Number of People

Chapter 1190: Geng Scroll Harem·The Wind Rise and the Clouds Move (Second Update)

  Chapter 1190 Geng Scroll Harem · Winds and Clouds Move (Second more ask for a monthly ticket!)

   Seeing Yuanyang so sad, Ping'er couldn't bear it.

   Yuanyang is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and she spoke from the bottom of her heart. For a while, Ping'er almost had the urge to reveal something, but then she calmed down and gritted her teeth.

It is absolutely impossible for outsiders to know this kind of secret, at least for now, it must not be noticed by others. As for the impenetrable wall in the world, it will be doubted or even noticed by outsiders in the future, that is another matter. At that time, grandma He also gained a firm foothold outside, so he didn't have to worry so much.

"Yuanyang, who can explain the world's affairs clearly?" Ping'er thought for a while, and said leisurely: "There is no banquet in the world, but if there is a destiny, it may not be impossible to meet again, or even reunite with the family,... "

Yuanyang, who was still immersed in sadness, was suddenly amused by Pinger's nondescript metaphor, and her eye circles were a little red, but suddenly she couldn't help laughing, which made Yuanyang subconsciously pat Pinger's plump buttocks: "Little hoof, What kind of metaphors are you using? It’s okay to reunite again, why are the family reunited? If you can’t speak, don’t say it.”

Ping'er glanced at Yuanyang with some guilt, "I'm not mistaken in my calculations. You are from the side of my ancestors, and I am from the side of my grandma. They are all from this Jia family, right? We will reunite after parting. Is it a family reunion?"

   "Unreasonable words!" Yuanyang didn't bother to pay attention to Ping'er, "Okay, go and talk to the ancestors, I guess the ancestors also asked you to visit Uncle Feng with a few things like bird's nest and ginseng antler..."

"What about you?" Ping'er blinked playfully, "Could it be that you are just talking about it here, and you have no real action when you really want to see Uncle Feng? I think everyone in this house gives away things like ginseng and bird's nests. There are too many, Uncle Feng is a magistrate in Yongping Mansion, and Mr. Feng is still the governor of Liaodong. There are as many people who come to see Uncle Feng as crucian carp crossing the river. Naturally, there is no shortage of these, but some can. Things that represent your heart, you said that Uncle Feng treats you with deep affection and righteousness, how about you give Uncle Feng your personal sachet?"

   What Yuanyang said earlier seemed reasonable, but later on, Pinger’s words began to change. What is "deep love and righteousness", why should you send a personal sachet? Is this what people say?

   Personal sachets can be given to other people besides lovers? This is really going to be a personal sachet, which is almost an expression of her heart. Yuanyang is ashamed and a little annoyed. Today, she missed her feet. If she meets Pinger's little hoof in the future, she will probably be teased and ridiculed by her, but she My heart is also a little happy.

   These things have been kept alone in my heart and no one knows about them. Now that there is finally someone who is intimate and can keep secrets to share with, Yuanyang feels that the pressure on her body is much less.

  Although she claims to be smart, Yuanyang, like other girls, is full of fear and anxiety when it comes to important matters related to her family's life.

  What exactly is Uncle Feng thinking? Although there are some revelations in the few words, what if Uncle Feng said it casually? Or is it a deliberate misunderstanding by the speaker and the listener?

Ping'er is also one of the few shrewd girls in this mansion, but she is on good terms with her, and she will never reveal her secrets. It is a good thing for her to know, and she can take the initiative to consider and evaluate for herself without saying too much. , and Ping'er can talk to Uncle Feng's side, and he can also find opportunities to help him find out Uncle Feng's true intentions.

   Seeing that his "excessive" words failed to attract Yuanyang's counterattack, Ping'er was really surprised.

  It seems that this girl is really hopeless. If so, Ping'er really needs to think about it for Yuanyang.

   Uncle Feng is certainly a good match that everyone admires, but it depends on the person. Of course it is a good match for Miss Bao, Miss Bao Er and Miss Lin, but the identity of Yuanyang needs to be considered here.

Jin Chuan'er, Xiangling, and Qingwen have already taken the lead, and there are Ying'er and Zijuan who are following Miss Bao and Miss Lin to marry as companions. Ping'er believes that Miss Bao's wisdom and Miss Lin's affection, both Ying'er and Zijuan must be housemaids, not to mention other things, just from the perspective of Gu Chong, this is what it should be.

  Which man doesn't have a fresh picture? Besides, Miss Bao and Miss Lin are immortals, but for men, there will be times when they will be tired after a long time. There are three rooms in this family, and none of the rooms is a fuel-efficient lamp. Naturally, we must try our best to please Uncle Feng. Naturally, Ms. Bao and Ms. Lin also have to arrange their own families by Uncle Feng's side.

   Although Yuanyang has a good relationship with Miss Bao and Miss Lin, how can it compare to Yinger and Zijuan, who have been serving for many years and know everything about her?

   Seeing Ping'er looking at herself with strange eyes, Yuanyang's heart was also thumped, "Damn girl, you can talk nonsense like this, if someone hears it, do you want me to live?"

