Number of People

Chapter 1199: The gengzi scroll stays and Xiangling reveals the secret, Qiaoping's words

  Chapter 1199 The Geng-character volume, Dai Xiangling, leaked the secret of heaven, and the Qiaoping children's language contains the front of the machine

After all, she was a big girl who came out from Mrs. Wang's side. Jin Chuan'er's words were neither humble nor overbearing, polite and restrained, with a hidden edge, Ying'er felt a little indescribable after hearing it, but she couldn't feel it for a while. Find out what's wrong with it.

Looking at Yinger's appearance, Ping'er knew that the other party hadn't come to terms with it, but Yinger was also a thoughtful person. Just because she was temporarily at a disadvantage didn't mean she would always be like this. There was a lot of trouble, and she didn't want the relationship between Jin Chuan'er and Ying'er to become like this.

"I said that the two of you can't stop worrying about it. It will take a while for Miss Bao and Miss Qin to get used to it when they get married next month. Can it be your two servant girls' turn to argue with each other?" Ping Pretending to be annoyed, Jin Chuan'er slapped Jin Chuan'er's plump buttocks hard, "Jin Chuan'er made it clear earlier, each house is in charge of each room, each sweeps the snow in front of the door, and don't care about the frost on others' roofs. "

  Yinger was still a little annoyed, she glanced at Pinger, not sure whose attitude Pinger's words represented.

  But she felt that Jin Chuan'er had not seen her for a long time, and she really regarded herself as the big girl of the Feng family, which a little stimulated her self-esteem.

  It’s fine before Uncle Feng got married, you said you were in charge of Uncle Feng’s house, you were proud of yourself, no one cares about you, but now that Uncle Feng is married, it’s your Jin Chuaner’s turn to be crazy?

There is Grandma Shen in the long room, and Yinger also knows that Qingwen has become the most caring maid by Grandma Shen's side now, and the relationship between Qingwen and Jin Chuaner is not good in Rongguo Mansion, and it is said that Uncle Feng likes her very much. Qingwen's enchanting temperament, with Qingwen's heart, can allow you, Jin Chuan'er, to be so arrogant and ride on her head?

As long as Miss Bao and Miss Bao Er marry into the Feng family, they will be dignified grandmas. In the future, they will walk side by side with Grandma Shen in the Feng family ancestral hall. Some spoiled little hooves on the bed dare to be so presumptuous?

   If you want to talk about hooking up with the uncle, who can't? This girl from a wealthy family, under the influence of her ears and eyes, who wouldn't know one or two of those tricks?

Ying'er looked at Jin Chuan'er with a more serious gaze, she already understood that the road for her girl to marry into the Feng Mansion will not be smooth, and she will face all kinds of "encircling, chasing, blocking, intercepting" after entering Feng's Mansion. The close friends in the boudoir of the past are equally likely to turn against each other, and the same partners who have a normal relationship in the past can also report to the group for warmth and join hands to fight the enemy.

  Zijuan is like this, Jin Chuaner is like this, and so is Qingwen.

Looking at Xiangling who shrank to the side and was a little confused, Ying'er also sighed in her heart, it's better to have this little hoof, she doesn't think so much, even Jin Chuan'er would not provoke her too much, but that was in the past, when her own girl After marrying in, Xiangling will definitely return to the second room. By that time, I'm afraid it will turn into a scene of strict secrecy and clear barriers.

"Sister Ping'er said that, but my younger sister is a bit abrupt. Jin Chuan'er has been the housekeeper for the uncle for so long. There is no credit but hard work. In the future, the uncle will entrust him with important tasks." Ying'er suppressed the anger in her heart. Rambling.

  She is always arrogant and arrogant. People respect me a foot, and I respect others. If someone provokes her, she will also hold grudges.

Meeting Jin Chuan'er is also a disobedience, and it is inevitable that there will be some bumps, but she is not ignorant of the general situation. She knows that Jin Chuan'er is still at home in Yongping Mansion, but as long as her girl marries in, she will definitely To make Jin Chuaner's little hoof look good.

Ping'er and Zijuan on one side couldn't help frowning when Ying'er carried a gun with a stick. This girl is also unforgiving and refuses to give in to Jin Chuan'er. How can Jin Chuan'er not hear such words? ?

As expected, Jin Chuan'er pursed her lips and looked forward, "We slaves, how dare we wish to be worthy of the important responsibility of the master? It's all about a few grandmas. But it's just because of the kindness of the master. Just do what you need to do well, if the girl can't position herself properly, that's really not a good thing."

The words of the two girls are full of hidden wit, and the needle point is aimed at the wheat awns. Needless to say, Ping'er and Zijuan are as delicate as Xiangling, and they seem to hear that Jin Chuan'er and Ying'er seem to be playing some charades. And it doesn't seem to be harmonious.

"Jin Chuan'er, what are you and Ying'er talking about? Why can't I understand?" Xiangling stared at Ying'er in a daze, then at Jin Chuan'er, "After all, Sister Ping'er and Ying'er Zijuan and Ying'er came here, Jin Chuan'er heard that you were here before, and was so happy, she ran over from the flower hall with great enthusiasm, and left the old man in the flower hall, ignoring the master's orders, the master They all laughed and cursed at the back, saying that they didn't follow the rules."

