Number of People

Chapter 1214: Geng Scroll Maxima

  Chapter 1214 Geng Scroll Maxima

  Emperor Yonglong naturally did not fail to understand the possible impact of doing so, and hesitated for a moment: "Jingqiu, these guards and guards in Jingying and Jizhen are mixed for training, I am afraid that both parties will not be satisfied."

Doing so means that a considerable number of soldiers in the Beijing camp will be eliminated and enter the Jizhen Guards and Tunweis, and the soldiers selected from the guards and Tunweis are of course happy to enter the Beijing Camp, but for the officers in Jizhen The generals may not be happy, unless the military officer in Jizhen can also be allowed to join the officer system of the Beijing camp, but this has never happened before.

  The military generals in the capital camp are basically from the children of Wu Xun, and only a few are from the children of military families around Gyeonggi.

And these very few, either because their fathers died in battle and made contributions in battle, there are elders or old caretakers in the army, or they have outstanding abilities and passed the martial arts examination, and they were born as martial arts scholars, so their proportion in the Beijing camp is very small, unlike Jizhen. The border towns are completely different. Military generals in border towns like Jizhen not only have children of Wu Xun, but a considerable number of them are children of military households who have been promoted through meritorious service. Compared with the children of Wu Xun, they are basically half to half, or even It accounted for more than 60%, and even in Yulin, Ningxia, Gansu, Guyuan, and Liaodong, which were far from the capital, military generals of non-honorable background accounted for more than 70%.

"Your Majesty, the running water does not rot and the households do not rot. If the Beijing camp has always been dominated by noble children like this, then no matter how hard we try, this army will soon degenerate into the previous Beijing camp army. In addition to wasting food in vain Money is worthless, and it is even more difficult to bear the heavy trust of His Majesty." Zhang Jingqiu emphasized his tone in the last sentence.

  Emperor Yonglong had to think carefully.

What Zhang Jingqiu said is also reasonable. This is a good opportunity. Although the military forces in the border towns are strong, their main duty is to defend against the outside world. mobilized.

In addition, except for the two towns of Jizhen and Xuanfu, the rest of the towns are far away and basically difficult to use, and Xuanfu is controlled by Niu Jizong. There are not many troops, so it is difficult to satisfy Emperor Yonglong.

If a group of elites can be selected from the various guards in Ji Town to replace them in the name of marriage reform and rectification, then no matter whether it is a substantive reorganization or replacement, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the Beijing camp, and it can also take this opportunity to replace them. The generals he likes are inserted in, and gradually the entire Beijing camp is firmly in his hands.

Zhang Jingqiu is actually aware of some of the emperor's thoughts, but in his opinion, this is not contradictory to the thinking of the Ministry of War. No matter how the generals and officers of the Beijing camp change, he is more happy to gradually change from the children of Wu Xun to the children of ordinary military families. In fact, as for being loyal to the emperor, there is no problem. In the real war, at the critical moment, the most important thing is that this Beijing battalion can come in handy instead of the farce and tragedy like before. That's why he This suggestion will be made to Emperor Yonglong.

   And this suggestion also comes from Feng Ziying's practice in Yongping Mansion that Chai Ke mentioned to him after he came back.

The core of Feng Ziying's new Yongping army is the personal soldiers sent by Feng Tang from Liaodong, but the backbone is based on the three guards of Lu Longwei, Yongpingwei and Dongsheng Zuowei who were abolished by the Ministry of War in Yongping Mansion more than ten years ago. The hidden household soldiers sorted out by the soldiers were assembled, and after a short period of training, they were able to rely on the strong city to defend and repel the attack of the Nekhka people. Although the Nekhka people were not too willing to attack, But after all, it is remarkable to be able to repel the enemy in two days.

Such an approach also made Chai Ke very satisfied, and he talked about it after he came back, so it also aroused Zhang Jingqiu's interest, and then inspired him to follow this method in the entire Gyeonggi, relying on so many guards under Jizhen's command. The Suohe Tunweisuo and the Beijing Camp were mixed and rectified to achieve the purpose of exchanging blood.

"Jingqiu, it's easy to say on the side of Jingying, but on the side of Jizhen, this can be regarded as digging into Jizhen's footsteps, and I'm afraid it will attract criticism." Emperor Yonglong already approved this strategy in his heart, but he still wanted to do more. Be thoughtful.

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, the land of Gyeonggi is not limited to Jizhen, including Xuanfu. There are actually a lot of guards and guards under their jurisdiction, and Jizhen and Xuanfu don't pay much attention to it. They may be happy to see the success of moving their guards, which are purely garrison guards, at least it can be regarded as a better way out for these garrison guards." Zhang Jingqiu analyzed carefully: "However, Xuanfu Town is basically all formal There are almost no garrison guards,..."

Emperor Yonglong finally made up his mind: "In that case, Jing Qiu, you should propose to the cabinet, and I will have a good talk with Ye Qing, Fang Qing, and Qi Qing. The capital camp is so corrupt and weak, and they are also duty-bound. Take this opportunity to clean up and prevent the imperial court from wasting food money in vain."

