Number of People

Chapter 1189: Geng Scroll Harem·Ping'er VS Yuanyang

  Chapter 1189 Geng Scroll Harem·Pinger VS Yuanyang

"Let's go." Wang Xifeng rested her chin on her hand, and said in a low tone, "Brother Rong said that Ziying is fine, but the bow and crossbow arrows are not like ordinary sword wounds, and if you are not careful, you will hurt your muscles and bones. Disabilities, don’t dare to ignore them.”

Ping'er was also a little worried in his heart, but under such circumstances, he would inevitably attract people's attention, especially if grandma had already expressed her attitude that she would hand over all the business affairs of the government, and even in the future After Hui moved out of Rongguo Mansion, it attracted the curious eyes of many people.

   It’s just that these things are really worrying. If you don’t see it with your own eyes and understand it, not only grandma can’t worry, but Ping’er is also worried.

   "Then servant girl, go ask Miss Bao and Miss Lin?" Ping'er asked cautiously.

"Well, if they don't know, you can tell them. I guess Bao girl and Lin girl can't sit still, and they will arrange people to go to Yongping mansion. That's just right." Wang Xifeng also considered this One point, "Brother Keng has shown great kindness to our Rongguo Mansion, even the master will probably express it, but I don't know who to arrange for a visit to see if it is Lin Zhixiao or Wu Xindeng."

   "Then do you need to ask your wife?" Ping'er asked again.

"My wife, I'll go to say hello when the time comes, and I will choose some medicinal materials or edibles to send, which means that my wife and I will be together." Wang Xifeng thinks this is more appropriate, and it reflects each other's intentions. , but also to avoid gossip.

   "Then the servant girl should ask Miss Lin and Miss Bao?" Ping'er nodded.

"Go ahead and tell the old ancestor that she is not in good health during this period, so don't say too much. If the old ancestor has any intentions, he will join them. You can't let Yuanyang go for a trip, right?" Wang Xifeng nodded slightly.

  Ping'er came out of the yard, walked around the large screen wall of Fenyou, and ran towards Jiamu's yard along the narrow path.

As soon as they came to the door, they met Yuanyang who was full of anxiety. When he saw Ping'er, he pulled Ping'er aside: "I heard that Uncle Feng was assassinated? Where did Uncle Xiao Rong get the news? How could someone assassinate him?" Uncle Feng, Uncle Feng is not some chief minister,..."

  Ping'er glanced at Yuanyang with a half-smile, and kept looking at Yuanyang until his face turned red.

It was only at this time that Yuanyang realized that she had lost her composure. When Lin Daiyu came to Jiamu to talk about this matter, she was also shocked, but she couldn't ask deeply in front of Jiamu and Lin Daiyu. Speaking of being injured by a bow and crossbow, Yuanyang knew that the injury must be serious.

   "Ping'er, you little hoof, why are you looking at me with such eyes?" Yuanyang became furious and gave Ping'er a hard look.

"What, did you reveal your secrets? You care so much about Uncle Feng. No wonder Uncle Feng always calls the maids of the Rongguo Mansion "Hui Yuanyang Lie Yuanyang". It makes people jealous. It turns out that he had an affair with Uncle Feng a long time ago. He said, Tell me the truth, when did you hook up?"

  Blushed by Ping'er's words with guns and sticks, he wished he could tear off Ping'er's sharp mouth, "Ping'er, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will turn my face off."

"Yo, you want to turn your face? Then turn your face and show me, don't ask me to tell you how Uncle Feng's injury is." Ping'er complacently said, "Not many people in this house know about Uncle Feng's injury, but only Feng. Uncle Feng's injury is not serious, but where is Uncle Feng's injury, and whether he has injured his bones or not, there are only one or two people."

Being overwhelmed by Ping'er's words, even though she is a mandarin duck with sharp teeth, she is also restrained in doing this kind of thing, so she can only grab Ping'er's waist, pinch her hard, and then scratch her itch, "Little hoof, Are you talking or not?"

Ping'er is the most afraid of being tickled. She has the closest relationship with Yuanyang in this mansion. Yuanyang naturally knows her weaknesses well. If it weren't for this being in Jiamu's yard, Yuanyang would have made a big move a long time ago. He was also forced to have no choice but to scratch Ping'er's armpits and waist in small movements.

   Being caught and scratched by the mandarin duck, Ping'er almost collapsed on the ground, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Good mandarin duck, don't, don't, I say, I say..."

  Yuanyang withdrew his hand bitterly, but still held Ping'er's arm to prevent him from running away: "Then tell me quickly, how is Uncle Feng's injury?"

