anything about such a big issue of right and wrong.

   "Ziying, you really have sharp eyes." Yuan Keli said flatly.

"Hey, my lords, you have done too much. People from the Metropolitan Procuratorate did not come, and the people from Long Jinwei did not show up. This is a big thing that the 80,000 army was wiped out overnight. Could it be that the court Just don't care? Even if the emperor doesn't care, the cabinet and the Metropolitan Procuratorate can't bear it." Feng Ziying said cheerfully: "What's more, the emperor and the cabinet have been struggling in Beijing for a long time, and they can't take the opportunity to clean up. No one will believe it. "

Yuan Keli's face froze. He didn't expect to miss the trick here. He was indeed the one who suggested that the Metropolitan Procuratorate take a step back. Long Jinwei's first secret entry into the Santun camp would prevent people like Qi Jianyao and Han Shangyu from feeling that the situation was wrong. It's not right to jump over the wall in a hurry and cause a mutiny.

"In fact, the two adults overestimated these martial arts generals, and they are used to being pampered. As long as it is not an unforgivable crime of immediate family and family extermination, how can they have the heart and courage to fight to the death?" Feng Ziying smiled. Get up, "Of course it's safer to prevent problems before they happen. I also greeted the two of them, Hushan and Kunshan, so neither of them went to the city, and kept a distance from the Beijing camp soldiers..."

In fact, Feng Ziying also quietly greeted He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, telling them to stabilize the army under their control. Although it is expected that Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao will not have the courage to rebel, they still have to be on the safe side. There are still a few generals, if they really want to take risks, it is still a troublesome thing.

Chai Ke and Yuan Keli exchanged glances, and then nodded: "Since Ziying knows, I won't hide it from you. People from the Metropolitan Procuratorate will come over soon, and they will want some Those who need to be investigated during the war will take Zuo away for investigation. The tens of thousands of troops in the Beijing camp here are temporarily managed by the Jizhen Army. In addition, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu will assist You Shigong to manage them. As for He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji Arrange it, we will make a decision later according to the situation."

   "You Shigong has arranged for the army to prepare?" Feng Ziying said with a smile.

   "I can't hide it from you." Chai Ke nodded bluntly: "Necessary preparations are still to be made. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case."

  Feng Ziying also murmured in her heart, this You Shigong is also an old fox, and she didn't reveal any rumors in front of her, but it's better not to reveal it to herself, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles if she leaks the rumors.

  Emperor Yonglong seems to have made up his mind to cleanse the Wuxun forces in the Beijing camp.

  Now that the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenshu Battalion are facing each other, Chen Jixian's attitude is erratic, and Qiu Shiben is Emperor Yonglong's confidant, but Chen Jixian still has the upper hand.

Emperor Yonglong wants to reorganize and reorganize the Beijing camp. These tens of thousands of people will immediately be eliminated and cleaned up. After the final selection and screening, there will still be some people who will return to the Beijing camp. This is a good time to mix sand. Neither Emperor Yonglong nor the Ministry of War can do nothing about it. Naturally, we have to do something, but first we need to clean up the Wuxun forces. Now is the right time.

  Emperor Yonglong had his own ideas. Of course, the cabinet and the Ministry of War also hoped to penetrate into the forbidden area of ​​the Beijing Camp, which the Ministry of War had little access to before.

It turns out that although the appointment of General Zuo of the Beijing Camp is nominally the military selection department of the Ministry of War, in fact it is basically monopolized by Wu Xun. The Ministry of War must arrange other personnel to enter, and it is difficult to survive in the Beijing camp. The practice of the generals of the Beijing camp.

This situation reached its peak during the period of Emperor Yuanxi. Less than 10% of the children of the Beijing camp lieutenant general Zuo Fei Wuxun, and they are basically low-level officers. The Zuozhong accounted for more than 80%.

  Now Emperor Yonglong and the Ministry of War intend to break this pattern. The hundreds of captured generals are a huge opportunity. Now that the Beijing camp is going to be rebuilt, it is just a matter of large-scale selection and appointment of officers who will be assigned to the children of Wu Xun.

However, Feng Ziying felt that this was a good thing for Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen. Neither of them came from Wu Xun's children, and they also performed well in this incident. In the prime of life, as long as you can enter the eyes of the law, your future is limitless.

   "My lords, Han and Qi managed to escape after all, so it shouldn't be too embarrassing, right?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

"It depends on whether the two of you know each other." Yuan Keli curled his lips. He had never had a good impression of Wu Xun, and of course Feng Ziying was not included. .”

