Number of People

Chapter 1194: The gengzi scroll Huiping'er lifts the weight as if it is light, and the Xiaoxia

  Chapter 1194 Geng Zi Juan Hui Ping’er lifts the weight like light, and the Xiaoxiang Pavilion preemptively strikes

  The carriage was driving **** the muddy road after the snow had melted. From time to time, a few wisps of cold wind came in through the shaking cotton curtains, making the girls in the car tremble.

   This trip is not easy, although it is just a few maids, but the meaning is different.

  Ping'er watched Zijuan and Ying'er sitting on both sides with great interest, but he sat in the middle.

  From the moment I went out, it was covered with an indescribable smell.

Zicuckoo and Ying'er are also very familiar, but the girls like this didn't show up, but it was the two maids who represented the "embassy", and the second grandmother's "representative" Ping'er, It really has a weird taste.

"Sister Ping'er, my whole body is about to fall apart. I've been walking for three days. I'm afraid it's time to arrive, right? My whole body is about to freeze. If I knew I should have brought a stove instead of Mrs. Tang. "Ying'er's face was pale. Obviously, the long journey and the weather made her a little bit unbearable.

"Come on, come out of Zhenzi Town. I heard from Niu Er that after crossing the Shahe Ferry, you will not be far from Lulong County." Ping'er is also uncomfortable, but her endurance is better than Ying'er and Zi Juan was much stronger, "Niu Er said that he would find a place to hit the tip for a rest in the afternoon, and then he would be able to go to Lulong in one go."

"It's the first time I've traveled far, and I didn't think so carefully. Who would have thought that Tang Pozi would cool down so quickly?" Zijuan also sighed, "The hot water in the inn is not too hot, and it will cool down after a while. Already..."

The hands and feet of the three girls were numb from the cold, they kept rubbing their hands and stomping their feet a few times, but the carriage still didn't dare to stop. It was getting dark early, so if you don't hurry up, nothing will happen when it gets dark Come on.

  Before I set off, I thought about whether I needed to tell Yongping Mansion, but I didn’t think it was necessary. Now it seems that I still underestimated the difficulty of traveling far in winter.

There were only a few cushions in the carriage, and the weather was sunny when we went out. Who would have thought that it would be raining and snowing the next day, and I didn’t bring a quilt to wrap me up. The wind is still unbearable.

   "Zicuckoo, Yinger, sit down, the three of us can hug each other to keep warm in this **** weather."

  Ping'er didn't know when the two girls had a knot in their hearts, maybe the seeds were sown unknowingly when the two girls were about to marry into the Feng family.

  Usually, there are girls who are so beautiful on the scene, nothing can be seen, but suddenly the two girls are squeezed into such an environment, I am afraid that they feel a little uncomfortable, and this is still going to visit Uncle Feng on behalf of their own girls.

   I wonder what the two families will think when they find out about the relationship between Second Mistress and Uncle Feng in the future? How would these two girls who were very close to him think of him?

   Thinking of this, Ping'er shudders, but don't ever have that day.

Ying'er and Zijuan subconsciously glanced at each other, without saying a word, but they both leaned towards each other, but their movements seemed to be a little stiff. Now that they were squeezed together, it was inevitable that their feet were leaning against each other, shoulders touching shoulders, Facing each other, breathing and smelling each other corresponds to the feeling of indifference between the two of them in the past two days, which is a bit awkward.

Sighing softly, Ping'er put his hands on his knees, curled up, and kept his eyes fixed: "Okay, let me tell you what's wrong with you two? How did it become like this? Miss Bao and Miss Lin will both They want to be sisters-in-law, and I haven't seen you like this!"

  Zijuan bit her lip and didn't speak, while Ying'er hesitated to speak, but she gave Zijuan a sideways glance, tilted her head arrogantly, and finally said nothing.

"I don't understand either. They have lived under the same roof for several years. When Miss Lin came, Zijuan was pointed out to Miss Lin by the ancestors. Yinger, you came to the mansion with Miss Bao, right? It's been a few years since I lived here, and I have the impression that the two of you have been laughing and laughing in the past few years, why have you become more and more distant this year?"

   Of course Ping'er is aware of the knots in the hearts of these two girls, each of them is in charge, but this is not a situation where the two countries are fighting each other, right?

   Besides, there is a grandma of the Shen family in the family’s house. Doesn’t it also say in the play that they have to be vertical and horizontal? Miss Bao and Miss Lin are still relatives after all, why are they still staring like black-eyed chickens, and they don't like each other?

   No, Miss Bao and Miss Lin are not so superficial, that is, the people below have some knots in their hearts, and this is even more so.

"As for me, I'm older than you, anyway, I've seen more of the world with my second grandma, so I'll talk a little more..." Ping'er said leisurely, in fact, Zijuan is not young, she is older than Daiyu She was two years old and turned eighteen, just over a year younger than Ping'er, while Ying'er was two years younger than Ping'er.

