Number of People

Chapter 1195: Geng character scroll Heng Wuyuan sword slanted forward, tool man

  Chapter 1195 Geng character scroll Heng Wuyuan sword swaying, the tool man is pretentious

  Zicuckoo's preemptive attack made Ping'er stunned.

  She originally thought that Ying'er should apologize first, and Zijuan was soft-tempered, so she would naturally ignore the past, and then shake hands and talk happily, but she didn't expect that Zijuan's hand was much beyond her expectations.

   This seems to be generous, but in front of her, she became a hidden needle, and she was attacking while defending, which made Yinger feel a little uncomfortable.

  Ping'er couldn't help feeling a little bit admiring for her very close sister.

The vague rift between Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Hengwu Garden and even Hongxiang Garden has not lasted for a day or two, but Baochai and Daiyu don't care about these things, and they can't care about them. Even pretend not to know.

  The more you care about it, the more you even intervene to stop it, it will only make people feel that this kind of thing exists, and this is a kind of damage to the image of both parties, which is exactly what Baochai and Daiyu must avoid.

But the people below are not so aware of the general situation, they will always show it consciously or unconsciously, and the affection and affection for Daiyu and Baochai in each family in the mansion are naturally impossible to be the same. Encountering this kind of thing, the master is trying his best to be impartial, but how can the people below do it?

   Even the respective camps in Rongguo Mansion that tend to be both sides are looming.

Ping'er is naturally close to Zijuan, and even Second Mistress and Daiyu are even closer, but Ping'er attaches great importance to Baochai, and she feels that although Uncle Feng has unusual feelings for Daiyu, But if she gets married, Baochai will be more favored by the Feng family.

Baochai has a generous and gentle personality, and acts gracefully and gracefully. In addition, Baoqin, who is a dowry concubine, is alert and capable, and she is extremely good at understanding people's hearts. Looking at Daiyu, although she cannot be said to be narrow-minded, she is not as good in her conduct. Baochai did it beautifully, and you can feel it just by the attitude towards the servants outside, and that Miaoyu is a madman with no knowledge of heights and depths, how can it compare to Baoqin in case?

Ying'er was also taken aback by Zijuan's move. She naturally knew that the rift between the two parties had to be discussed carefully, and most of it was due to her own faults. , but in front of only Ping'er, it was a bit embarrassing.

"Zicuckoo, if you say that, I'd be ashamed to see you. My girl is a big-hearted person, so she developed a temperament like mine that doesn't know what's good or bad. Sister Ping'er's previous words were like enlightenment, which made the little girl whole body. I broke out in a sweat, and now I feel more and more shallow and immoral."

Ying'er made up her mind, knowing that she was at a disadvantage, but at this time, she had to hold her ground and not let her talk go, "In front of sister Ping'er, I, Huang Ying, swear that if there is another relationship with Zi in the future If Sister Juan has any quarrel, I will slap myself on the mouth,..."


  Ping'er couldn't help giving Yinger a thumbs up in his heart.

This is also the role taught by Miss Bao, a fierce counterattack, first put yourself in the most vulnerable position, and then speak out to be invincible, but there is no mention of the previous relationship between Hengwuyuan and Xiaoxiangguan. Only talk about the matter between herself and Zicuckoo.

   This is a categorical denial of what I mentioned earlier, without leaving any evidence behind.

Aside from sighing and feeling in his heart, Ping'er also knew that probably he could only talk about this. This involves two families, not just the personal grievances between the two girls, no matter how good the relationship is, it will face the interests of the two families in the future All grievances can only be put aside, not to mention that the relationship between Yinger and Zicuckoo is far from the kind of relationship he has with Zicuckoo or Yuanyang, and Yinger is not from the Jia family.

"Okay, Ying'er, Zijuan, I believe that you two are sincere. In the future, whether Miss Lin or Miss Bao, even if you don't count as a pot of food in Feng's family, you will enter the Feng family's ancestral hall with a tone of voice." The so-called seeing up and seeing down, the two of you must be the same. Let me tell you that it is rare to see each other like this in this lifetime. A few days ago, Yuanyang was still telling me that everything in the world Banquet, girls in this garden, how many girls will we see in three to five years? I am still a little sad, but I can imagine that you two can still follow your respective girls, and this banquet will never end for the rest of your life..."

  Ping’er’s words were sincere, although Ying’er and Zicuckoo still had some emotions in their hearts, but they were all moved by it, and then thought that the Grand View Garden is now full of flowers, but what about three or five years later? Miss Bao, Miss Bao Er and Miss Lin are going to marry into the Feng family, but what about Miss Shi, Miss Er, Miss Third, Miss Fourth and Miss Xiuyan?

  Even Second Mistress is leaving Rongguo Mansion now, let alone others?

  Thinking about it this way, being able to stay together, even if there is some rift, seems to be a kind of fate?

  With complicated thoughts, the carriage finally drove into Lulong County before dark.

