Number of People

Chapter 1202: The gengzi volume promotes knee-to-neck talks

  Chapter 1202 Geng-zi scroll to talk heart-to-heart

"Why, did you get up with me again? What are you doing standing at the door in a daze? Why don't you come in quickly?" Feng Ziying leaned on the kang couch with a relaxed smile on her face, watching the cramped and nervous Ping Son.

  When I saw Zijuan and Yinger, they were in the study, but when I saw Pinger, I was not so restrained.

  In addition to the study, his outer courtyard also has a lounge next to the study, mainly because sometimes when he is tired from dealing with official duties, he can take a nap on the kang bed next door, imagine things, or just take a nap.

  Ping'er didn't expect that Feng Ziying would see her for the last time, and it would be such an ambiguous but more intimate place, but it both made her like it and worried her a little.

I like it naturally because Feng Ziying didn't treat her as an outsider. Even Zijuan and Ying'er were determined to become his housemates in the future, and they still met in the study, but she was arranged here. This kind of special treatment is enough to show that Feng Ziying's thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness.

The worry is naturally that if this master wants to do something out of the ordinary, no, in fact it is not an outrageous act, even the second mistress has had a good time with him, so what is this girl like herself, but here, in the At this point in time, it seems inappropriate.

  Gitting her white teeth lightly, Ping'er rolled her eyes charmingly at the other party, but still walked in slowly.

But I saw that in the lounge, apart from the raised kang couch, there are two huanghuali wood official hat chairs on the opposite side, the stone blue cushions are neat and clean, and the maroon blanket with lily branch pattern is laid in the room. The ground and the ground dragon were burning hot, making the whole room as warm as spring.

   This should be the place where this master usually takes a rest or meets important guests or close people. Ping'er reckons, but his heart is slightly sweet, which shows that this master's attitude towards him is not normal.

   "Where do you sit?" Seeing that Ping'er wanted to sit in the official hat chair, Feng Ziying glared.

  Ping'er was stunned for a moment, his face suddenly turned red, and he tilted his body coyly to sit on the other side of the bed, but was hooked by Feng Ziying's finger, and obediently moved to Feng Ziying's side.

She hooked Ping'er's plump waist with her hands. This girl should be regarded as a typical fat girl in this era. Her face is like a full moon, and her face shape is somewhat similar to Jia Yuanchun's, but her eyes are like almond-shaped eyes, which are similar to Jia Yuanchun's Danfeng eyes. It is quite different, with round hips, straight chest, long legs and straight neck, which is in line with Feng Ziying's aesthetics.

  Single fragrance came from her nose, Feng Ziying took a deep breath, felt that the beauty beside her was a little stiff, and felt amused, "Why, we have had skin-to-skin kisses several times, and you are still so afraid of me?"

   Teased by the other party's words, Ping'er relaxed a little, and glared at Feng Ziying bitterly, "Who has a blind date with you?"

   "Hey, I drank too much for the first time, isn't it Ping'er that you are sleeping?" Feng Ziying smiled very happily, "It goes without saying that Sister Feng can't stand it, so it's up to you..."

   "Bah!" Embarrassed, he pinched Feng Ziying's waist fiercely, causing Feng Ziying to gasp in pain. Could this trick be able to travel through thousands of years and be effective in any era?

  Ping'er thought simply, taking advantage of this time is not his person, but still can be self-willed, and in the future really become his pillow, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be so unscrupulous again.

Feng Ziying found it novel, the girls around her were pretty, but not many dared to do this, only Siqi and Qingwen seemed to be more rebellious, but if you want to talk about this trick of pinching people, It seems that I haven't gotten close to the two of them yet, so naturally it is impossible to "enjoy" this kind of treatment.

Feng Ziying's heart fluttered, and she got her hand through the hem of the skirt of the silk jacket, which was a fine fleece inner jacket, and groped for the waist of the sweat scarf used as a trouser belt, and it loosened immediately after a light pull. Suddenly panicked, the hands that were still under the chest to prevent Feng Ziying's magic palm from taking the opportunity to hit the base quickly turned down and pressed the waistband of the trousers.

  Seeing that this move was successful, Feng Ziying took advantage of the situation and fished it up, pushed aside the lake silk bellyband, and put a pair of uprights that were as firm as fish's backs into his hands.

  Ping'er almost screamed out, his body was struck by lightning, and he collapsed in Feng Ziying's arms.

The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant in her arms, her heavy breathing and trembling body make Feng Ziying, who originally just wanted to be gentle with her hands and eyes, almost explode. Ping'er completely lost her resistance and curled up in her arms. He tightly strangled his waist and abdomen.

I really want to punish the other party on the spot, but Feng Ziying knows that it is not a good time. Jin Chuaner and Xiangling can come in this lounge. Although they are not afraid of their two daughters knowing, after all, it would be too embarrassing to be bumped into , and Ping'er is afraid that he will be ashamed to see others, this is one of them, and another thing to consider is that if he really wants to be affectionate, Ping'er is inconvenient, so he can only rest here for two days before returning to Beijing, no doubt It will make her lose face with Zicuckoo and Yinger.

