Number of People

Chapter 1201: Geng Zi Scroll Daiyu Embroidered Painting Expresses Heart, Zicuckoo’s Sincere Love

  Chapter 1201 The Geng-character Scroll Daiyu Embroidery and Painting Expresses Hearts

  Sister You's frank and simple words hit Busia Mara's vitals, and also made Busia Mara fall into self-doubt.

  Undoubtedly, in Busia Mara's impression, Feng Ziying's far-sightedness and foresight are unprecedented among all the people she has come into contact with or even known, completely overturning her cognition.

Analyzing and judging the situation in Liaodong, he decisively supported the Haixi Jurchen including Yehe tribe, forcibly merged the Ula tribe into Yehe tribe, and at the same time boldly promoted exchanges and even cooperation and alliances with Neikalkha people. From La's point of view, this was a decision that even Governor Ji Liao would not have dared to make, but it was facilitated by Feng Ziying, whose courage and ability greatly exceeded Busia Mara's expectations.

As for some of Feng Ziying's internal actions in the Great Zhou, such as the strategy of opening the sea, she didn't understand it deeply, but she also knew that the shock caused by the strategy of opening the sea was far greater than some of its military layout plans. .

Especially in the battle against the Nekhka people, they first showed their prestige, and then they showed their kindness, hitting and pulling, forcing Zai Sai, a generation of heroes on the grassland, to obediently follow Feng Ziying's routine , gave up the strategy plan of following Lindan Batur, and instead formed an alliance with Da Zhou.

This huge change even shocked my uncle and brother, because the change in the attitude of the Nekalka people is directly related to the decline and fall of the forces of all parties on the entire Eastern Mongolian grassland, and it also led to the birth of Busia Mara and the marginalization of the Yehe tribe. Therefore, I hope that Ye Hebu will no longer be confined to the current defensive situation, but will look for opportunities to take the initiative to strengthen itself.

"Besides, you want to see Lord Chai bypassing your lord, but have you ever thought about the relationship between that lord Chai and your lord? If that lord Chai has a close relationship with your lord, even if you really met that lord Lord Chai, how can you guarantee that Lord Chai will not tell you what Brother Dong said? At that time, it will not make your relationship with the Lord worse, and even affect the relationship between your Ye He tribe and Da Zhou?"

Third Sister You's point of view is very simple and simple, and there are no tricks, but the simpler the opinion, it hits people's hearts directly, making Busia Mara realize that her attempt to bypass Feng Ziying may be self-defeating , Cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness.

Busia Mara gently rubbed her fingers on the blade of the Wujin scimitar, as if she was weighing the words of Third Sister You, but Third Sister You did not rush, she put the sword into the sheath on her own, feeling uncomfortable with sweat profusely on her chest, She needs to go back and take a hot bath as soon as possible. Today, the second sister is inconvenient, so she can only sleep with her.

It is a grievance to say that the second sister has been looking forward to her menstruation all day long, but she always arrives on time every time, which makes the second sister very annoyed and regretful every time. Seeing that the Xue family sisters will marry next month, The second sister has given up on herself a little, and she doesn't expect to be able to conceive before the Xue family sisters marry in. She can only hope that after the Xue family sisters marry, they will not spoil the inner chamber alone, and just let the master not come.

After tidying up, Third Sister You was about to take a step, but she heard Busia Mara's voice from behind: "Third Aunt, then please help me send a message to Sir, I hope to meet Mr. Chai of the Ministry of War, and please Be present, and tell them both the difficulties we Haixi Jurchen are facing and some thoughts on the situation in Liaodong."

   "Well, it's probably only the next day. Today, there are many guests from the capital city. It is estimated that tomorrow you will be busy. In addition, Mr. Chai will also check military affairs."


"This is what the girl brought to the uncle." Zijuan handed the purse embroidered by Daiyu to Feng Ziying. , I’m afraid it took a long time to make it?”

"Well, the uncle also knows that the girl's ingenuity is not on this female celebrity. Well, this is the scarf embroidered by the girl, the poems made by the girl, the paintings made by the fourth girl, and then the girl embroidered it out according to the paintings of the fourth girl. ,..." Zicuckoo held a foot of white silk in her hand.

"Fourth sister's painting, sister Lin embroidered it?" Feng Ziying was taken aback. As far as he knew, Xichun's paintings were indeed quite accomplished, but few people saw them. He also met many times, but he didn't say much, but this time he actually painted for Daiyu, and Daiyu was able to embroider a sweat scarf with the painting, which was really rare.

"Yes, it took the girl two months." Zijuan felt a little distressed and a little proud when she said it, "I know the girl's temperament. She wants to embroider by herself, so she refuses to get help. Now, the servants are deeply afraid that the girl will spoil her eyes,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help being moved, and took the sweat towel, and the snow-white silk brocade was a beautiful picture!