  Zijuan's face calmed down, and Yinger also put away her former arrogance.

Ping'er's popularity and reputation in the mansion are excellent, even the mandarin ducks can only be said to be side by side with her, whether it is the originally rebellious Qingwen, or the cold-faced and hard-hearted Jin Chuan'er, or Baoyu's house. Xiren, the head of all the maidservants, should respect her a little bit.

"Although Miss Bao and Miss Lin are not related by blood, one is the wife's direct niece, and the other is the master's direct niece. The master and wife are one. This is the sister family. Both Miss Bao and Miss Lin will marry into the Feng family. Miss Bao will marry for a year first, and Miss Lin will live later, but Miss Lin knew Uncle Feng earlier, don’t you think so?”

  The two girls were silent.

"I know that there are always some women and girls in this mansion who have nothing to do and gossip about their tongues. They like to make up some right and wrong. The old ancestors don't want to see Miss Bao, and they are even more rare for Miss Lin. The wife likes Miss Bao's temper and thinks Miss Lin is small-minded. Now, let me say something, girls have different temperaments, but if they all come out of the same mold, if you don't feel ashamed to say something, maybe Uncle Feng won't like it."

  Ping'er's words were extremely sharp, but unceremoniously revealed some irritating topics that were buried in their stomachs, which shocked Ying'er and Zijuan.

"As for what other people say, their mouths grow on them, so it's up to them. If our own family members still believe in these hooks that sow discord and frame falsehoods, then we are really stupid. Look at the second Does the girl care about this?"

  Seeing that the faces of the two girls changed slightly, and their eyes were also a little uncomfortable, Ping'er knew that his words were still effective, so he wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

"Miss Bao and Miss Lin are going to be grandmas in the future, but the Feng family has more than two grandmas, there is also a grandma Shen, each house will have to look at each other in the future, how to get along with each other, how to earn money How decent, don't be looked down upon by other families, I think not only Miss Bao and Miss Lin will think about it seriously, but there will be aunts coming into the house in the future, and they also need to maintain the face of each house, even the two of you are equally good Thinking about it, even if you have never entered the house, you have to start every little bit, and don't affect the image of your own girls because of your own magnanimity, that is probably the most worthless,..."

   These words are neither light nor important, but the meaning hidden in the words made Zijuan and Yinger have to think deeply.

  Zicuckoo itself has no idea of ​​fighting with Yinger, but this does not mean that she will be able to ride on her head.

  She has a humble temperament, but this is related to the girl's face, and she must not let it go, but Ying'er is arrogant and used to show it on her face, so Zijuan didn't want to get used to it.

They all live in the garden. This year Baochai sees that the time for her marriage is getting closer, and because of her father's illness, she feels that Baochai has preempted her. The Xiaoxiang Pavilion feels a little uncomfortable, but this kind of thing is not unique. Fang's wishes can only exist deep in his heart and cannot be spoken out.

But when the girls on both sides meet, the two girls must have some words. Ying'er happily talked about Miss Bao's marriage, and what about the Xue family. After a long time, she heard it in her ears, and it was inevitable that she would be a little bored. Neither hot nor salty, not answering the conversation to make fun of it, that Yinger is also a very smart person, so she can naturally feel it, and there will inevitably be some dissatisfaction when she comes and goes.

   But if you want to say how many substantive conflicts there are, how can you say that the girls of each family have not yet entered Feng's mansion?

  Na Ying'er was a bit arrogant in character, but she didn't have many evil intentions in her bones. She just felt that her daughter was gentle and low-key, but after Baoer's arrival, she was obviously different, and she was also affected.

  I feel that since my girl is already determined to marry into the Feng family, and she is also one of the four great families, the Ming media is marrying, and the first wife is a big wife, why should she look so cautious?

   I didn’t offend anyone, and I never said anything outrageous or did anything out of the ordinary. Who would not allow myself to walk with my back straight?

But at this time, when Ping'er said such words with guns and sticks, Ying'er knew the situation here, maybe Ping'er knew it well, but she could remind herself with such words that took into account the overall situation. It's not for her own good, Ying'er knows her girl's temperament, if she knows that it's her own fault that caused a estrangement with the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, she probably won't forgive herself lightly.

Ying'er was about to speak, but Zijuan spoke first: "Sister Ping'er is right, it's because the younger sister has done poorly, and the girl often teaches us on weekdays, Miss Bao treats the girl like a sister, what? The ones that smell good are all thinking of my girl, and my girl has always regarded Bao girl as her sister. When Uncle Feng talks to my girl, he also likes my girl's understanding of the general situation, but those of us nowadays can't understand being the master. Thoughts, but still fighting for those spirits, now thinking about it, I feel ashamed,..."

  Zijuan was sincere, and said to Yinger crisply: "Yinger, I am here to apologize to you. I have done something wrong in the past. You and my sister, please forgive me more..."

   Second update, how many monthly tickets are there?



  (end of this chapter)

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