Number of People

Chapter 1193: Geng character volume handed over (the first update asks for a monthly ticket!)

  Chapter 1193 Geng-character volume disclosure (the first update asks for a monthly pass!)

  The conversation by the Hutou stone lasted for more than an hour, and Feng Ziying also confided many of her thoughts and visions.

Although Chai Ke is not considered his master, in a sense, he is the official with the longest contact time with Feng Ziying and the most opportunities since he entered the official position. Through various exchanges of military viewpoints, both sides gradually understood each other.

  Chai Ke is not the kind of official with a strong character, and he is good at listening to different opinions, which is what Feng Ziying admires most.

   Moreover, the other party is a scholar from Huguang, unlike the northern scholars who limit their circle of interests to the north and exclude Jiangnan too much. This is also why the other party can view and consider issues from a more objective and tolerant perspective.

  Chai Ke is very interested in many of Feng Ziying's ideas, but he also feels that the sudden development may not be in line with the current reality, but this kind of attempt in Yongping Mansion is feasible.

The construction of this kind of coal-iron building material complex economic system is very suitable for Yongping Prefecture, a region rich in iron ore, coal mines and limestone. This model can undoubtedly generate a large amount of mining tax and industrial and commercial income for the imperial court. Taxes are of great benefit to both the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry, and are naturally welcomed.

"Ziying, I very much support your attempt in Yongping Prefecture. The construction and development of Qian'an, Lulong and Luanzhou, as well as the opening of Yuguan Port, will not only attract and accommodate a large number of refugees, but also make the city more prosperous. The most important thing is to solve the tax problem of your Yongping Mansion's short board over the years, if Zhu Zhiren and Bo Xiaogong are not close, if you change places, I am afraid that the Ministry of Households will have to play the book."

Although encountered the Mongol invasion, the situation of Yongping Mansion is still very impressive this year. The summer tax and autumn tax have not changed much, but the mine tax has increased greatly. The Jieshen Treasury of the Ministry of Industry has increased by at least ten times compared to previous years. But the emperor's small treasury, and the industrial and commercial tax released to the Ministry of Households has also increased greatly.

  These two items alone are enough to make Zhu Zhiren smile. The "big plan" of the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate in the coming year, Yongping Mansion will surely be the best.

  Historically, the triennial "big plan" of the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate has mainly focused on three aspects in the assessment of local officials. The first is taxation, the second is public security, and the third is education.

Of course, the underlying factor is the relationship with the local gentry, but this cannot be put on the table, and it is public opinion that the public is right, and the woman is right. You can say that the local gentry have turned against each other, and the reaction is strong. I can say that the local evil gentry controls the local area. , It is difficult to go to the countryside by the imperial court's laws, so these problems will be caused, it depends on the determination of the above.

  However, taxation and public security cannot be faked. The treasury of the household department, the criminal department, and the local spies of Long Jinwei will clearly show these two points in front of the court.

   "Well, so Fu Zun is very satisfied. Although he doesn't agree with my point of view on some other matters, he still tolerates my willfulness." Feng Ziying laughed.

The construction of the cement concrete road from Lulong-Funing-Yuguan is inconceivable to anyone. Even the merchants from Shanshan and Shanxi have done countless works, and they still have objections, but Feng Ziying finally finalized the matter. .

Now that the refugees are gradually arriving, many preliminary preparations are almost ready. Feng Ziying's request to the merchants is that the construction must be started before December, and it must be completed within half a year, and no more than one year at the latest. The subsequent demonstration effect will be unparalleled.

   "Then Ziying, what do you think are the thorny problems you are encountering now?" Chai Ke asked suddenly.

"Well, on the one hand, it's the resistance of the local gentry. After all, they were opposed to me from the beginning, and they often found faults. Of course, I didn't get used to them. The Qing army cleaned up the hidden households and cleaned them up badly, but After the Mongol invasion and the Qian’an Defense War, the situation eased somewhat. I probably think that I am still a little bit capable, able to do things, and things that they think are impossible to accomplish. They are not blind, so they can see it naturally, so they also found colleagues in the mansion, including Mr. Fu Zun and Tong Juan, to make peace, hoping to ease the relationship, and even join in,..."

   Chai Ke was taken aback. Doesn't this mean that the local gentry in Yongping Mansion bowed their heads to Feng Ziying?

This is a bit rare, many officials have been tossed by these local gentry, and in the end there are many cases of leaving in disgrace, most of them take the initiative to compromise, but now the gentry of Yongping Mansion actually ask Feng Ziying for a compromise ?

Seeing that Chai Keyi didn't believe it, Feng Ziying spread her hands: "My lord, these gentry are not stupid. They went to Beijing and made a lot of trouble, and they didn't get me down. They also know my reputation in the Imperial Academy. Behind the Shanshaan merchants are Who are they, how can they not know? I follow the court regulations and speak with evidence and regulations. I don’t accept beauty tricks or yellow and white things. What can they do to me? If you want to be strong, they all understand If you can't bring me down, you have to figure out how to deal with my revenge..."

