Number of People

Chapter 1197: In the Gengzi scroll, Jia Enhou's outstanding soldiers, Feng Ziying's respo

  Chapter 1197 The gengzi scroll, Jia Enhou's outstanding soldiers, Feng Ziying can't deal with it

Unsurprisingly, Jia Amnesty started to cry out when he got to the point, saying that these people are all smooth-faced, and they were more straightforward than anyone else when paying the deposit at the beginning, but when it came to the actual implementation of the follow-up money, they pushed back and forth in various ways. , or you have to wait until the person comes back before paying the money, which is obviously impossible.

  While talking, Jia She was also observing Feng Ziying's expression changes. Seeing Feng Ziying's frown when he flipped through the list, Jia She felt a little guilty.

   There must be difficulties, even for wealthy families like the Liu family, Chen family, and Qiu family, it is not so easy to get tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Over the past few years, Wu Xun’s life has not been easy. Most of them live on shops and farms. Four kings, eight lords, and twelve lords are almost the same as long as they don’t have any serious errands. Of course, the Liu family, Chen family, and Qiu family are much better than the Jia family. Anyway, they arranged a group of children in the Beijing camp to make a living.

But this kind of military officer in the Beijing camp is just trying to earn a salary and money, and the extra money is not much. It depends on how many rewards the emperor is happy to reward every year, and also depends on whether he can help with some private work by the patrol camp. , earned a few.

In a word, this capital camp is a place where you can’t starve to death and can’t get fat. It is a decent way out for the children of the side branches, but for the children of the direct branch of the four kings, eight lords and twelve lords, it is a good place to earn a salary in peace. Who would have thought that he would suddenly go out of Beijing for a walk and encounter such a catastrophe.

It can be said that no one in this group of people thought that going out this time would be a real war. Everyone thought that they should go out for a walk, earn a reputation and come back to Beijing to receive the reward. Now it's good. If the reward is not earned, and the disaster is entangled, even if the redeemer comes, he may face the court's accountability.

"Xie Shibo, what do you think?" How could Feng Ziying not understand Jia She's thoughts, nothing more than hoping that he could go to Zai Sai's side to get a discount, the bigger the discount, the better, and he naturally had to fight with Jia She Others say that imaginary numbers are playing tricks, in addition to earning a lot of money, you even have to earn money on both sides of the discount.

  Feng Ziying was not surprised by Jia She's thoughts like this, he didn't even bother to say it, and he was the same when he said it.

"That's what the fool thinks. As for the people on this list, isn't the number already calculated according to the standard? In addition, I contacted several companies later, there are a total of fifty-four people, and the total is 127,000." Six hundred taels, the foolish man and they have also agreed, and if it is done, it will be more than 6,000 taels of silver, no matter what the old man is, the money is worthless,..."

  Jia She is beaming, he doesn't look like a bad old man in his early fifties at all, he has a bit of the funny taste that I have when I have a lot of money.

   "Well, more than 6,000 taels of silver, and it only takes a month or two, which is not bad, Shibo Xie." Feng Ziying reminded.

   "Hey, Ziying, who would think too much money? The fool will give it to you..." Jia She pretended.

   "Don't, Uncle Xi, my nephew doesn't care about these things, he's just helping,..."

Feng Ziying quickly waved his hand. This must be made clear, and he must reiterate to the outside world. It is just a bridge to build a bridge. He has no way to ruin his reputation. He has already explained this to Jia She and Wang Xifeng. He would turn his back on anyone who tried to push him, not even Wang Xifeng.

"Hehe, that's fine, you have to cherish your reputation, the fool doesn't care about that." Jia She said indifferently: "That's what the fool thinks, Ziying, go ask the Mongols for a discount, such a large sum of money doesn't matter. There may be no discount, even if it is 10% or 20%, we have to give some, and we will not short them of the real money, and deliver it as soon as possible,..."

  Feng Ziying didn't have much to say to Jia She, and Jia She made it clear that he still wanted to eat the Mongolians, and he was sure that he could get a discount from Zai Sai, which made it difficult for him to say.

If Zai Sai wants goods but not money, discounts are definitely available, but not too much, such as 20% off or 5% off, depending on the person being redeemed, like Chen Ruishi and Liu Guoquan, at most 50% off, Like the sentry officer and the general manager, they can be bundled with a 20% discount, and they are not worth a lot of money.

   Seeing Feng Ziying groaning silently, Jia She was overjoyed.

To be honest, he is not too sure. After all, it is impossible for others to match Feng Ziying with the Mongols. Now he has to go to the Mongols for a discount. This is really a bit difficult, but Difficulties are also other people's difficulties. Jia She has always been invincible in these aspects, just looking at Feng Ziying.

"Excuse Shibo, my nephew doesn't mean it can't be done, but there are many difficulties here. The Mongols are not so easy to talk to. We have people in their hands. We have to ask them, so we have to spend a lot of thought." Feng Zi's English slowed down, and he couldn't let this guy get ahead, "Besides, as far as my nephew knows, the leader of the Neikalkha people, Zaisai, is not easy to talk to. If you really want to annoy him, don't want these tens of thousands of taels of silver. Wouldn't it be a bad thing to kill a few people instead?"