"What's the matter, if you go to Yongping Mansion and see for yourself, you won't know?" Ping'er teased Yuanyang, "I am going to Yongping Mansion under the order of my second grandma, why don't you and my sister go together?" go."

The mandarin duck was moved by it for a moment, but soon shook his head: "It's not suitable for me to go, the ancestors can't leave people here, and what's the point of me going? Even the old lady's heart should not be represented by me. Of course, there are old ladies and gentlemen. We put the right people in."

  Ping'er looked at Yuanyang's evasive eyes, and thoughtfully said: "I don't care who the ancestor arranges, I just want to know how you girl...?"

Seeing Ping'er's sharp eyes piercing his heart, it seems that he wants to find out what his best girlfriend is thinking. Yuanyang is the most caring maid of his ancestors. Seeing this, why is he having an affair with Uncle Feng? generally?

   It's just that although Ping'er also knows that Feng Ziying has a very good impression of mandarin ducks, it should not involve this aspect. Why did he cheat casually, but this mandarin duck seems to have some meaning in this aspect.

I don't want to talk about myself and my second mistress getting stuck, there is no way out, and my second mistress and myself are now considered free people, at most they have no status and a bad reputation, but in the case of mandarin ducks, if we can If you get stuck, it will be really troublesome, how can the ancestors get away from the mandarin ducks?

Yuanyang is also heartbroken. Although I have never thought about this before, but after Jinling and his party, the imprint is deeply imprinted in my heart. Although I can't see anything usually, it will suddenly emerge at a critical moment. Let yourself subconsciously tense up, especially when she heard Feng Ziying being attacked by the crossbowmen, she was frightened out of her wits. Fortunately, Lin Daiyu's words were still stable, and she also mentioned that Feng Ziying's injuries should be fine, so she could feel more at ease .

Pretending to be calm, she stroked the hair hanging from her forehead. Yuanyang wanted to deny it, but seeing Ping'er's pure eyes were mixed with concern and a little worry, and knew that this best friend was worried about herself, and she felt warm in her heart. , the discourse has changed somewhat.

"Ping'er, don't think about it. It's not what you imagine. Uncle Feng is kind to me. When I went to Jinling, my mother was seriously ill. It's all because of Uncle Feng who used ginseng for hundreds of years to help me restore my mother's vitality. Hanging, and then taking good care of her, I took my mother's life back from Lord Yan, and I will never forget this kindness."

   "That's it?" Ping'er found it incomprehensible, even if Uncle Feng really helped Yuanyang, it was just a matter of little effort for Uncle Feng, why would there be such a need for a physical promise?

Ping'er also knows that Yuanyang has a temperament that values ​​love and righteousness. In the past, after receiving favors from others, Yuanyang tried every means to return them. Feng Ziying helped. It is normal for Yuanyang to be grateful, but with her temperament, if Feng Ziying Yuanyang would absolutely refuse to use this as a threat, and with Feng Ziying's disposition, it wouldn't be so.

   "Yuanyang, don't pay too much attention to it, maybe Uncle Feng just did it casually, maybe he didn't care at all,..."

Yuanyang was a little displeased by Ping'er's words. She knew very well that if it was another person, how could she expect such meticulousness? However, when he went south to Jinling for business, he could ask about his mother's condition, and he could also bring high-quality ginseng immediately. It doesn't matter how much it is worth, but the key is his kindness. To say that he is a servant, and to ask a few more questions is already flattering, let alone specially gifting medicinal materials?

   It's just such details, but Yuanyang won't tell Ping'er, no matter how close the relationship with Ping'er is, such private matters can only be hidden in the heart forever.

   Seeing Yuanyang's face darken, Ping'er was even more surprised. Did this girl really fall in love? This is troublesome, but how to clean up in the future?

"Okay, okay, I won't say anymore, you are also a sensible person, so you naturally know how to measure it." Ping'er took Yuanyang's hand and said sincerely: "You and my sister, I naturally hope for your well-being, It’s just that you don’t know about Uncle Feng’s situation? You are not too young, could it be that you asked your ancestors to let you go out and marry Miss Bao or Miss Lin as a companion house?”

   Yuanyang's face blushed again, and Ping'er's words reached her heart.

  She is also an old girl who is almost twenty years old. At this age, girls should have married long ago. Even a maidservant with a special status like her naturally has to think about her own future.

  I usually say that I want to be with the old lady for the rest of my life, and the old lady is really reluctant to bear herself, but it is a joke after all. The old lady is almost eighty, no matter how strong her body is, how many years can she live?

  The old lady also asked about her thoughts in normal times, but how could she say such words? The old lady also tentatively asked herself if she would like to accompany Xiren and follow Baoyu, but Yuanyang looked down on her. Bao Erye can be regarded as a good person in terms of character, but he is definitely not one who can support him. No one can say what will happen to those who can afford the Jia family in the future.

