Number of People

Chapter 1192: Geng word hoisting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, comparative advantage (fourth

  Chapter 1192 The Geng word promotes strengths and avoids weaknesses, comparative advantages (fourth update!)

   When all kinds of unexpected disputes were triggered in Jia's mansion because of Feng Ziying's injury, Feng Ziying was chatting with Chai Ke who had just finished talking with Zhu Zhiren.

  After the inspection is over, Ji Town's clean-up of the 60,000 troops in the Beijing camp is in full swing. According to estimates, this army will be completely reorganized within two to three months, making it a new Beijing camp.

Both Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen have been approved by Chai Ke and Yuan Keli. If there is no accident, they can both obtain the status of a guerrilla. This is a qualitative leap for Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen, from a grassroots military officer to an intermediate general. With the identity of actually in charge of one, and the key lies in the next step, they may even have the opportunity to take charge of two or more troops as a guerrilla.

  After the inspection, Chai Ke and Yuan Keli walked along the side wall from Santunying to Taipingzhai, Jianchangying, Yanheying, Taitouying and Shimenying, and finally arrived at Shanhaiguan for inspection.

  As the left servant of the Ministry of War, Chai Ke is extremely serious in his work. Jizhen has suffered a lot this time. Of course, he has to investigate on the spot to see the current situation of Jizhen, especially Shanhaiguan, which is the throat of Liaodong, is a must-see.

   Naturally, Feng Ziying would not accompany Chai Ke all the way, but went directly to Yuguan Port, waiting for Chai Ke to arrive at Yuguan Port, and returned to Lulong all the way after inspecting Yuguan Port.

   "The emperor and some gentry in Beijing are very dissatisfied with the performance of Shuntian Mansion this time. Wu Daonan is a good shopkeeper, and even Mei Zhiye has been implicated."

The Mei family is a prominent family in Huguang. Mei Zhihuan was a Jinshi in the 39th year of Yuanxi, and he was also a good scholar. Chai Ke regarded him as the backbone of the Mesozoic generation of Huguang scholars. Compared with his elder brother Mei Zhiye, he was inferior There are quite a few, but they are still Huguang scholars after all.

  Chai Ke's words made Feng Ziying a little curious, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Master Zhu and the Mei family have some connections, and by the way, Master Chai, too..."

  Chai Ke shook his head with a smile, "Mei Zhiye and I have no friendship, but his clan brother Mei Zhihuan is quite talented and upright, and now he works as Yuanwailang in the Ministry of Rites."

Chai Ke doesn't comment on Mei Zhiye, which is actually a disguised evaluation. Feng Ziying smiled, "It's recognized that Mr. Wu doesn't like common affairs, but as long as Fu Cheng and Zhizhong, Tongju and Tuiguan are selected Well, there is nothing serious about it, Shuntian Mansion has a heavy duty to judge, and the Ministry of Officials has given four to six quotas, that is to say, considering that Shuntian Mansion is not more than ordinary mansions,..."

"The Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture has been vacant for almost half a year, and this is also the reason for the delay in handling the refugee affairs." Chai Ke didn't hide anything, "Mei Zhiye's work is too rigid, he doesn't know how to be flexible, his efficiency is not high, and the county below does not report it. That's great, but he was born in the Imperial Academy, he is very talented in literature, and he is well-known among scholars in Beijing, so..."

Feng Ziying shrugged her shoulders with an indifferent face, "It seems that it is good to have literary talent, even if you are not effective in doing things, you can have this reason to cover it up, but it is a pity that the common people have suffered, they can't rely on reciting two poems or reading a few articles. Endowment can fill the stomach,..."

   "You, you, this mouth is really unforgiving, and Mei Zhiye is not that bad..." Chai Ke laughed loudly, and Feng Ziying also smiled and remained silent.

  Feng Ziying accompanied Chai Ke along the Luan River in the south of the city. This is where the Luan River has the best scenery in Lulong, but now it is snowing heavily and the Luan River is frozen, so the two walked along the river bank.

"Here is the Shehu Stone where Li Guang shoots the tiger. The forest is dark and the grass is frightened by the wind. The general draws his bow at night, and he looks for the white feather in Pingming, but he is not in the stone edge." Feng Ziying, as the landlord, also introduced for Chai Ke. The prefect of You Beiping, it is said that when hunting here, the wind blows and the grass moves, and he mistakenly thinks that the boulder in the grass is a tiger. How much potential is there in the state,…”

  There is a tiger head stone on the bank of the Luan River in the south of Lulong City.

"Why, Ziying, what do you want to express? Yongping Mansion can also perform in an emergency, or is the Battle of Qian'an a desperate situation?" Chai Ke subconsciously compared Feng Ziying's words with the current situation. They got connected, "Or do you think that Shuntian Mansion is used to being pampered and not cornered yet?"

"Master Chai, you're overthinking this. I'm just expressing my feelings. How can there be so many associations?" Feng Ziying quickly waved her hand, "In my opinion, the population of Shuntian Mansion is actually not that large, but the northern There is still some slack in the governance of the prefectures and counties, otherwise so many refugees would not be scattered. Of course, from the perspective of Yongping Prefecture, I do not refuse, even if there will be many difficulties in the early stage, but for Yongping Prefecture, we must do our best now. For industries such as iron smelting, charcoal burning, iron making and cement, when the local people are still difficult to use, the migrants are actually a kind of resource,..."

