Number of People

Chapter 1205: Who is Feng Tang in the gengzi scroll? (Big more votes!

  Chapter 1205 Who is Feng Tang from Gengzi Juan? (Big more votes!)

  Nurhachi's question made the whole hall fall into silence.

The capture of Fushun Pass was all due to Li Yongfang's counterattack. In fact, the Jianzhou Jurchen's war in the north suffered setbacks. The Wula tribe suddenly moved to the territory of the Yehe tribe. Much beyond the expectations of Jianzhou Jurchen.

   This magical stroke completely disrupted the plans of Jianzhou Jurchen.

You must know that the Jianzhou Jurchen has made various preparations to completely surround and annihilate the Ula tribe. Nurhachi even made the idea of ​​marrying one of his daughters to Buzhantai, the leader of the Ula tribe, so that he can talk about the Ula tribe as quickly as possible. The Department of Hada and Huifa were integrated into Jianzhou Jurchen like the previous Hada Department and Huifa Department.

This is the best way to expand the strength of Jianzhou Jurchens, far better than the consumption of the Han people plundered from Fushun. They are all Jurchens, and they are very similar in language and customs, and there is also a kinship relationship. As long as the upper echelon of the Ula tribe is completely controlled and included, the people of the tribe below actually don't care too much about who they follow, or even what the name of the tribe is called, as long as they can feed them.

In contrast, it is not an easy matter for the Han people to completely submit them to the Jurchens. Even if they seem to submit to you, they are even willing to pay rent and taxes like cows and horses, but the disapproval and contempt deep inside It is always difficult to eliminate, and it cannot be realized in ten or eight years or even a generation.

Because of this, Nurhachi paid so much attention to the strategy of attacking the Haixi Jurchen and gathering the Donghai Jurchen, but he didn't expect to encounter setbacks only halfway through the strategy of the Haixi Jurchen. Jurchen's backbone, he planned to chew on this hard bone at the end, but he was determined to win the Ulabu, but he didn't expect that it would fall short.

The recruiting of Jurchen in the East China Sea went relatively smoothly, but Nurhachi also knew that the success in the early stage was based on the premise of his own kindness, and the savage tribes of Jurchen in the East China Sea have become more and more hungry. , you need to pay more supplies, and this is also a huge difficulty for Jianzhou Jurchen.

"I don't know if you are aware of it. In the past few years, we have been very smooth. The Jianzhou Jurchen tribes were unified by us. The Huifa tribe and the Hada tribe also surrendered to us and integrated into us. Even when we attacked the Wula tribe, we also It was a good fight, but later on, it didn’t go so smoothly. This time Fushun Pass was successful, and it can be said that the credit is all on General Li. If it weren’t for General Li’s surrender, we wouldn’t have achieved such a result!”

  Everyone turned their attention to Li Yongfang, who stood on the right side and was the last striker.

  Li Yongfang has already changed into a Jurchen battle armor. Hearing Nurhachi's name-calling and praise, he can only bow his hands: "The Great Khan is too famous, and Yongfang is just a meager effort. Even if there is no Yongfang, the Great Khan can still win."

Nurhachi waved his hand, "Yongfang, our Jurchens are straight-minded, whoever deserves the credit. For the population brought back from Fushun this time, you pick five hundred households as your slaves. In the future, everything they have will belong to you. Including their descendants, they are all your slaves,..."

Li Yongfang was shocked. He also knew a lot about Jianzhou Jurchen. This kind of situation where hundreds of households directly rewarded someone was unprecedented, especially since he was a Han. I gave myself five hundred servants, no wonder the generals and ministers around me looked at me with red eyes.

   "Khan, how did this happen? The Battle of Fushun was due to everyone..."

   "Okay, I have already reached a conclusion on this matter, so I don't need to say more. As for them, I will naturally give them their rewards, but your credit cannot be denied."

Nurhachi also understands the truth of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars, not to mention that Li Yongfang's submission has indeed brought huge benefits to the Jianzhou Jurchen. Not to mention the demonstration effect that this kind of case will bring in the future, how great the shock will be to Da Zhou.

