Number of People

Chapter 1216: The gengzi scroll is about to rain

  Chapter 1216 Geng Scroll Mountain Rain Is Coming

  Holding her daughter for a while, seeing her falling into a deep sleep again, Feng Ziying carefully asked the wet nurse to carry her away, leaning on the other side of the kang couch, and shrunk her body to one side.

   Seeing her husband curled up at his feet like this, Shen Yixiu gave him a reproachful look: "After all, he is also the head of the family, but why doesn't he have a good sitting position? What are the servants coming in and thinking about?"

   "Hey, it's okay, we are all a family, where are there so many rules, there is no permission in this room, who else can come in except Yunshang?"

  Feng Ziying put one arm on the Kang table indifferently, and rubbed her chin with one hand. There are still three days until the wedding day. It seems that her emotions are not as much anticipation and eagerness as before? Maybe it's because the marriage with Shen Yixiu has gone through such a procedure before, and now that it's coming again, the freshness is gone?

   But people are different. Feng Ziying thought about it, and always felt that something was missing, but she couldn't say it.

  It feels like a machine that has been wound up suddenly relaxes, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

   "What's the matter today, Mr. Xiang, I feel that you are always a little restless and absent-minded. Are you feeling unwell?" Shen Yixiu also noticed the strangeness of her husband, and then smiled, "Aren't you too excited?"

  Feng Ziying knew that his wife was joking, and shook her head: "I can't tell. All in all, I feel tired and empty all over my body. I feel lack of energy when talking and doing things..."

   These words startled both Shen Yixiu and Qingwen, "Sir, why don't you invite a doctor to take a look?"

   "I have nothing to do, but my spirit is a little weak. Master Zhang will come a few years ago, and he will arrive in a few days. How can I use it? Ask Master Zhang when the time comes." Feng Ziying waved her hand.

   "Is the matter of ransoming people too worrying for Mr. Shen?" Shen Yixiu asked meaningfully.

Feng Ziying smiled, "These things are nothing more than the court's intentions, the Mongols' intentions, and I'm just pulling the strings. It's just to cover people's eyes and ears. The court can't participate in the open, so I'm the only one to carry this layer of skin. So I am the same, throwing it to outsiders to do it, it can be justified, and it will not give others a handle, everyone is tacit, otherwise, do you think it is so easy to do?"

Shen Yixiu was also from an official background, so he vaguely knew that there must be some mysteries in it, but he just didn't quite understand it. In the early days, her husband was unwilling to say it, but now that the dust has basically settled, her husband will be so explicit. Support using such a sneaky way?"

"If you don't do this, how can you do it?" Feng Ziying said with a hint of sarcasm, "The imperial court is neither willing nor able to pay the ransom of millions of taels of silver, but if the attitude is too resolute, the Mongols will start killing them." Xin, don’t so many Wuxun families want to explode and create a rebellion? So I can only drag on in such a vague way, forcing these Wuxun families to figure out their own way, and here I have to negotiate with the Mongols, To downplay a matter on the bright side and turn it into a private transaction,..."

It is difficult for Feng Ziying to judge whether the court's approach is good or bad. Indeed, the court used various methods to create a stir in the defeat of the Beijing camp, and achieved a moral high point. At the same time, it redeemed the soldiers. It seems that this matter has been perfectly resolved, and the blame has all been thrown on the Wu Xun family.

But this also has sequelae. There are still a large number of Wu Xun's children in the Beijing camp, not only in the Beijing camp, but also in the Four Guards camp, the Warrior camp, and the patrol camp, and even the Long Jinwei. Although this method can lose the pot, the damage and stimulation to the entire martial arts group, and it can even be said that the hostility it arouses is irreparable.

The influence of the Wu Xun family was not formed overnight, especially in the military, nor could it be eliminated overnight. Feng Ziying is still unable to judge what the methods of Emperor Yonglong and the cabinet will bring in the end, but he believes that the follow-up will definitely There are some problems that will come up, it's just not clear yet.

Feng Ziying can also understand that due to Emperor Yuanxi's favorable treatment of Wu Xun and the fact that Prince Yizhong had been the crown prince for twenty years, it can be said that the entire Wu Xun has always supported Emperor Yuanxi and Prince Yizhong unswervingly. The relationship between them is indeed inextricably deep-rooted. After Emperor Yonglong ascended the throne, he could only adopt the method of forbearance and secret reduction. This can only be achieved with the cooperation and support of the civil servants.

If there is no Prince Yizhong or Emperor Yuanxi, even if there is only one of them, then Emperor Yonglong can cut branches and leaves in an orderly manner, and gradually eliminate those who are close or unreliable with his father and Prince Yizhong. Wu Xun, and then gradually brought this group into his own hands, but the simultaneous existence of Emperor Yuanxi and Prince Yizhong prevented him from realizing his intention, and it would make the risk greater as time went by, so he could only rely on this An opportunity to break the situation violently.

