Number of People

Chapter 1196: Geng Zijuan Three Sisters Love Ziying's Heart, Jia Amnesty Moves

  Chapter 1196 Geng Zijuan The three sisters warm Ziying's heart, and Jia Amnesty moves Feng's family

   Ping'er and the maids had time to ask Feng Ziying about her injuries.

   Seeing the concern in the eyes and faces of the girls, Feng Ziying felt warm in her heart.

After all, they are all from their own family, and their care and worry for themselves come from the bottom of their hearts, whether they represent the masters and girls behind them, but they are also concerned about their own safety, but they have the love of the masters and girls above them. Intentions, they can only hide a little intentionally or unintentionally.

But for Feng Ziying, he can feel this affection. He is not a saint. After getting along for a long time, Feng Ziying's care and love can be appreciated by several girls. The relationship itself is heart-for-heart. Not divided because of the girls.

   This is also Feng Ziying's habit of traveling as a modern person.

He didn't have the mentality of treating Ping'er, Zijuan and Ying'er as the appendages of Wang Xifeng, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, but he treated them more as a relatively independent individual who could not be said to be equal, And this kind of treatment and respect between two people is the most normal in modern society, but in this era, it will be regarded as unprecedentedly cherished and loved by these girls, which is what makes these girls the most Feel excited.

   No woman can refuse the love of a man of the same age who they need to look up to and respect, like Feng Ziying, who is full of charm, and this man can even make the whole capital city's wealthy boudoir girls look forward to it.

Even Ping'er, who has been intimate with Feng Ziying, is the one who can best understand this kind of daring feeling. Although Feng Ziying is often messy when getting along with her, as long as she refuses to agree, then Feng Ziying will not use force. Such a demeanor Let Ping'er break his heart.

  If it was a different man, I'm afraid... Of course Jia Lian is not counted, he has a wicked heart but no courage, he is too afraid of Wang Xifeng, but Feng Ziying is afraid of anyone, even Wang Xifeng has to bow his head, let alone her a maid.

Feng Ziying's shoulders were actually covered with medicinal gauze, but after so long, there was no serious problem, so she moved around in front of a few girls, expressing that there was no problem, and thanked the girls for their concern, so they let them in quickly. The room was going to be warmed up, so naturally someone came to greet the three daughters to enter the mansion.

   As soon as he entered the flower hall, he saw Jia She still sitting there with his back on his back, but his eyes did not glance over after hearing his own footsteps. Feng Ziying also thought it was funny, this guy still behaved like this, which made me feel both funny and pitiful.

  The more inferior one is, the more proud one will be in front of others, the more prosperous one will be, the more one will show off after declining. The Jia family is the best portrayal of this situation.

   "How is Uncle Xi?" Feng Ziying entered the flower hall, still bowing respectfully.

  The other party didn't know the etiquette, but he had to be careful, so as not to give others a blame, and Ziying was still thinking about finding out the tone of the Spring Festival. Now, judging by Jia She's posture, there is a sense.

   "Ziying is here, and I am in good health. I have traveled hundreds of miles, and the weather is freezing, so I feel nothing."

  Stimulated by the silver, no matter how cold, hard or tired it is, it is worth it. At this time, Jia She is full of energy, and he doesn't look like he has traveled hundreds of miles. Compared with Heping'er and the girls, it is completely different.

"That's good. The weather here in Yongping Mansion is worse than that in Jingshi City, and my dilapidated mansion is not as comfortable as Rongguo Mansion in Jingshi City. Don't make fun of She Shibo." Feng Ziying sat down, Jin Chuan'er Come up to pour tea again.

"Jin Chuan'er, you go down first, Shibo and I are going to talk about business later, um, Ping'er, Zijuan and Ying'er are here, the people in the mansion heard that I was injured and asked someone to come and see , you and Xiangling go and have a look, you haven't seen each other for a long time."

Jin Chuaner was also overjoyed by Feng Ziying's words. Yongping Mansion and Jingshi City are hundreds of miles away, and it is inconvenient to hear from each other, so I hope that someone will come to meet and talk occasionally. Is always familiar.

   "Okay, the master and the master, the slaves will go first." Jin Chuaner went out in a rare hurry, and Feng Ziying shook her head when she saw it. It seemed that the girls in Yongping Mansion were indeed a little lonely.

   "Ping'er and the others are here too?" Jia She didn't expect that there would be a group of people coming from the mansion, but after thinking about it, it was true, Bao girl and Lin girl must have some intentions, and they can't let themselves bring them.

As for Wang Xifeng, it was probably for this business, but Jia She took the lead and earned the easiest money. He also knew that Wang Xifeng, Wang Zisheng, and Jia Rong were running around in the capital city. It is impossible to let him go like this, unless Jia Lian is in Beijing.

  Jia Zhenjiarong and his son parted ways with Jia Amnesty after investigating Lai's family.

"Well, my nephew is also touched. Uncle She has brought the family's thoughts here. I didn't expect that the younger sisters would ask someone to come..." Feng Ziying pursed her lips and smiled, this feeling of being cared It's still very pleasant, it's not like the Shura field in the later generations, where you can bear it in a grandiose manner.