  Being exposed by Xiangling, Jin Chuan'er's face became hot, while Ping'er, Zijuan and even Ying'er's hearts were also moved.

After all, they all came out of the Rongguo Mansion, after all, they were all girls under the age of twenty, besides, they already had a bit of scheming in their respective environments, but the friendship in the Rongguo Mansion and the sense of identity outside , still let them have a psychological closeness.

   It was Ping'er who heard another sentence from Xiangling, "Master Feng is still talking to Uncle Feng over there in the flower hall?"

"Well, the Eldest Master said that he has a business to see the Lord. The Lord is too busy these days. An official from the court came. It is said that he is a servant of the Ministry of War. Even the Lord of the House is with him. Naturally, the Lord cannot escape. Yes, so I went out early in the morning, and I just came back earlier,..."

Xiangling explained that she didn't care about these things at first, but one of the two aunts followed the uncle outside, and the other didn't like to take care of such things, so she had to help even with her. Jin Chuan'er is in charge.

  Ping'er knew that Jia She said that he came to visit Uncle Feng on behalf of the Rongguo Mansion, but the real purpose might be to redeem people.

Now many people in the mansion know about this matter, even in the capital city, it has been slowly spreading, but the Jia family and the Wang family have already seized the opportunity, and many people originally wanted to share a spoonful of it. The people who came here didn't even find the gate of the temple, and this matter has almost been divided up.

Now Jia She and grandma are competitors, but Jia She has not many people in his hands, but it is the easiest to handle, and grandma doesn't bother with him. Now they are doing their own things, and then they will earn their own money No one is in the way of money, it depends on each family's ability to earn more or less.

  With Xiangling's words, the atmosphere in the whole room seemed to be relieved a lot.

Jin Chuan'er also couldn't save her face, and she didn't buy Ping'er's face before, and was fighting with Ying'er, but now Xiangling suddenly revealed how she was looking forward to Ping'er's arrival, it was embarrassing, and found a On the pretext of going to see if there is anything needed in the flower hall over there with the uncle and the old man, he got off the kang and went out.

  Ping'er, Zijuan and Ying'er looked at each other, and finally Zijuan couldn't help but burst out laughing, and Ping'er and Yinger couldn't help laughing, covering their mouths and laughing.

   Xiangling, who was belatedly aware, realized something, "Sister Ping'er, did I say something wrong, what's wrong with Jin Chuan'er?"

Ping'er couldn't help pinching Xiangling's delicate and cute cheeks, "You didn't say anything wrong, but you just told the truth, which made Jin Chuaner reveal his stuff, it's okay, this girl, a boiled duck - has a hard mouth !..."

  With Jin Chuaner away, the atmosphere in the room was much more relaxed. Xiangling is harmless to humans and animals, and has no intentions. Everyone likes her, and she doesn't have so many scruples when speaking.

   "Xiangling, is it okay for Uncle Feng to be injured?" Seeing Feng Ziying move her shoulders, but seeing no wound, Zijuan was still a little uneasy.

"It's not a serious problem. Now the wound is changed every other day. Aunt You kneads the muscles on the shoulders every day, saying that it prevents the muscles from being affected, and the recovery is very fast. I heard from Aunt You that there is still half a month left at most." It can be cured within a month, and it will definitely not affect the big event of getting married with Miss Bao and the others." Xiangling said honestly.

   This Zijuan is concerned about Uncle Feng's injury, but this girl Xiangling goes to say that it will not affect her marriage with Baochai. Isn't this outrageous?

Ping'er couldn't help but raise her forehead, this girl is really dumb, and fortunately it's Xiangling, everyone knows her, if Jin Chuan'er said this, I'm afraid Zijuan would think it was targeted and would turn her face up.

Even Ying'er couldn't help but take a look at Zijuan, fearing that Zijuan would get angry, but Zijuan understood that Xiangling had such a temper, so she glanced at Xiangling: "Xiangling, I'm not Yinger, you want to Say this, go talk to Yinger."

Xiangling couldn't help sticking out her tongue, realizing that she seemed to have made a mistake again, but Ying'er hugged her, "Don't worry, when the girl is married, you will come back here. The girl misses you. I keep mentioning you, saying you are good, and saying that I am not, and I am jealous."

"Come on, you two don't show your sisterhood there, I know you are looking forward to entering Uncle Feng's house soon." Ping'er joked with a smile, "Xiangling has been here for a long time, Yinger, where are you?" Sometimes I have to call my sister and ask Xiangling for advice. With your temperament, you were not a family before. Uncle Feng may not care, but when you enter his house, if you don’t understand it and violate the rules of Feng’s family, you have to ask for help. I suffered a lot."

  Pinger's joke made both Xiangling and Yinger blush.

  Xiangling thought that Ping'er was talking about being groomed by the master, and Ying'er also thought that Ping'er wanted to let herself learn how to be a housekeeper from Xiangling.

Thinking that the two wives were all talking to the two girls about the private things of the wedding night, and that the mother-in-law came to teach her how to help the two girls some words that could not reach the ears of the two girls, Yinger thought Feeling a little hot all over, Ping'er, a "experienced person", dared to say such shameless words so presumptuously.

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  (end of this chapter)

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