   It can be said that this is also a choice without a choice.

"Master, there are more than a few hundred Wuxun families in Beijing? Even the famous Wuxun family may have dozens or hundreds? Their children's departments are not only concentrated in the Beijing camp, except for the Nine Sides, which gradually faded out due to frequent wars. It is the guards in the inland, coastal areas, and Jiangnan, and the children of martial arts are still dominant." Shen Yixiu said with some concern: "Emperor Gaozu started his family in Jiangnan and brought a large number of prominent martial arts nobles to Beijing, but Jiangnan is still It is the place where Wu Xun gathers, and it is my concubine's hometown Suzhou, there are at least ten or twenty Wu Xun families, and Xianggong's family is also from Suzhou, right?"

  Feng Ziying was surprised, he didn't expect Shen Yixiu to think so far, raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to say, Jun Wan?"

"In my humble opinion, it is actually inappropriate to persecute the martial arts group too much at this time. I think that the imperial court has put the entire martial arts group in a situation of humiliation and betrayal for the sake of more than one million taels of silver. There will be future troubles." Shen Yixiu hesitated before saying: "Master must understand the truth."

  Feng Ziying's heart trembled, "Wan Jun, the Feng family is also a member of Wu Xun,..."

"No, Xianggong, you and the father-in-law should not be counted. I can feel that the husband-in-law is basically a civil servant, and the father-in-law is far away from the frontier. Basically, he has not participated in these affairs, but Jing Zhongwu What will the Xun think when they encounter this difficulty?"

  Although Wu Xun didn't think Wu Xun would have any ability to make trouble at this time, Feng Ziying still asked: "Is Mr. Wan worried about some changes in Beijing?"

"I'm afraid it won't be in Beijing. In the early days, I saw that "Today News" almost every issue commented on the battle of Santunying. It’s hard to get the support and understanding of scholars and people.” Shen Yixiu shook his head, “However, "Today's News" can only be limited to Gyeonggi, mainly in the capital, but most of the ancestral home of the martial arts of the capital are from Nanzhili and Zhejiang. Among them, Jinling, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Luzhou, Anqing and other places are the most numerous. Isn’t Xue, the king of Jiashi, a Jinling family? Among the four kings, eight lords and twelve lords, the Niu family, Liu family, and Chen family are from Yangzhou. The four kings are all from Suzhou, and the Han family, like He Xianggong, is from Hangzhou,..."

Feng Ziying was taken aback. Of course he knew the ancestral home of these prominent Wuxun families. As a member of the Wuxun family, he knew very well that Zhang Shicheng started from Taizhou, but he really gained a foothold in Suzhou. Later, although Zhang Shicheng was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang, the Zhang Shicheng The descendants basically hid in Suzhou, so in the end the Northern Expedition of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the former Ming Dynasty competed for the world, relying on the township parties in Suzhou, Yangzhou, Jinling, Hangzhou and other Southern Zhi and Zhejiang, and the Wu Xun who had the merits of Conglong also Most of them came from these areas, including the Feng family who were still in their infancy at that time.

But Shen Yixiu also knew about these situations, which made him quite curious. Although the Shen family is also a prominent family in Suzhou, the Shen family has always been a scholar, and they are incompatible with the Wu Xun family. Shen Yixiu also understood the origin so deeply, Feng Ziying couldn't help but be a little surprised.

   "Mr. Wan, but Yue Zhang has a letter for you?" Feng Ziying asked after a little thought.

"Jun Yong went to Shandong to visit his father and mother, and my father also asked him to bring me a letter, which also mentioned the situation of his hometown in Suzhou..." Shen Yixiu showed a look of worry on his face, "What about my hometown? My father wrote to say that Jiangnan has been in turmoil this year. In addition to Japanese pirates, there have been many rumors. It is said that the imperial court intends to increase taxes in Nanzhi and Zhejiang. Different tax rates, it is said that the sea tax rate of the Municipal Shipping Department in Shandong is two-thirds lower than that in Jiangnan, and if Liaodong opens a port, the Municipal Shipping Department will even be exempted from tax, I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Feng Ziying was shocked. Although he hadn't paid much attention to the opening of the sea since he arrived in Yongping Mansion, he also knew that Guan Yingzhen and the others were indeed studying the difference in tax rates between the North and South Seas. , it is very likely that it will be implemented in this way, but the royalties and tax increases have never been heard of, which will definitely arouse Jiangnan's strong dissatisfaction.

  Just why did such news spread in Jiangnan so quickly?

Feng Ziying didn't answer Shen Yixiu's question for a while, and he felt a little uneasy. He had been a little uneasy during this period, including after returning to Yongping from Beijing, but he still couldn't find out where the problem was. Some reacted, that is, Jiangnan seemed a little too calm.

   This is a bit like the dull and depressing appearance of the mountain rain, which makes people feel depressed, but looking around, there seems to be no other surprises, but it always makes people feel uneasy.

  (end of this chapter)

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