"Well, it should be so. Let's not talk about Bao girl, Lin girl. Your other sisters are also girls who know and express their ideas. You are attacked and injured, so naturally they care." Jia She nodded and asked: "The assassin's situation? Are you clear?"

   "There are some clues. There are people from Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs who are taking over, and what happened in Shuntian Mansion. My nephew didn't ask too much, but just be careful when going out."

Feng Ziying's indifferent attitude made Jia She frowned, "Ziying, your own safety is the most important thing. I heard that there is a younger sister of Youshi in Dongfu who will serve as your concubine. She also has some martial arts skills. You don't change when you go out on weekdays. She is just by her side, you have the final say on how to control this Yongping Mansion, if you bring a servant boy or something, no one can say anything."

Before Feng Ziying came back, Jia Amnesty called Ruixiang to the side for questioning. Ruixiang didn't hide too much, and gave a general idea of ​​Feng Ziying's current situation in Yongping Mansion and his relationship with the mansion lord. It also gave Jia She a general understanding of Feng Ziying's identity and power.

If Feng Ziying has a close relationship with the magistrate, it is indeed the same in Yongping Prefecture. Then Ruixiang said that the magistrate may actually raise the capital after the turn of the year, and maybe Feng Ziying may take over as the magistrate. This sounds incredible, but At least this possibility is infinitely fascinating.

  A magistrate of a prefecture, this is a position that countless scholastic officials may not be able to achieve in their lifetime.

Even if he came from a Jinshi background, if he wanted to earn the position of a magistrate, he would not even think about it without 20 years of hard work under normal circumstances. Feng Ziying, the old man with a long house, was born as a Jinshi in the same department as Lin Ruhai, and he didn’t rush to the office until he was in his forties. Is the last position of the prefect of Dongchang Prefecture?

It is said that there seems to be only two levels of difference between the Tongzhi and the Zhifu, but the gap between the fifth and fourth ranks is the most difficult to overcome. The parents of officials, and below the fifth rank can only be called officials.

Jia She himself was a first-rank general, but it was a pity that this first-rank was just a vain title with a pitiful salary. It looked noble, but in fact it was just a good reputation. But in terms of power and benefits, even a seventh-rank magistrate Neither.

  However, this did not affect Jia She's understanding of the court's interior, so he hated Jia Zheng's hard work for Emperor Yuanxi to bestow a gift to a member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang, but did not make good use of it.

  Over the years, the Rongguo Mansion has not benefited at all from Jia Zheng, a member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang, so that the dignified Rong Ning Second Mansion has to borrow money from everywhere to build a family-friendly garden for the eldest girl, and owes a whole lot of debt.

Not to mention anything else, just being a member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang, really has something to do with it, the merchants who are waiting to send wood, stone and flowers, it is too late to flatter me, it sounds like the girl of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang, the imperial concubine in the palace, who would not know Send it obediently, who would have thought of the Jia family, but it turned into this situation.

Feng Ziying is a civil servant. If she really crosses the fifth-rank gap and becomes a fourth-rank official, then the Feng family will really prosper. There are not many fourth-rank officials at the age of 20 since the Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Ming and Zhou Dynasties, right? ?

To say that Jia Lian really has some eyesight, he has climbed Feng Ziying not long ago, and now he is so beautiful, but it seems that it is not too late for him, this business can make a lot of money, but how can he win over this person in the future? If there is a relationship at the lower level, you have to think carefully, or let the second girl be Ziying's concubine?

   Jia Amnesty was a little moved, but what should he do after taking so much money from Sun Shaozu? What a headache.

Feng Ziying naturally did not expect that Jia She could make up so many brains in such a short period of time, but he still expressed his gratitude to Jia She for his concern: "What Uncle Xi said is true, then Youshi does have some martial arts skills, but he is usually in Fucheng. There is no need to do this, if you go far away, You Shi will naturally follow."

   "Well, Ziying, you are the most proud of our family. I think it will be a matter of time before you surpass your father and Wang Ziteng. Don't ask us uncles and uncles to join the cabinet in the future."

   Jia She was fascinated by the thought that Feng Ziying would really enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister in the future, so it seems that it would not be considered humiliating for the second girl to be his concubine, but it would be the chief assistant.

"Shi Bo is joking, how can Ziying have such abilities, just live up to the emperor's favor, do the things in hand well, and be satisfied with an explanation to the court." Naturally, Feng Ziying didn't have to talk too much about serious matters with Jia She. Son, this guy is just talking about it, but he didn't expect how beautiful it would be if everyone wanted to be his old man.

"Well, it's good to be modest and prudent, but don't underestimate yourself. The fool has always been optimistic about you. We can't find a talent like you among our four kings, eight princes and twelve princes." Jia She still continued. I am full of emotion.

  Feng Ziying felt that this guy had said so many good things, and I was afraid that it would not be so simple when it comes to making a living with money.

   In the first update, Lao Rui once again shouted for monthly tickets, with a goal of 4,000 tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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