Feng Ziying's frankness made Chai Ke more certain, "Ziying, it seems that you believe that your approach is correct, but it has been the imperial court's national policy since ancient times to put agriculture first. If you don’t save Mao, you will be attached to it. You are so engaged in iron smelting, charcoal burning, iron making and cement, and most of these goods have to be exported through Yuguan Port, and a large amount of them will be sold to the grasslands and Liaodong. Strong and strong workers, but if everyone is like you, what do they eat and rely on to support our officials, soldiers and businessmen?"

"Master Chai, if you want to discuss this issue, you can't explain it clearly in one or two sentences." Feng Ziying also knew that the big disturbance she made in Yongping Mansion would sooner or later attract the bigwigs in the court. Chai Ke was the first one to pay attention to, and his views are also the most typical.

  Food is the most important thing for the people. If everyone goes to work in the workshop, who will farm the land? The grain fields are reduced, and the farmers do not grow grain, so what do the common people eat? Without enough food reserves, once there is a disaster, wouldn't it immediately turn into an unmanageable accident?

It is because the land in the south of the Yangtze River is getting less and less, giving way to mulberry and other cash crops, which has also aroused the concern of the court. Under the stimulation of obviously more advantageous goods, no matter what the court ordered, it would be futile.

   "Well, let's briefly talk about your reasoning and ideas." Chai Ke said with great interest.

"The conditions for growing grain in the north are generally not as good as those in the south. This is determined by the climate and water and heat conditions. However, the north also has its own advantages, rich in various ore resources such as coal and iron, and the demand for materials such as iron and cement in various places. It will become bigger and bigger, and the mass production of these materials can help improve the conditions of military affairs, agriculture, transportation, etc., such as making firecrackers and cannons with iron materials, and making various shoes, shovels, iron pots, and iron picks , iron plows, hatchets and kitchen knives, etc. Cement can build more durable and fireproof houses, walls and roads. Compared with wood or even stone, it is easier to produce, cheaper, and easier to transport,..."

Chai Ke had already seen the power of cement and was greatly shocked. He even felt that this kind of goods had epoch-making significance and could change a lot, especially in military affairs. Feng Ziying actually wanted to use cement to repair a road from Lulong The cement concrete road from Funing to Yuguan felt incomprehensible, even if Feng Ziying repeatedly explained the meaning and necessity of value to him, Chai Ke still could not accept it.

  Of course, this is an attitude of Shanshanan merchants supporting Feng Ziying. No matter how hard it is for Chai Ke to accept, it is impossible to interfere.

   "In addition to this aspect, the Northland also has advantages in planting cotton and introducing some new crops, but this may take a time process..."

Feng Ziying introduced to Chai Ke his idea of ​​going to Tianjin Wei to visit Xu Guangqi who lived in seclusion for an experiment. If he hadn't been assassinated, Feng Ziying originally planned to visit Xu Guangqi after negotiating the immigration matters at Heshuntian Mansion, but he didn't expect the assassination to happen. Something happened, delayed.

   "Ziying, you mean that the South and the North are different in all aspects, and each has its own advantages?" Chai Ke asked.

"Yes, my idea should be that the north and the south should each develop their strengths and avoid their weaknesses to achieve comparative advantages. In this way, they can maximize their respective advantages, and realize the interactive circulation of materials from the north and the south through the improvement of transportation conditions, so as to achieve the ultimate goal. Good." Feng Ziying smiled, "That's why I experimented with cement concrete pavement. Of course, this is just an experiment. In the south, the advantages of waterway shipping are still irreplaceable, but in the north, some important commercial and official roads can be built locally. Take the material and use it.”

Feng Ziying brought out some of the most superficial economic strategies of being an official in her previous life, but the technological productivity of this era is too low and backward, and many things cannot be copied. Even the view of "comparative advantage" is somewhat specious, but For Chai Ke, it undoubtedly opened a brand new door.

"The reason is actually very simple. A shipbuilder or an ironworker has been doing this for generations. If you ask them to farm or become an official, they will not be able to do it at all. It's confusing, but if a student from the Imperial College is also allowed to smelt iron or build ships, can he do it? That's why I said that we must maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses, so that the production can achieve the best results, and this situation between the North and the South is actually the same In a word, adapt measures to local conditions, take what they need, and do what they can to achieve optimization."

  Chai Ke understood Feng Ziying's point of view, "Then Ziying, you mean that the court can just let it go?"

"No, not necessarily, but the direct intervention of the imperial court is not effective, and it will easily arouse conflicts, so why can't it be adjusted with tax and labor? For example, if the imperial court feels that there is too little food in Suzhou, then it can be planted with mulberry. Hemp needs to pay higher taxes, and in the same way, the cultivation of grain can also be encouraged in the Northland, and the tax and labor for growing grain will be reduced,..."

  Feng Ziying has too many modern economic and tax adjustments in mind to stimulate and adjust economic development. It is difficult to explain clearly to Chai Ke at the moment, and he can only slowly instill and promote operations to them at the right time.

   Don’t say anything, just ask for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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