Number of People

Chapter 1215: Geng scroll waiting

  Chapter 1215 Geng Scroll Waiting

  Feng Ziying naturally did not expect Emperor Yonglong to even have such thoughts, but this is also normal.

For Emperor Yonglong, he has already realized that his body may not be able to fight the boss, even his father, at least up to now, it seems that his father is still very healthy, although he is too old to come out, He has been living in seclusion in Renshou Palace, but Emperor Yonglong is very clear that his father has not really retired, at least Gu Cheng, the commander of Captain Long Jinwei, is still serving him.

  Emperor Yonglong didn't think that it would pose any threat to his succession to the throne if it was only his father or one of the bosses, but if both his father and Prince Yizhong were still alive when he passed away, then it would be dangerous.

He doesn't think that his sons can fight against the combination of the father and the boss, and whether it is the cabinet ministers in the court or the ministers, maybe the continuation of the inertia will support one of his sons to ascend the throne, but after the father and the boss When the boss teamed up to force the palace, would they persist as before? Emperor Yonglong was very suspicious.

After all, tell the two of them that both the boss and his son have the same surname Zhang, just like Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Qiyu in the previous Ming Dynasty. Yu Qian, the great hero who saved the sky, ended up decapitated, and how many civil servants and generals who were watching coldly were really implicated. Under such circumstances, how many people are willing to really get involved in this kind of situation? In the battle for the royal family itself?

  For Feng Ziying, his current energy is still on the upcoming marriage.

   He also took a leave of absence from the Ministry of Officials, so he can wait for his marriage with peace of mind.

  December is a double blessing for the Feng family. First, Shen Yixiu gave birth to a daughter, and then the second wife married. Although there is only one protagonist, it represents the two after all.

Seeing Xianggong holding his daughter fondly, the last trace of uneasiness in Shen Yixiu's heart finally disappeared. It seems that Xianggong really likes his daughter, rather than deliberately trying to please himself. In the past few days, he has almost taken over the child from the nanny when he has time. Holding it around the house, still talking non-stop.

"Sir, you are going to marry the sister of the Xue family in a few days. Shouldn't you think about the details of the marriage?" Shen Yixiu leaned on the bed and changed to a more comfortable position. Covering the entire Kang, under the Kang couch is a maroon bed, with soft and firm pillows on the back, and the earth dragon is burning warmly, making it extremely comfortable.

"Then what do you need to think about?" Feng Ziying glanced at Shen Yixiu and shook her head: "The rules have been set long ago, it's different from marrying you back then? It's just step by step, and it's Sister Bao and the others who are in a hurry , but I can’t help, can I? I asked Xiangling to come over early to help. The Xue family will move out of Rongguo Mansion in these two days and live in their own house, but if Sister Bao gets married, no problem. I know if Aunt Xue will move back to Rongguo Mansion again, but Baoqin probably won't move back as a mother."

   Qingwen, who was sitting on the side rubbing Shen Yixiu's calf, asked in surprise: "Xiangling has already passed? I'm afraid it's not in compliance with the rules?"

"Hey, what are the rules and irregularities? We will be a family in the future, so why bother?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Xiangling was originally given to me by Xue Pan, but now it is logical for her to help Baochai and Baoqin Besides, Xiangling always misses Baochai very much, why don't I make it up and everyone will be happy?"

"Hmph, the uncle can always find a reason. It's not that the slaves are stingy, nor are the slaves protecting our room, but the Xue family should have prepared these things for the second room. Ying'er, and the play that was originally bought from Jiangnan Rui Guan, Ling Guan, and Dou Guan in the team are all with Miss Bao and Miss Qin, so there are so few people helping each other, so they shouldn't be in a hurry, right?"

  Qingwen's interjection made Feng Ziying quite surprised, "Qingwen, you have a thorough understanding of the situation in Jia's house, even the situation of the little actors bought in their house and distributed to the girls of each family?"

"Master, it's not a secret. The girls in the garden are basically divided into one or two girls. Most of the twelve girls bought back at the beginning stayed in the garden. Miss Lin, Miss Second, Miss Third and Miss Fourth As well as Miss Smith and Master Bao, they both kept them, and even Grandma You in the East Mansion wanted one." Qingwen shrugged her nose proudly, "So Xiangling's past was nothing more than a pout. The chores are naturally done by these little girls."

"It's not just those miscellaneous matters. For such a big matter, we have to see how we are preparing. Although Sister Bao and Sister Qin agreed to go to Yongping Mansion with Xianggong, they will come back sooner or later. Our side can't be too shabby, it depends on their own wishes, how to decorate and match the house, and what things need to be added, we have to do well here too."

