Number of People

Chapter 1198: Geng-zi scroll Kuang Yinger Da Ma Jin Dao, Leng Jin Chuan Mian

  Chapter 1198 Geng-zi scroll Kuangyinger Dama golden knife, cold golden needle hidden in cotton

   "Shibo, my nephew has never considered this matter. I don't know if Shibo has asked sister Xiuyan's mind?" After a long time, Feng Ziying asked with difficulty.

"Why do you need to ask her? Parents ordered the matchmaker to say, when was it her turn to speak? The Xingzhong couple must be very happy." Jia She didn't think so. He thought it was Feng Ziying's excuse. Could it be that he felt that Xiuyan's conditions were poor? Yes, don't want to?

   But no matter what, Xiuyan's conditions are much better than Eryou's. Two bearded women can also be concubines, and they don't pay attention at all. Although the younger one saved Feng Ziying, it is not enough to compensate.

"Uncle Shi, did the second sister's marriage ever come to fruition?" Seeing that Jia Amnesty was still pretending to be a fool, Feng Ziying thought about it and thought it was necessary to mention it, at least to make this guy a little aware of this. "I only heard that Shibo intends to give his second younger sister to the grandson of the grandson family, but as far as my nephew knows, the master grandson of the grandson family seems to have a bad reputation in Datong mansion."

   Jia She's head buzzed, sure enough, this Feng Ziying has taken a fancy to the second girl!

It's just that I have taken so much money from Sun Shaozu, and I have already promised it to Sun Shaozu verbally. Sun Shaozu also said that he would come to propose marriage, but he procrastinated for various reasons, just thinking that he could get more money from Sun Shaozu. I never thought that Feng Ziying also had thoughts on the second girl, but this is a difficult thing.

"Ziying, how can you be so particular about being a military officer in the frontier? It's inevitable to offend people, just like your father served as the commander-in-chief in Datong for so many years. Afterwards, countless people criticized him and ended up being dismissed. Beijing?" Jia She gave a dry cough and changed the topic, "Sun Jia Dalang is a little more irritable, so he is naturally inferior to you, but he is still a dragon among men, and he has some plans to make a living on the outskirts. I still think highly of this man. Kid's."

Seeing that Feng Ziying's face was a bit unfriendly, Jia She was shocked. Don't be afraid of this kid. If you refuse to work **** this business with the Mongols, you will lose money. The conversation changed again: "However, what you said is also Yes, you know people, you know your face, you don’t know your heart, after all, the Sun family is not as familiar as yours and my family, and they know everything about it, so I have to think about it for a while..."

  Feng Ziying snorted softly, "Uncle Xie, this is related to the happiness of the second sister for a lifetime, you have to take it easy, don't delay the second sister..."

Jia She cursed secretly in his heart, marrying Sun Shaozu as a wife is a delay, and being a concubine to you is not a delay. If you can marry Yingchun, not only as a wife, but as a concubine, I will marry without saying a word, but This is being a concubine, and I always feel a little owed.

   "I know that, so I have to think carefully, don't rush, don't rush,..."

  While Feng Ziying and Jia Xie Pili Yangqiu were making some fuss, Ping'er, Zijuan and Ying'er had joined Jin Chuan'er and Xiangling.

It was rare for the few sisters to get together in such a lively way. It was when they were in the capital city, because they were too close together, Jin Chuaner and Xiang Ling went back to Rongguo Mansion to meet each other one by one. How could it be like this? Far away in Yongping Mansion, everyone gathered together, and there were no grandmas and wives here, so naturally there were not so many scruples.

   "Hurry up and get on the kang to warm it up. It's freezing and snowy outside, and the grandma and girls don't care about you, so I have to ask you to make a trip. Why can't the old man come here?"

  Jin Chuan'er took Ping'er's hand with one hand, and Zijuan with the other. Several girls huddled together, laughing.

"Come on, these are pine nuts from the kang. They were sent from outside the customs. They are fragrant. The weather is not good. My uncle is running around all day long. Xiangling and I just huddled on the kang and kneaded pine nuts when we had nothing to do... "

  Over there, Xiangling is hugging Yinger, whispering privately.

  Two quilts were covered on the legs and knees of several girls, and the earth dragon burning under the kang made the whole room full of heat, and the whole big kang was a scene of joy and harmony.

"No wonder you have gained weight, Jin Chuan'er. I remember that your wife gave you this jacket in the Rongguo Mansion. It seemed a little loose at first, but now it feels a little tight." Ping'er stretched Stretching Jin Chuan'er's skirt, "Why, Uncle Feng is still reluctant to buy some decent clothes for you and Xiangling? Are you still wearing the old ones?"

"Master is busy with big things, why would you take care of these things?" Jin Chuan'er raised her mouth slightly and shook her head, but her brows were full of satisfaction, "Now the two aunts here don't care much about things, either. Third Aunt You basically wants to go out with Grandpa, that’s how it used to be, now that this incident happened, Third Aunt is more concerned, Second Aunt is a soft-tempered person, she can’t make decisions about anything,..."

   "Then who is in charge here?" Ping'er's question made Ying'er, who had been chattering over there, **** up her ears.