   This is related to his life, and Yuanyang naturally has to think about it. Ping'er, a girl with a sharp tongue, immediately picks up the topic.

  If I want to enter Feng's house, it seems that I really can only go there with Miss Lin or Miss Bao.

Miss Bao is going to marry next month, and there is Ying'er by her side, and Xiangling who has passed away too early, and there is no close-fitting maid beside Miss Bao'er, but Yuanyang hasn't thought about it so early. She was about to marry, and it was difficult for her ancestors to explain. Although she believed that her ancestors would definitely agree to her proposal, it seemed that she was too cold.

On the other hand, it will take another year or two for Miss Lin. Although Miss Lin also has Zicuckoo by her side, Zijuan has always had a close relationship with her, no less than Ping'er. Temperament, although Miss Sulin treats her very well, but when it comes to this kind of matter, after all, she is no better than Zijuan who has been with her for many years, so this also makes Yuanyang tangled and uneasy.

  Ping'er saw that Yuanyang blushed, and knew that her best friend might be stuck in it and couldn't extricate herself, and she sighed inwardly.

I don't know what ecstasy medicine Uncle Feng used to fascinate the girl Yuanyang. There are many people in this mansion, but there is no one who can compare with Yuanyang. Forget it, I didn't expect that mandarin ducks would fall into the same pit, and I couldn't tell.

   "I haven't thought about that yet..." Yuanyang stammered.

   "Forget it, you've already looked like this, and you still pretend to be in front of me." Although Ping'er said this, he thought that he was pretending to be in front of outsiders, but he was forced to do so, but what about the mandarin ducks?

   "Little Hoof, who pretended?" Yuanyang said bitterly: "What are you talking about now, you haven't answered my question yet, how is Uncle Feng's injury?"

  Pinger told Yuanyang what he knew, and Yuanyang patted his puffy chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "Auspicious people have their own aura, and Uncle Feng will be fine."

  Ping'er rolled her eyes, she didn't expect that this girl would become such a childish person when it comes to Uncle Feng's affairs, this is quite different from the previous image of a mandarin duck, maybe this is because she is deeply involved and doesn't know it.

"Then you mean that the second grandma wants to arrange for you to go to Yongping Mansion, so you should talk to your ancestors first, and also ask Miss Lin and Miss Bao what they mean, Zijuan and Yinger will accompany you?" There was a bit of envy in Yuanyang's words. I was afraid that I would not be able to go, but Ping'er and the others could make it. "Why is your grandma's attitude towards Uncle Feng so different?"

  Yuanyang was a little suspicious. She was also well informed in the mansion and heard some rumors, but she didn't believe it.

Although Uncle Feng has been to the Second Grandma’s yard, but that’s just a matter of fact. It’s also said that Uncle Feng stayed in the Second Grandma Lian’s yard, and even heard some strange sounds. That’s even more nonsense. How could it be possible? ?

  As for the recent hustle and bustle, she also knows that it is no secret at this stage that the matter of Wu Xun's general Zuo ransom is no longer a secret. Aren't the elders and Master Xiaorong from Dongfu both busy with this?

  Second Mistress Lian also seems to be thinking about this, as if Uncle Feng will be involved in the end to help, even the ancestor and wife seem to know it well, but they never mention it.

"Grandma means to go there after all. Miss Bao and Miss Lin are definitely indispensable, so let's go together. As for the second grandma and Uncle Feng, there is no quarrel at all, but grandma has a stronger temper, and there was some discord before. Forget it, we’ve talked about it a long time ago, plus..." Ping'er pursed his lips.

"Plus Second Grandma is asking Uncle Feng now?" Yuanyang intends to persuade her, but when she thinks that the Eldest Master and Uncle Xiao Rong are tossing about, and Wang Xifeng is no longer part of the Jia family, she will have to find her own way of life in the future. , I couldn't bear it in my heart, so I didn't say any more.

"Yuanyang, why do you have to say so clearly?" Ping'er sighed, "Grandma is a bit more thoughtful, but it's something we can't do anything about. How long we can stay in this mansion is unknown. Second Master Lian will ask for help in the future. Come back with my family, can grandma still have the cheek to hold back? Instead of letting others chase us out, how about finding a way out?"

Yuanyang's heart was also sour, and the former Ping'er's hand said: "There is always a banquet in the world. If you and I can stay, so what? After all, we have to go our separate ways. Maybe one day we will be separated. I don't know." When can we meet again,…”

   Don’t say anything, double, Lao Rui will also give it a try, asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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