Shen Yixiu also knew in his heart that the two sisters, Baochai and Baoqin, were not easy. Marrying into Feng's residence would definitely bring about some changes. Moreover, she was not familiar with Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu from the Jia family, and fortunately, there was another sister who was more familiar with them. Qingwen understands.

Shen Yixiu likes Qingwen's straightforward personality very much, and Qingwen is not the kind of thoughtless girl, and the more important thing is that she came out of Jia's house to follow her, so Qingwen is firmly on her side , there is no way back.

This is also the reason why Shen Yixiu dared to let Qingwen be his personal maid instead of choosing Shen Fu's original maid. Qingwen herself was quite loved by her husband, and now she has become his personal maid, and it is only logical to become a housemaid. things.

In a sense, this is actually a means of coddling her husband's favorite maid when she is desperate. It is definitely impossible.

This first move can be described as wonderful. It not only subdued Qingwen's loyalty in one fell swoop, but also let her husband see her own heart, and let the outside world, especially Xiang Future, Xue and Lin, who have a close relationship with Jia's family. Showing his generosity can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

   "By the way, is there any news about Qingwen's parents?" Shen Yixiu's words made Qingwen massage Shen Yixiu's fingers trembling.

Before, she made a joking bet with Qingwen. Although Qingwen was tempted, Qingwen also knew that Feng Ziying was only the co-magistrate of Yongping Mansion, and she was busy with work, so she might not have much energy to ask about this matter. Some lost.

Although Jia Amnesty was helping to redeem people for profit, it seemed to the uncle that he was happy to see the result. Later, people like Jia Rong and Jia Rui were involved in it. If it was really a troublesome matter, the uncle would never return it To pretend to be false to people like Jia Rong and Jia Rui, although Qingwen is a bit irritable, she is very smart and naturally understands the truth.

  Actually, Qingwen also knows that even if there is no such "gamble", she still wants to be a housekeeper for the uncle.

Although Eryou also belongs to the concubine of this house, the third aunt You has gradually become the personal bodyguard of the master. The second aunt You is very respectful to the grandma, but Qingwen knows very well that in the eyes of the grandma, she is still more than the concubine. Not the most considerate of yourself.

  Sometimes grandma would also talk to herself some heart-to-heart, she already regarded herself as a concubine, or even a concubine, which not only made Qingwen feel at ease, but also made her a little flustered.

  Although she was born with pride, in the face of the social shackles of this era, who can get rid of the limitations of ideas and concepts? Who doesn't want to really climb a branch and become a phoenix when she is a girl? There are hundreds of girls in Jia's mansion, who doesn't want to pretend to be a master?

   Originally thought that being expelled from Jia's house would mean that she would be destitute on the street or even into prostitution, but who would have thought that such a fortune would happen, which made Qingwen sometimes wake up at night, feeling like she was dreaming, and couldn't believe it.

"I asked someone to ask at Lai's house, and found out that the yamen servant had indeed returned to his hometown, and later went to Wanping Township to find this man's house, but unfortunately the man said at the time that he could not remember the situation clearly. Yes, he only remembered that the other party answered the situation as a good citizen, from Yizhou. At that time, he asked under the guise of a business suit, and the other party also replied with an official document. Because he was a false entrustment, he destroyed the reply. But the other side should still have archives, but what happened more than ten years ago, I'm afraid I have to go through the pile of old papers in the Yizhou government..."

  Feng Ziying really didn't forget it, Shen Yixiu asked again: "So you mean it's hard to find out?"

"There must be some difficulty. There are thousands of piles of old papers from more than ten years ago in a state government every year, and there are more than tens of millions of official letters to verify the identity of the person. It has been more than ten years, and it depends on Yi. How is the preservation at the state government office? You can’t investigate it with great fanfare, so I am also thinking about finding a suitable opportunity to see if there are any acquaintances at Baoding mansion.

Feng Ziying has a well-thought-out plan, and he doesn't need to do it himself, he can arrange for someone to do it. The only problem is that he has no acquaintances in Baoding Mansion, so he has to ask someone else, and he is too busy during this time, so he can't spare any energy I came to ask, so I also plan to take advantage of the marriage and Chinese New Year to find an opportunity to see who has acquaintances over there before doing this matter.

  Qingwen's eye circles are a little red again, but these little things about her, but I can remember them in my heart and never forget them. How can such a master not be heartbreaking?

"Qingwen, don't worry about it. It's just a lot of hard work. Even if you can't find it in the state government, to put it a little ugly, as long as you are willing to spend money, it is nothing more than letting the Yizhou government pay more money." If you spend some time searching, how can you not find anything?"

  Feng Ziying is also in Kuan Qingwen's heart. If it really disappeared in the state government archives, and the person in charge has no memory, it is really hard to find, but naturally he can't say such things.

  (end of this chapter)

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