  Seeing that Nurhachi was so resolute, Li Yongfang naturally didn't dare to say more, and could only kneel down and thank him.

"Yongfang, I know you just came from Dazhou, and you still have some doubts in your heart, and there are some people on our Jurchen side who think you are just taking advantage, but I want to say that your reward is not worth it. In case of your credit, the Jurchens will continue to go west and south in the future, and Liaodong will definitely return to our hands, so I need you Han people who know the current affairs to help me..."

  Nurha has thin eyebrows and fine eyes. Although he is not young, his spirit is extremely vigorous and his eyes are bright.

"You came from Liaodong and know the situation in Liaodong best. Can you comment on the current situation in Liaodong for us? I have a feeling that Liaodong seems to be a little different from the past in the past year or two, but the specifics I can’t tell you what’s different, but it must have a lot to do with the new Governor of Jiliao. We only know that Governor Feng is from a family in the border town of Datong. Later, I went to Yulin, and then came to Liaodong, how do you evaluate this person?"

Li Yongfang also knew that Jianzhou Jurchen must be very interested in Liaodong. In fact, after Feng Tang became the governor, although he made no major military moves, he seemed to have continued the conservative attitude of his predecessor Li Chengliang, but Li Yongfang knew that this Governor Feng is different from Li Chengliang, but a series of non-military means make it extremely smooth. The conservative military and the active political and economic means are in stark contrast.

  The whole hall fell silent, and everyone was waiting for Li Yongfang's answer.

   Especially people like Daishan, Eyidu, Anfei Yanggu, Fei Yingdong, Manggurtai and Huangtaijiji.

Li Yongfang is also considering how to answer this question. This is also his first test after coming to Jurchen's side. He not only needs to answer this question truthfully, but also needs to come up with a different answer or an answer with enough weight to let Nurhachi and their generals felt that they deserved such kind treatment from them.

"Big Khan, I don't have much contact with Feng Tang, and he hasn't been in Liaodong for a long time. Judging from the few times I have met, this person can't see any special abilities or methods. The only feeling may be that this person does things. Cautious and thoughtful, or it can be called a calm style of work, and careful consideration of issues."

   Li Yongfang's answer made Nurhachi a little disappointed. What kind of answer is this? It can even be said that it has no value, calm, sophisticated, and cautious. These are normal for a veteran, but this is by no means the feeling that Nurhachi felt.

It is impossible for an ordinary general to put such a lot of pressure on himself, or Jianzhou Jurchen seems to have fallen into a certain state of stagnation, and is no longer as comfortable as before. If he can do this, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this person. Something different from other generals.

   "But I thought it might just be a facade."

   Li Yongfang's last sentence lifted Nurhachi's spirits, and at the same time made the ears of other people in the hall **** up.

   "Yongfang, are you saying that this person is good at disguising? Now the external performance is all pretending, not his real side?" Nurhachi asked thoughtfully.

"I also say it's not very good, but we can analyze it from some specific details." Li Yongfang is very clear that if she can't come up with a convincing answer to this question, she is afraid that everything she has done in the early stage will be criticized by a lot of people. People regard it as speculation and bargain hunting, and many people will despise themselves even more.

   "Tell me." Nurhachi said steadily, with anticipation in his heart.

"After this Governor Feng came to Liaodong, on the surface, he didn't have much direct action towards our state building. He even sent people over to talk with him on his own initiative, hoping to maintain a peaceful situation and maintain the status quo. It seems to give people the impression that He just came here for a few years of seniority." Li Yongfang spoke very slowly, as if he was thinking while introducing: "This may be because of the reason, and it turns out that there are still comparisons between the various ministries left by Li Chengliang. It is related to his great influence, not entirely because of his gentle personality. A person who can serve as a general in the border towns of Datong and Yulin for 10 to 20 years does not have tens of millions of lives in his hands. Heart, so I never believed that he was born with such a nature."

   This sentence won the unanimous nod of approval from Nurhachi, E Yidu, An Fei Yanggu and Dai Shan.