"Ziying, of course I know the difficulty. I said you need to spend some money but you are not short of money..." Jia She sighed pretendingly, "Don't blame the fool, It's really a recession in the mansion now, Lian'er went to Yangzhou and only cared about himself, I heard that he had two concubines in Yangzhou, both of whom were from Yangzhou's skinny horses and nobles, and they spent huge tens of thousands of dollars, what about Uncle Yu, you I also know that your aunt's two brothers are useless, and your Xiuyan sister's father is even more boring. He went to the casino to mess around with a bunch of people, got himself in debt, and hid in Tibet all day long. He was kicked out of the door, saying that if he didn't repay the debt, if he met him, his ears would be cut off, causing Xiuyan to wipe her tears all day long..."

  Feng Ziying only knew that Xing Zhong owed a lot of money in the casino, many of which were still owed to Jia Rui, but he didn't know that he owed a lot to others.

   Those who can lend money in casinos are naturally somewhat dependent. If not, how can they recover their debts? When Xing Zhong encounters such a thing, he will make a lot of money. If Jia She refuses to help him, it may be difficult to escape? It's just that asking Jia She to give money to help him is even more difficult than getting the sun out of Xibi.

   "Anesty Uncle Shi intends to help?" Feng Ziying took advantage of the situation and took the opponent into the army.

"Ziying, Uncle Yu still has a family. Where can he get money to help him? Brother Cong is still young, and there will be more places to spend money in the future. Your second sister is not married yet. This is helping Xing Zhong. Then There is another Xing Dequan, how can the Xing Family Yubo help you out?" Jia She shook his head like a rattle, but rolled his eyes again: "But after all, he is a relative, so Yubo can't ignore it..."

  Feng Ziying was a little puzzled. What did Jia Amnesty want to express after going around and talking about it for a long time?

  Maybe he wanted to pay Xing Zhong his own money to repay Xing Zhong’s debts. Doesn’t it make sense?

"Ziying, when a girl from the Shen family marries into your head of Feng's house, there will be the second daughter of You's family as a concubine. Then Bao girl will marry over here. Apart from that Bao Er girl, do you have a concubine in your second house?" ?" Seeing Feng Ziying's bewildered expression, Jia She wondered in his heart, isn't this guy still pretending to be in front of him? "Xiuyan is not young, your aunt and I were also talking the other day, find a good man to marry, as long as Xiuyan's talents let out the wind in the capital city, the people who definitely come to the door can kick the threshold..."

  Feng Ziying suddenly realized, but he was surprised to hear that Jia Amnesty was after Xing Xiuyan, not Yingchun.

   Originally thought that this time I could take the opportunity to test it out to see if there was a chance that Yingchun would also consider marrying into the second wife as a concubine, but now it seems that Jia She is still reluctant to part with Sun Shaozu's money, but wants to use Xiuyan to replace Taozhi.

   Xiuyan is of course very good, but the problem is that I have never thought about it, and what about Yingchun? I promised Yingchun to give her a peace of mind as soon as possible.

   Originally, he was considering using the ransom to grind Jia She hard, looking for an opportunity to break through, but this guy pre-emptively used Xing Xiuyan as a shield, so that he couldn't find a chance to speak.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's eyes lit up, Jia Amnesty knew that the matter was settled, and they all said that Ziying liked beautiful women, and it was true.

  Xiuyan’s people didn’t say anything, I’m afraid that Ziying has been coveting for a long time, but just can’t find a chance, now I’m doing what I like, and I’ve hit the nail on the head.

   "Shibo means..." Feng Ziying pretended to hesitate.

"Hey, does Ziying want to be ashamed in front of the fool?" Jia She pretended to be displeased, "It goes without saying that Xiuyan is a talented person. The Xing family is also a clean family. It is easy to find a good family, but she also admires her." Ziying's, the relationship between our two families is extraordinary. Your Feng family is weak. Your aunt visited Wen Po and said that Xiuyan is fertile. Didn't Ziying think too much about helping your Feng family? Ye?"

   "This,..." Feng Ziying didn't expect Jia She to dare to speak out, frowned and shook her head: "Shi Bo, sister Xiuyan, why should someone like me marry into my family as a concubine? Why don't you find someone better..."

"Hey, don't leave the fat and water to outsiders. You and Xiuyan are familiar with each other, and you know the root and the bottom,..." Seeing Feng Ziying shaking her head and refusing, Jia Amnesty was also a little flustered. Could it be that this guy really has no intention of Xiuyan? It's impossible, just a little He said without hesitation, "The two daughters of the Xue family marry into your family, and they must have one or two concubines to be worthy of you. I heard that Xiuyan also went to meet the daughter of the Shen family, and Shen also liked her very much. You If you think it's appropriate, you can marry into the long house,..."

  Feng Ziying was dumbfounded. This Jia She's desire to "sell" Xiuyan was so strong that it made people speechless. The key is that what he needs to solve urgently is the problem of welcoming the Spring Festival, so what should I do?

   Not to mention Xiuyan's intentions, but this unreasonable forceful match also seems a bit inappropriate.

   Second update, brothers are checking the ticket pockets, maybe there are a few more. ^_^



  (end of this chapter)

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