Number of People

Chapter 1200: Geng Zijuan Brother Dong is very ambitious, especially in Sanyi

  Chapter 1200 Gengzi Juan Brother Dong is very ambitious, especially in Sanyi

  Sanjie You retracted her sword swiftly and reverberated, and her vigorous figure flew back in the air like an exquisite swallow. The sword light piled up overlapping mountains and seas of light, and poured down ferociously towards the proudly standing woman below.

Busia Mara didn't dare to underestimate the opponent's full blow. She withdrew her right leg slightly, posing in a defensive posture, and swung the Wujin scimitar hammered out of Utz steel from the back and forward. , said out loud: "Hey!"

The violent wave of the knife almost split the sky and the earth, and the powerful knife energy smashed the surging ball of light in an instant. You Sanjie only felt that the entire tiger's mouth and arms were numb from the shock, and her waist and ribs were numb. Swelling, the figure that had fallen sharply suddenly took advantage of the momentum to soar up again, the long sword was swung away, and there was a "buzz", making a sharp sound.

  Although it was a cold day, the sweat stains had already wet Sanjie You's clothes, but it was not as ups and downs as before.

Because the twin peaks are too plump, it is difficult to fix them with silk tube tops alone, so Sanjie You specially made two brassieres made of shark skin and passed through the ribs under the armpit to form a semicircle along the chest. The arc-shaped package can properly cover the proud and standing burden, which can not only avoid affecting one's movements during high-speed sports, but also play some protective effects.

This is what Third Sister You heard from Qiu Qinxin of the Qiushui Sword School. Qiu Qinxin said that some female water bandits in Taihu Lake and Poyang Lake used shark skin in the sea to make water cushions, and they were worn close to the body, which is not only convenient for sneaking in the water, but also It can protect the body better, and the shark skin water can be customized.

  The third sister You had an idea and thought that it was just right for her. She ordered two pairs of these chest braces, so that she could fight unaffected in the future when she was attacked by her valet.

Feng Ziying has seen the breast support that Third Sister You found someone to order, and couldn't help being amazed. This is already a bit close to modern women's bras, but this kind of breast support has the same structure as a sports vest. Fish skin and then add shoulder straps and buttons, it really looks like that.

Especially the jet-black bra is worn on the third sister You's body like a pile of snow and jade. The black is even blacker, and the white is even whiter. The chest support that is convenient and protective can still have such a seductive effect, which made Feng Ziying toss on Third Sister You twice more that night, so that Second Sister You asked Third Sister You to help her after she found out. Order two more for your own use.

Busia Mara also noticed this, and she was a little surprised, but she was not very familiar with Third Sister You, and knew that Third Sister You was Feng Ziying's concubine, so naturally she would not ask such private questions. The breast armor is directly worn outside, so there is nothing else to worry about.

Standing with a horizontal sword, Busia Mara was also forced back a step by Miss You's fierce blow, and nodded: "San Yiniang, your sword has improved a bit compared to a month ago, but there is still something missing. .”

   "Oh? What's missing?" Third Sister You also retracted her sword and returned it to its sheath, asking in surprise. She felt that her sword had been performed perfectly enough, but she didn't expect the opponent to be still dissatisfied.

"It's missing a bit of the momentum of going forward and seeing death as home." Busia Mara said calmly: "On the battlefield, two armies face each other, and the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. Hit and kill!"

  Third Sister You was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and shook her head. There was not much disappointment on her face, "Brother Dong, there may be some truth in what you said, but it seems really difficult for me to do it now."

   "That's right, you are Master Tongzhi's concubine, so you don't have to risk your life for it." Busia Mara also understood.

"That's not what it means. If my husband's life is threatened, then I will naturally fight to the death. This requires a specific environment. You and I compete, but I can't achieve that artistic conception. Maybe you are training on the battlefield. I really can’t match the aura that came out.”

  Sister You shook her head frankly.

Busia Mara nodded slightly, what Third Sister You said made sense, she herself was forged on the Zao Prairie with the Jianzhou Jurchen, Horqin people, and even the Neikalka people, not the Central Plains The rivers, lakes and green forests are comparable to ordinary hand-to-hand combat.

Because the two people are considered aliens to the Han people, and they have the experience of working together to deal with the attack on the Guhe Ferry, and both like martial arts, the relationship between Busia Mara and Third Sister You has also become closer. But because Third Sister You is Feng Ziying's concubine status, the two have not yet reached the state of girlfriends who can talk to each other.

   "Let's finish here today." Busia Mara looked at the sky, "Maybe Mr. Feng should go home?"

Third Sister You took a closer look at Busia Mara's expression, and laughed, "Brother Dong, do you need to ask your lord for something? You are not usually so restless, and you are not like that. A hesitant temperament, if I can help, just say it."

  Busia Mara didn't expect to be spotted by Third Sister You. This girl is usually careless. Except for being cautious when following Feng Ziying's guard, she doesn't care much about other things.