"Then the Governor-General didn't make any big moves against Jianzhou, so what did he do?" Li Yongfang continued: "He did a few things. His identity, coupled with his experience and close relationship with Chai Ke, the servant of the Ministry of War, in suppressing the rebellion in Ningxia, pushed You Shigong, the old soldier he brought from Yulin, to be the chief soldier of Jizhen. Simple, but an extremely subtle layout."

  Nurhachi's face became solemn, while E Yidu, Fei Yingdong and others frowned and thought.

   "At first glance, it seems to be arranging one's own people to be in charge. It's normal for everyone to do this, but it's not like that..."

"As soon as You Shigong became the commander-in-chief of Jizhen, Feng Tang began to rotate between the two towns, and adjusted the original lineage of Magui from Jizhen to Liaodong, weakening the control and influence of Magui's old department on Jizhen. , and at the same time arranged Li Chengliang's old troops to Ji Town. This change of defense disrupted the original system, and made the old troops he brought over from Liaodong Town, such as Cao Wenzhao and You Shiwei, quickly gain the upper hand. Completed the integration of the entire Liaodong Township, and even made Jianzhou unable to respond..."

These words are a bit heartbreaking, but they are true. When Feng Tang came out, Jianzhou was also observing, wanting to see what the new governor was doing, but he waited and waited and saw no other abnormalities, except The visitor expressed friendship, but nothing else could be seen, but the result was that the opponent quickly completed the internal defense change. Of course, this was achieved quickly with the full support of the Great Zhou Military Department, but it did catch Jianzhou by surprise.

"..., and he is extremely good at buying people's hearts. Zhao Liaojiao, Juniper and other ministries were quickly won over by him, and they were completely devoted to him. Many of them saw that You Shigong was originally just a general in Yulin Town. Yulinshi took the lead in joining him, and as a result, he was promoted step by step. Within a few years, he went from a general to a deputy commander in chief, and then ascended to the sky as the commander in chief of Jizhen. This made countless people envious of him. Juniper and the others are willing to serve, and I have to say that their methods are admirable."

Nurhachi nodded slightly. To be handsome does not necessarily need to be able to play well. It is often the person who is good at using people is the greatest advantage. Putting the right person in the right position, making him willing to serve, and striving to be the first is the ability of a handsome person , Feng Tang seems to have done just that.

"The second is that this person has a very far-sighted vision, and what he does seems to be careless, but in fact it has deep meaning." Li Yongfang was even more proud when he saw that the appetite of a group of people had been whetted by him, "I accidentally heard When he talked about the strategy of Jianzhou, he mentioned that Jianzhou is currently in full swing. The Liaodong army of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been guarding the border for many years. This state has been maintained for many years, and the army is still built and fought in the old way. It is difficult to resist the booming new forces like Jianzhou. The Liaodong Army lacks the momentum and fighting spirit to dare to attack and fight hard. And many soldiers regard guarding as a kind of torture, and this kind of lack of courage to fight and take the initiative cannot win the battle, but Jianzhou is just the opposite."

  Nurhachi was both proud and horrified. How could the other party see this?

He has never thought highly of the Liaodong Army. Although the strength of the Liaodong Army and the Jizhen Army is five times or even eight times that of Jianzhou's standing troops, these troops only care about how to defend the city wall, and have no intention of taking the initiative to attack at all. This is the reason why he dared to build the king city in Hetuala, which is just under the eyes of Yaful, because he concluded that the Liaodong Army did not have the courage to take the initiative to fight.

  Jianzhou dared to fight this battle. If the Liaodong army dared to come out from Yahuguan, then he would dare to lead the Jianzhou soldiers to a decisive battle with the Liaodong soldiers on the Suzi River in Hetuala, and he could win the battle.

   "Since Feng Tang can see this, there must be a solution?" Nurhachi couldn't bear it anymore, and asked openly.

Li Yongfang shook his head, "I asked the same question, but Feng Tang didn't answer directly. He only said that Liaodong needs time now, so the most effective way is to temporarily delay Jianzhou's offensive and delay it through non-military means as much as possible." , Block the offensive launched by Jianzhou, buy time for Liaodong, and the best strategy is to form allies."

  (end of this chapter)

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