Number of People

Chapter 1204: The Phantom of Northern Xinjiang

  Chapter 1204 Geng Scroll The Phantom of Northern Xinjiang

Hetuala is located on the banks of the Suzi River, far away from the Yaful Pass in Dazhou. The side wall of Dazhou forms an eastward bulge at the Yaful Pass, and then shrinks back along the north and south, while a series of ancient ancient Important places such as Lezhai and Maerdun were built along the banks of the Suzi River until Jiefanzhai flowed into the Hun River to the west, facing Fushun across Sarhu.

The reason why the city of Khan was built in Hetuala was decided after many considerations. Although the Yahuguan Pass is still facing Hetuala directly with a dagger, everyone knows that the current Dazhou has no such momentum and dares to go out. The wall fought.

For the Jianzhou Jurchen, even if Hetuala is lost, it’s not a big deal, they don’t care about it, but when the Jurchens have the strength to eradicate the Yahu Pass, Fushun Pass and Guangshun Pass in one fell swoop, they will It will swallow the entire land of Dazhou east of the Liaohe River in one fell swoop.

   This situation has slowly formed ten years ago, but it seems that there have been some changes in the past two years.

   A group of people dismounted from the horse and fell off the horse with a kick. The atmosphere was a little dignified.

The joy of the Battle of Fushun seems to be slowly dissipating. For the Jianzhou Jurchen, winning a battle is a good thing, and it has indeed brought great benefits, but for Da Zhou, it is just like a mosquito. A gnat bite is normal, it may hurt and swell, but it is far from hurting one's vitality, but if Da Zhou hits Jianzhou Jurchen with such a blow anywhere, it will really penetrate to the bone, so it is a bit negligent no.

   A group of people surrounded Nurhachi and filed in.

Nurhachi has slender eyes, a wide face and a straight nose. If you just look at his face, he really can't tell much. Compared with ordinary Jurchen, he just looks stronger, but wearing a special clothes Then naturally, there will be a little more so-called momentum.

  The Great Khan's Mansion is located in the northwest corner of Hetuala City. Although Hetuala City has been built for many years, if compared with the cities in the Central Plains, this city is simply extremely simple.

  Even this most luxurious and magnificent building in the city is nothing more than a large flower hall that can accommodate dozens of people. In terms of decoration, it is far from being able to compare with the real flower hall.

  Nurhachi went straight to his seat with a gloomy face, and a group of people followed him in, taking seats on both sides.

At this time, the Jianzhou Jurchen has not really formed a unified or thorough system, and follows the practice handed down from decades ago. Even the important ministers and generals under his command and the sons of Nurhachi do not have strict rules. , but Nurhachi still relies on his decades of iron fist and military achievements to firmly control this tribe that is rushing towards the tide.

   "Father Khan, we benefited a lot from the battle of Fushun. The Chahar people were disadvantaged in the south and had little influence on us. Why worry so much?" The atmosphere was too stagnant, and Chu Ying couldn't help but speak.

Nurhachi glanced at the other party coldly, ignoring Chu Ying. Now he is getting more and more disliked by this eldest son. He is arrogant and arrogant, and often speaks and acts without thinking, far less stable than Daishan and Huang Taiji. In terms of bravery, Chu Ying is not bad, but like Mang Gurtai, he is not inferior to him.

   "Anfei Yanggu, tell me." Nurhachi didn't like his sons to express their opinions on government affairs, and he was more willing to listen to the opinions of Anfei Yanggu, Fei Yingdong and E Yidu.

"Although we captured tens of thousands of Han people in the First Battle of Fushun, we Han people are good at cultivating cultivated land. Most of the land on our side is uncultivated wasteland and raw land. After these Han people come here, it will take at least two to three years to get rid of them. The marginal wasteland has been reclaimed, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to support myself in the first one or two years, which is the biggest difficulty.”

An Fei Yanggu obviously did careful research on this issue, "These Han people are not good at fishing and hunting. I am afraid that we will need to bring food from outside to help them survive the difficult period of one or two years. It can work gradually.”

Nurhachi nodded, and An Feiyangu also spoke to his heart. It seems that this battle has gained a lot. Compared with the past, there are only three to five hundred or a thousand Han people who belonged to them. It could have passed, but this time, tens of thousands of people coerced them.

   If these Han people want to stay outside the customs and farm with peace of mind, it may not be as simple as giving them a few pieces of land, but also allowing them to survive for a year or two.

The problem is that the internal food supply of Jianzhou Jurchen is also very scarce. Otherwise, there is no need to go to Dazhou to hunt for grass and valleys every now and then. , and after the attack on Liaodong, I am afraid that the defense will be strengthened in an all-round way now, and it may not be so easy to attack Caogu in the past.