   "Well, I heard that Lord Chai, the left servant of the imperial military department, came to Yongping Mansion, and Lord Feng also accompanied him to Yuguan Port for inspection. I want to meet Lord Chai." Busia Mara said calmly.

   "Then why didn't you tell the adults directly?" Third Sister You didn't quite understand the doorway here, and asked with raised eyebrows.

Busia Mara hesitated for a moment, "Master Chai is an official of the imperial military department next to the Minister, not just anyone can see it, even if he does, if no one makes peace with him, as I said, he will not I will pay attention to it, but I won’t believe it.”

   "Can't you convey it through an adult?" Third Sister You realized that there might be some inside information that she didn't know, so she didn't dare to answer casually.

   "I don't know if I told Master Feng, whether Master Feng will pass it on to Master Chai." Busia Mara looked at the other party's gray-blue clear eyes, hesitated for a while, and then said slowly.

  Sister You's face darkened: "If that's the case, then you don't have to tell me."

Busia Mara didn't care, but said frankly: "Third Aunt, it's not that I have any doubts about Mr. Feng's character, but that it is related to the interests of our Haixi Jurchen, and Mr. Feng is an official of the Great Zhou. I will definitely only consider the matter from the interests of Da Zhou, and there must be his reasons for his refusal to convey it, so I don't want to make things difficult for him, and I hope to have an interview with Lord Chai directly."

  Busia Mara's character, Third Sister You, is quite trustworthy. After a moment of silence, she hesitated and said, "Then how do you want me to help you, Brother Dong?"

"Can you give me a word for Mrs. Chai, saying that Haixi Jurchen would like to protect the frontier for Da Zhou from generation to generation, but please Da Zhou can fully support Haixi Jurchen to integrate Donghai Jurchen to the north." Gritting her teeth, Busia Mara sighed.

   Third Sister You was a little apprehensive when she heard it, which obviously exceeded her judgment and cognition.

She knows that the Yehe tribe where Busia Mara belongs belongs to the Haixi Jurchen, and she also knows that the Jianzhou Jurchen is the enemy of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but she doesn't know what the East China Sea Jurchen is, let alone Busia What does it mean for Mara to ask Da Zhou to support Haixi Jurchen to integrate Donghai Jurchen to the north, and why her husband may not agree and is unwilling to inform the servant from the court.

Seeing the hesitant look on Third Sister You's face, Busia Mara also knew that she was a bit difficult for others. This kind of important military matter, let alone Third Sister You as a concubine, even Feng Ziying needed to carefully consider it. Mara wanted to bypass Feng Ziying and go directly to an interview with Chai Ke, but she was not sure what Feng Ziying and Feng Tang, the governor of Jiliao and the commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town, would think about this.

Feng Tang, the father of Feng Ziying, was the governor of Jiliao and the commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town. Perhaps the mission entrusted to him by the Great Zhou court was to guard against Jianzhou Jurchens and guard Liaodong. He was not asked to expand the territory, and of course the Great Zhou has not yet. With that strength, it is considered good to be able to maintain the situation against the Jianzhou Jurchen, and Feng Tang is not too young, and Busia Mara doesn't think Feng Tang still has much ambition.

Under such circumstances, Busia Mara worried that Feng's father and son's attitude towards the Yehe tribe and even the Haixi Jurchen would be consumed and used more, and consumed by the grassland tribes including the Haixi Jurchen and the Neikalka people. Chahar people, Jianzhou Jurchen and even Horqin people, they don’t want any of the grassland tribes to be too strong, just like the current Jianzhou Jurchen and Chahar people, so they will now support Haixi Jurchen and Neika Kharkiv, but they will appear more conservative in strategy, which is exactly what Busia Mara is worried about.

  Dergler has led three thousand Jiaqi back north, but some bad news came from his uncle Jin Taiji and his brother Buyangu.

The Jianzhou Jurchens are very aggressive in attracting the savages of the East China Sea Jurchen. It is said that the Jianzhou Jurchens have asked for a lot of supplies from North Korea, and maybe even Japan is also providing support for the Jianzhou Jurchens, so Nurhachi is buying and wooing the Donghai Jurchens. This greatly stimulated the Donghai Jurchen's interest in investing in the Jianzhou Jurchen, but in contrast to the hydrangea thrown by Ye Hebu, the Donghai Jurchen tribes seemed to be less interested.

"Brother Dong, although I don't know why you don't trust your lord, but I think it's better for you to make such a request directly to your lord. Based on my understanding of your lord's disposition, if he doesn't agree with something, there must be a reason. And his judgments are often correct." Third Sister You's words were full of trust in Feng Ziying, "Look at the time since he met you Yehe people, which thing is not what he expected? I don't think so. I think Brother Dong, your resourcefulness and strategy can be stronger than adults."

   The second update has been delivered, brothers, let’s work harder, it’s not far from 4500!



  (end of this chapter)

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