  If Baochai and Baoqin marry, they will probably come directly to Yongping Mansion. For this reason, Baochai went to Feng Mansion to communicate with Shen Yixiu and reached an agreement.

Just considering that the man here is busy with official duties, and Shen Yixiu is pregnant, and there will be a long period of time after giving birth to breastfeed and raise the child, there must be no one here to preside over the midwifery, especially the second and third are concubines, It can only be a matter of serving the bed, and it still needs a big woman who can stand on the stage. Naturally, it can only be Baochai and Baoqin sisters.

If the old lady is not around, it is not impossible for the concubine to preside over the concubine, but the third sister You has to accompany her, and the second sister You is a bearded woman, and she has not learned much about housekeeping, so there are many people here. Jin Chuan'er is always taking the place of housekeeping, but this is obviously a temporary move.

"So there is no one. Xiangling and I will deal with some irrelevant trivial matters at home for the time being, and I will also talk to the two aunts. I have also talked to the uncle twice before, but the uncle has the temper to listen to these things. After the last two sentences, I became sleepy and refused to listen again,..."

  Even Ping'er could hear the pride hidden in Jin Chuan'er's words. Does this little hoof really regard himself as the master?

"Hmph, I think you're enjoying it..." Ping'er snorted softly. Jin Chuan'er is not that arrogant. Gone.

As if hearing the hints and reminders in Ping'er's words, Jin Chuan'er glanced at Ying'er over there, and then smirked: "Ping'er, you are a little guilty of saying that, I am just a generation. The two aunts don't want to take care of it, and the master doesn't want to take care of it. The eldest grandma is in the capital city. Someone must come and ask her inside and outside the house, right? If you don't believe me, ask Xiangling, why are we willing to show the limelight? I can't guarantee it in the future There are still people who want to poke our spines with gossip, Xiangling, don’t you think so?”

Xiangling is a sincere person, and nodded quickly: "Yes, sister Ping'er, Jin Chuan'er and I also know that this is inappropriate, but the master threw it to us, we can't just ignore it, the master came back from a busy day and saw the house. If you lose everything, you will definitely be unhappy,..."

  Ping'er snorted softly, she wouldn't bother with Xiangling, she was a silly girl, and she had to help count the money after Jin Chuan'er sold her.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with what Jin Chuaner did. It is indeed because there is no one in the house here. I just want to remind this girl not to be arrogant and forget her identity. Compared with her sister Yuchuan, this girl Er still needs to be a bit more arrogant, if Miss Bao is married, this girl will not care about her seriousness, I'm afraid there will be troubles, if Miss Bao doesn't say anything, then the second girl Bao is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Before Ping'er could speak, Ying'er answered: "Sister Ping'er, don't worry too much, it's only a month or so, and it will be fine when my girl and Miss Baoer get married. Miss Bao Er is good at affairs,..."

  Jin Chuan'er's face turned serious, and Ying'er's tone of course made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Although I also know that I am just doing it temporarily, the famous Feng family in Linqing, no matter which house it is, it is absolutely impossible for me to let a girl take care of things. It is already different if I can help any grandma or aunt to manage things. Fantastic.

But now the grandma is in the capital city, and the second and third rooms are not in place yet. The two aunts don't care about things. The Feng family's inner house on this side of Yongping Mansion is really in the hands of her, Jin Chuan'er, for the time being, even if it's just some trivial matters. For small things, what can be managed is just some servant girls and women who have just started to recruit, but this is also the experience of managing things after all.

Now Yinger's words seem to be overstepping her own words, and she doesn't even think about it, your Jiabao girl hasn't married yet, even if she oversteps, it's still the matter of the grandma of the Shen family. , Why did you ever mention that you, a second-bedroom girl who has not yet married, came to show off?

"Ying'er is right. If Miss Bao and the others get married, it will definitely be a lot more lively here. The big house and the second room are considered to be separated. I have always heard that Miss Qin is a capable person. She has been with Xue since she was young. The second master of the family has traveled far and wide and has seen a lot of knowledge, if Miss Bao doesn't like such mundane affairs, Miss Qin is indeed the best candidate for the second room."

A smile floated on Jin Chuan'er's face, and his usually cold and beautiful face was a little sweet at this time. Others naturally didn't understand the mystery when they saw it, but like Ping'er and Zijuan who have been in the Rongguo Mansion for many years, and they have been with Jin Chuan'er all the time. Being acquainted, I am also used to seeing Jin Chuan'er's usual indifference, such a pleasant expression is often a sign of the other party's anger.

  Ping'er and Zijuan subconsciously exchanged glances, but did not make a sound.

Jin Chuan'er is not a good quarrel either, and she kept saying that the long house and the second house are clear, implying that whether it is your Jiabao girl or Qin girl, if you get married, you can only take care of your second house. She Jin Chuan'er can be with you The second room has nothing to do with it, the things in this inner room are not just your second room and your family, and it's not your second room's turn to take care of everything.

  Look, once you enter Houmen, it’s as deep as the sea, and there will be many such intrigues and broken things in any big courtyard. This has not yet reached that point, and there will be another storm below.

   It's the third change, the third day of the challenge, can I get a few more monthly passes?



  (end of this chapter)

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