  Chai Ke heard the hidden meaning in Feng Ziying's words, and couldn't help shaking his head, "Ziying, don't say that in front of me..."

   "My lord, I'm telling the truth. Who are you, still pretending to be innocent in front of me?" Feng Ziying's joke made Chai Ke laugh and cry, and this guy became more and more presumptuous.

   "You, you, how did Duke Qi and brother Ru Jun teach you such a student?" Chai Ke gave Feng Ziying a look.

"Now I heard that Mr. Zhu may be leaving. After all these years, they also think that Mr. Zhu is a talkative person. If another prefect who is similar to me in temperament or who is close to me comes, hehe, the magistrate of the broken family, the order of the extermination of the family Yin, this is not just for fun, if you really meet a ruthless person, it is not impossible to choose a few gentry heads to sacrifice the flag, and they also know that no one on their own buttocks is clean,..."

  Feng Ziying doesn't care either, because she has a good relationship with Chai Ke, so there are not so many taboos in natural words, and Chai Ke doesn't care about this, and it will even bring the relationship between the two parties closer.

   "So they took the initiative to seek reconciliation?" Chai Ke rubbed his chin.

"This reason is a secondary reason. The key lies in the fact that they saw that the merchants in Shanshan and Shanxi have made a lot of money. Gold and silver are eye-catching, and money touches people's hearts. My lord, who can refuse this kind of honest money-making? The gentry in Changli and Leting took the risk. They would dare to collude with the Japanese to **** the income from the Hubu saltworks at the risk of losing their heads, let alone the opportunity I gave them?"

  Feng Ziying's words made Chai Ke shudder, "Huimin Saltworks? Are you sure it has something to do with the gentry in Changli and Leting? Ziying, don't just talk nonsense."

"My lord, if this kind of thing has to be accurately grasped, how dare I talk nonsense? But I told the Lord Fu Zun that if he wants to get a better performance in the big plan of the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate in the coming year, he will be able to make progress." If someone in Beijing is noble, then he has to fight for it. Huimin Salt Farm is the best political achievement, and he has approved it. His Excellency is going to do it himself, and I don’t need to do it...”

  Seeing Feng Ziying's secretive smile, Chai Ke knew that it was Feng Ziying who had aroused Zhu Zhiren's interest. Otherwise, with Zhu Zhiren's temper that had been withered for several years, how could he want to make a move at this time.

   "Ziying, take it easy, don't let his 30-year-old mother overwhelm the child." Although Chai Ke and Zhu Zhiren are not too close, they are both Huguang scholars after all, so naturally they don't want to see Zhu Zhiren somersaulting.

"Where did Mr. Chai say? Mr. Fuzun and I are one body with two sides. One is prosperous, the other is prosperous, and the other is damaged. How can I let him miss? I have almost prepared for him in the early stage preparation work, just waiting for him to make up his mind. Feng Ziying paused for a moment and said in a low voice: "Denglai Navy has quietly returned north,..."

  Chai Ke knew that this was Feng Ziying's personal connection, otherwise Zhu Zhiren would not have shouted to move Shen Yourong, and it seemed that he had planned it for a long time, so he nodded and stopped talking about it.

   "Then what's the problem?" Chai Ke asked again.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised. These words didn't seem to be like the question of the left servant of the Ministry of War. After a little thought, he recalled: "My lord, could it be that the rumors are true and you are going to the Ministry of officials?"

   Chai Ke was taken aback, there was a slight disturbance in the court, and the people below could feel it immediately, "Why, I shouldn't ask these questions if I don't go to the Ministry of Officials?"

"Hehe, that's not true, it's just that you have to hide such a good thing, and you're not happy." Feng Ziying was overjoyed. After Qi Yongtai stepped down as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, an official from Jiangnan would soon be appointed as Minister of the Ministry of Officials. It's not good news. If Chai Ke went to serve as the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, he would be regarded as having a person of his own.

   "Do you think I can be sure about such things?" Chai Ke didn't answer directly: "I don't discuss this matter, but on your side, you have worked in Yongping Mansion for so long, what difficulties do you feel?"

   "It is very difficult to say, but the biggest problem is that there are no colleagues who can speak well." Feng Ziying carefully considered this question, and he needed to consider how he would answer it if Chai Ke was the left servant of the official department.

"Master Fu Zun, you know what's on your mind, and you're ready to return. If it wasn't for my rhetoric, I'm afraid that he would leave the matter of the Huimin Saltworks to the next term. The judges and judges have also worked here for many years. They and The unity of local interests does not mean that this is a heinous crime, but if I want to do something, I have to consider the pros and cons. There are many things that I can't just rely on my personal staff, but also have like-minded people. Okay, this is probably the biggest difficulty I have encountered."

  Feng Ziying put her hands behind her back and said leisurely: "Maybe it's because I've been here for a short time. With more time, maybe I can do better."

   Today, Lao Rui continues to work hard to break out, and the brothers may still have a few monthly tickets. ^_^



  (end of this chapter)

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