  Although this step must be taken sooner or later, Feng Ziying still hopes to leave a better memory for Pinger's first time, and today is obviously inappropriate.

After playing around for a while, he withdrew his hand and held Ping'er's face like a high fever. The willow eyebrows covered the emerald mist, and the sandalwood mouth was dotted with cinnabar. Although it could not be touched by the sword, Feng Ziying would never miss this scene. .

  Holding up the beautiful dimple that looked like a silver basin, she kissed it deeply. Amidst the humming sound, it was unavoidable that there was another concubine love.

  Ping'er could also feel the changes in the man's body beside him, but the master was not so anxious, but kept restraint. In the state of mind that was mixed with fear and joy, Ping'er was also complicated and unspeakable.

As if feeling the hesitation and confusion of the beauty in her arms, Feng Ziying raised her chin with her hand, "Ping'er, I like you, but not because of Sister Feng, nor just because of your body, what I like is you This person, do you understand?"

   Ping'er's originally perplexed eyes suddenly lit up, and she seemed to hear the deep meaning in the man's words.

   "I like Ping'er's generosity and indifference, I like your generosity and gentleness, what I like is your knowledge and expressiveness,..."

  Every sentence made Ping'er's heart tremble, and the state of being immersed in the sweet honey wine made Ping'er feel indescribably refreshed. This is the man who really understands himself.

  Tears slipped down her cheeks unknowingly, but Ping'er didn't make a sound, nor did she sob and choke, she just felt a kind of satisfaction after being touched.


"Okay, Master understands your difficulties now. Sister Feng and you are probably in a daze, not knowing what to do? I still don't feel relieved about Master. Has there ever been a time when Master has not fulfilled what he said?" Feng Ziying smiled lightly, " It's still early for Jia Lian to come back. He wrote to me, and it is estimated that he will go in the second half of next year, and he will go back to Yangzhou just to marry a wife and concubines and have children. He is more suitable and satisfied with the life in Yangzhou now. As he himself said in the letter, he has no interest in the life in the capital city and is bored, he feels that he can be more relaxed and comfortable in Yangzhou,..."

   "Is it because of grandma, or the elder?" Ping'er let out a deep breath and looked up at Feng Ziying.

"Maybe there are, but maybe it's because of the entire Rongguo Mansion and the entire Jia family?" Feng Ziying seemed to understand some of Jia Lian's state of mind, "You put too much pressure on him, making him always feel like doing everything in the capital city. Things will face your scrutiny. If you do well, no one will praise you, and you won’t gain much, but if you do poorly, you will face criticism from all sides. In Yangzhou, there are no relatives or old friends, but there are more friends. It’s also mutual in business, so there’s no need to bear any pressure,…”

   "Master, is this a reason?" Ping'er tightened the embroidered jacket around her body, letting Feng Ziying's clutches roam her warm and flat belly, and asked back.

"It depends on each person. Some people think that pressure is the motivation, while others don't want to live like this..." Feng Ziying shrugged, "Second Brother Lian is right to choose the latter. The same idea, but Huan Lao San may be more willing to meet the challenge,..."

   "Master said that this has nothing to do with slaves and grandma." Ping'er put her face on Feng Ziying's chest. She never thought that she could do this, and even grandma didn't seem to enjoy this warmth so peacefully.

"Sister Feng's temperament is also that kind of unwillingness to admit defeat. Even though she has to leave Jia's house under the current situation, deep down in her heart she is unwilling to admit defeat. She definitely wants to stand up more glamorously and appear in Jia's house. Even in front of the Four Great Families, Jia Lian, Jia Amnesty, Jia Zheng and the old ancestors should watch over her, without the Jia family, she can live a more nourishing and dazzling life, am I right?"

  Ping'er bit her lip and nodded, "That's why grandma is working so hard now, she won't let others see her jokes, especially the Jia family, they still have to choose the second master Lian in the end..."

"Ping'er, no one's choice is wrong, it's all about their own standpoints, you can't expect a family to give up its own family for a woman..." Perhaps because she felt that these words were too harsh, Feng Ziying sighed, " Everything about Sister Feng in the mansion is also based on her being able to secure the position of Lian's second mistress, but she failed to give birth to a son for Jia Lian, nor was she favored by Jia Lian, and even Jia Lian wanted to take you into the house They were all rejected by Sister Feng, and they had to bear all kinds of pressure from Sister Feng. Don't think that everyone else in Jia's family just turned a blind eye, it's just that the opportunity was not right,..."

"So when the time is right, all of this will have to be overthrown and restarted. What will grandma get for all that she has done for Jia's family and Rongguo Mansion all these years?" The concubine gave birth to a child, and then we were kicked out?"

Rubbing Ping'er's loose hair, Feng Ziying shook her head and said leisurely: "This is the choice of life, so there is no need to blame anyone, because we can also choose, choose a different life, isn't Sister Feng doing that now? ?”

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  (end of this chapter)

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