  The mansion is easy to find. I casually asked the waiter in the shop on the street, and the carriage drove to the mansion. I asked again, and the distance to Mr. Tongzhi’s mansion was not far, and the carriage was only a few steps away.


   "My lord, please have some tea." When Jin Chuaner took out the tea, Jia She also looked him up and down.

They are all girls who have opened their faces, and they should have been combed by Feng Ziying long ago. Wang's play is neat, and she has shortened her relationship with Feng Ziying, and by the way, she has installed a family member in Feng's house. trustworthy person.

   "Brother Keng hasn't come back yet?" Jia Amnesty frowned.

  He came once at noon, but Feng Ziying did not come home. It is said that the prefect invited the Zuo Shilang of the imperial military department to inspect military affairs, and Feng Ziying was invited to accompany him.

At the end of the afternoon, he came again, but there was no one there. It was said that he had gone out of the city with his servant, so he could only leave in despair. There was a discussion at the dinner table.

   "Baoxiang came back to send a letter, saying that the master will be back soon. He originally said that he was going to have dinner with the servant, but he heard that the old man was coming, so he came back specially. The old man is waiting..."

  Jin Chuan'er's words made Jia She's face very long, and he couldn't help stroking his beard and smiling, "Actually, there's no rush. The court is here. Brother Keng is still busy. Don't delay because of my business..."

  Who is Jin Chuaner, she knew very well what the old man was thinking about when he was still in Jia's house. If the old man really neglected him, he didn't know how to arrange the old man after he went back.

   "Master, don't worry, Master is already on his way back." Jin Chuaner reassured him.

   "Jin Chuan'er, you have been in Feng's house for two or three years, right?" Jia Amnesty asked after taking a sip of tea.

   "More than three years." Jin Chuaner replied.

"Well, Brother Keng is a man of knowledge and righteousness. Although you used to be from our Rongguo Mansion, since the Wang family gave you to Brother Keng, you are now a member of the Feng family. The first thing to think about problems and do things is to do things for you. The master thinks, don't do something like being in Cao Ying's heart in Han, it will damage the reputation of our Rongguo Mansion,..."

Jia She said these words with a stern tone. He is the eldest son of the Rongguo Mansion. Jin Chuaner was not brought by the Wang family from the Wang family, but a child of the Jia family. Words are still intimidating.

Of course, Jin Chuan'er is also aware of Jia She's thoughts. The eldest room and the second room are not on good terms. There has been constant discord between the Xing family and the Wang family. The wife's thoughts on giving herself to Uncle Feng were still a little hazy when she first came here. , but later the wife became more explicit, so she naturally understood.

  Who doesn't know Uncle Feng's attitude towards Rongguo Mansion? At this time, Jia Amnesty's words, of course, are not so simple to obey the principle of being a servant, but to prevent his wife from getting too close to him.

   "Don't worry, my lord, Jin Chuan'er understands the truth in such matters..." Jin Chuan'er said respectfully.


   When Feng Ziying was about to enter the door, she saw a carriage with a familiar mark parked in front of her mansion. Isn’t this the carriage of Rongguo Mansion? Didn't it mean that Jia Amnesty has been here for a long time? Why did this car arrive only now?

   While it was strange, the cotton curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a woman got out first, it was Ping'er!

  Before Feng Ziying could make a sound in surprise, the cotton curtain was lifted, and two more people came out. After a closer look, they were Zijuan and Yinger.

  Feng Ziying roughly understood that it was probably because the girls in the garden were worried when they heard that she had been stabbed and injured, so they sent someone to visit her, not with Jia Amnesty.


As soon as Feng Ziying greeted, Ping'er's bright eyes flashed a light of surprise, and she almost came forward to hold hands to salute, but suddenly remembered that there were Zijuan and Ying'er behind her, she immediately stopped, and took advantage of the situation to put her hands on her waist , Blessed: "My servant has seen Uncle Feng."

  Feng Ziying got out of the car and nodded: "Just arrived? Is it safe on the way? Zijuan and Yinger came with you?"

   "It's safe along the way, but it's a bit cold, and the maidservants are about to freeze to death." Ping'er stomped her feet, her numb toes and stiff body made her miss the warm burning earth dragon very much.

"Hehe, I'm afraid Yongping Mansion is colder than Jingshi City. It's a small place, so hurry up and let Jin Chuan'er take you two inside to warm you up. You'll be warmed up in a while. Seeing that the three girls were all dark-faced and pale, Feng Ziying also felt a little distressed, so she hurriedly greeted her: "Go, hurry into the house, Master Xi is here too? Didn't he come with you?"

   "Elder Master?" Ping'er was taken aback, "No, I didn't hear that the Eldest Master is coming, and the mansion didn't hear about it either."

   "Okay, then leave him alone, you three hurry up and get in the house to warm up, I'll just go and see Mr. Xi." Feng Ziying waved his hand, these three are his family members, and Jia She is just a tool.

   The third update has been delivered, brothers, let’s vote, Lao Rui will continue to work hard tomorrow!



  (end of this chapter)

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