"This is Hongfu?" Feng Ziying was surprised, and saw a woman wearing a bright red cloak with arrow sleeves, flying in the air, dancing with a soft whip, "Chang Yixiong talks with a different attitude, a beauty with huge eyes knows the way out .The corpse is still in the air, Yang Gongmu, how can he restrain the husband of the woman. Is this a poem written by sister Lin?"

   "Well, the fourth girl drew the painting based on the poem written by the fourth girl, and then the girl embroidered it out according to the fourth girl's painting, but it took the girl a lot of thought, and her fingers were pricked several times,..."

Speaking of it, Zijuan felt that it was rare. Daiyu was not a female star since she was a child, but this time she was able to embroider such an embroidery with great pains. Compared, but this kind of intention is incomparable to others.

"I didn't expect Sister Lin to compare herself to Hong Fu, why don't I ask my third sister to teach Sister Lin some self-defense skills?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but sigh, "I don't expect anything else from my sister, I just hope that my sister can practice with her body After a while, I will be much healthier, safe and sound, just don’t get sick, Zijuan, my sister has been practicing the method I taught for so long, right? You can’t give up halfway, and you can’t fish for three days and dry the net for two days, can you? Be supervised."

"Don't worry, my servant has been supervising her, but the girl has practiced for so long, and her body is indeed much better, so the girl is willing to persevere." Speaking of this, Zijuan is also very happy, at least this winter Lin Daiyu hardly catches a cold and coughs It's just that she lost a little weight, which is what Zicuckoo is most worried about.

Especially compared to the sisters of the Xue family, Miss Bao is round and jade-like, and Miss Bao Er is also graceful. According to the women in the garden, their physiques are all good-natured, but no one said how their own girls are. This incident has almost become Zicuckoo's heart disease.

"Well, my method is not simple. As long as my sister persists, her body will definitely improve. If she persists for three to five years, I will ensure that my sister will have a light body, strong vitality and healthier than anyone else." Feng Ziying's words are not serious. To put it bluntly, Master Zhang's body training technique is indeed beneficial to the human body, regardless of gender.

Hearing that Feng Ziying's tone was very positive, Zijuan felt more at ease, "That's good, the servant must supervise the girl well, and there is still more than a year for the girl to marry into the uncle's mansion once the filial piety period is over, and then the uncle can often Talking about girls, girls are the ones who can listen to the uncle's words the most."

"Hehe, I can't change Sister Lin's temperament. She has more opinions than anyone else..." Feng Ziying shook her head with a smile, but there was a kind of pampering that others couldn't have in her words, "Of course Sister Lin is not that kind. It's unreasonable, so we can only convince people with reason, well, I saw your girl's, but what about yours, Zijuan?"

  One sentence made Zicuckoo's face blush, and her hands wringed back and forth in front of her lower abdomen, not knowing what to do.

   "What's the matter, didn't Zijuan prepare it for me? Or did I ignore my father's injury?" Feng Ziying looked at Zijuan's pretty face flushed, and the affection in Yueya'er's eyes was enough to explain everything.

   "My lord, this servant was also very anxious after knowing that my lord was injured, but there is a girl..." Zijuan muttered, unable to find better words to explain.

   "Okay, I understand, so I just want to ask, I was assassinated and injured, did you worry about it?" Feng Ziying looked at the other party with a smile.

   Zijuan lowered her head, and after a long while, she said in a low voice: "My master is kind to Zijuan, how can my servant not feel it? How can my servant not feel the same when my master is assassinated and injured? It's just a girl..."

"Zicuckoo, I know that you are loyal to Sister Lin, and I am very happy to see the intimacy between you and Sister Lin, the master and servant. I love sisters, and I sincerely hope that the relationship between you can last forever." Maintain until we grow old together,..."

Feng Ziying's words were filled with a strange magic power of longing, which made Zijuan's eyes blush and her heart trembled. The fantasy in her dream could be so affirmed by the uncle, which made her feel dizzy and drunk. , If I can really do this in my life, I will have no regrets in my life.


   Seeing Zijuan choking and shrugging her shoulders, Feng Ziying reached out to stroke her hair.

  Zijuan was startled, subconsciously trying to struggle, but Feng Ziying shook her head and withdrew her hand.

   This girl is very sensitive, and she is entangled between sister Lin and herself. If she acts too far, it will only backfire.

  And to be honest, his feelings for Zijuan are more of pity, love and appreciation, and his energy is not so colorful that he has romantic feelings for every girl.

   It's just that he knows very well that in this era, a close girl like Zijuan who has been with Daiyu since childhood has basically no other way out. The best way out is to be a housekeeper.

   This is the limitation of the times and the formation of social atmosphere, which cannot be changed by any one person or in a short period of time.

  Of course, Feng Ziying knows that he is the beneficiary, and he doesn't even intend to take the initiative to promote changes in this area. He is not yet that kind of saint.

  Many things can only change with the times, and it will happen naturally.

   Third update, brothers, can I get some monthly tickets? There is still a little distance from four thousand five.



  (end of this chapter)

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