  Feng Ziying shivered, "Decent? Master Yuan, isn't it?"

  Chai Ke laughed, "Ziying, it's not as decent as you said, Li Qing meant to save some face for them..."

  Feng Ziying pretended to be shocked and patted her chest, "I thought Master Yuan wanted them both to commit suicide in order to thank the people of the country to save face."

"Hehe, do they have the courage to commit suicide?" Yuan Keli smiled, and then showed his usual sarcasm expression, "There are beautiful wives and concubines in the family, and there are countless mansions and farms. How can they commit suicide if they only care about drinking the blood of soldiers and earning money? ? In the worst case, just go home and become a rich man. How can such a general be willing to fight with his life?"

"Ziying, the Han family and the Qi family are all members of the Four Kings, Eight Dukes, and Twelve Marquises. They have friendship with your Feng family, right? You might as well tell them and try your best to cooperate with the Metropolitan Procuratorate..." Chai Ke was also very calm, "They They are all smart people, I think that at that time, I should understand the intentions of the emperor and the court,..."

  Feng Ziying sighed, "I'll go talk to them, I hope they can understand."

As expected, Chen Yuting, the censor of Zuoqian capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, led a group of censors with the cooperation of Long Jinwei, and took away a group of generals including Qi Jianyao and Han Shangyu, but it did not cause much shock among the soldiers in the capital. .

  In fact, these soldiers were very indifferent to these generals who were taken away, and almost no one complained about them. This also fully shows how bad the prestige and foundation of Han Shangyu and Qi Jianyao among the soldiers are.

Seeing the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei meandering away, Chai Ke and Yuan Keli turned around and said to You Shigong and Feng Ziying, "I will leave things to Shigong here, Ziying, Hushan and Feng Ziying. We have checked the situation of these two parts in Kunshan, and we are quite satisfied. As for whether to return to Liaodong or stay in Jizhen, we have to report to Lord Shangshu before we can confirm..."

"Thank you two adults for your concern for Ji Town, and I would like to ask you two adults to explain the current difficulties of Ji Town to Lord Shang Shu. The Chahar people are still ready to move. Lin Danbatur feels a little out of the way. Ming I know that the Jianzhou Jurchen is not a person who is in the same way as him, but they always hook up with Nurhachi, and feel sorry for us in Dazhou. I am worried that the Chahar people will make a comeback next year,..."

"Okay, Shi Gong, don't complain about it, it's difficult everywhere, the situation in the southwest is worrying, and we're still battered..." Yuan Keli said angrily: "Master Chai has already said that we need to discuss it with Lord Shangshu. Your mouth is long. It’s too big, if it satisfies you, don’t go to other places, if you can leave the two parts of Hushan and Kunshan to you, you can have fun secretly, don’t be too dissatisfied.”

You Shigong gave Feng Ziying a very cryptic look of satisfaction. Sure enough, it would be beneficial to open his mouth a little wider, at least there would be room for bargaining. Otherwise, Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong might not be able to stay in Jizhen, but stayed , It means that not only the strength of the army has increased, but also thousands of firecrackers that should have been given to Liaodong have also returned to Jizhen.

"Shigong, these tens of thousands of soldiers from the Beijing battalion should be sorted as soon as possible according to the conditions proposed by the Ministry of War, and they will be classified according to the ratio of 333. 20,000 people can be used after being purged, and 20,000 people will only be available after reorganization training and passing the assessment. If they can enter, the other 20,000 people will consider eliminating them,..."

Chai Ke's request also made You Shigong very embarrassed, "My lord, to be honest, these Jingying soldiers can have 10,000 to 20,000 available, and they all need strict training, including He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji. Still not qualified,…”

   Chai Ke doesn't know, but this is the Lord Shangshu adhering to the emperor's intention. The completion of the reorganization of the Beijing Camp cannot be delayed for so long, and must be completed within half a year.

   If you want to strictly follow the standards of the frontier army, then all of them will really have to be eliminated, but what about the tens of thousands of people?

They and their family members have lived in and around the capital city for several generations. How could it be so easy to eliminate them easily? Even if the 20,000 people must be eliminated, the imperial court will also consider giving them another way out in the future, such as patrol camps. For example, it is used by the Four Guards Camp, the Warriors Camp, and the Shouling, otherwise there will be a big mess.

   "Okay, Shi Gong, just do as I said." Chai Ke waved his hand, and several people sighed. In fact, everyone understands that it is difficult for such a thing.

   Come back at 12:00 p.m. for an update. Brothers, get your guaranteed monthly pass ready for Lao Rui!



  (end of this chapter)

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