  Ping'er shook his head: "Yuanyang, if you really make up your mind, then sooner or later these things will be known to outsiders, but..."

   "It's not as bad as you said, how can I give it to Uncle Feng with my personal sachet, but I still have one..."

  Mandarin ducks' eyes were looking forward, but there was a little more tenderness and coyness in the brows, which made Ping'er feel a little sad and sad.

  Why do such smart and loving daughters only focus on Uncle Feng? The entire Jia family can't find a man who they can look up to?

Ping'er believes that with the wishes of his ancestors, he probably told Yuanyang about Baoyu a long time ago. Is there any difference in the other sachet that I embroidered by myself? Who knows this? You might as well send your personal sachet over, and it will make Uncle Feng remember a little more. Well, at least holding this sachet is like hugging Like you..."

   "Little Hoof, do you really want to be beaten?" Yuanyang blushed again at Ping'er's teasing words, her neck was thick, and even her small **** heaved sharply.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, it's up to you which one you want to give away..." Seeing that the mandarin duck was really getting annoyed, Ping'er quickly restrained himself, "Then give it to me quickly, grandma said that I have fought with my ancestors here." Hello, let Miss Lin and Miss Bao know, I'm leaving for Yongping Mansion tomorrow."

"I heard what Miss Lin said. I'm afraid Zijuan will also go to Yongping Mansion. It is estimated that Yinger is similar to Miss Bao. Uncle Feng is very kind to our Jia Mansion. He was injured. Naturally, everyone is concerned. To express my feelings,…”

  Yuanyang hesitated for a while, "There are Miss Yun, Miss Er and Miss Third, and Miss Fourth and Miss Xiuyan. I'm afraid they also want to..."

   "Ah?!" Ping'er was startled, and looked at Yuanyang in disbelief, "How many girls want to...?"

  Yuanyang gave Ping'er a blank look, "It's not as bad as you think? Then your grandma arranged for you to go, no..."

Feeling that she had made a mistake, Yuanyang quickly shut up, but she took the guilty Ping'er by surprise, carefully observed Yuanyang's expression, it didn't seem like she was trying to test it, and then Ping'er said embarrassingly: "I just didn't It's just a little surprising that the girls are so close to Uncle Feng."

"Hmph, if it's an accident, it's because your grandma arranged for you to go to Yongping Mansion, which is even more surprising." Yuanyang said bluntly: "Master Huan has received a lot of favor from Uncle Feng, and now Brother Cong is following Brother Lan. Relying on Uncle Feng's support and guidance in the future, the second and third girls are also close to Uncle Feng. If they are injured, can they still ignore them? Miss Shi is a bold and loyal character, needless to say, the few The girls have done this, so how can the fourth girl and Xiuyan girl remain indifferent? It's just a matter of intention."

   "Isn't it true that several girls will arrange someone to visit Uncle Feng?" Ping'er still felt a little unbelievable, and always felt that there was something indescribable about it.

That's all for the third girl, Ping'er can see the vague affection between her and Uncle Feng, and the mandarin duck is probably also clear about it, so the second girl won't talk about it, she has seen the two of them with her own eyes However, Shi Xiangyun, Xichun and Xing Xiuyan seem to be a little far away.

  However, what Yuanyang said seemed to make sense. Several other girls expressed that they couldn't justify their silence.

   "There is also Grandma Zhu, Lan Geer is now worshiping Uncle Feng as a teacher, so she naturally has to express something,..."

  Ping'er didn't want to listen to Yuanyang's words anymore, "Okay, okay, I don't care about their affairs, if you want to send something to Uncle Feng, just leave it to me, I don't have time to wait for you,..."

  Yuanyang's face turned red again, and she said after a long time coyly: "Go and tell Miss Lin first, I will come to you in the evening."

  Ping'er shook his head, but he sighed again and again in his heart. He was really stuck in it and couldn't extricate himself. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a disaster for the couple.


   "Zicuckoo and Ping'er are going?" Baochai was quite surprised, "Zijuan going makes sense, Ping'er is..."

   "Sister, I'm afraid she doesn't know. I heard that the second sister-in-law, the Wang family, and Master Xiaorong of the Dongfu are all working together to make a big business, helping the captured soldiers of various families to redeem themselves."

During this period of time, Baochai's thoughts were all on preparing for her marriage, and she didn't care too much about other things, but Baoqin became more and more active, and went to Feng's residence twice to meet Shen Yixiu, and then heard Wang Xifeng, Wang Zisheng, Jia Rong and others were doing something, and they had some thoughts in their minds.

"Oh?" Baochai still knew a little about her cousin, and immediately heard something from Baoqin's words. Knowing that her sister might have thoughts, she felt a little uncomfortable, and said hesitantly: " Is it related to Brother Feng? Second sister-in-law, uncle and the others? Is it the soldiers of the Beijing camp? The court doesn't care?"

   Lao Rui continues to work hard and strive for a wave of explosion today! Brother monthly ticket rises!



  (end of this chapter)

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