"This is a difficult problem." Nurhachi also felt a headache. So many Han people were captured with great difficulty. As long as they are allowed to live in peace for a few years, they can quickly become obedient citizens under his rule. As for the land, there are too many people outside the customs. No matter how much rent they need to pay from the other party, as long as they can grow more food and guarantee their own use, that is the greatest success.

   "Perhaps there are other ways to solve it." Ezu also hesitated for a moment.

   "Oh?" Nurhachi's eyes lit up, Eyidu's health is not very good, Nurhachi is not willing to work too **** the other party, "What can we do, Eyidu, as long as we can do it."

"Khan, in fact, it can be solved through North Korea, or even Japan. The attitude of Mr. Gwanghae in North Korea has changed. If we put pressure on him, he will definitely be willing to sell food to us. As for the Japanese side The situation should be better. After the Imjin Japanese Invasion, although there were internal turmoil in Japan, its shogunate system has gradually stabilized, and its hostility to the Great Zhou has not diminished, and it still has some kind of intention. This time they attacked Jiangnan,..."

Er Yidu said so much in one breath, his breathing was a little short, and he said after a pause: "As far as the current situation is concerned, North Korea and Japan have already had doubts and hostility towards Da Zhou, which is a good thing for us. It’s perfectly possible to cooperate in many ways.”

"E Yidu, what you said has some truth, but there are still some differences between North Korea and the Japanese. North Korea still regards Dazhou as orthodox. The previous leader launched a war against North Korea, and if Da Zhou hadn’t intervened, North Korea would have perished, but now this leader appears to be more tolerant, but his ambition has not changed.”

  He Heli couldn't help but interject.

"Father Khan, what He Heli said is true." Although he did not get his father's approval, Daishan still seized the opportunity to perform. After returning from the trip to Dazhou, he gained a lot. At the same time, he felt that An Feiyanggu and Fei Ying Dong and the others were dissatisfied with their elder brother Chu Ying, and it seemed that this also affected Father Khan, which made him see an opportunity.

"But I think buying food from North Korea should not be a problem. As for Japan, we should actively contact them. At that time, we can join forces. Maybe they just want to use us, but we need more time. Both sides are beneficial, the land south of the Central Plains is fertile and fertile, and not one side can easily swallow it, as long as Japan's ambitions are provoked, it will definitely be able to restrain Da Zhou's energy,..."

Nurhachi was a little displeased with Daishan's interjection, but Daishan's point of view won the approval of E Yidu, Fei Yingdong and others. Nurhachi couldn't reprimand him, so he could only say coldly: "The Japanese are also cunning. How can you be easily fooled?"

"Father Khan, this is not a fool. The Han people once said that Qin lost its deer, and the world pursued it. The Han people regard us as barbarians, but when they themselves become deer, then they can't blame us. Became a deer hunter, my son believes the Japanese think the same way."

Daishan also vaguely felt his father Khan's complicated emotions towards him, his dissatisfaction with Chu Ying, but he was a little bit encouraging and defensive towards himself, and the same was true for Mang Gurtai and Huang Taiji, which made him a little uncertain about his father. How is it considered.

Nurhachi was noncommittal, "The food problem must be solved. After you come down, you and He Heli will discuss it to see how to solve part of it from North Korea and Japan. In addition, there are still many loopholes to exploit in Dazhou. Feng Tang can control Liaodong Town, but what about Ji Town and Xuanfu Town? Those Da Zhou merchants are not afraid to come and go in and out of Chahar and Horqin people, and even provide them with convenience. Can we pass Did they transfer some of the food from the Mongols?"

   "Khan, if you do that, the cost will be very high." Fei Yingdong couldn't help but said.

   "As long as we can survive these two years, everything is worth it." Nurhachi waved his hand decisively, "We Jurchens can exchange anything, as long as there is someone, then everything can be regained."

   "The Great Khan is right."

   "The sweat is wise!"

A series of words of praise and support came out of the mouths of the people in the hall, but the correctness did not make Nurhachi much happy, "Well, there is no need to say these words, we all know the difficulties we face, Chahar The Southern Expedition of Renhe and the Inner and Outer Khalkhas ended up with such a result, which is really beyond my expectation, especially the Inner Kharkhas, Zaisai did not expect that this guy would become our disaster in a flash, and he Have you noticed this relationship with Ye Hebu and Dazhou? It will bring a kind of encirclement restriction to the development of our Jianzhou Jurchen, even including the East China Sea Jurchen."

   The third change, asking for 200 monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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