"I obey the order." Zhang Jingqiu also put down a stone in his heart: "Speaking of which, this is also some enlightenment given to me by the new army of people in Yongping Mansion. The purge, and I think it is not limited to these guards, the time is ripe, and the rear guards that do not pay much attention to some towns may not be able to follow suit, such as Zhuolu Sanwei, Maoshan Guard and Huailai Guard.”

There was a tail in Zhang Jingqiu's words, and Emperor Yonglong didn't notice it. His attention was attracted by Zhang Jingqiu's words of being inspired by the Yongping New Army, "Jingqiu, you said it was Feng Keng's Yongping New Army." Inspiration for you?"

Zhang Jingqiu introduced the situation: "Actually, the main force of the Yongping New Army was formed by the military households who were abolished from the three guards. It was a crushing defeat, but this group of people left in Qian'an City after suffering the losses of these people, and went to fight the Beijing camp, this is simply a big joke."

Emperor Yonglong also sighed unceasingly, although he was happy to see the Jingying fall into such a somersault, otherwise he would not have this opportunity to reorganize and reorganize, but after all, it is still his own Jingying, and theoretically it is his own army, so embarrassing. There are still some things that hurt its kind.

"Jing Qiu, it seems that a tiger father has no dogs. Feng Keng was born as a Jinshi, so he can have such courage, but he can form a new army and train it. I'm afraid it was sent to him by his father." Does it have something to do with people's ability?" Emperor Yonglong couldn't help but smack his lips.

"Your Majesty, although Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu are capable, I believe that Feng Keng's planning and planning are better than these two's bravery and fighting skills." Zhang Jingqiu shook his head, "Good generals are rare, but handsome talents are even more rare. Can't ask for it."

  Emperor Yonglong was taken aback. This evaluation was a bit exaggerated. He took a careful look at Zhang Jingqiu: "Jingqiu, you mean Feng Keng is handsome?"

"Your Majesty, Chai Ke didn't introduce too much about the Battle of Qian'an at the court meeting. I think that Zai Sai can be regarded as a rare hero among the Mongols. Since the attack is not far away, is there any reason to make thorough preparations? It is Jianzhou Jurchen He and the Chahar people will also provide them with careful intelligence support. They have a good understanding of Jizhen and Yongping Mansion, but after the invasion of Yongping Mansion, things went wrong. Start preparations, mobilize the people to fortify the walls and clear the fields, and order all the gentry and people to hide or transfer all edible and usable things outside Qian'an City. After the Mongols come in, they will become blind and deaf, and they will be hungry and cold, unable to find food on the spot. They also set up an ambush on the bank of the Luan River, set fire to the company camp, and greatly frustrated the spirit of the Neikha people. This made the Nekhka people retreat after they stormed Qian'an City. Just delicious."

  Chai Ke didn’t introduce much about the Qian’an Battle at the court meeting. He only said that he first attacked with fire and then defended the city, forcing the Nekhalkas to retreat. He didn’t say much about the details.

"Later Feng Keng categorically sent Huang Degong out to reinforce Li Ruzhang's troops, and later ambushed the Horqin people. These were not things that Huang Degong Zuo Liangyu or He Huchen Yang Zhaoji could make up their minds about. Without Feng Keng's decision, it would have been difficult for them to achieve such a result. "

Emperor Yonglong couldn't believe Zhang Jingqiu's words. He knew that Feng Ziying was capable of writing and martial arts, not to mention literary talents. Except for poetry and prose, other political talents were rare, and his father was willing to age since he was young. As a talent in military affairs, Zhang Jingqiu never thought that Zhang Jingqiu would say so much about the other party, which inevitably made him feel a little bit worried.

   "According to what Jingqiu said, I still underestimated Feng Keng." Emperor Yonglong was in a complicated mood.

He thought of his sons, from Shou Wang, Fu Wang, Li Wang to Lu Wang, all of them had good reputations, but these sons seemed to be superficial, and there was an endless stream of poetry and literature. All kinds of visits to famous scholars, comments on current affairs, suggestions and suggestions in front of him, and they seem to be able to say a lot, but Emperor Yonglong knew that this was just a proposition composition prepared for them by their staff , It’s just to do what you like, in order to leave a better impression, and to win a chance for a certain day in the future.

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yonglong felt bored for a while. All his sons were like this. It seemed that they didn't really understand how to sit firmly in this position, but they kept going astray. Why?

Zhang Jingqiu naturally couldn't think of Emperor Yonglong's complicated thoughts, "But Ziying is a civil servant, and I think it's better to let her focus on this. The current affairs are mainly defensive, and the internal affairs must be settled first. The current crisis is serious, but I think civil servants like Feng Keng have extraordinary political talents, and if we can give them more opportunities to sharpen them, they will be able to take on great responsibilities in the future."

Zhang Jingqiu's unintentional words hit Emperor Yonglong's mind. As he got older and his health deteriorated, maybe it was time to think about what happened after his death. If Feng Keng was allowed to sharpen and train for his heirs to use, wouldn't it be Well deserved?

  (end of this chapter)

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